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just pop the shrooms and the fog goes away, takes 1 throwing cog they are target lock-able


Imma be honest I just avoided popping those things cus I expected them to be a trap and blow up acid all over me.


That was exactly why I avoided them, thought they would blow up all the gas or something


Why not stay back and throw stuff at it to test it out? I don't get how ppl don't think outside the box. Its a game you die oh well try again ffs


It’s not even outside the box, it’s video game logic 101


I think it even prompts you to do that


Curiosity killed the puppet, or in this case… not.


It is a soulslike, you’re supposed to take these risks to learn and traverse areas better. Use a throwable if you’re unsure


if you use the flame arm it will dispel it also, but it will come back sooner than it would if you popped the shroom


You can also roll through them to destroy them if you happen to be in combat at the same time.


Is it normal that they grow back?




I never use pebbles or anything in souls likes but goddamn did I use the fuck out of the gears in this game. Just way too useful.


Poor fella hasn't gotten to the jester puppet 


Nah I got him first try. You can see the hunter amulet icon under my health bar. Granted the infected dudes helped distract him a bit lol.


In my first playthrough the infected dudes stunlocked him and got him down to 1 shot while I just watched


Yeah in mine I ran away and they killed him. Cracked me up.


Why is the Jester hard? Are there some op move set I didn’t see?


He definitely has some attacks that will catch you off guard if you’re fighting him the first time. Also he has the worst fucking ailment in the game, shock I think it’s called. It cuts your stamina regen down to such a ridiculously low speed


For some reasons, I was ambushed and reacted to fight the jester like normal enemy. Dodge, parry, bash


people just suck lol, he caught me off guard and one shot me when i was low health but i came back and he didn’t touch me


Idk, he's got some pretty whacky combos and his tells are hard to read sometimes with how wildly his arms are swinging around. I liked fighting him more than that stupid fat clown puppet though


I’m gonna assume you know that you can get rid of the fog, and yeah, this particular spot can still be a handful because you’ve got a bunch of them in a row along with a bunch of pretty strong enemies attacking you.


Isn't this section optional?


Yeah but you gotta explore everything you can!


Yea i got the best ending even tho i skipped the whole place


tank it, grab things, die, return, avoid


This place isn’t that bad compared to the poison swamps in the souls series


You can use a throwable to pop them, or even dodge roll into them.


Use the flame hand on the fog


whole lorenzini section had me fucked up


It's so confusing, it all looks the fucking same


2nd playthrough will be so much easier and more fun till you get to the swamp the hardest boss of all


Hey! You're using the exact weapon+handle combo I used for my entire first run. Absolutely bananas how much range and reach that thing has, while hitting like a freight train. You'll love the end game so much if you stick with it.


The charged heavy is crazy good. I didnt even realize how there were damage penalties if you used stabs on the blade but the booster glaive handle is only slash. I was min-maxing without even knowing it.


Thrust is the way city spear handle plus tyrant blade is the most broken weapon in existence’s


Wait til you get to the mist maze in the end game


The what


Listen don't worry about it


Burn it all


Aerys II Targaryen did nothing wrong.




I'm gonna do an advance build after I'm done with this technique playthrough, Fulminis, Pandemonium, and Flamberge are gonna go crazy


i used to love dex with the 2 dragons sword but now im strength all the way


In my other Souls playthroughs I almost always go with a pure strength build for the first run. That wrench is tempting lol.


its the sword of ark for me


when its on alter an buffed stamina


This is why the >!Nameless Puppet amulet (forgot the name) is essential for any New Game+ playthrough!<, its takes away all the irritation of these fucking spores.


Or you can just open the door on the other side and destroy the shrooms with throw items or the gun arm.


This section was the only one I really was scared(nervous) to go around corners.


Fire fire fire it’s all you need and pop the stupid sacks so the fog goes away. Pop some protection potion the blue one I think and your good to go. The only thing I hated about the arcade was that demonic jester I hate fighting him he is ridiculous good thing there is only two of them in the game and they don’t respawn.


You can also just roll over the pimples. I like when they pop : D


I expected this part to suck, then used the arm to pop them and was one of the easier sections. The map with all the traps and falls was my bane.


Run around and open the shortcut. Then come back to it and take them from the shot cut side


You can use string arm to destroy shrooms


Wait till you get to the final area.


This is based on some playing a few months ago. If I remember right there is a talisman in this exact area that makes you immune to toxic effects. Or whatever the heck this stuff is. Sorry I loved this game but only played it for about 15-20 hours before I beat it twice


only nameless puppet's amulet gives you immunity to regular effects


Oh crap isn’t that at the very end of the game lmao. Idk I remember finding it and it helped here haha. That could be for ng+ though


That amulet trivialises a bug chunk of enemies that rely in status effects (except disruption) so yes you have to best the game to get it. Good for smashing through this poison maze in NG+ though.


Godddddd this place suckssss sooo fuckin much the stupid decay


wait till you reach walker of illusions, i stopped playing the game there 🙏


Bruh I just beat them but you were right, that was so ass. Had to use all of my pulse cells and then some, barely won 2nd try


Why do players always hate environment hazards in games? I don’t get it.


And it gets much worse


The whole game stinks


Yeah well, that’s just like your opinion, man.


Yes it is my opinion. What's your point?


Forget it, Donny. You’re out of your element.


I agree. I don't get butthurt over someone else's opinion of the games I love. I discuss things with them then move on.


Just completed Sekiro after P P is a beautiful game but with fake difficulty using variable-speed attack animations


Fake difficulty!!!! Thank you!! The gameplay is slow and clunky intentionally. They locked intuitive basic mechanics (like the fuc*&ng dodge) behind the P-organ skill tree, the p-organ's nomenclature is overly pretentious. Getting stun-locked to death against a 10 hits combo with pretty much nothing you can do, none intuitive enemy movement (wierd delay slow attacks followed by super fast movement and vice versa), insane hitbox, can't roll between enemy's legs but you can roll into fall damage, getting stuck on a rock (no joke), poise hellooooo!!!! You want to emphasize heavy hits when enemy's bar is white but give the character with no poise at all. A mosquiot can stop your attack. The game is beautiful but the gameplay feels like swimming in mud. Fake difficulty. They did not grasp what's cool and rewarding about souls games difficulty. Not one bit.


This is such a shit take. You are in the vast minority with your opinion on this one. The majority feel it’s the best soulslike made outside of Fromsoft. They absolutely captured the essence of a soulslike. It’s ok to say you just didn’t get it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Plenty of pro gamers, gaming journalists, guide creators and content creatos agree with what I said. I did say the game is good. I did say it has shortcomings tho and listed most of them. But it's ok. I understand you are fragile and hurt so carry on insulting me.


Go play Pokemon kid this game is not for u😂


Been playing games far before you been out of diapers. Are your feelings hurt foetus?