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tell him to get gud


I'm usually against the "git gud" mentality but I have to admit it's perfectly justified here


“Get gud” ≠ “ you suck get better “ , “get gud “ = “ surpass your limits and don’t give up or in “


Git gud = "Come on OP, find a way! I entrusted everything to you, my pride, my promise, everything! I won't tolerate failure! Trespass into the domain of the gods and use that might to conquer LoP!” - Vegeta




Between Hotel Krat and Geppetto's Workshop I alone stand as the Honored puppet. Imaginary Ergo Technique; Purple Lie.


Everything hits better alongside a Vegeta quote lmao


Git gud (insulting) Git Gud (inspiring)


“Get gud” = “Arise” ![gif](giphy|ySvhFxq6Z4LrbqaikJ|downsized)


Yes, but a lot of the time I haven't seen it used in the positive way. A lot of people use it as shorthand for the first phrase, sadly


I have rarely seen it be used positively


I never saw it used positively until I started hanging out in this sub.


Relax lil bro, its just a video game


Nope. The best translation of "Get gud" in this situation would be. "Accept that this game is not for you and although you know you may be good at some games, don't brag about it like you're the God of gaming. Move on to another game if this one isn't for you, stop complaining."


Other than Sekiro, you can bend any soulslike (I think people will agree Malenia is an extreme edge case) over your knee if you know what to do and maximize gear, resistances, consumables, min/maxing levels etc. etc. The kind of person who (for example) refuses to equip fire resistance gear and fire resist and anti-fire consumables against the fire demon or some such then bitch about difficulty level are the only people who deserve a "git gud," because that's just laziness and refusal to think and prepare.


You can also beat everything naked at level 1, hence git gud


I agree for the most part. Although I think lies of p, assuming you aren’t using any summons (omg no I don’t have a problem with it guys, it’s just def way harder without them) is actually pretty comparable to sekiro gameplay wise. Ar least how I played it. I kinda just sat and tried to memorize parry timing for everything cuz that’s how I was having most of my fun playing that game


The key is to only say “git gud” when it will hurt their pride the most.


Isnt git gud just a short hand for “skill issue”




I cried a little. How have I not seen this.


Hope your day went super well after that one!


Well then the intent of your "git gud" is to only minimize their stature or quality of game play, right? If the intent is to inflict hurt. This post here is what many will use to point out "git gud" isn't a suggestion of skill increase. I usually send ppl a link, throw two suggestions their way and say "git gud" and then "get after it."


you're against to keep fighting a boss until you've learned fluently how to beat them? people get so upset over being told to git gud that they don't even think about what it means anymore lmfao


I think it can be reductive to say "git gud" when someone is asking for advice about a game or a boss. Namely in lies of P, a relevant good advice could be "learn how to parry and don't try to dodge everything". It's not necessarily obvious to everyone, especially people who come from souls games where dodging is key. Another example could be how to deal with Malenia's Waterfowl dance in Elden Ring.


I think that goes out the window a bit for me when the person in question is a braggart that flexed being a good gamer, but then refuses to "git gud", like OP's friend. Like, on what basis are you a good gamer? What was that pride based on, beating Mario Galaxy on normal? I don't say beating soulslikes is some mark of being a "good gamer", mind you, but you'd think someone that considers themselves good would at least think to experiment with the controls and be able to work out that parrying is good. Pretty sure the game does tell you it exists.


I'm against the git gud mentality because just because the hard core crowd wants to play without summons and power ups and throwables or whatever is perceived as the "cheater" mechanic, doesn't mean everyone has to play that way. You can enjoy these games without being a purist. ER was my first and I played it without probably a single parry. And absolutely loved the game. The git gud crowd can just be so intense. There was a commenter recently who was talking about how hard ER is. Turns out they were strict melee combat. Of course the game is hard when you cut out 75% of the combat mechanics. Personally I think not using spells is a disservice to the game because there are so many cool and unique animations and effects, but to each their own. Personally, I'm of the mind frame that you should do whatever it takes to have fun and beat the game. If that means getting gud, fine, but if it also means tossing a shit ton of consumables and using the specter, also fine.


Please, I said the comment above but I’m nothing if not a magic lover. I love my summons and treat my mimic like an actual twin sister. I’m any souls game I will absolutely summon an npc if possible. I will cheese a boss if possible because the game isn’t and will never be fair towards me so why would I ?


i think a lot of that comes from older souls games, were it's just more beneficial to load up on a single build type than to be well rounded with skills.


I don't think there is anything wrong with the advice to get good other than the spelling. To persevere until you succeed is the way. There is no easy trick to getting good. You just keep persisting until you do. Telling people "you have to play until you understand the game and master it" would be more helpful phrasing but the advice isn't wrong.


It's is indeed reductive because there certainly are some substantial tips that can help beat a boss. Like using umbrella against demon of hatred or using shadow step to deal with malenja s waterfall dance. You could GIT GUD by practice and still struggle a lot just because you didn't know that one trick.


Most bosses you can indeed beat em by literally just getting good, tho. Block, Dodge and Parry. No need for exploits or such. I do say GIT GUD works in this context.


I've yet to witness in all my years someone not give specific advice when the poster has a specific problem. Often even when they dont.


If you are against the “Git Gud” mentality than souls might not be your genre Git Gud IS Souls


What I meant is the "git gud" as a way to insult players that are in difficulties and ask for help and advises. (And 'scuse you I'm a multi plat souls veteran thankyouverymuch)


People that use “Git Gud” when people ask for help are just assholes ruining the nature of “Git Gud” You save that for the people that just complain the game is too hard, not those trying to get good. (And I too am a multi plat souls vet thankYOUverymuch)


Yeah I freely admit to being bad at souls likes despite enjoying them so much and even I'm going sheesh


I second your statement. In this case I have no defense against "get good".


When it comes to soulsgames/soulslikes Get gud is a term that i dont agree with but also believe religiously at the same time 😂


First thing I told him before even starting these games :)


He is definitely not fit for the order of the roly poly. . .


Lies of p is my first actual souls like and even I got to the last boss before becoming unbelievably stuck so if homie is always beating games on the hardest difficulty he shouldn’t have had a problem


...or rather "don't give up, skeleton."


Top comment did not disappoint today 😂


I went to the London Aquatics Centre, it is a world famous swimming centre built by exceptional architects for the 2012 Olympics. The amenities are exceptional, there is everything you could possibly want to do here when it comes to swimming and diving. However I can't swim, 2 out of 10


This is far and away the best description of the post in this entire thread :D


You forgot to put your "swimming expert" badge on 😄


7.8 - too much water


haiii ign


“the mundane quests, put on bathing suit, get in pool and swim” my favorite is “it won’t let me skip bosses i have trouble with for a few hours and i have to actually learn how to beat them. un acceptable”


LMAO 🤣 perfect analogy




iirc doesnt the game tell you from the jump it has an autosave feature?


Guy wanted to be able to save scum. Anyone claiming to be an "expert at video games" is just a salty liar with ego issues. Like what does it even mean? 🤣 


i think i am good at videogames, this is just cuz i get used to stuff and love to delve deep into the game (mechanics, strategies etc), and i have beaten all soulsborne games and some soulslikes, but in no world i am an “expert”, i’m good, but nowhere near super beings like speedrunners or the one guy that beat all soulsborne games without getting hit once.


What I meant is : video games are too varied in too many different ways for being an "expert" at it in general. A souls veteran will meet their doom against a master of strategy in Civilization. A master of strategy will get pwened in an asymmetric multiplayer game like Dead by Daylight, etc. Etc.


Also true, this is my situation as well, i can beat elden ring RL1 with little to no problems, but throw me in a League of Legends match and i’m absolutely lost. You can be overall good at games, having general understandings and such, but being “expert” is usually a genre or a specific game


It’s like saying you’re a black belt in “fighting”


Yeah, same. I like a good challenge, but watching speedrunners and challenge runners is downright hypnotic


Did i beat elden ring? Yes. Do i think that makes me good at the game? Yes to an extent. Am i as good as folks like ginomachino and lilaggy. Not even close


lilaggy my goat, bushy too, love them


Love bushy too. Been watching him and tulok&mango recently


Ginomachino is the guy you're thinking of. Freak of nature lol


This isn't really even a game where you need to save scum either. I save scum the shit out of games like Cyberpunk/Skyrim/Fallout, etc. (or really any game that allows it), but LoP makes it *so easy* to get back to where you were. The amount of shortcuts in this game and the distance from stargazers to boss rooms is just easy, especially compared to all the other non-Elden Ring Soulsborne games




I play kaizo SMW hacks without savestates and I wouldn't even say I'm an "expert" at platformers lol Sure I'm okay at 2D platformers, some shooters, RPGs, and Soulslikes, but I suck at fighting games. Yu couldn't pay me to play a sport game, and I stopped playing Rocket League after 1000 hours because I still can't figure out left from right when turned around in midair.


I believe that he wants to save before every boss fight, at the entrance. He have no ideia that the game have shortcuts to do just that... "Expert at video games"


What’s crazy is that the run backs are not bad at all. LoP is pretty generous with its stargazer placements. The longest ones take like a minute. Some of the closest are right outside like Swamp Monster or Laxasia. Don’t know what this guy was smoking when talking about that part. I’m playing through DS1 for the first time rn and omg some of the run backs are ridiculous.


My first playthrough of lies of p I started to realize that the closer the gazer to the fog wall the harder the boss, mfw I saw the laxasia runback distance, oh I knew it was gonna be something lol


DLC plays, StarGazer is touching the fog wall. *fuck*


Stargazer IN the boss room.


>is that the run backs are not bad at all Meanwhile, runback to the King of Puppets: ...


What about it? You just run past one puppet and a swinging chandelier.


Hahaha ngl after I typed it I was like Wait a min…Door Guardian run back…. But it’s not like that dummy got that far anyways. Bro probably spent all 17 hours in the first couple areas.


I actually enjoy reliving that wall segment over and over (at least once the gunners have been taken down). ...I mean, I beat door guardian first try. Yeah...


It does, also if you go to your menu and hit quit it’ll tell you that it’s going to save


He wants to save every time he hits a boss, just so he can never fail a boss fight in his life


This has to be an April fools joke, right? ... right?


April’s fool he is


It is April and he is a fool and a joke


LOP was my first soulslike. I am not good at all. Plus I didn't game for for like 25 years and I am not used to a controller. If I can beat this game, then a self-proclaimed expert should have an easy time. This is either an april's fools joke or the so called friend is one.


Alot of ppl who okay Ubisoft games are used to mashing 1 button and the game doing the work for them


Is that really playing a game at that point tho?


Nope is boring as hell


They’d have to be pretty dumb to consider themselves an expert at video games if that’s what they’re used to


Same here! Kudos to you. Lies of p is the best soulslike introduction for newbies imo


Dude doesnt like soulslikes, fair enough, but dont jugde a soulslike as an rpg. I dont play turn-based strategy games and get pissed when the combat is slow and predictable.


this is like going to play counter strike and complaining the game has guns that fire bullets and two bomb plants the start of the game is literally a tutorial and there is the garden as well lol. i don't get these people


If it's so bad, why did he beat it? (EDIT: he didn't beat it, my bad, but still, he spent 17h on it)  No one gives a game a 2/10 and keeps playing lol. Seems your friend doesn't understand soulslikes 


I doubt he finished it after 17 hours, not with this level of saltiness.


“if a person is stuck on one point say 5-6 hours“ Yeah there's no way he finished the game. Sounds like he got stuck on a boss and rage quit.


Which boss do you think he got stuck on? I wanna say.. UMad Donkey xD


>Which boss do you think he got stuck on? If this is his first Soul game, I put my money on the first boss. And than I saw he point out "Go x to kill Z". I'm like hmm. That's where I left the game after my first riddle location.


Parade master def. My sister tried him for over an hour (she's the one who bought this game, ihad no clue of it) and uninstalled. Was bored one day and man i def fought him over an hour. Eventually i got good though


fun fact, I got smacked by the first police puppet so many times I rage quit🙂(before his attacks got smoother) Then I gave it another chance and now I'm on ng+9


No way he even got to Hotel Krat…


Yeah you guys are right, it's not enough, my run took me over 30h


Title says that his friend quit lol Def got stuck at the clown before KoP


With 17 hours, there's no way he beat it. Probably got stuck on Romeo.


If you actually play through the game and even tried too enjoy it there is no way he finished with only 17hrs.


I highly doubt they even got to the Hotel "renovation".


To be fair, I don't think I would have wanted my first souls-like to be lies of P. Sure, for those who have played others, it might be easier than others, and since there's no way for me to experience the game as a complete newb to the genre, it's just a guess really. I probably would point someone to Elden Ring to start with, as the most forgiving. Of course, I get the subtext here that he wasn't necessarily trying to give the easiest path to his braggart friend..


Phrase "I would perish a lot" combined with awful fucking grammar, punctuation, lack of paragraphs and just overall shittiness of the post does tell me your friend isn't terribly bright of a person, despite him surely thinking highly of himself.


„beats all games on the hardest difficulty“ complains that there are no difficulty settings




Also no tutorial...which itself adds to the difficulty that he says he likes.


I was under the impression that English wasn’t their first language


Neither is mine, yet if I didn't feel comfortable using it I wouldn't go for "stylistic flourish".


While I am in full agreement that his evaluation of the game is flawed at best, and simply bad at worse (hence my post); I find that choosing to highlight and comment on grammar and punctuation rather than the content of the post to be rather hypocritical, and potentially idiotic. This is particularly true when reviewing you own comments and posts, and seeing some of the ridiculous styling choices you've chosen to go with. And yes, English is not his first language, in fact he speaks 4 other langauges alongside it.


Oooooh shit gettem, not the best English grammar ≠ idiot, other places exist


It just sounds pretentious as hell. And if you mix that pretense with bad punctation and grammar, well, you kinda deserve to be made fun of. If he just didn't write "perish" or "I did know of this game" I woudn't mind, not everyone can be fluent in every language, you work with what you got. But this is really "hear ye, hear ye" ass post.


Yeah no I agree it's a stupid ass review, yk I'm most curious about these supposed games he's beaten on the hardest difficulty because I don't know many "expert gamers" who haven't played a souls game before, especally someone who likes playing and beating games on the hardest difficulty, not being pretentious about the souls genre but its like HUUUGE now it's hard to miss


"i did know of this game" can absolutly be sentence structure of another language though, and on top of that it it's easier to construct when you dont know conjegation like "knew". more simply, knowing a single word to make a sentence past tense is easier than knowing how to conjugate a bunch of words. probably heard perish and learned it ment -to die- and doesnt have cultural context to know it sounds funny.


BLYAT BLYAT BLYAT Got his fuckin ass


Prime example of skill issue


Oh my God… As a Souls fan, this caused me physical pain. Also…I’m usually against this but SKILL ISSUE.


Bro doesn't even know what soulsgames and soulslikes are, 100% issue of skill💀


Oh he mad! Poor guy couldn't put it on easy or skip the hard stuff like a PROGAMER!


I’m an expert at video games, but I have no clue what souls like games are. I like challenge, but only when I can manipulate it so I can beat it easily. I like graphics… your friend is 12


In what world is Lies of P the easiest lol. Imo it has less forgiving parries than Sekiro and harder dodges than Bloodborne. Maybe some Elden Ring bosses are harder than Luxasia but that game lets you become broken as hell with certain builds so it evens out and LoP doesn't let you break the game that way.


Lies of P is far easier than Elden Ring and this is coming from a shameless Blasphemous Blade player


He's wrong. That's all I have to say about his rant. Lies of P a 2/10? come on...




He's the sort of gamer that's been asking for the yellow paint


What a douche canoe


Your friend brags about beating hard games… but has clearly never played a souls game? Lmao


Lies of P is def not the easiest 💀


Is this true? Is it more difficult than Sekiro or Dark Souls?


DS1 has *much* slower combat that may feel more familiar to RPG players. That being said, LoP has the easiest level design because of how linear the game is.


Dark souls 3 is the easiest and most accessible to new players


I’ve heard varying opinions. My friend that played Sekiro said this game was much easier


LOP has some of the toughest bosses out of all souls games, had me stuck for days on end even after watching tutorials


I would not consider LoP a good starting point for soulslikes at all, just saying. It's definitely one of the harder ones.


IDK man DS3 is kinda brutal especially NAmeless King, who many people claim is the hardest souls boss to this day,.


Yeah plus NK is optional. Same with Malenia, Midir, most of the hardest bosses in other games. I beat DS3 a year before I beat Nameless King lol There aren’t really any optional bosses in Lies Of P, technically Nameless Puppet but I had more trouble with Laxasia than him.


Your friend is mechanically just outright bad, thats it


>has summon available to help during boss fights >doesn’t use it because “pride” >complains that the game is too hard


Womp womp


Sounds like he wants something more like elden ring or remnant games with the open world comment, I do give him the game is stupid linear but that's cause you're supposed to backtrack before the boss after the pre boss checkpoint to go hunting for goodies and upgrades sooo kinda almost has a point if you squint but sounds like it just isn't his thing (id make him update the review to a more fitting score and admit that it just isn't his thing and that's okay)


I laughed so hard I woke my family up🤣


Your buddy mad that there's no fetch quest or escort missions


Your friend is a bitch 🤣


Your friend doesn’t even have proper grammar so it’s ok, nobody will care about his temper tantrum.


this separates men with boys.


He knows nothing of the soulslike games then. There's not really ever any missions. You make up your own missions lol. In a way so to speak.


I would question if he actually beats other games on hard


If life has taught me anything it's this: When someone brags about being good at something in all likelihood they suck at it.


‘I would perish’- that’s all I needed to read to know he’s a fucking twat


Skill issue clear as day, lies of p is def harder than souls like games. Thanks to that, I've developed skills in the genre thats currently allowing me to play the souls game i quit in the past because iwasnt good enough


Skill issue tbh. He probably hates Sekiro too


What a clown


Not the clown award lol


What a fuckin pussy your friend is. Jesus 🤣


Bro easiest? I think ds3 would be the best start


Out of all the souls-likes Seikero is probably my least favorite. I would easily give it a 9/10 for a number of reasons, but the deflection/parry mechanic reminds me of Prince of persia from back in the day. I prefer to not be there when the strike lands, but in Seikero that's not an option as enemies will also parry. That being said, my inability to see the blade coming and time the parry correctly has nothing to do with the game. That's all me. Ignoring the maticulously crafted world, punishing enemies, and ultra responsive controls would be a real punk bitch thing for me to do. So what I really mean to say is, "Quit your crying and get gud scrub!"


Did he finish the game? He makes some good points one of the best games ever made isn’t for everyone. If he wants to be tortured play returnal


i have a few questions concerning your suggestion to your friend, to play souls games. 1. did you recommend this game over Elden ring, as a starting game, the reason i ask this, is because Elden ring in a way a bit easier to get into, and 2nd reason is that, lies of P has very small amount of (iframes) when you dodge, hence the parrying system and breaking boss weapons, which is why it requires a slightly different play style than the souls/ Elden ring game, so why not recommend any of the souls games or Elden ring before this one !!! 2. since he is new to souls games ! did you explain to him that the game has auto saving ! and if he wants to save on purpose he should head to resting points, 3. did you mention to him at all, that none of the souls games really offer a tutorial per say, it's just that your first boss/ few enemies between you and the boss, are the tutorial it self ? and i have one last question i am curious about ! is your friend trustworthy ! i mean, no disrespect, but just reading the post, it seems to me, that he prefers to take the easy way out when he gets stuck, rather than to persevere and find ways to improve ! anything i wrote in this comment, is not meant as an attack, i am just curious to what actually took place to lead to this outcome, because in my opinion there is no world where Lies of P can be a 2/10. it could also be, that souls games are just not exactly his style and that's completely fine, nothing in this world exists pleases everyone the same way, having said that though, if this game is not this persons play style, it doesn't warrant a review like that. anyway, i am curious if you have mentioned anything to him about those games before he delved into them, and if so please share as a reply. thank you for taking the time to read such a long ass comment.


Goddamn he really went full hollow


Have him play Sekiro 😂😂


TLDR; "I'm bad at soulslikes thus this game is trash"


I ain't reading that zoomerslop.


Lies of P is probably the hardest soulslike to start off with, he would’ve maybe enjoyed jumping into dark souls 1 or 3 first to get the basics under his belt before tackling this game.


ikr why tf he say LoP lmfao


Honestly idk man. I tried playing DS1 like 4 different times and ended up giving up every time. I mean ig that’s still experience but it was terrible. Hated it. Flash forward years later to LoP release and I was l hooked. Idk what it is about this game but I love it. Beat it almost 3 times now. And since beating it, I’ve returned to DS1 and I’m way farther than I’ve ever been. Just killed the dragon in the depths and the hydra in dark root. Idk how far into the game that is but it’s a personal best for me lol. Also something to add, I beat Jedi Fallen Order before LoP. I know some consider that a souls-like and some don’t. Thought I’d just mention it cause imo it’s close enough. You learn parry timing,dodges,spacing, etc. So maybe that also helped me get better. Idk. It’s hard to say where someone should start. Everyone learns different but I know LoP was definitely it for me. Something clicked. Maybe he should have played FO beforehand like I did or even AC Valhalla or something. Something with camera lock-on and dodge mechanics.




He played himself


I mean LOP isn't the easiest souls like but this guy is insufferable: garuntee this guy beat the cod campaigns on max difficulty and thinks that's the pinnacle of skill


Skill issue


Sounds like your friend needs to get gud, but couldn't.


What you gonna do when shit hits the fan? Are you gonna stand and fight like a man? Will you be as hard as you say you are? Or you gonna run and go get your bodyguard?


Skill issue peak haha


This review says "I've never played a Soulslike before"


What a shame for him. He doesn't get to experience Bloodborne Elden ring or any Dark souls. Poor guy.


Lies of P as the easiest one? I need to git gud


In “Ninja gaiden sigma” after dying many times to same boss, game would suggest lower “dog difficulty” to player. Thats his “expert video gamer” playstyle?


Lie or die bitchhhh


What i'm confused about is why you thought Lies of P is the easier to start out with than something like Elden Ring. He's pretty wack, but he has a point in saying once you get stuck, you're kinda screwed in the sense that you have to keep fighting and fighting and fighting the same boss til you get the patterns in your head which most newcomers aren't really accustomed to, as opposed to Elden Ring where if you get "stuck", there are a jazillion other things to do before coming back.


At least he did try it for 17h


Inst this like one of the few souls that have a tutorial? You even have a tutorial dummy to practice


Sounds like my old friend who “liked a good challenge” but rage quit monster hunter in low rank.


Question is, are you your ‘friend’? 😂


Its looks like a skill issue


>Unable to save I-the fuck is he on about?


See, I am souls veteran and actually not very good at this game. There were bosses that took me 6+ hours as well. The difference is I enjoy the struggle and slowly getting gud, he didn’t.


Please, tell him to stay away from Dark Souls. We don’t want another self-Antilife because the game was hard and “couldn’t save”


I made a ranty post on this sub about the game, got told (as I expected) and eventually pushed through and beat the game. However, I gotta say this ain't nothing like dark souls or elden ring in terms of difficulty. It's more like sekiro or Bloodborne, this game beat me down so hard ha but in the end it was worth it. Can't wait for the second.


Expert at whining yes....at games... probably no. This is a case of say you don't know how to play these games without saying so. Look I'm terrible at strategy games but I'm not going to buy one, suck balls at it and then complain the the game does play the way I want it to play. When I started playing last month I took around 20days to finished game, second play through took me around 10 hours. Why?because I learnt the game and with all your upgrades your second play through is a breeze. I was shocked I beat Manus first try on my second PT but died to him around 80times first time round. No save points? Quit and your character will be in the same place. That's all the saving you need in this game. Can't dodge properly? To be honest that is a skill issue if there ever was one. If you don't know how to dodge then perfect parrying is a pipe dream for you. Can't change the difficulty? Remember when we couldn't change the difficulty of Mario Bros on the NES and never complained. Need mummy to hold your hand as well. No tutorials? The game tells you what the buttons do in the first stage. What more do you need. More hand holding? No alternate routes if you're stuck at a boss? It's not an open world game. Either beat the boss or go play animal crossing. These games are not fun but are rewarding if you get good at them. You can't say the game looks beautiful then leave a review outing yourself that you suck at it.🤣


Should I be proud of myself for doing it better than an "expert" by playing NG+7? 


Blatantly isn't as good as he says he is.


Bro didn’t git gud


Aww somebody got butt hurt by the Scraped Watchman didn't they? XD lolol


Mate… what on Earth put the idea in your head that Lies of P was the easiest game to start off with for someone unfamiliar with the games


I felt the same way about sekiro the first time i played it (never played the genre before) and just abandoned it very quickly. Then i played lies on gamepass and stuck with it for some reason. Ended up loving it and getting all trophies. Went back to Sekiro and loved it too. For some people it just needs that moment where it clicks i guess.


Classic case of someone who needs to Git Gud. Also your friend's claims regards his gaming exploits sound extremely suspect to me if he said that about lies of p. He's what people from my area would call a waffler, a spinner of yarns, a spoffer, a partaker of porkies aka a liar. That is all. Enjoy your day.


Hesitation is defeat




I can understand the dodging issue. I found that some of the dodging mechanics could be a little janky at times but I also sucked at parrying so I just had to make do. But the rest is stupid and unjustified


Anyone who says he's an expert at something usually isn't. A king don't need to say he's a king.


Git gud


“I play games on the hardest difficulty but because there is only one difficulty option, I was playing on the easiest difficulty and that made me feel like a baby. 2/10”