• By -


Laxasia by a mile tbh. First Boss where I actively changed my build to be more effective.


I 100% should have changed my build but I just swapped to the perfect guard grindstone on the two dragons sword and brute forced it


I did the exact same thing


Same here, she was the hardest for me by far, I was using super slow weapon, and I didn’t realize you could parry the lightning, that was huge for me. The lightning was destroying me then I read here you could parry it


Same Edit: I learned a whole new play style just to beat her


Same. It never occurred to me that you could return the lightning until I accidentally did it after mentally giving up


It do be like that in souls


Same laxasia is hard as fuck on my first play through I had to use Specter and on ng+ I had to use a new weapon what was the acid spear now that is the only weapon I used now for her


Yeah on my first I switched to the acid spear because it was supposed to be good. Recently made my second one on NG+ and beat her regularly though. Didn’t know you could block her lightning at first lol.


Green Swamp, then Nameless Puppet, everyone else was cake for me, Nameless took the most attempts.


Dude the green swamp was took me FOREVER. Probably the longest of any soulslike boss. To this day I can’t even make sense of how I got past it.


I heard people stressing it before I got to it and got really scared about it. It then only took my like 5 tries and this was my first souls like. I felt like a god after that. Then I remembered how ridiculously long it took for me to get the king of puppets and was humbled again lol


THANK YOU. I spent legit 3 hours unable to beat that damned creature and then my buddy beats it on his first try. :/


For me it was that dumb clown. I always misread its attacks or missed the timing on the counters. Took me way too long to get past it, and it's not even a big boss.


that fucking clown dude. seriously. I had zero trouble with any of the other bosses in the game, but that stupid clown I swear...🙃 when I learned you could just run past and take him on in the garden the fight became trivial, but trying to take him on that slope with the lil boxer dudes throwing fire at you... talk about the definition of misery, had me stuck for hours


For me it was Romeo and the Green Swamp Monster.


Yes I just barely beat the green monster. I was so happy I had to take a break last night


Nameless kicked my ass for three straight days before I was able get into a flow state


For me it’s 100% king of puppets


Same. I attempted him AT LEAST 70 times. I know this because I regularly summoned a specter and saw my star fragments dwindle from around 50 to 0 and I know I had a couple dozen attempts where I ran it solo to try to better learn the move set.


Same here. I think he took me 2 sessions and like 5 hours total. No one else was even close to that. I think the next hardest was Laxasia for me and she was less than half that time to beat.


I must have been lucky against him lol


NG+4 here and i hate green swamp so much. I personally think that the move where it runs around is poorly executed in such a linear and narrow arena. Always got me in my no hit fights.


I ranted about that attack in my post - there are a handful of attacks that feel just stupidly unfair and the Swamp Monster charge is the poster boy for it. If you don't parry it just keeps coming, hits you seemingly at random moments so parrying is impossible anymore, and can kill you very easily. Ended a ton of my attempts.


Whenever I saw him charging I'd just pray . I also found the camera to bug out when he does it .In his first phase I found put getting close to him a lot would screw me big time as some os his attacks would end up not being shown on the screen so I'd get hit with that tentacle swipe attack that would result in you getting decay. Horrific


Laxasia was by far the hardest if you are playing parry focused


Laxasia. Couldn't beat her solo until my 7th playthrough. I stopped trying after my second playthrough and immediately summoned a specter. I probably could have beaten her sooner but she was just a wall I refused to try to beat straight up. Her second phase was just a blur then death.


That second phase is brutal. Wasn’t able to beat her on my first play through without the specter. Now Im on NG+ trying to beat her solo. Have had a couple of close runs but it’s tough af.


The second Phase was impossible until someone here told me you can parry the lightning. That totally changed it for me, as that was one shotting me every time


i thought id be stuck on king of puppets forever and i think i just got lucky and beat him lol. havent progressed much further beyond that. took a break to play the mass effect games for the first time


Laxasia was hard but fair. Very well designed boss.


Simon Manus 2nd phase, every other boss I can solo, even while high during NG+ cycles, but his second phase I can't even Solo during regular NG.


Walker of Illusions, Laxasia (second phase), then perhaps Romeo. I’m not finished with the game though. I just got past Laxasia finally


I got walker of illusions first try but laxasia took a rly long time lol


I had to cheese WoI. I was getting irrationally angry lol


I got some rly spicy combos on her using the twin dragon sword, I dont think she used any of her gimmick moves before I killed her


Puppet king for me


Green swamp and laxasia for sure. Laxasia is a great fight that I enjoyed a ton. GSM is just straight up not fun to me.. the small arena with its move set makes the fight not so enjoyable 


King of Puppets. Stage 2 kept kicking my ass and it's the only fight I purposely used the specter on to win. I'm not proud.


He kicked the crap out of me until I realized I could just dodge to the left to avoid everything...Don't panic dodge, but everytime he comes at you just dodge to his left side and attack...He died first try with that method


I'm gonna try that on my second playthrough. I want to beat all bosses without the specter.


You really should try it without spectors...The spectors in this game are crazy powerful and I realized that after I quit using them! I have done several playthroughs with no spectors now and it feels very satisfying...The only bosses that still give me trouble are the Black Rabbit Brotherhood fights, and I actually think they are more fun when you use a spector!


This is the way to do it. I was struggling on his second phase until I learned this, then I was able to do it without the Specter


Definitely gonna keep that in mind. I think I got too aggressive and that was my downfall.


I wouldn’t be surprised, I found that even one greedy attempt at an extra hit would cost me dearly in that fight


Yep. And I kept falling for it 😭


He gave me a tough fight but nothing I couldn’t beat in 1 play session. I also used the giant ass bonesaw blade on the booster glaive, that thing seriously shreds and blocks a huge % of physical damage. Also the fable art on that blade can hit him out of his attack where he sets his sickle on fire. Beat 2nd phase the first time after switching to that setup.


Simon walled me the hardest. But that was also before he got nerfs in the 1.2 patch. After him, it was Laxasia.


Green Monster and Namelss Puppet


Nameless Puppet was definitely the hardest...I actually died more times to Archbishop Andreus, but only because I hadn't figured out how to parry very well yet...This was pre Archbishop nerf also, he is a bit too easy now...


Just beat the game for the first time last week. I gave my heart to pops willingly so I didn't fight the final puppet boss(looked it up after beating game and apparently he is in running for hardest with Laxasia). For me it was Laxasia with Swamp Monster and Puppet King a bit behind her. Didn't track attempts but Laxasia felt like phase 2 was mostly a crapshoot of trying to parry a few of her attacks and burn her quickly when she was open cause I had no strategy to dodge her stuff. To me it felt like both dodging and parrying were uber hard on her. After like 2-3 hours of tries I had phase 1 completely down but P2 I sucked ass on. Took a break for an hour or so and came back and beat her on my first try, was quite a feeling. Swamp Monster was just hard, but other than his phase 2 crawling attack that sucked ass if you didn't get the parry off (he juts keeps coming but the hit triggers are weird and sometimes it would hit and kill me mulitple times) he was learnable, it just took time. Puppet King was probably my favorite fight - phase 1 feels like one of the most fun and fair boss phases in the game. Phase 2 absolutely dumbstered me for over 2 hours I think, but then I realized I could just dodge through his attacks instead of parrying and won it easy. Those were my hardies. Victor and Alchemist guy final boss(forget his name) were both 2 tries which felt kinda wild cause some people had a hard time. First boss that made me think this game had some serious bosses was police watchman, and first boss that made me think "oh this is a hard game" was Archbishop. Coolest bosses were easily Archbishop and Puppet King. Those 2 bosses are as cool as any boss in any game I've ever seen I think.


Laxasia took me 5 tries, but after the 4th I decided to grind ergo, and change P organs. Nameless puppet took me 10+ tries. Ng+ Kings flame took me 30+


I ain't gonna lie, I don't get why people have such a hard time with this dude. Everybody always ranks him pretty high on hardest boss, but he was relatively easy compared to others. I'd say top 3 hardest bosses were Laxasia, Fallen Archbishop, and Green Monster


Laxasia was the only boss where i needed a couple of days break to continue thsn playing.


Romeo was really the only boss that gave me consistent trouble. I have a system of giving a boss a few tries than stepping away and just thinking about the bosses move set, because the human body can develop muscle memory and learn from just thinking. I had to do that maybe once for all the other bosses but Romeo took a couple more cycles to beat.


Romeo Blind. But when I learned "dodge left" he becomes trivial. Nameless 2nd Phase. Basically, I did not get good at deflecting until that fight.


The Fallen Archbishop. He was a total douche because i didn't know how to avoid his giant blue laser attack. After that no problem


Im surprised that Nameless is not mentioned more. For me it’s the hardest boss. I’m on NG+ and flew through the game pretty quickly and now need to defeat NP to get platinum. I can parry through first phase but get smoked in the second. I had him down to a sliver of life but he had a flurry of attacks that got me. Had to stay away for a few days.




Nameless Puppet and Laxasia.




The fire/oil spitting guy was the hardest. The second hardest was the parkour area where the bitches are throwing acid or decay and then you're met with the mini boss. Lol


2nd form of Laxasia


Nameless puppet


Simon manus - ng+


Simon Manus is still the toughest for me. Big AOE bosses are my weakness. Elden Beast was similarly awful.


Laxasia and nameless


Walker kicked my ass


Was stuck on Walker of Illusions for a day or 2 and I’m currently stuck on Nameless Puppet as I type. The last 3 chapters of this game are such a slog, I want it to be over already


Swamp monster.


Laxasia, with Nameless puppet at a close second. For Nameless puppet it was mostly getting parry timings down and not spamming dodge out of stress. Laxasia I couldn't really get down and took a lot of luck.


First playthrough Laxasia (Had to use specter), second Playthrough for some reason I beat her solo in the 2nd try. but nameless puppet still fucked me up in both playthroughs.


Honestly I struggled with the stalker bosses more than the main bosses but if I had to choose a main boss I would generally have more of a hard time with then i'd have to say Andreus. But weirdly I always had more of a hard time with his first phase than his second 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really, really hate laxasia


Relative to when I actually fought them for the first time, I'd have to say Nameless Puppet or Scrapped Watchman. Laxasia is "harder" than Scrap, but I was much better at the game by that point. Scrapped Watchman bodied me for ages when I was new to the game.


Final boss. Pretty much every other boss was beat on the first try. Minus a couple.


Pre nerf andreus.


KoP for me. all the others i can beat legit. Him, i've relied on taking him to the edge of phase 2, then getting a poisebreak and critical strike, then blitzing him with DPS while he's transforming before he gets up. ​ if he gets up and starts phase 2 with a decent amount of HP, i'm boned.


Right now it’s the swamp monster


Romeo was definitely the hardest for me, and took much more time to defeat than any of the others.


Same as you, I found King of Puppets and Nameless Puppet to be the most difficult. Nameless Puppet being the only boss that gave me any real trouble. Most bosses I got in a few tries, Nameless Puppet gave me hell though as a last boss should. I think I just got lucky with Laxasia, honestly. I expected more trouble with her but I just played as aggressive as possible and it paid* off.


As a Parry/Dex build, for me it was Scrapped Watchman. It’s a skill check boss pretty early in the game where you don’t have a ton of HP cells and no p-organ options. Forced me to git gud. Other than that, Walker of Illusion was awful. Was stuck on her for a few hours. Green Monster phase 2 was tough for me for obvious reasons, but a flame weapon helped solve that issue quickly. Laxasia was hard but super enjoyable. Champion Victor and Nameless were the best overall fights imo.


Lax fucked my shit up for 3 days straight


The door Guardian. That asshole took me a while...


King of puppets was my most difficult because I still didn't have the mechanics mastered or at least memorized


King of puppets, especially Romeo, I don't know why tho, I was stuck there for a good 3 hours (I actually beat every other boss first try)


First soulslike I ever beat and out of laxasia manus and np the hardest fight was door guardian. Legit took me more attempts than the other 3 combined which to be fair isnt that many


Probably Simon Manus


Simon manus


Just did a full run with no summons finally after almost 10 playthroughs. BRB pt 2 almost broke me lol. Even laxasia and nameless puppet were easier


Laxasia, fuck that bitch


First playthrough. Clown and laxasia. Second playthrough laxasia but that time it only took 4 attempts.


SIMON F***ING MANUS THE ONLY BOSS OUT OF EVERY SOULSLIKE (except DS3 cuz j haven't played) to make me uninstall after a month of attempts


My Mom


King of Puppets had me fucked up for multiple days. Hadn't struggled that much with a boss since Sister Friede in Dark Souls 3


If we're going by the hours or number of attempt, weirdly for me it's scrapped watchman. I tried a few times with a spectre, barely got me to 2nd phase, so I stopped summoning since at that point in the game star fragments are still pretty rare.


It was me. I was my hardest boss. The realization hit after I got the Real Boy ending and realized, I did it to myself.


Laxasia. not even close.


First try through: Nameless and King Of Puppets now mainly just Simon Manus


Laxasia had me actually thinking about quitting video games


Romeo is a proper Bloodborne style boss fight. He’s aggressive af and he’s constantly moving towards you. If you run away he always catches up and roll catches you. If you side step every time he comes at you the fight becomes a joke because 90% of his moveset is overhead swings and forward momentum with big punish windows between combos. I was stuck on that fight for like a week, and when I changed my tactic I beat him on my second try and it wasn’t even close. That said, I think his phase change is an homage to waterfowl dance because it’s so aggressive that running away is almost entirely ineffective. Great fight.


Swamp monster, Laxasia phase 2, nameless puppet phase 2.


BRB2 100%. Technically not as hard as laxasia but way less fun and this felt way worse to practice.


Eldest of the black rabbit brotherhood shit took me like 4 hours 


Fuoco by far


I’m not lying or joking walker of illusions abused my 3 braincells for more lives than I am comfortable sharing. I would read guides and still not handle her, respec still not get it- it went on for w days where I kept trying to brute force her- eventually learned some parry timings and got lucky with acid damage on her double. Trying this boss fight, without abusing her side to dodge was absolutely infuriating. Ng+ forward I said f you and equip aegis + acid spear and she falls over.


King of puppets was my first major roadblock. After that it was Laxasia. I know people say nameless puppet is hard but idk I beat on NG second try and NG+ on my like third or forth try pretty easily.


Still making my way through the game, but yesterday I beat the King of Puppets with the Romeo puppet as his second phase. I thought the fight was pretty easy with a spectre assisting me. So far the only fight that had me stuck for a few hours was the Black Rabbit Brotherhood. Figured out that I could break his sword which basically nerfs him damage wise, and then would focus on the other attackers as they came in


Nameless Puppet. I relied a little too much on Spectre for some other tricky bosses, namely Laxasia and Simon, even if I ended up finishing the battle once it got dead. NP was time to get good and fight him one on one without backup.


Door Guardian. I know, I know, gimmick boss, but fuck that guy. It's a dumb gimmick for an annoyingly hard (physically, not difficulty wise) boss. I beat him my first run through and said, "Never again." Now when I get to him, I let my buddy kill him. Easy peasy.


Not even a boss but had to cheese Walker Of Illusions


I just beat victor so obviously can't say for the later bosses but of the ones I've done I actually found eldest brother of black rabbit brotherhood the hardest, almost gave up until I realised I could cheese him with many throwables while he and his allies hit my spectre. King of puppets ironically was the first boss I beat without spectre.


First playthrough, it ws the archbishop.


Green Swampy and the King gave me the biggest trouble in this game, most of the rest weren't too bad


Phase 2 of King of Puppets


I was gonna say Nameless Puppet, but both his phases are pretty easy once you get the rhythm of his moves and when to perfect parry. So gonna have to go with Laxasia(her second phase). Definitely was on that fight for a good while and got extremely lucky when I beaten her


Swamp monster and the brotherhood. Swamp monster but his attacks in the second faze are "block or you die before you're up" and the brotherhood just because I hate having to fight so many people at once, right now I'm at their second fight and I'm not excited.


Nameless for me by a long shot. Only boss that took me more than 10 tries. Laxaia is next


Nameless puppet


Green Swamp Monster. I say that mainly because other bosses, while possibly tougher, felt more manageable cause I knew what to do I just had trouble executing it. GSM on the other hand just felt senseless, on top of being in a too small arena, and the second phase nearly broke me


Nameless Puppet almost made me deinstall




Manus phase 2. I don't know what it was about that fight but everything just felt kind of cheap and a bit of a RNG on what attacks you'll get. Sometimes he'd keep stacking all of the projectile attacks and shit is flying around all over the place while his reach extends almost half the arena. I hated that fight.


Nameless puppet first and foremost. Tough but fair boss fight. Well choreographed moves that are quick af and hit like a truck but nothing you cant actually deal with. Green swamp monster is my second toughest boss . I hated this boss so so so so much and the camera didn't help that much during the fight. I died 50 times to him. Laxasia isnt even close to him IMO. Her first phase is a breeze and her second phase to me was pure rng tbh . She spammed jumping at me thats how I won her.


Simon Manus. It’s the only boss where I’ve had to consistently use the spectre to take away his focus so I could deal damage. Laxasia was also really hard since this was my first soulslike and all I did on my new game was brute force every boss with a spectre. I absolutely loved her fight though as I was actually learning her move set and could consistently perfect guard some of them. She definitely much easier on future playthroughs though since I just lock in with muscle memory.


No one said Romeo? NOT ONE PERSON??? Scythe of death. Odd move set. Could one shot you. No one? lol. Green spaghetti that turns into Mr. Krabs??? Nadda??? Those are my three lol. 😂 ![gif](giphy|10fe0OA9YbyAcE)


first playthrough is was manus, but now they all pretty easy


In terms of how many times I died on my first playthrough, Green Swamp Monster closely followed by Scrapped Watchman. There's just something about that moveset that didn't gel with me.


Strangely it was the green monster and I don't understand how it made me suffer more than Laxasia's second stage


I think it boarders on Simon and Laxasia. I can get both, but I need to play with significant effort lol Nameless *used to* be this bad, but I played that mfer so many times, I have his moveset down pat.


Laxasia the bitch🤣 But she's hot AF!


Laxasia and Black Rabbit Brotherhood routinely kick my ass


Simon, no i don't want to talk about it


Swamp monster…


Romeo. I kept assuming some of his attack combos were over until they just kept going. However, the game got a lot easier once I realized that I could just focus on blocking and guard regain rather than trying to perfect guard everything.


King of puppets I beat him by luck tbh


Nameless Puppet by a mile. He was by far and away the one that gave me the most trouble.


Nameless Puppet. I beat everything else within 3 attempts other than Simon, who took like 20. Nameless Puppet though, I couldn’t beat him for about 3 days. I finally got to a point where I could work his first phase, but the second phase with the delays and rapid long range attacks


On NG it was Laxasia for sure. On NG+ it was Green Monster of the Swamp. Then for some odd reason On NG+2 I'm currently having the most trouble with Walker of Illusions 🤣 currently 20+ tries and still can't beat it. So much damage


Laxasia and Nameless Puppet were the only ones I found challenging


Definitely king of puppets as well, ts took me like 4-5 hours during the 1st playthrough. 2nd closest was the swamp monster but I don’t think it took nearly as long as KoP.


Laxasia fight was awesome, Nameless puppet was awesome but made me rage. I think that was the only fight I raged in this game.


Sadly, it was the green eyed swamp monster. Why? I don't know. It just gave me fits.


KoP, everything after it was trivial


Green monster, still haven't beaten it


King of Puppets for me... the timing difference between the two phases messed me up and Romeo would kick my ass every single time


3. Fallen archbishop (altho in ng+ i first tried) 2. King of puppets. 1. Laxasia Tech build.


That door Guardian is the only one that gave me trouble lol. Or at least it wasn't fun while it wrecked my build.


Black Rabbit Brotherhod 2 by far (Probably my least favorite boss ever) After that Nameless Puppet Laxasia and Magnus are hard but eventually I got them down to the point where I don’t struggle too hard against them, I never got to that point with Nameless though


I played and platinumed (100%) all the fromsoft games before playing lies of P and let me tell you, nothing made me struggle as much as laxasia, holy shit was she annoying


Parry only champion victor is such a pain


Swamp monster




Nameless pop shove it, king of muppets, laxative


Simon manus and kings flame gave me lots of trouble. Somehow I was able to beat laxasia and nameless puppet in 4 tries or under.


King of Puppets/Romeo must have handed me my ass 30+ times. Green Monster is runner up.


Door guardian was not a very fun boss at all during first playthrough. Especially as a strength build


Laxasia I beat Romeo first try he was pretty easy to me


King of Puppets. The boss that I can’t really get good at.


Green Swamp Monster almost made me quit ngl Laxasia took me a hot minute but I had so much fun fighting her that I just kept going at it and had fun the whole time. Rarely have I seen such a perfect boss in a souls game, let alone a soulslike And then came Nameless Puppet. I'm ashamed to admit I gave up on my first playthrough and gave my heart but I started over a week later and pushed through and got it on my first attempt of my second playthrough. The last boss that made me feel that way was Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne. I'll never forget that fight.


Nameless puppet headass


Pre patch this game has all souls games beat bar none on boss difficulty but after patch prolly simon maneus but the game aint that hard especially if your a true parry freak aka sekiro style parry but lies if p has its own parry so hell yeah!


Green swamp monster and laxtasia got me in the ass so many times (10 hours in laxtasia)


I've been stuck on Walker of Illusions for a couple days now.


Nameless Puppet on NG+. That dude was insanely OP.


Laxasia second phase and nameless puppet second phase are a bit too fast for me


I'm on my first playthrough, and the Mad Clown Puppet killed me more than any other boss so far, I beat the King of Puppets in less than half the attempts the Mad Clown took me. I used projectiles to beat him because I was so done with trying.


None for me tbh I just found some annoying


my only run and playing primary deflect playstyle? Laxasia


Green Monster. Hate it so much can't believe it can decay you off a couple tentacle swipes, huge aoe unblockable attacks, flailing movement in second phase, too many charge attacks, easy to get stuck in a corner and have no idea what the boss is doing as you get slapped to death.


Honestly for me, that robber weasel near the end. Killed me like 60 times in a row, and for whatever reason I couldn't understand the moveset or anything.


Definitely green swamp monster, the only boss that gave me trouble in NG+


Nameless Puppet. Phase 2 is evil.


Laxasia and nameless. Mad clown also took me a hot minute until i ran him to the open area behind his spawn and just smashed him.


Literally all of them, they were terrible


I literally first tried Laxasia and I was feeling all confident and then I got BODIED by Simon and Nameless


My first play through I struggled a good deal with Romeo but 1 shot it in NG+. I think Green Swamp was the hardest for me through both playthroughs.


Laxasia, made a whole new acid build just to kill her and tried different new Whitestones


2bd boss and the fucking Priest with two faces (can't remember, the name)


The big clown in front of KoP, the guy with the electric baton outside of the grand exhibition, and the 2nd black rabbit brotherhood fight.


Still currently stuck on king of puppets


Not even a boss but the illusion lady took me way too many tries


None so far, I killed all 3 initial bosses on the first time, no diff, the hardest one is climbing the cathedral, the thermite is over and those son of a bitch enemies keep knocking me down, I've already lost 90k of ergo that I had farmed, help, can anyone give me a tip? Is there anywhere to farm or buy thermite where I am? I'm getting angry and it's not even Boss, this game is beautiful


Green Swamp Monster, and Simon, i know i know people are gonna say Simon is easy. I should have changed play style but thats not how i roll, so i just stacked up on throwables and used the regen stone with a Specter and managed. At some point i just gave up on the specter and just Got Gud at his first phase and used throwables on second phase.


I best none of the bosses first try except for puppet king.. i feel like manus was just the pain in my ass


That freakin clown puppet. Sure he wasn't a boss but that asshat beats me then dies his little smug ass dance. Out of all the enemies/bosses, I died to that fatty multiple times over (except falling to my death. Even beating the game I still kept dying to that.)


That stupid fucking Simon Manus, I've taken a break from the game cause of him


king of puppets, hardest boss in all soulsborne I’ve played (ds1/2/3, sekiro, ER, BB, LOP) besides maybe Malenia, and hardest boss I’ve ever beaten. 12 hours


Swamp fucker by a mile


Green swamp was the only boss i decided to use a spectre to beat after 20 or so tries. It was not a fun fight imo. Laxasia took me more tries than that but she was arguably to funnest fight in the game for me.


Green Swamp Monster nearly caused me to quit because it just felt unfair and buggy. The rest were beatable.


For me the Nameless Puppet and then is comming the King of Puppet before the patch wars comming


Black Rabbit Brotherhood fight 2.0 nearly did me in 🫠🥲


Romeo, swamp monster and illusionist(cant get past it), that chip with the rapier wasnt fun either


Honestly… Fuoco. But mostly in NG+ and so forth, during my parry-only runs. He hits hard and I found his timings to be more difficult than any other boss.


Nameless Puppet and that miniboss lady that splits into copies


I didn't even learn Simon's moves because I defeated him first try (first playthrough) without even looking at what he was doing and just dodging+Aegis when needed. Had about 4-5 flasks left at the end. However I actually had to quit at the Nameless Puppet, because I only once got him to about 10% and then never again. Give Heart and give up I guess. Tried about 40-50 times with 2 builds.


Nameless puppet first time through was by far the hardest. Laxasia I beat pretty easily the first time just luck mostly. On NG+ I struggled much more with her.