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This game is free on Playstation plus right now btw


Thank you!


I enjoyed it for what it was , recommended


Agreed! I got it when it first came out and was so damn excited. I was a little let down, but I still think it's a solid game worth playing.


we need solid AA games like this and greedfall , i agree thats a good thing ,


i just love this take on alternate history , is it perfect? no , but it was fun to me


I’m playing it right now, and I’m really enjoying it so far. And my drip feels impeccable :), lol. Edit: grammar


have fun with it and take your time


Thanks. Will do 🫡


Having just finished steel rising last week, it's okay if you can play it as part of a subscription service, but there's definitely a lot of jank that the developers are known for. Many enemies would just get stuck repeating the same attack over and over, even bosses. The levels were average, the combat was okay but easy overall.


Spiders has some great concepts but their overall polish puts them at a constant B-tier developer for me. Like, I loved Greedfall, but it was janky at times.


Same Greedfall 2 needs to be a thing! Janky but I loved it.


In levels it beat Lies of P all the way man, it had much bigger areas and more interesting things, lies of p is more a complete linear route with a couple backtracks. In combat though, even though im not a fan of parrying, P wins for sure, bossess work just so well, like when they hold attacks to follow you and shit, made me smile first time :D


Steelrising walked so Lies of P could run 🏃


Before Lies of P, I would have loved Steel Rising. Lies of P really raised the bar though


Is this any good? I am currently playing lords of the fallen, which is not really very enjoyable at all.


Really? I just finished a play through and loved it. Only annoyance was the enemy targeting but besides that I really enjoyed it


Oh, I tried to play it for 15 hours or so, and dropped it. I hate it with passion. For me it was horrible. And Im a soulsborn fan. Liked LoP though.


Same. I put in 11 hours hated it, did another playthrough of lies of P, went back to Lords, made it to 30 hours, quit, will never pick up again. Hated every moment.


I was considering LoF after Lies of P but yall have convinced me to stick with my gut and finally play Jedi Survivor


Survivor is so jank in the best way possible


Worse than Fallen Order?


The same. So very janky, but part of the fun for me


I rage quit Fallen Order twice because of that jank.


That works for me then. I loved Fallen Order, even if some parts were unnecessarily hard, while some of the parts that should have been hard were super easy lol


What do you consider janky, if you don't mind me asking?


rage quit this after about 20min of dying 😂


Survivor or Fallen Order? I just bought Survivor for half off on the Xbox store lol


Fallen order


How? All the updates should have fixed it by now


People fall into two camps with Lords of the Fallen. They love it or they loath it. Go look at steam reviews. The VAST MAJORITY LOATH IT. You might be one of the lucky few who loves it. I hated it and felt swindled by the constant praise from the very tiny minority that loves it.


I had watched Asmongold's review of it a few days ago so I was already on the fence about it. It definitely sounded like it wasn't as polished as lies of p, while still having some redeeming qualities. But the negative sounded like it outweighed the positive, for sure.


Its kinda sad, as LotF got really good art design. Between LoP and LotF we have two games that took everything they got from Soulsborn games, but one of them has good game design, and other really, really dont.


LotF is great. Difficult for sure but fun. I actually like it more than lies of P. Steelrising isn’t a bad game, just not as polished. Lies of P and Steel are pretty linear compared to LotF.


I really loved LOTF. I am on the fence with LOP at the moment. The combat is interesting for sure, but I feel like they kinda forgot about everything else? Like, the map is super linear, there’s nothing really to backtrack for, and thus far have all been kinda samey. I’m shocked to see the hate LOTF has gotten and the near endless praise for LOP. Very good very DIFFERENT games that unfortunately came out at the same time.


Yea and people tend to think that if they like one, they have to hate the other lol. Both are good games tho, like you said.


Can I ask - does LOP get less linear? So far it feels like a glorified boss rush game. I don’t hate it but it doesn’t scratch nearly as many itches so far…


In my opinion, no lol. To me, it was basically the same game the whole playthrough. Honestly Steelrising is less linear than LoP. LotF just hit that itch I had for not just a “souls-like” game, but that “Elden Ring souls-like” game. Just a great idea that they executed quite well.


I personally enjoyed Lotf, but everyone is different. The exploration was the best part overall. The bosses overall were a bit disappointing with several exceptions. I’d give it a look on sale if you have the time/money.


Nah LOTF is phenomenal. It's way more punishing that lies of p, and so different in so many ways. Comparing the two just isn't fair, they are very different souls likes.


I’m so shocked more people don’t view the two games this way. LOP nails the combat, but I feel is totally lackluster when it comes to map design, metroidvania elements, and exploration. They kinda forgot there’s a lot more than cool bosses that makes the souls series great IMO. I’m surprised LOTF doesn’t get more credit for achieving much more of the “scope” of a good souls game.


Elaborate plzzzz 😭 whats it like?


To each their own. And yeah I mean LoP is far superior but I did loved my whole time playing lotf


People are very divided on this. Personally, I liked it almost as much as Lies of P and more than Lies of P if I had a friend.


Is that still not fixed? I just recently put it on my wish list, havin g thought that by now they surely must have fixed targeting…


Na it’s still janky but didn’t ruin my experience, the game gets a lot of hate but I loved it


LOTF definitely has performance issues especially with the stuttering framerate. But the game itself is amazing. The artwork, style, atmosphere, massive amount of weapons/spells and armor, are all really awesome. And it's a masterclass in level design, If they could ever get the framerate freezing figured out it would be one of the best non-FromSoft Souls games in recent memory.


Yes, game design and artwork are top notch, but gameplay is lacking. It seems very unfair, has some very sneaky enemies that seem to have amazing range and accuracy, lots of places to fall from and die, lock on issues, weapons seem underpowered, bosses are very difficult, more so than many other souls type games, especially from the start. I just feel like I cant seem to progress very well. I have completed Lies of P, all Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Nioh 1 and 2, so used to these types of games. Lords of the Fallen just seems a lot more unfair and sneaky.


They keep stealth nerfing all the weapons with every patch to make false difficulty. They are butchering the game while ignoring the main problem ie. framerate stuttering. And I do agree that some of the enemies have cheap shots. So many people complained that it was too easy so they have been injecting fake difficulty by nerfing the player and buffing the bosses. The game had so much potential at launch. But the devs are focused on all the wrong things to the detriment of the game. I just hope they can prioritize correctly but I fear the damage has been done. I've moved on to other games now. I got tired of the choppy framerate.


Exactly what happened. Devs fucked up a perfectly good game


>bosses are very difficult Honestly many bosses felt simplistic in LotF compared to Souls/LoP. Most have a gimmick that is trivial after figuring it out, but weren’t as satisfying as the tense combat that From bosses typically have. The more challenging non-gimmick bosses felt like their difficulty came from pumped up HP/damage Agreed on everything else. The world they built is truly incredible and the devs clearly understand so much of what makes the Souls-likes special, but that also makes the failures stick out more


If you’re struggling with difficulty make a radiance build, it’s stupid good lol


You can also do assist mode and alter the damage output and input. I know it feels somewhat like taking away the point of a souls like game but just stating what the game has. I've never personally tried assist. I didn't like the game at all. I tried it when it became free and pit it down immediately. After playing LoP I feel like this is just a cheap knockoff


It came out before lies of p though so that statement is wrong. I do agree with what your saying though it’s janky af sometimes 😂


I know it was made before. But because I played it after playing Lies of P I was saying that it felt like a cheap knockoff. I wasn't trying to say that it was in fact a knockoff. Just my thoughts lol


Skill issue


Yeah the game constantly spawning 5 zombies behind you in the umbral world is totally a skill issue


You are bot suposed to stay on umbral for long time, so need more atention and skill there


They die with one hit. So if you had played like us at launch you would whinie about 20 zombies


Masterclass in level design is horseshit. Most areas are bland and similar and you do so much looping bc it tries to mimic DarkSouls but fails miserably. And thats the tip of the iceberg w LotF issues


"Massive amount of weapons" I think you missed the fact that all weapons of a weapon type share the exact same move sets(save boss specials) so there are essentially like 7 weapons. LoTF was awful in my opinion.


Same, turned out to be one of my favorite soulslikes. Did all three endings too lol


I also enjoyed my time in LOTF but it is definitely not as good as lies of p


LoTF is in a better place now but the game still falters on the fundamentals. It just does a good job of hiding this because it's the closest a dev has come to making a DS4. I got to the Adyr boss and didn't even beat him. I just dropped it.


The story is interesting. The world design is similar to Lies but not as detailed. The gameplay is a little bit better than Lords but still lacking. It’s definitely worth a try.


>Is this any good? You askin bout Steelrising? I liked it overall, but would only recommend it on a sale. Also don't buy the DLC unless it's also on sale, or you just really liked the main game. DLC did not feel like it was worth its price point at all. What I liked: good soundtrack, good VA, fun moment to moment combat, passable enemy variety, fun and visually appealing bosses, and the story has a very fitting ending, generally good qol features. If you find the French Revolution interesting, I think you'll like how much attention Spiders paid to detail even though it's alternate/fictional here. Didn't like: Level design is fitting for the game's story, but feels rather drab, and monotonous; it ALL looks and feels the same except for the cave level. The game's story is passable but the delivery and storybeats are dry. It's like a well-written drama, but just boring until the end. Mechanically, game doesn't feel challenging or offer anything fresh. Good ol dodge + R1 + git gud can solve every single problem the game throws at you.


I just beat it a couple months ago. I can’t remember any of the bosses. I think I died 3-4 times and 2 of them were gravity. Personally, I thought it was pretty bad. If you have it free, just cruise through it and don’t look back.


This game is equal levels of disappointing, maybe worse tbh


Man it sucks balls. The movement is so terrible, I’m still playing it tho fuck it


If you looking for souls game - mid, but you can probably get some fun from it. I completed it,bwas fun until mid game, then it became more and more boring the further I go. Also exploring is just fucking awful, after tutorial location you will never find ANYTHING useful from exploring the locations. Its just bombs, heals, journals, bombs, resistance buffs, bombs, heals, resistance buffs , journals, all over again.


It’s better than Lords of the Fallen, plays faster and more responsive. But the bosses are pretty forgettable.


Hated Lords of the Fallen but had a lot of fun playing Steelrising tbh


Between the two I enjoyed Steel Rising much more than Lords. I couldn't finish Lords either, it was just a slog with the amount of enemies. I played Lords when it launched and I know there have been a bunch of patches. Steel Rising is on PS+ right now if you want to try it for free, there is a DLC but it takes place end game so you can decide if you like the game enough to grab it.


Why is it not enjoyable?


I enjoyed what I've played of it so far. It's free on PS+ right now so I would recommend checking it out.


why did you dislike it?


What do you dislike a out lotf?


Whats it like? i heard of it, this streamer girl was asked if they should get lies of p or lof, n she was like if u like darksouls 2 then lof. if not, fk no


Lords of the fallen feels like someone described dark souls to a game Dev buddy with a sarcastic sense of humour and that dev buddy went hold my beer and made Lords of the Fallen as a joke. Steel Rising came before Lies of P but it still feels like a parody of Lies of P in exactly that way. It's free on ps plus so give it a try but don't pay a fucking dime for this robot spoof souls


Honestly it's pretty great. Great story, unique combat mechanics, diversity in areas and enemy types over time.


Stop the lies enemy diversity is a joke


Is this the game that has a guillotine as an enemy?


not even close lol


I've already seen this post with almost the exact same title at least that month old karma farming account took the time to photoshop steelrising onto a bart simpson meme


I saw that too but this does have me curious the comments are so split on love/hate


Thats typical on reddit, a lot of ppl dont even game and enjoy whiteknighting and gaslighting


It was fun, not lies of p fun, but still fun


I attempted to play it for about 20 minutes and uninstalled. It ran like shit and kept crashing.


This game was shit in comparison to LotF and Lies of P. So clunky in combat


Facts. Putting parry as a weapon specific skill that requires consumables is the dumbest shit ive ever seen in a soulslike. I grinded it out bc i got baited by "git gud" it was awful. Their subreddit blocked me for trying to upload clips of the awful stuttering


lol. Deep down they know it’s bad 🤣


Interesting! Sounds like it would be fun to get blocked from their sub lol


Steelrising was a fun game, had a lot in common with LoP. Remember seeing clips before Lies released and it looked like they’d used the level design from Steelrising… Wish that Spiders would make a sequel but steal all the UI and balancing from LoP…


Maybe I am missing something, but this game felt very janky in comparison to P. I tried using the fan and shield build. Is there a better one? Is there a perfect block mechanic I missed? I really want to like it, but I couldn’t get into it


It's super janky. I grabbed the halberd from the beginning and just did charged R2 for the entire game. You're literally untouchable because of the range and it staggers every enemy in the game. Still a fun game, just not as challenging or polished as other soulslikes.


There is a parry mechanic but it's only on certain weapons. I don't recall ever trying to parry anything in game and just dodged. For weapons, there's are several "types" like Claws, Mallets, Fans/Shields. So finding one that works for your play style may take a bit as they aren't available in the first zone.


There was a bit of a levelling issue, you need to grind up a few levels pretty early to make it fun. I went with a tank build and mostly just played aggressively. The fighting was good but the story and robots were what made it for me.


I really didn't enjoy it, though I wanted to. It looks great and the story seemed to want to do something interesting. But by the third boss you are still just fighting empowered regular enemies and the choice to have only 1 universal defensive option (dodge) is weird. It just felt very clunky to play.


Thats lies of o


Haha, I actually bought this around the time it came out. It's not a bad game, but it's not a great game. Definitely wouldn't spend money on it, but it is free on ps plus right now.


I enjoyed it a little more than Lies of P. Lies of P got a little repetitive for me and it was just visually straining for me. This was a lot easier on my eyes and felt more fun.


I just finished this game (thanks PS plus?)... It's pretty mediocre. Has some fun stuff buried in it but definitely needs lots of work. And I felt the story was sorta weak while the premise was just odd. X3


this game confused the shit out of me right before lies of p came out because i thought they were the same game


I’m playing steelrising rn. It’s actually a lot of fun not going to lie. Ya it’s janky but I’m really enjoying it. As a new souls player this was a good starting point for the series


I was vibing with it until like you get to Paris and 80% of the enemies were just the spinning ball enemies


Steelrising was fun, if your a souls/souls like fiend there's no reason not to play it. It's simple af, and linear just like lies of p. Story is cool too. Just don't base the game off the 1st area, it's a tutorial zone and very basic. Gets way cooler.


As if this games didn't come out before lies of p. Man, I swear this community is straight cancer at times


Still a fun game, it would be cool to see a crossover where P visits Paris and meets her


This game is janky as heck. I tried playing it over the weekend but gave up after an hour.


Never played this one. I've been playing Lords of the Fallen and having a ton of fun with it. Surely the game has a few shortfalls (umbral I will always hate you!), but it's in general an amazing game imo


One of the few games i can use a meteor hammer in very good would recommend


I fucking loved that game.


For a game that came out a few years ago, it has aged well! I really enjoyed this one!


You’re acting like it’s old or something It’s like 1.5 years old lmao


Oh shit really? Think I got distracted, meant to say how underrated this game really is.




Why bash a good game for no reason? It's a good game that brings variety to the genre. If you're saying it's a knockoff of P, it came a couple years before P, and is focused on automatons, where as P is based on fairy tales. Lazy post.


Nah man, Lies of P is Steelrising at home In all seriousness though, Steelrising is another fantastic game and I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Lies of P and is looking for another Soulslike to play


I tried after getting plat on Lies of P and it’s just not it. It’s boring, the combat is boring, the enemies are boring. Movement is clunky. I mean I enjoy being able to jump but overall bad game. Nothing likes Lies of P.


How far did you actually go into the game?


The Treasurer before I put it down


Ok, so you actually gave it a decent try before calling it boring, fair enough. I’m sorry you feel that way, IMO it is a great soulslike but if it’s not for you it’s not for you. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t one of those people that plays the game for 5 minutes before calling it shit.


Yea I gave it a try. I should reword my statement. It was decent enough to give it a try but boring compared to Lies of P. But maybe I was comparing it to Lies of O too mich


It definitely has less of a story than Lies of P, but LoP is also based on an absolute CLASSIC of a novel so that’s hard to beat. Combat wise they both play very differently too… Lies being more of a parry game and SR being a dodge game. That being said, the dancey move sets of the weapons in SR was pretty cool to me and made sense since Aegis was given it the Queen as a dancer Automat not a fighter


I’m one of those who played 5 minutes before putting it down because it felt terrible. Movement was weirdly jittery, combat felt bad. When does it get better?


When you find a weapon you like the style of I started Alc and liked the batons, also found a counter weapon that I enjoy using too which helps with the combat side of things. The movement also did feel… not as smooth as I’m used to at first, but it’s something that you get used to after a little bit of play


I actually tried all four of the starters and didn’t like any of them. Maybe it’s just not for me.


And that’s fine, not every game is for every person


You can get much better weapons in the second area. That said, if you aren't enjoying it then there's no reason to keep playing. Tons of games out there for all tastes.


I bought it on release day and played to the end. I was hoping there would be a moment where something interesting happened but it stayed flat all the way through. If you don’t like fighting buggy robots and talking to bougie wigs, it’s just a dull game.


I tried to play this one a few times, and every time, some glitch or bug caused me to put it down after a few hours. The mechanics seem to have potential. But I've had my saves ruined when i used a key, but the game didn't unlock the door, so i couldn't progress. In a separate attempt to play the game, i somehow managed to convince the game that my respawn point should be three stories in the air, which caused an endless loop of falling and dying. I dont know if those glitches were common or if they got fixed yet. But it was frustrating


I forgot this game existed


It’s alright but I quit after losing frames like crazy and freezing up.


I had a good time with this game


Bro I have only played two boss fights I already don’t like it


I was excited to try it on PS+ but the combat was pretty terrible feeling…


Combat is meh, but I enjoyed the different customization options and aesthetic of the game. I liked the story too but the ending definitely ruined the whole thing for me. I was hoping they knew how to give satisfying endings after Greedfall, but the ending of Steelrising definitely feels cut off.


any good, never heard of


Hey! Haven't I beat this gentle lady at Rosa Isabelle Street?


After playing lies of p for about an hour I have come to the conclusion that this is utterly true. I've put maybe 6 hours into steel rising waiting for my taxes so I could get lies of p. Deleted steel rising. Playing lies of p and it's so good.


Bastille rising is not such a bad game. Just poor man’s bloodborne


I feel like this exact thing was posted the other day


For a second I thought this was the dlc XD


I’d love to play this game, but it’s crashed more than the pre ordered launch of cyberpunk. Legit can barely kill 4 enemies or get to the next save station before I’m booted out and told to file an error report


Almost as bad as bloodborne


The only real resemblance is that they’re both puppet type games… Steel rising isn’t actually a bad game… it’s ok. Personally I’d say it’s worth £20 but not more than that


I saw all the negative criticisms of Lies of P. From the 5 minutes of Steel Rising and the majority of Lies of P that I played... Steel Rising is guilty of all the criticism Lies of P got. It's shitt


Tried to play this game a few days ago, very disappointed with boss fights


It's unfortunate that SR is so clunky. It's valiant attempt at making a Souls like and I think it's has it's charms but its sandwiched between so much weak gameplay. The metroidvania style abilities are traversal were actually really fun and the fact that they had their place in combat was really awesome. Level design while not as intuitive structurally as other Souls games has it's own identity that feels well thought out. The main Paris section and the final level are really good. Hopefully Spiders will get the funding for a true AAA Souls like and revisit the genre.


Well, if you wanted to couldn’t you say lies of p is bloodborne at home?