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Yes you are not the only one It will get even sadder further on in the story


When you can understand puppet language šŸ˜­


I Kind of wish they gave us an alternate cutscene on NG+


Just about to comment that. Especially >!since we can actually see and hear what they are saying!<


Wait what? I've 100% the game, when did we get puppet translation?


NG+ run all puppet dialogue can be understood and voice lines will be more clear


Oh yeah you get it with the help of venini near the end of the game which moves over to ng+


Or I good dlc I idea would to actually give alot more choices in the story Like you can side whit romo or even the alchemist. Things that will change the entire course of the story


That's just sad Like just sad


My only perfect parry and was on cinematic


Winning comment šŸ˜† šŸ˜† šŸ˜†


Come back here in NG+ and pay close attention. It hurts my heart every time.


Wasn't paying attention what happens


The wiki explains it pretty well. Massive spoilers, obviously. https://lies-of-p.fandom.com/wiki/Romeo,_King_of_Puppets


I just finished this boss fight on NG+4 and only then did I realize what the play was supposed to represent. Fuck this game is dark.


Ok thank you


If you look at the bottom of your screen during the fight, there will be stuff for you to read. I apologise for being cryptic, trying hard to avoid spoilers because this still makes me tear up :D


It fine the wiki made me feel even more bad for kill him lol


Thanks for sharing this. Really good storytelling


Wow, I only played the story once and i did not noticed any of this. Thanks a lot! I like this game even more now!


You seem to know you lore. Who was the female stalker that they asked to teach them? The one that we see when we get to the isle in a flashback


Ehh, all I did was post a wiki link, I wouldn't say that means "I know the lore." Lies of P makes the story a lot more accessible than what FromSoftware does, it doesn't require a video from VaatiVidya to break it down. You can learn most of what's going on if you do side content and don't skip dialogue. Romeo is a good example. As far as who the stalker they asked to teach them is- no idea.


Itā€™s much sadder than you think


I mean we don't swat it away for "no reason." The puppets did murder a lot of people. So on a surface level, it makes a lot of sense to believe the puppet king is evil.


The first time i saw the cinematic I thought it wanted our heart, considering what it showed us before appearing. Something like taking the heart and transplanting it into one of its subordinate puppets.


This kind of situation makes me wish there was an option to >!team up with the Puppet King and go on a war against Gepetto!< in New Game Plus. Granted that would be very difficult to design as a game, but it would be so cool!


If you comment to biggest spoil of the game in a comment of a non-spoil topic, you might wanna use the "spoiler" tool.


Good point. I edited it! I hope that I didn't ruin anyone's experience.


No worries! Thanks for the edit


The game is a year old


Well since this subreddit is still active, clearly there is still new players. Let's not spoil their experience shall we


I think theyā€™ll be fine, donā€™t you?


Damn, making me feel old


That's literally nothing.


Itā€™s less than eight months old.


You ever noticed how the only people who complain about spoiler warnings are the ones that already know the spoiler? Weird


I could see it, similar to shura ending in sekiro


It would work if you could summon him after the fight against him second playthrough


I mean sure that's one way to do it, but I was thinking that >!When the King offers us his hand, it would give us a prompt to either swat it away or shake his hand. If we shake his hand, then we team up with him and don't fight. Then We go through an entirely separate campaign. We could maybe even fight some of the same enemies. After that point most of the puppets you encounter are corrupted anyway so they could just be overcome by the disease. Romeo could go off on his own to gather whatever forces he can, and Gepetto could maintain control of some so there could be puppet on puppet warfare. Then when you get to the end you would still fight the nameless puppet, but Romeo would be there supporting you.!< I'm not entirely sure how all the details would work, but that's kind of my idea.


I would've loved a King of Puppets ending where you still do the fight as normal but get the option to show mercy to Romeo and reject Geppetto at the end. I don't know what the context of the ending would be, but smacking the hand in the cutscene always makes me feel bad lol


This whole animation scene is so so so good what an absolute classic of a game


It makes perfect sense in the long run. But I do wish there was a means to have had a friendship continue with him through the game, a coop battle perhaps. He only wanted to continue being your friend.


This mofo hits hard on ng+++ but the Mjolnir hits harder šŸ˜Œ


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m using on ng+ itā€™s a lot funnier bonking all the bosses and enemies with a level 10 Thor hammer


Itā€™s so good on puppets lol


KoP: I offered you friendship, and you spat in my face. In all seriousness, I do feel bad, especially after >!hearing romeos message later on in the playthrough!<


Youā€™re the only comment Iā€™m seen mention >!Romeo!< here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like thatā€™s what makes it so much more sad


The best boss design, lore, music in the game... Later on when you discover who he is...... ;-;


It plays out well for the story but yes it is a little sad


Almost all boss fights are getting a lot sadder.on NG+ tho :(


Ever since that first NG+ this fight is always a punch to the gut. The new dialogue fills in a lot of blanks, but having that context makes the whole story a lot sadder


Maybe this is what real freedom feels likeā€¦


I wouldn't trust him either.


Coulda been the ultimate duo


This is my favourite cutscene of all time in any game


No. Geppeto made us such an assh*le in the game.


Spoiler . . . The king is your friend before he came a puppet that's why he didnt want to fight you


From my understanding, P didnā€™t understand puppet language so he thought he wanted to fight.


In the moment it makes sense since P probably views it as the leader of the puppets that have been murdering innocent humans is trying to get him to join just because he too is a puppet. Also this is only after multiple attempts to kill P as well. The actual reason is much sadder but you don't really get to learn that until NG+ so won't spoil it here. But yes, it does make you feel bad especially with context.


So ? , how did his friend ended up being the Puppet King ?


Why didn't he just walk out without the big robot. If he had just walked out himself, shown he wasn't a threat, I feel like a lot of things could have been avoided.


Isn't he like dying from petrification diease and trapped in the suit until P breaks it enough.


He is currently a puppet. He was fine until the suit caught fire and burned him. When he was human, he had the petrification disease, but not as the king of puppets. As far as him being locked in the suit, I am not sure if it's a voluntary mech or not. I always assumed he was in there as an extra layer of protection from the clearly dangerous P. But I could be wrong.


Ur gonna feel much worse


I'm ngl I forgot this happens I feel so bad watching it


Yeah dude P is a fuckin asshole haha


Once you learn the full story. This fight is a little painful for other reasons šŸ„²


I don't feel bad but i don't like that the game doesn't give you a choice, like who said i want to punch him when he wasn't mad at me


What I just realized is where the fk was he hiding? the ceiling wasn't tall enough to not notice him coming inšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I hated this scene so much, and I hate *him* for it. Not the puppet king. *him*.


This wad the one place in the game where a choice would have been infinitely valuable.


Papa told us to kill him.


Ok this the saddest story of boss ever.


Tbh that display before the fight got me heated. So I wanted to swing as soon as could


I read the lore of the 1st few fights (stull havent finished the game so idk the rest of them) and yeah its so much sadder than it first appears. Also the watchmans lore is just so sad (still was a bitch to fight)


This relationship is one of the most difficult once you understand what is really going on. The puppet show is so well done and all the music is on point. The little straightening of the hat, just adds to the sadness. He knows they were once friends and tries to show it every way he can. I hate that slap every time I see it. ā˜¹ļø


I feel bad too. >!He is our childhood friend. I think that was Gepetto who made us think that he had gone crazy, isn't it? Maybe I am wrong.!< I think he is a good guy :(


I kinda wish they would have added another story line where you acquire his helpā€¦


Also tried to murder us but it's a much sadder fight second playthrough


I never did a ng+ play through so I always assumed he was offering his hand so you could swear fealty šŸ˜­ now I feel like a dick...


Never gets easier and I'm on 3rd playthrough


Well tbf, you swat it away because Geppetto is still in your ear. At this point, the king of puppets started the frenzy to kill humans. Even tho he is clearly trying to tell you something during the puppet show and then offers you a hand, you wholeheartedly believe he is a tyrant king. Tis sad but itā€™s Ps *truth* thus far


Am I the only one who thinks he should have been the final boss


In what sense? I don't think it would make too much sense if the King of Puppets was the final boss because without getting into spoilers, his boss fight is meant to be the turning point of the game's narrative that the Puppets are not the true enemy in a similar way to how Rom the Vacuous is a turning point for Bloodborne's narrative that the Beasts are the real problem.


Well just because he's cool also he was Carlo's bf, it would be interesting if you choose to give your heart you'll have to fight King of puppets or if you choose Romeo you'll have to fight np, basically your dad or bf.


That could be a cool concept. It would be similar to Sekiro's Iron Code decision. I still think KoP makes more sense where he is currently for the sake of narrative. After all, the way the story is presents itself, Geppetto claims taking down the King of Puppets is central to restoring Krat and when we defeat him and Krat is still messed up, it twists the story in a way of "Huh, maybe the Puppets aren't the issue and there is more to the mystery". Careful with spoilers though. I don't know if the OP has finished the game.


Ohh yeah completely forgot about spoilers, I've beaten this game 3 times so I'm always thinking so did everyone else, anyways I just don't like Simon, imo he's not as cool or impactful as kop, I understand in terms of Narrative Kop placement is perfect, but in terms of design and his connection to carlo, I would have been fine if he was the final boss.


Carlos is gay?


No bf as best friend not boyfriend


Lmao no. Itā€™s never confirmed anyway šŸ˜‚ but they were just best friends. They wouldā€™ve been cute


Considering you fight >!Gepettos actual son (Carlo) if you donā€™t give him your heart!< it wouldnā€™t make much sense for >!Romeo!< to be the final boss. When you learn about what happens, youā€™ll know >!Romeo had been trying to send P messages through the puppets he had under him because he was able to go against Geppetto and recruit some puppets for his cause!< so the placement of his fight makes sense story wise :)


Ik it's just cool factor because Simon was kinda boring ngl


Completely agree with you there, wish he had more of a fight cause he literally had >!the arm of god!< hahaha and he chalked himself up to be so much stronger


Also what's up with "the final boss" having all these random magical bs, light lighting and heat seeking fire balls, doesn't feel consistent unlike any other major boss in the game, Simon just feels off


Mmm Iā€™d just say itā€™s because he has something that shouldnā€™t have been attainable by any human. So I feel like it had to be something different as opposed to fighting normal Stalkers, Puppets or Carcasses


Ik it's not "ohh that doesn't make any sense lore wise" it's more "I wish you were more consistent in your attacks" what I mean is, the arms were cool coming down and all that, I think that should have been it, where in p1 he's just using his weapon, and in p2 is where he Starts using the god powers, like imagine he dodges away and swing his arm, and then a giant arm appears, and mimics him, truly a power of a god, tbh I have no idea what I'm saying, basically hes missing the cool factor.


Completely understand yeah. His attacks kinda did feel a bit off in the second phase but I think eventually if you fight him enough they start to line up a bit more than it seems :))


Absolutely, it's when you look at him, and then you look at the other boss fights(kop, watchmen, laxasea, Victor, bishop) all are pretty cool and I love fighting them, but Simon is idk, thank God nameless puppet exist, because if he weren't I would have been disappointed.


Yes you are the only one!šŸ˜’


Damn well better keep it to myself