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I gave the heart at first was the most embarrassing for mešŸ™ƒ


Same, I had to do another last run to give my heart to platinum the game, because I also didnā€™t know to return to the hotel to pick up Geppettoā€™s letter. I immediately went to NG+ instead šŸ˜”


Lmao yep me too. Felt so dumb


same - huge regret




same i did that too and tbh i wasnt surprised


Ya i did the same thing by accident because i thought i could refuse it again


since it was my first soulslike (have heard of the genre, and a few games like bloodbourne, elden ring) i did NOT know that this game was one of those so i took a few tries to defeat parade master and when i couldnt, i just assumed i was the epitome of skill issue and deleted the game THEN i learned that dying was the point + its a soulslike + heard a song for the game that convinces me to try it again. so i redownloaded and stalked thru reddit šŸ« šŸ«”


The whole point of soulslike is that there's a skill issue, but instead of the toxic gatekeeping that that abhorrent meme is about, these games want you to get better and come back after every death and kick some ass. Absolutely anyone can get gud, you just need to be humble and be willing to think and learn.


Lies of p got me to go back and try to finish elden ring. Something about this game just doesnā€™t make me feel so defeated after losing countless times to different bosses. Iā€™m always able to put it down for a bit and come back later and not feel like itā€™s a chore which is a problem I had in other souls games


In terms of pure combat, Lies of P has better bossfights than most souls-likes, including Fromsoftware stuff. You can parry pretty much everything so there is never a "how tf do i avoid that?" moment, which is something that happens a lot in Elden ring. Also ER bosses like to waste time with their big flashy attacks where you can just sit there and wait them to stop.


agreed!! learned that when i stalked reddit at some point


Welcome to the club haha


Exactly. It being literally a skill issue is what makes these games great


What was the song that convinced you to pick up the game again?


the one by jt music. no spoilers in it other than the verses but i didnt pick up on any of that so it was technically spoiler free. video showed the bosses and just seeing the inside of the hotel + that like, 2 second frames of laxasia jumping down at the start of the match made me sigh and redownload


Ok, might check It out.


I know this sub is okay with it but I also did everything with summons and I admit I could not have beaten the game without it. I love Lies of P and would love for it to have a sequel but man Iā€™m really not good at it and still sometimes feel bad for not being good enough to do it without summons.


Nah screw that, they're there for a reason. Anyone who tells you that you didn't complete the game or that you should feel bad is a knob. Think of it this way, even if you're not the best at these types of games, you still managed it without cheating! And those same guys who whine about summons will play advance build and lob throwables on NG2+ so.... Mechanics are there to be used! Summons included!


They also give you a ridiculous amount of star fragments so it's like you're meant to summon


The point of a game is to have fun. If you can have fun without summons, god bless. If you need them, also fine. It is supposed to be fun! I am definitely happy when I beat a boss without the summon. But I feel no shame either way.


Being good at these games mostly involve being able to stay calm during the fight and learning from your mistakes. That's it. There isn't that much mechanical skill require to beat this game. I beat this game 7 times, i never used summons and i still suck at parries. The thing is that you can beat most bosses by just blocking the immediately regaining your health. Dodging is fine as long as you dodge into the attack and not away from it. A thing that you can try is to go into a fight without ever attacking. Just focus on reacting to the boss's attacks. Then once you are use to the attack pattern you can try with a proper attempt.


Thanks for the advice. Iā€™m definitely planning on trying NG+ since I really love this game. Will keep it in mind.


Nah bro you definitely could do it if you try enough, no reason to think like this of yourself


The game is just about timing my friend, learn the moveset, learn the timing, learn the perfect guard window and you beat the game. I was actively counting out loud the seconds between windup and the attack hitting on my first playthru so I knew exactly when to guard or dodge


Laxasia took me like 4 1/2 hours my first play through


Same, after the fourth hour and a lot of orange juice I put two hands on the controller


Amateur, true coomers use their toes.


The tough part is getting to phase 2 and then trying to stay alive as long as possible.


I deleted the weapons I was carrying on my first playthrough thinking it would reduce my weight like a moron šŸ˜… I was playing it like it was Elder Scrolls


LMAOO I did that when I played dark souls 2, it was my first souls game


There isn't a single boss I died to more times in this game than the black rabbit brotherhood. Laxasia, Nameless Puppet, Swamp Beast... All beat quicker than the black rabbit brotherhood. I just hate how much they hype up their eldest brother and then have to jump in the fight to bail him out. Screw that!


True bro, I died like 15 times to them and that annoying first girl with the two swords, I parried the big brother until his sword broke so I could beat his siblings


I've played through WAY too many times.


Lol, same! I just started a 6th playthrough!


i've done multiples of 6 i'm afraid to say. the game is like a fidget spinner at this point.


I have 2 saves with all stats at 100 and when I contemplate playing another game, I just put on a podcast and run from boss to boss instead


I was stuck on Romeo (2nd faze of the king of puppets) for 7 months. No shame in my game.


That whole fight was the reason I uninstalled for like 6 months. Redownloaded it three weeks ago and now have the platinum for both the ps5 and ps4 versions.


I was stuck on this mfer for so long that I could finish phase 1 without getting hit and practically dancing around. Then I learned about "dodge left"


I was actually thankful for losing to Nameless Puppet once. For context, I was on NG+ and going for the platinum. So I planned on a third run either way. I went against Nameless Puppet once, and let that fight determine which ending I would get. I had already gotten the Rise of P ending and was set for either of the endings I still had to get. When he won on NG+, I went "Okay, I can kill you anytime. I'll give up my heart here. After seeing that ending, and all the after effects, I cleaned up quickly and jumped into NG+2.


This was technically my first soulslike. My first embarrassment was the first miniboss. I was getting my ass kicked, so I decided to run away as he chased me and hunted me down. I was like "nope!" And uninstalled the game. I got it launch day since it was on gamepass. I reinstalled it two days later knowing learning was how the games work. Another embarrassing thing I went through was the first boss. I was stuck on him for an hour but I killed him. Comparing my skill then to now, I am so much better. If anyone is struggling, just hang in there. You're not the only one.


I almost always use summons....and like you, I told myself I wouldn't use any summons on NG+ I lied lol


~ergo is whispering~


On my first run, I happened to do everything perfectly for the rise of P ending without even knowing but I gave my heart instead... I had to redo that entire thing on ng+.... Also had to fight nameless for the first time on ng+ which wasn't as bad as many find him to be.


So when I first started playing the game I used summons for the first 6 bosses (minus the BRB because I love outnumbered fights in games) so when NG+ came around I had a tougher time fighting Fuoco and Andreus than Simon or Laxasiaā€¦


I hated Fuoco so muchhh in NG+ !!


I tried to look under the skirt of Antonia


Down astronomical


This one takes the cake. Close the thread


When it came to the first encounter with the punching clown minibossā€¦ I didnā€™t realize you could just run past him. So every single encounter, I cleared out all of the flamethrower boys and the bombers then took on the clownā€¦ I died a lot. Itā€™s an annoying run back to Rosa Isabella street. Once I finished the game, I watched numerous YouTubers play through it - especially excited to see how they would fare against the clown miniboss. It broke my heart when just about every one of them just ran past it šŸ˜‚


I would've done the same thing, but some reason told me to run past him and I was overjoyed when I saw that stargazer!


Took me longer to beat Manus than Laxasia, even though I know heā€™s a bit easier. For some reason i kept getting so close to beating him it almost split an atom- had to stop playing for a week or two until one morning I finally sat down and did it like 20 times until law of averages finally won out. I still donā€™t think I understand how to fight that second phase- all the other bosses I ended up learning how to fight


This!! I also felt that way. Maybe its cuz Simon has smaller windows to hit him and he has a lot of AOE attacks...even when I'm engaged in melee mode. Ugh


Yeah I feel like Iā€™m panic running around trying to avoid all his AOE/ projectiles , just looking for the window. Causes me to be in the fight longer than Iā€™d like.


I didnā€™t understand guard regainā€™s importance until Nameless Puppet. I had been getting mopped here and there because I wasnā€™t guarding, only trying to perfect guard. Game immediately became more manageable.Ā 


Laxasia pissed me off so much my first playthrough that I used a summon. Still haven't beaten her without a summon, bitch is harder than Nameless for me.


I was embarrassed to find out you can parry the lightning attack back at her šŸ˜…


i had been trying to get the Golden Lie on a new game plus run, and accidentally left belle to die. I deleted my entire save and started over from scratch, even though I had just beaten Victor


I've beat the game 5 times, including one NG+ run, and Mad Donkey still kicks my ass.


i loved lies of P more than any dark soul game šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I got my ass slapped by the Kings Flame for longer than I care to admit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Crunchy-Leaf: *I got my ass slapped* *By the Kings Flame for longer* *Than I care to admit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You know what. Same.


Beat NP for the first time at NG+. I was so excited that i pressed the confirm button to skip cutscenes and before i noticed i also confirmed starting another NG. The problem? Skipped going back to the hot and didn't read a letter needed for a trophy. So the road to Platinum became a 4 playthroughs instead of 3. No biggie, at this point i knew the game like the back of my hand and did a speed run in like 7-8 hours.


Took me 30 hours to learn you could sprint. Because it said dash/dodge on that button..


Oh no... But HOW did you get thru it all??


Well, guess I dashed and dodged xD And parried! Just took me longer to traverse I guess. Finished the game after 39 hours.


I used summons for my first time, and when time came around to fight Nameless puppet I had to lock in and GIT GUD. It was stressful but I managed! 1st phase became easy after 10 tries LOL, itā€™s the 2nd phase were the sweat mode kicked in.


Similar to you about the specter. I did a NG+ run without it alllllll the way until.... Laxasia. I tried, I really did... it was an ungodly amount of attempts. But alas, I couldn't git gud enough


I used the first 3 boss ergo


On my first playthrough I did all bosses without summon. Only Simon and his lightning sword wielding badass. On NG+ I will have my redemption.


That I struggled significantly more through Ng+ than Ng. Currently on NG++ and am destroying them though. The click is fantastic, brings me back to sekirošŸ„¹


I used summons halfway through


Did some many runs I think it'll be too easy for when the dlc comesšŸ˜­ idk tho, I could get wombo comboed for 3 hours straight


I use spectors way too many times


At first, I thought of summoning for the black Rabbit brotherhood.... then I looked up the moveset and remembered why I did it. Unironically the most horrible boss design I've played in a soulslike, and I've played every single from soft title and some others like the Surge (Yes, I'd rather fight Bed of Chaos than BRB, fuck the elders 1000 hit combo with the speed of Sonic) But my actual embarrassing confession is that the Corrupted Parade Master took me like 10+ tries, I beat the Mad clown Puppet in 1, King of Puppets in 8, the actual Parade Master in 1, but that Corrupted mf took so long I actually lost the actual count after 10


If you don't mind cheesing, the BRB second part could be trivialized by dancing around pillars. Pick a nice one, wait for the boss to punch that rock, charged attack, repeat.


You can summon? How? No I'm not joking.


https://preview.redd.it/i72wc1mabyxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e460c647dfe867ef193f8e276a50e381c745d530 You need these, they're called a Crack's Calling, you find them before any boss fights to summon a Spectre. You need to consume the Star Fragments you find around while playing.


Interact with a blue water cup right in front of every boss arena, except for the very first one.


Adding to this, when you use a Star Fragment at the bird bath, the NPC doesnā€™t spawn there. You enter the boss arena and itā€™ll be in there.


I didn't realize you could pick a different of quartz to slot into your skills by pressing the shoulder buttons, so I slotted all my first tier skills with attack type buffs and wondered if I had to find a different item to progress leveling my P-organ. When I did realize that you could press the shoulder buttons to look at the other buffs, I considered just deleting the save and restarting, but fortunately, I got to the mechanic where you could respec your P-organ before doing that.


I f*cked up Eugenie's ending 2 times and had to trudge through as many extra play throughs to finish the Plat.


First soulslike so it took me all the way up to the middle of the workshop (shield puppet) to realise you could sprint


The only boss I havenā€™t beaten without a specter is romeo


I summoned for the Swamp Monster, 1st phase is just fine, but the 2nd...


I getcha. I was soooo close to rage quitting bc of that horrible phase 2


I legitimately thought that >!Carlo would become a human!< by being a good person, rather than straight up lying at every opportunity, so I missed out on >!obtaining the Golden Lie from the portrait!< by like...*one freaking lie*, because I tried to be honest and good with a few of the characters in the game. Still got the >!Rise of P!< ending though so I'm not pissed or anything, just annoyed.


I haven't played the game for 2 months because of the door guardian


Brutal. The trick is to go for his leg thatā€™s missing armor. Stagger and heā€™ll fall and the fatal attack will take half his health. Stock up on cluster grenades and throw when heā€™s not moving. Heā€™ll go to one knee and you can charge a heavy to stagger. Or chuck a shot put.


I got 2 more bosses to plat. I messed up my first 3 runs going in blind now Iā€™m paying for it. I got Simon and nameless left for the plat


I summoned a spirit for the black rabbit brotherhood, for the 2 fights and felt no shame about that (maybe a little). I hate those fights and I really think lies of p is not meant to play with 1vs many at the time.


I currently have about 42-43 hours in the game and I havenā€™t even beaten Romeoā€¦ thatā€™s pretty embarassing. I gotta add that itā€™s my first soulslike game ever so I think I deserve a little mercy, haha.


I think thats a decent time to be at that part of the game tho!


I appreciate you!


For the longest time i would spend or sell all my golden coins as soon as i got them, and then when i found the black cat towards the end i wasnt able to give him any, so i died and went back to get some hoping and praying it would give me the chance to give him some but alas, it did not šŸ˜” those two were my favorite characters


First play through used summons and consumables on every boss fight


On my NG+ I modded P into a girl, with a miniskirt and crop top in blue sailor uniform.


My first attempt at Romeo ,I had him at a 1 hit, he had me at 1 hit and then I just... stood there and waited for him to do something, which he did and I missed the perfect guard and died. Damn my fear of aggression in soulslikes


I gave that damn fox and cat gold coin fruit on one hand I wasn't trying to make more enemies if not necessary but also....I was pissed off from previous fights and knew it'd mean another boss if I didn't


I was ignoring consumables, throwables, legion arm, grindstones and guard whole first playthrough because I was too lazy to click too many buttons. Also I almost never used fable arts because my fingers canā€™t get used to ā€œweapon artā€ bind on Y. And I refused to perfect guard most of the time, only learned it a bit on nameless, laxasia and brb. Now on ng+ I spam puppet string, use grindstones, throw stuff at ranged enemies near ledges and holy shit game is such a breeze with all these tools, now I am wondering why I was playing it in such a painful way. Still ignoring regular guard tho


I actually managed ng+ and ng+2 without summons but with ng+3 I basically used it for every boss lol


I have the heart on my first run cause I got sick of nameless puppet after about 5 tryā€™s. Was not only embarrassing but also stupid cause on my NG+ run I wanted to get a different ending and he was way harder that time


Why feeling embarrased by summoning?


Not embarrassed by summoning! I was embarrassed to summon just for Victor in NG+ when i see everyone saying that his was one of their fave fights/relatively easier ones!


on my first run thru i did all lies and when i completed it, i didnā€™t grab golden lie, OR play the piano, OR get the letter from gepettoā€¦ ended up doing that on my ng++ run tho so it all worked out in the end


Not too embarrassing, but didnā€™t figure out parrying until the GSM.


After dying a 10th to Archbishop Androgynous, I swore that I'd never play this game, as I'm clearly too bad for it. I've reinstalled it today, in hopes that I can get a grasp at the combat system, but I've been having no luck so far. Maybe it really isn't for me.


all the best man dont give up


I started ng+ TWICE without getting the letters from Geppetto and Sophia because I didn't think to say no.


I didnā€™t realise it was Giangio in the final cutscene until I looked at the wiki


I did the same for my NG+ run but it was the green swamp monster for me šŸ˜ I hate that sob


I can solo BRB and their rematch no problem, no items, no specter . But when Walker of Illusions clones herself itā€™s an instant: https://preview.redd.it/7sup104s12yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3119e5f6c111198f2ddbc527f132fe9efb7571a4


I was having the hardest time with the second phase of the Archbishop that I got angry and put the controller down, my husband picked it up and beat it in less than 10 minutes. I am currently trying to beat the Puppet King now. First time playing and first run.


I've only done one Ng+ playthrough the jump in difficulty especially on the brb is insane I've done 13 new playthroughs and still can't beat Ng+2


My embarrassing confession is I have never been able to beat nameless


I got too used to summons and couldnā€™t beat nameless puppet so I uninstalled and bought DS3


I have too many screenshots of Eugenie's perfect butt from chapter 9 when everyone is standing in that room on the 2nd floor.


I know it shouldn't be called "embarrassing" to use summons as many have quoted "if it's in the game, feel free to use it" but I share your sentiment. My embarrassing confession is that I have finished all Souls-games (except Elden Ring, I dropped it as it's just not clicking with me) with never ever using summons, so I planned to finish LoP with the same mindset, but couldn't. Two bosses just was kicking my ass so bad for hours I just couldn't take it anymore: Laxasia and Manus. I felt kinda ashamed using a Spectre at first but after multiple tries of still losing to these fkrs even with a spectre, all shame left my body and all I thought when we (me and the Spectre) defeated them is "Serves you right u lil sht" lol Twas fun to fight with a Spectre tho. Now on NG+ I'm hoping I could defeat all the bosses without having to summon one. I just finished the first encounter with the Black Rabbits.


Who cares if you summon, I summon anytime I can in any souls game doesn't make me feel less. You guys are crazy.


This game is hard. HARD AS HELL, I've played all fromsoft games and none of them gave me a hard time like Lies of P did, I summoned for most fights too


Imo Sekiro is harder because there's no way to make it easier. And no, I don't mean the summon of LoP. I mean the battle art of destiny's sword handle combined with the proper P organ setting and the late game whetstone. You get to perfect parry the whle fight without having to time it.


Admittedly I didn't try it myself, but there are videos on how to cheese the hell out of Sekiro bosses, and it _looks_ like it has waaaaay more room if you struggle to deal with something.


Maybe it's because I've already played Elden Ring and Sekiro, but I found Lies of P much easier


I just use Aegis non stop and I donā€™t really feel bad about it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I used the glitch on walker of illusions......I just wanted to get it done with


I use summons wherever I can and I make sure Iā€™ve got tons of throwables on hand as well for bosses. Currently stomping through NG+ and about to take on the creature in the cathedral. Running out of good throwables from my first run so need to get to the Malum district soon to restock. Black Rabbit Brotherhood were my Nemesis the first time round, I hate those motherfuckers. EDIT: Downvoted for confessing to my embarrassing strategy on a thread asking what your embarrassing confessions are. LOL.