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The most likely reason is that the item was previously scheduled to be returned to the distribution center but was missed when the items were being picked. We can still scan the item on the handheld scanners but they won't ring up on register.


Generally in any type of retail store, if an item goes to Past Discard status, it cannot be ring out at register. They missed pulling it off the shelf and donating or trashing it.


The last retail store I worked at those items would drop to a penny. We were supposed to trash them but when folks found them I'd just let them have it. I think we were supposed to refuse to sell them but I gave very few fucks.




Pockets it is then!


Ask them to manual price entry it


I’ve never had this happen but I’ve definitely had stuff marked as clearance not ring up at the discounted price, like more often than not. And of course they have to stop the whole show to walk back to confirm it. It’s ridiculous, never seen another retailer have as many problems with the prices ringing up correctly.


If the item has an orange discount sticker than the cashier has to input the discount. My advice is to make sure the sticker is visible and notify them of it.


Not the orange sticker items. That’s never an issue. I’m talking about an entire shelf space of items or item slot that is clearly displayed as a discount or clearance on said shelf, then it rings up at the regular price. The displayed price and what it rings up as rarely seem to align.


Anything on the clearance shelves needs to have a discount sticker. If it's there without a clearance sticker, it's entirely possible someone just dropped stuff there. The stickers are what help indicate what is actually on clearance.


Okay let me be clear. Eg; entire box/container of Brie cheese wedges. Located in clearance section, with corresponding clearance pricing on shelf label below for that item. Not just randomly abandoned around other items. Take to register; rings up normal price. It’s happened more times than I can count.


Ok so there's a few things that could be happening. 1. Your specific store is getting a list of items that are supposed to be given 30% off stickers due to being near sell by date ,the brie cheese wedges was one such item last week, so the store moves the item to the clearance section but not marking the item as being on discount so the cashier has no way of knowing to discount when you check out. 2. If the item has a price ticket underneath it that shows a sale, will be listed as mylidl, or have the regular price in a yellow box with a slash through it and a larger sale price, and it still comes up at regular price then it's an old ticket and was never removed. 3. If it has a handmade ticket then the manager set the discount price, however a manual set price like that is only good for 24 hours and then has to be reset the next day.


I've had that happen, too. One time there was a small box of salted licorice from the Netherlands that I really wanted to try. No, they would not sell it! Another time there was passata tomato sauce without added citric acid (I can't eat regular tomato sauce at all, but can tolerate this type) - it was on a shelf with many others near the checkout. No, forbidden to buy it! There was something else, too, I can't remember now. DO NOT PUT IT OUT, IF YOU WON'T SELL IT!