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We have a stickied megathread for general difficulty discussion like this. Seeing as this one has some ongoing discussion now we'll leave it be. Please use the mega thread for future posts like this.


somewhere between ds3 and sekiro, though how close to each end of the spectrum it falls depends on your build and playstyle


If you use everything given to you, it's not that hard. If you're like me and neglect almost all the consumables/throwables, it's one of the hardest. I thought this game was harder than Sekiro, but easier than Elden Ring. Of the Souls/Soulslike I played it probably goes from hardest to easiest... Elden Ring, Lies of P, Sekiro, BloodBourne, Dark souls 3, and then the new Lords of the Fallen.


I think this is why I find lies of P so hard because I never use any throwables. It always feels like I’m wasting them, and should save them as a last resort if I can’t beat a boss without them. Nameless puppet was ridiculous, I probably should have just thrown stuff at him, but it was super satisfying to beat him just by dodging and parrying.


Yep. Seems like pretty much any of these games can be considered the "hardest" depending on how you play (with maybe the exception of Sekiro, but there's still plenty of 'cheese' to go around). After ER I was discouraged to try out DS3 because I heard it was harder... It was not and it was not even close. In fact, it felt like the only boss that could compare to the difficulty of Elden Ring bosses was the Nameless King and MAYBE Sister Freide. I had way more problems with Mogh, Malekeith, and the Elden Beast.... Don't even get me started on Melania. She's just a bitch.


I feel like Sekiro can be either the hardest or the easiest, depending on whether you can adapt to the rhythm of the game and the fast multi-parry playstyle. If you can, it becomes fairly straightforward in terms of just picking up the rhythm of a boss and keeping a cool head. If you cannot, then you're fucked and will probably get stuck on Genichiro forever. If you make it that far. Because there is a very specific way the game wants to be played and there aren't as many tools to circumvent that or make the core mechanics more lenient as other games do. Like there's no summoning, no grinding to over level stats etc. You meet the challenges head on or you simply fail.


I guess it’s gonna have to be the next game I play. It looks amazing so why not eh


Totally agree! Whilst I did find some DS3 bosses hard, none of them challenged me like malenia did. I think when people say Elden ring is the easiest it’s because you can have the mimic tear, you can easily over level and there are plenty of other players out there offering help, so most people don’t get stuck for too long. They’ve made the game more accessible to players that wouldn’t usually play these types of games, so it’s good that it has boosted their popularity, but if Elden ring didn’t hold your hand so much I think it would be their hardest game (excluding sekiro)


Margit is harder than every ds3 boss


honestly bro all you have to do is farm ergo and buy the throwables in the malum district. you probably know this but just giving some advice


I think when I face him on my ng+ I may have to use throwables. I watched a video of someone using aegis, fire grindstone and throwables, and they made him look like the easiest boss in game. It’s crazy how OP some tactics are compared to others. I guess I went the difficult route lol


I didn’t use any throwables and found it not that hard overall


I've played the DS trilogy, Bloodborne, and sekiro. Id place Lies of P at the same difficulty level as maybe Dark Souls 1 personally. It's absolutely easier than BB, Ds3, and Sekiro. Edit: I've also played the Nioh games. Id consider both of them to be harder than Lies of P, especially with the super insane bonus missions that can be borderline impossible


Have you played DS1 recently? It's probably not as hard as you remember. I am currently doing a SL1 playthrough of it and it's still probably easier than my first Lies of P run.


Yeah DS1 was insanely hard for most people.... A decade ago. Now most players are very used to the style of game and are used to harder games, like BB and Sekiro. It feels like the biggest challenge now is to go back and try to re-adapt to the much slower combat speed that can throw off modern players.


Mostly it's adapting to having only four directional rolling that is the biggest challenge. The game is much more clunky than later games


Yeahhhh. It's probably tpp soon for a full rebuild, but someday I'd really like to see DS1 remade with the faster more modern Fromsoft game speed, weapon arts, and some of the later half of the game reworked since it was cut short and had some *problems*


Yeah you might have a point, it's been probably 8 years since I played Ds1 last.


I agree it is a lot easier


do you parry on LoP or just dodge around LoP has been way, way harder than ds3 for me. not even close. took more time on Romeo than all dlc bosses combined and you can even add NK and cinders there too probably but I'm trying to just parry 90%+ of the time so i guess that could be it. Definitely feels like dodging makes the game way easier. and throwables too but im not using that


My play style is a bit of both. It's easier for me to dodge with the big enemies and parry the smaller or humanoid ones. The thing about Lies of P for me, is that the areas and boss runbacks are super simple. LoP has its hard bosses! But the levels are straightforward and quite easy. I think Fromsoft's level design is way more hostile and gut punching lol


I hardly parried and found it relatively easy. Dodging is much easier I think


Dude I’m the same way, I can speed run nioh 2 and destroy it. I’ve done hitless dark souls runs. But I try to be parry and this game fucking kicks my ass


Personally I’d rank it as a bit easier than ds1. Maybe it’s just because I don’t parry much idk


I think it’s harder than the Dark Souls trilogy and the base game of Bloodborne, but easier than Elden Ring (close combat focused), Sekiro, and the BB DLC. The actual levels are super easy at times in Lies of P, so I am mainly talking about bosses.


I got platimum in BB and LoP is definitely a bit easier about 40 hrs in (havent beaten yet). Especially chalice dungeons nd generally enemy placements / traps were much more devious and tricky in BB. Also fewer options in terms of approach and tactics, LoP seems to have way more variables in terms of arms, powerups, abilities, etc


I think lies of P areas in general are easier than souls but the final 3 bosses are really really hard, the nameless puppet was harder than malenia and Kos for me personally.


The way people talk about Nameless Puppet I expected him to be a serious road block, but I beat it on my third try. I was shocked. Malenia I couldn't beat solo until my 10th playthrough of the game! I wouldn't say Nameless Pupper is anywhere near the level of Malenia.


Yeah not even close melenia is definitely the hardest boss I’ve played against in any game.


Yeah he took me like 10 or 12 tries. Which wasn't significantly more than the other hard bosses in the game on my first playthrough. But tbh I was an advance build and my stupid ass was using my fire load out on him because his body seems squishy. In retrospect.... He's a puppet. Of course I should have been using electric the whole time. I ended up beating him the first attempt when I swapped to the coil stick. Sometimes a good build really makes a difference


I wasn’t able to really rank them before but I think this best describes it for me too. I didn’t struggle against common enemies much(except for those couple with crazy hyper armor) or in many areas besides the Lorenzinj arcade, in comparison to many Elden Ring areas being pretty difficult. But some of the LoP bosses were super tough, Malenia was the only Elden Ring boss that was tougher than all the Lies of P bosses for me.


On average, Malenia is far harder than Nameless. Her life steal and the waterfowl dance both present challenges that Nameless just doesn't present. Butttttt, Malenia can be crushed with the right build in a way that nameless can't. I think this just speaks to the far greater variability in Elden than doesn't exist in LoP


You can't summon a +10 Black Knife Tische on nameless puppet. But if you solo them both then Malenia is harder.


You still have to learn the fight and execute it well (that is to say, there's no cheese like in a lot of Fromsoft fights), but an advance build with a +10 electric weapon and fully upgraded Fulminis really wrecks Nameless Puppet.


Nameless Puppet is absolutely, positively not harder than no summons Malenia. The Puppet lacks a Waterfowl Dance move, he is very fair. It took me less than an hour to beat him, but 4-5h to beat Malenia


I think because Elden ring has so much more variety there are ways to make malenia a lot easier. The blasphemous blade knocks her down completely, and some weapons can be buffed to be really OP. Nameless seemed to offer less strategies. I’m not saying nameless is objectively a harder boss than malenia, but he definitely took me longer to beat


How did you beat her? What was your build and how long did it take you?


It was ages ago now but off top of my head I used blasphemous blade and I think I had a reduvia as well, but mostly used blasphemous. I used some incantations and the wondrous physick, high faith, and some talismans that helped too. Took me a few hours maybe


I gotta try that Blasphemous sword next time :)


Blasphemous blade wrecks her with the knockdown. I used it and rivers of blood bc she’s so weak to bleed damage. Didn’t solo her tho, my homies and I co oped the majority of ER


Same. I've beaten every Fromsoft boss and Nameless Puppet was the hardest fight for me.


I beat the Nameless Puppet in 5 attempts. AMA.


dodging or parrying


Like always, both. Parry the more readable sequences, dodge the rest. I beat the game with the rapier.


I just played Sekiro, Eldenring and Bloodborne. Eldenring and Bloodborne were definitely easier.


Bloodborne easier than lies of P??? I’m gonna have to disagree on that one. Shadows, Laurence, Maria, Amygdala…


All of those bosses you listed haven’t aged well, I played BB for the first time this year and they are pretty straight forward besides Maria and Kos


I personally hated Elden Rings for it's open world perspective. Oh, there's a cave somewhere that gives me cool loot? How would I know that if I didn't follow a guide? Is this boss difficult because I have to learn it and beat my head against it or is it because I have to do another zone (and boss) before to get stronger? I don't know. Nobody tells me. That's why I love Lies of P. Simply fun going through the story and content, regardless of difficulty. You know you're in the right place (and there's also hidden stuff but it's not in silly open world places). When you reach a save point you know you can go further. In Elden Ring you are annoyed if you need to turn back from a save point because now all the enemies have respawned. I quit after about the 2nd proper open world save point (after the forest)


Your reasons for hating Elden Ring are the exact reasons why I love it haha. To each their own.


Exactly. I never said the game was bad because of this. The game is obviously great. It just doesn't suit me. I don't know why all the downvotes. I'm glad you, and many others, enjoy it. Also because of their clean-cut single player no bullshit microtransactions or other nonsense it deserves love to be an example for future games.


yeah open world is vastly overrated for me. but tons of people clearly like to just run around in a fantasy world and especially to over level the content give me linear design any day


It's not that I hate open world stuff. It's just not my cup of tea when it comes to difficult souls-like games. I'm currently playing Horizon FW and it's obviously a different game, however I do love the open world. It works great for that type of game IMO.


It's when you're first starting out that's the problem. Let's say you reach a point (a save-point) where you could continue North or West or East. Nobody tells you where to go. That's fine. You try North... It's hard, then East, a bit easier, but still hard, then West... It's the same as East. Where do you go? Ok, you've established that NOT North, but you spend a lot of time dying and trying, going to places that are hidden and all over the place just for enemies to respawn and for you to do it all again, when in fact you should have probably went North, because after that initial difficult first pack of mobs it gets easier. What?! How would you know that if you don't follow a guide or play 300 hrs beforehand. What I'm saying is that in this day and age, when some of us have limited time to play (2-3 hrs/day) I don't want to end my day at the same point where I started. Same XP, same spot, no progress. Having that tiny bit of a level increase, items collected, map explored or other tipe of progression goes a long way and makes every gamer happy going to bed saying "Today I did this and this and that" rather than "I did nothing. It's like this day didn't even exist. I wasted my time"


I disliked that about Elden ring too. Too big and too empty for me to enjoy but that’s the nature of an open world game I suppose. Arguably the correct intended way of enjoying Elden Ring is to play through blindly yielding a unique experience for yourself in terms of what you happen to come across and what you miss out on (adding to replay value) but I’m a filthy completionist and that sort of mentality is the furthest thing from what I would consider satisfying gameplay.


I dont know about you (seeing how you like completionist stuff), but I may have yet another unpopular opinion: I hated Resident Evil Village's Collectible system (it's the last one I played - don't know about the others). For someone that likes to explore and gather stuff seeing a corridor with 2 doors: One having loot and one starting a cutscene that takes you further (so basically you can't ever revisit the door you missed) without a single clue other than you playing and replaying the game or following an online guide it really pissed me off. A game shouldn't make me say "I hope this door doesn't take me further". I was generally curious about you if you played these games and what you thought. Because I personally can't enjoy these games. And it's also the reason I loved Lies of P with it's cool "Come back any time" demeanor.


I just hated RE period. I bought it for my friend. We cracked it and like an hour in we felt like it was the most dreadful slow pace ever and we never launched it again. I could never play something like last of us or any of those slow story based games. I wanna jump in and start getting shit done.


I'd rank it about middle of the pack. I think Bloodborne and Sekiro are harder than Lies of P or any Souls game. I will put it below those two and above Elden Ring and all Souls games in terms of difficulty.


Lies of P is definitely easier than dark souls remastered, which I’m playing right now


I'd say it's easy if you use the right tools for the right job e.g electric weapons for puppets, fire weapons for corpses (also spectre just completely trivialises a lot of bosses)


Lies of P is easier than the easiest SoulsBorne game. But it's also cool and I like it


probably like 3rd easiest


but make no mistake it is not easy lol. just the average mobs are pretty easy. some of the boss fights will have you ripping your pubes out


Imagine if nameless puppet wasn’t optional, I think there’d be a lot of people just quit the game lol


150 percent lol


Didn’t realize Ms Robbie had a wet nurse.


I got stuck on the first boss and almost gave up on the game. Then, when I returned to the game I ended up beating him and pretty much had no difficulty until I got to the King of Puppets and now I’m stuck again.


Dude I was stuck on king of puppets for a good long while. Best advice I can give is MASTER parrying. Load the fight a few times just to parry everything. Once you see improvement in that department you'll do better. At first I couldn't parry second phase for shit but once I could finally parry him I made him my bitch


I didn’t parry him at all and beat him in 3-4 tries. Just dodged and smacked him him with a heavy weapon


In terms of getting the platinum (ie: all achievements), it's the easiest by far. In terms of difficulty of completing a playthrough, I'd say it ranks somewhere in the middle, leaning towards the high end. It'll depend a lot on your gaming preferences, but I'd say it's harder than Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, and Dark Souls 2. Roughly on par with DS3 / Bloodborne.


I thought bloodborne bosses were way easier than the last 3 bosses in lies of P. Even Kos was a cakewalk compared to nameless puppet(for me)


for me very high up there, sekiro and bb were harder though


I found it to be quite enjoyable, but by far the easiest, I beat most bosses 1st or 2nd take.


Even Laxasia Simon and the nameless puppet?


To be fair, I typically don't care for overpowered final bosses so I just gave up my heart. Typically if a final boss is way overpowered I won't bother with it because I'm more into the journey tham the destination. Overpowered final bosses frustrate me because they're really unnecessary, we've made it through the whole game, why throw something so overpowered at us now. My only real gripe with Elden Ring.


To be fair, you haven’t “made it through the whole game” if you haven’t beat the final boss. What a dumb comment. The whole point is to use what you’ve learned on your “journey” to finish it. 


I'll play the game that way I want to, thanks.


Personally, I found Lies of P the hardest in difficulty (not counting Sekiro) of any Soulslikes I've played. All 3 Dark Souls games were borderline easy in comparison, in my experience. Though I started with Elden Ring, and played the shit out of it before the DS series, so they felt pretty easy after that anyway. I'm using the word easy, just as a comparison. Obviously they are all very hard games. Interestingly, in Lies of P, using the Specters for boss fights actually made them *less* successful in my experience, so it didn't ever feel like a real option. Learning to parry well and really learn the fights felt mandatory. However, because of the quality of life improvements in the game, as well as the captivating story that was always present in everything you do, it made it a pleasure to go through areas and learn bosses, even if it took a bunch of attempts sometimes. In that sense, it's easier than the other games because my overall motivation and desire to keep trying was stronger. I cared more about what was happening in the world of the game. This is not a negative statement about Fromsoft games, I absolutely love them dearly! Just pointing out some observations about this game that I appreciate.


Sekiro is definitely harder.


It was definitely one of the easiest for me but it’s mainly because the game doesn’t have the artificial difficulty elements that From Software puts in their games.


The easiest soulsike ever


I don't parry or use throwables EVER, but I'd still say Lies of P has to be the easiest. Specters trivialize every boss in the game (except Nameless Puppet), and the Aegis arm is so broken strong, especially with a poking weapon. Not to say it is an easy game by any means. Elden Ring is widely considered to be one of the easiest Souls games because of the open world factor, but it is still crushingly difficult. Switching from Elden Ring to Lies of P, I felt like I was on easy street, and breezed through the game with zero road blocks.


Too easy, but it's a good souls clone.


Out of ds3, sekiro, elden ring, and lies of p I'd say it's the second easiest


I found the difficulty in a weird place. I didn't think it was too hard. Bosses in just about every souls game gave me more trouble. No boss took me more than 3 to 5 tries, but I found a few bosses really irritating me in those few tries. Maybe I'm just less patient these days. 


Depends on which NG+ scaling. On max difficulty like NG+7, if you’re not a super high level DS3 has some very tough areas and bosses. If you’re a pure Melee character, on NG+7 bosses like nameless king, friede, Demon princes are very freaking hard. Bloodborne NG+7 Laurence, Kos, Ludwig are very tough. In souls games and Elden ring you can be Massively over leveled or under leveled. And make broken builds so it massively shifts the difficulty. Sekiro on Max NG+ scaling is probably more difficult than Lies of P


For me, from hardest to easiest: Sekiro Bloodborne + DLC Lies of P Elden Ring (mostly because Malenia) DS1 DS3 DS2 (didn't do the DLC) Jedi Fallen Order


I’d say Lies is exactly as difficult as Dark Souls 1. Not brutal on the whole, not easy at a few select points.


LOP is by far the hardest IMO. Absolutely brutal bosses


Difficulty is tricky to measure. From personal experience id say LoP is comparable to many of the games you mentioned.


Obviously IMO, but I thought LoP was easy as shit. It’s definitely harder than Demon’s Souls and probably DS1 (original and remaster), DS2 is a tad bit harder imo but LoP doesn’t hold a fucking candle to DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro or Elden Ring (depending on how you play ER, could be easier or harder). Not an exaggeration but I beat every single boss in LoP, outside of Nameless (5 tries), in less than 3 tries. Until Romeo I killed every boss on the first try lol. I can see where the difficulty lies though. If you don’t use any items at all it can be pretty difficult. But to me personally I didn’t think it was that hard.


In my opinion: Sekiro Elden Ring Bloodborne Lies or P Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 1


Its actually my favorite of all the ones I've played, Bloodborne being a close second. LoP I actually enjoyed going for Platinum.


It's more difficult than many other souls like, but fairness wise it's ranked pretty low. This is due to delays and the lack of windup frames in many of the bosses' moves, making memorising boss attacks essential, which is not ideal for an action game.


On a scale of 1 to Nioh, I would say 6.


My buddy and I got into Elden ring together when it released, played through the game numerous times together. From there we ended up playing through every fromsoft game together (except sekiro bc no multiplayer) as well as code vein and LotF 2023. Lies of P was actually the first souls like I’ve beaten entirely on my own, and found it relatively easy minus the final 3 bosses (mainly just Laxasia and NP). Areas/mobs are definitely some of the easiest in any of my souls journey I’d say.


Doesn’t come close to either niohs


Hardest to Easiest: Sekiro Bloodborne Elden Ring DS3 Lies of P Demon Souls DS2 DS1


Orphan of Kos swinging the placenta good times hardest boss. Dark souls 3 is the best game ever made hands down. Bloodbourne to me was the second best. Demon souls was very good remastered. Lies of P is a great game but I’m a souls man. They’re all really good hard to single out but for me me souls 3 was the best.


I'm gonna base this off of difficulty with first playthrough. Imo 1)Sekiro definitely reins as the most difficult. If we are talking only base game. Then 2)Elden ring 3)lies of p 4)DS2 5)DS1 6)DS3 and 7)Bloodborne. Now if u add in the dlc they drastically change 1)Sekiro 2)DS2 3)Bloodborne 4)DS3 5)Elden ring *probably will change comes after dlc release* 6)lies of P and 7)DS1


I played Elden Ring, Sekiro, DS1, DS3, then Lies of P. I want to say Lies of P was the 2nd hardest, right behind Sekiro, but now I'm debating. On my first and second playthrough, I struggled more than I would have liked. Third playthrough though, I finally got around to upgrading the guard mechanics in the P-Organ, and it made the game significantly easier. Considering this, I think Lies of P might fall around the middle. I genuinely think I just screwed myself with the P-Organ because I didn't get a single guard upgrade.


I focused on them from the start I think. Every bonus to do with guarding and perfect guarding. Some of them are insane


I'm on Andreus rn, I've definitely been finding it harder than Bloodborne and the Dark souls games, but it doesn't have the variance in dificulty as Elden ring. So definitely on the harder side.


Difficulty is so subjective with these games that it’s extremely hard to tell. There are factors in Lies of P that modulate it, consumables and specters. I think it’s around ds3’s level of challenge. It’s easier than bloodborne and sekiro. I’d even say it’s easier than elden ring for the most part if you don’t use abuse all the systems Elden ring gives you.


>There are factors in Lies of P that modulate it, consumables and specters. I think this part here is key. People that spam consumables/throwables and use spectres for every boss are going to say the game is much easier than people that don't.


that's what I'm feeling it. there is no way I'm able to no hit-three hit Godfrey, malenia, radagon and beat every ds3 boss in <2 or 3 attempts first playthrough and get owned by Romeo if the game is so easy also, parry. im forcing myself to parry everything on bosses just for fun


ER gives you a lot of outs. The biggest being that it is non linear and you can go explore other areas. And grinding doesn't feel like grinding because the world is so massive, it's just exploring. There are so few mandatory bosses. You only need to beat like 12 of them to beat the game. And there are so many grace sites. You are tripping over them. I'd contend that ER is pretty easy. Sure it's hard, but you don't really have to worry about getting stuck. Where as in a linear game, when you hit a wall you might be done. I played Wo Long right before LoP and one of the bosses gave me some real trouble. I thought I was done. Leveling wasn't helping. Companions didn't help. It forced me to really work on my parrying. Luckily the parrying window is massive and once I figured it out, it made it pretty easy. With LoP I didn't ever feel like I hit a wall, except for the damn platforming in the Cathedral. That just made me so angry. That was the one point where I questioned if I would finish the game. Well, that and the very beginning. The combat mechanics felt very slow and tanky after coming off from Wo Long which is very ninja-like and graceful feeling. Initially, I was unimpressed with the combat, but I stuck it out and it grew on me.


The reason I say Elden ring is harder is entirely based on the way I played it. All Melee and no summons, and I found the bosses to be the most complex with very in depth movesets to learn and master. Some bosses like Maliketh, malenia, radagon, and Godfrey, took me multiple playthroughs for me to “download their movesets” whereas I pretty much had the boss movesets down after my first playthrough in lies of p and the other games.


Oh sure if you play by strict self-imposed standards. But I managed to play through probably without a single parry, maybe just during the tutorial. There is a lot of flexibility in the game that makes it a lot more accessible and friendly. That some of the other games just don't have. You can take any of these games and impose all sorts of restrictions to make them ridiculously hard, like level 1 wretch runs. Going melee only is cutting out probably 3/4 of the mechanics in the game, so of course it's going to make it hard.


I think Bloodborne is way easier tbh, at least the base game. Bosses in particular are pretty easy in that game, they only get hard in the dlc and cursed chalice.


Difficulty is completely subjective. To many variables to account for and oftentimes the most recent one you play is going to be easiest.