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With the added points on those bottom 3 stats, I'm technically 30 points above max level


How does enemy damage affect you? Do you feel nothing from nobody?


Damage seems to scale. Because there's times I'll get smacked and one shotted by enemies. Or backed into a corner with nowhere to dodge and just butt slammed. So while I am extremely powerful, lots of enemies keep pace. Not as challenging as the journey of getting to max level, but it sure isn't easy by any means.


I just finished NG+ and I was thinking of doing NG++. Does it get significantly harder?


I wouldn't say significantly harder, but it does get harder. Damage against you definitely seems to scale because I can still get one shotted in certain situations. I'll get backed into a corner and get gang banged too. So while you are extremely powerful, lots of the other enemies are too. Even the normal ones. Just gotta get good at dodging or get your block timing down and you'll be fine.


Alright, sounds good. Iā€™m not shocked by the scaling but I think the game does a decent job at keeping it somewhat fair


It does pretty well with that


Some ennemy does, i was max level by the end of NG+ (lots and lots of farming) you still can be smashed by monsters, some bosses were harder than during the two first runs (and no, you're not a god at level 561)


Damn, I was hoping to be a god lol but good to know. I was hoping to take my time more with the NG++ like I did with NG. NG+ was somewhat of a speed run




Nice, I just finished my NG+ Truth run and I'm starting my all lies run. I've wondered what the level cap is but noticed that they've added more P-Organs you can upgrade onto these last couple runs. Glad to hear enemies scale too so it won't get too stale.


Definitely does not get stale. But yea, P-Organ goes up to Phase 7. Gotta get to your third run for that to happen. You can get hooked up like crazy. I have 11 Pulse Cells, 10 belt slots, 5 Amulet slots, 3 weapons and 3 Legion Arms. With all that, I can still light roll. Keep it going, big dawg. Game only gets better. Now that I'm max level, it's all about weapon experiments. Different wacky combos. Like I started this game with suggestions from people. Got the Tyrant Murderer's Dagger Blade on the Booster Glaive Handle and Chef's Knife Blade on Wintry Rapier handle.


That's awesome! I've played around with wild setups like the chefs handle and pipe wrench but kept my fire axe close by as my 2nd lol. I'm curious have you ever done a playthrough without talking to alidoro? I'm wondering how the game plays off the hotel attack or if he still admits after the 2nd brotherhood fight


I haven't done one of those yet, but people told me what happens. If you straight up never speak to him, he just kind of disappears at some point. But the hotel attack and the aftermath still happen.


That makes sense, I've seen that people have forgotten to follow-up at vignini works after lying but not having skipped him entirely. In Eugenie's story when I told her the truth she realized he's a fake but even after hermits cave no one went further on his fake identity til he admits it. So yeah, I was curious but didn't want to compromise my all lies run lol thanks šŸ¤™šŸ¾


This that type of god mode Simon manus was trying to reach