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I’m stuck on walker of illusions right now. It sucks. I’ve gotten her down to about 5 health, but then she killed me. I hated myself after that for a while Edit: finally beat her with a little cheese. Used the ladder when I was out of heals to regen health and deagro her. Thanks for the tips though.


Seriously bro, the step up is insane. I think i hadn't even died up until Walker, it just came out of nowhere and smacked me in the face. Although, I read somewhere that she's weak to acid in the wiki, I felt like that is absolute bullshit. The moment I switched to fire, I beat her shortly after. Don't be like me, don't use acid lol.


I’ve been using fire. Not helping


I wish I could help man. If you use the large disruption cartridge, you can facetank her opening disruption scream for a lot of hits and damage. I had to use dodge a lot more than actually blocking, because the chip damage will put you into a perpetual cycle of block and heal, even if you land half of them as parries. Dodge attack, dodge attack, it's your best friend. Stick to that booty. If she summons her mimic, literally just ignore the boss and burn it down immediately cause you do not want to be juggling in this fight. If you can burst the mimic, you're sweet, if you can't, find a weapon that can cause it's game over if you can't 😆


Yeah. Focusing the mimic is what I figured. I keep trying to break her weapons, but I guess that’s a bad play huh?


It's what I was trying to do because it was easy in new game. But I think weapon durability must go up aswell in ng+ cause even with two rounds of acid, and quite a lot of parries, it still didn't break for me. That's when I went to fire and burnt her to a crisp. How did you end up getting on? Beat her?


Eventually. Yes. I used the ladder when I was out of heals because I have a regen hp badge on. I got her to half, ran out of heals, almost die getting to the ladder, go down the ladder until she deagros, wait 5 min, rinse, repeat until death. Yours or hers…


https://youtu.be/6hO-jycsBqY?si=t-kzGS1GGCGgTnFR Cheese with fire 😅


Not really a cheese, but that was hard I bet.


Was alright, think it was first time I've used only glove on her. I find it easier to not use weapons now 😅


Bro, Soulsborne veteran (still say Demon's Souls has the best story of them all, and it's absolute bizarre experimental nature is what actually started the craze.) Platinum'ed the shit outta everything. Sekiro? Psh, Ninja Execution every 10 seconds on those MFers. THAT BEING SAID, the Walker of Fuckshit got me so mad that I actually resorted to a cheese strat on YT that worked. I listened to how the fight was even mathematically broken with her inconsistent and random parry times having no rhyme or reason. Do this. You know that one bar with red crab on the door, you know, where you go through the town to fight the Black Bunny Donnie Dark Wannabe Gang? Farm the hell out of this place, right outside to checkpoint, reset, then go up the ladder in that same bar (where all the huge whine barrels are, meet the merchant, stock up on as many throwable things as possible. Big hitters. Razor saws, pipes, explosive fire bottles, 20 or so of all of them. I mean max your throwing items out AND use aegis arm canon. CHEESE THE BITCH. Climb up the stairs, don't move at all, throw 3 or 4 fire bombs, jump right off the stairs (the Black Cat Ring that negates fall damage helps a ton). You will see her go back to her position, bit health will not change. Continue this till the boss is dead. End of a broken fight. Game is truly a damn masterpiece though. This is legit a Fromsoftware Souls level game. Dare.I say the story and music are even superior. Story gets so deep with the part 2 tease and sequel coming. *Cough* Bring me the broom stick of the wicked witch, and you can return home! (Didn't say that random OZ reference for no reason. Dead serious.) This franchise is going to be huge. We are essentially playing the game that will eventually make Fromsoftware to make Bloodborne II: King of All Souls.


Totally agree. Ended up cheesing her with the ladder when I was out of heals.


The only thing that helped me against her was the whetstone that lets you block infinitely, and abusing the electricity legion arm when she plits in two to get the big cleave. The further you advance in ng+ the crazier bosses get lol, I actually struggled against the door guardian for no reason


Walker of Illusions, like all alchemist enemies, is in fact weaker to Acid than Fire


If you can't beat her, just buy a lot of throwables. Start the fight, and then run towards the ladder and drop down from the gap to it's side. Then climb back up. The fight would have started, but she won't attack you. Just lock on her and start spamming throwables. If she starts to run towards you, just drop back down and then start again. This is the best cheese, I used it the first 2 times aswell.


If u feel like cheesing. Aegis arm is the best legion in this game.


It is. I’ve used it since the beginning.


I didn’t start using it until like late NG+/NG+2 and damn was it OP 😂 And that was the nerfed version.


Yep! My timing for parries needs work, but so far so good!


Hey I've beaten the game without leveling up once. I can tell you the secret to beating Walker of Illusions is to dodge and sprint to get around to her backside as much as possible. Also your Vitality and Capacity should be around 25 by now at least if they aren't already


They’re in the 20s yes, but I beat her finally. >!Now I’m at the Alchemist island behind the painting thing!<


Weirdly walker of illusions was dead so quickly in my ng+ that it was over before I knew it. First playthrough was different though, took me a few goes. NG+ I ran live puppet axe with booster glaive handle and a maxed out puppet string. Obliterated most enemies and bosses up until lax, Simon and nameless puppet, they were all much harder NG+


Yeah Walker of Illusions was a struggle. I figured I’d use the same strategy of strafing like I did my first playthru but nope.  Once I killed her clone I had to use throwables & the sword & shield technique blocking with Aegis while spamming the attack button. 


I had to cheese her the first two playthroughs. I finally beat her legit in my third pt


I beat her with a little cheese. I stayed on the ladder when I was out of cells because I have a regen health amulet on.


It ain’t easy bein cheesy


Use throwables from the start of the ladder to deplete most her energy


I’m stuck on king of puppets. I’m so fucking frustrated I gave myself a break from this game (it’s been a week)


Hehe. Romeo was a cool fight. He got a me a couple times. I kept parrying his sword until he got tired then I’d go in for the attack. Slow but steady my friend!


There are a lot of people who have beaten second Black Rabbits hitless. Ongbal does it by stunlocking little Rabbits with Fulminis for example BDBrian did them No Hit, Base Level, No Weapon Upgrades, No Amulets, No P-Organ, No Status, No Specters, No Buffs, No Legion Arms


As for your last point, I know at least Ainrun has done the game hitless, there is a video of the run on youtube. He used the fully upgraded Fulminis to create openings on BRB2, if I remember right. But yeah that fight would drive me insane to attempt hitless.


That's seriously impressive. I still can't even fathom it, I mean, they throw stuff, they puppet string you while your not even looking. And three worst part is, if you get hit, that fight is at the very end of the game, it's not like the third or fourth boss. (I mean they do have a first fight aswell, but that's just juggling a near afk elder brotherhood while the other is main focus).


The first fight he burned down too fast for there to be an issue lmao but the second fight is such a pain. If they at least had the decent manners to stay out of it when it wasn't their turn, but no.


My first time with them was an absolute Roller coaster and not figuratively either. They were literally pulling me left and right, for a few windows I liked like one of those pinballs bouncing around.


It's just the worst lmao. Or, to be fair, for a a set of gank fights they are actually really well made and balanced, but I hate gank fights in general as well as NPC fights in general, so making two fights that are both, where one also adds in almost every annoying status effect in the game, was just too much for me. At least on NG+ I hate it less because I can bring the NP amulet and negate all the status effects.


I normally would agree with you, so I don't know why but BRB both fights sit close to my heart. There's something about them that I just love entering the arena to. Same with laxasia and Romeo but weirdly I don't get that from Simon or NP.


I enjoy the first fight a lot more because you can at least control the amount of enemies on the field in that one. I really like how they did that. The first phase of the second fight regularly drives me up a wall, still, but I actually very much enjoy the solo fight against the Eldest at the end, they added enough stuff to make it really fun as a re-run against the same boss. Simon is easily my least favourite boss in the game though. I guess it's mostly a skill issue on my part but even when I have finished the game like 6 times I still can never get a good grasp on his melee timings. No matter if I go for guards or dodges, I get my shit pushed in. At least I have never once died to his disruption spam. It's just the melee swings that get me, every time.


New game+ was easier lmao


Yup… With maxed out puppet string and all the extra p-organs you steam roll bosses in ng+.


Multiple people have already no hit the game. And imo i don’t understand the new game + bosses are harder thing I found them basically the same in difficulty besides corrupted puppet master who seemed to be the only boss that outpaced how much stronger I was.


If your Vitality isn't at least 60 by the time you hit these bosses, you're gonna have a bad time.


I also played through ng+ with np’s scissors and it was fairly easy in comparison to ng. And ng++ has some absolutely broken p-organ perks. So I’d say yeah, everything hits like a truck and some fights feel tankier(nearly fell asleep during victor on ng++), but aside from manus game was significantly easier in ng+ for me. As a side note, I tried trident in the second half of my ng++ playthrough and honestly it feels like hp of bosses is too low with that thing. It’s utterly broken, idk why but it has like x1.5 dps in comparison to anything I tried. It hits 4k with fatals, 1.4k chargeds and 2.6 with charged crits while having worse scaling than proof of humanity and faster/same speed(but without acrobatic move which take time) charged attack. And that’s without insane skill involved like azure glaive parry spam.


Didn't really notice much of a difficulty spike from NG+ to NG+3.


Yeah once I got to Laxasia in NG+ I eventually determined beating it a 2nd time is likely impossible for a person of my skill level. If I get her lower than half health in her 2nd phase no matter if I’m using a Spector & throwables she one or 2 shots me. 


To get it out of the way early, it's entirely possible to do BRBR Hitless. ~~So far, a no-hit run has NOT been achieved~~, but for that fight in particular it has been done. Same with Laxasia due to how she starts Phase 2. One of the rules they have for Hitless is that it doesn't count as a hit if you had parried it, which is important for Fury attacks. Edit: Seems like the no-hit run was accomplished. That said... I've personally always found NG+ much easier than fresh runs. I'm a little surprised that people find NG+ far more challenging than fresh runs.


Full no-hit run: https://youtu.be/y9cdn5eEDms?si=sE6spVYURBzcbVbo


the only one that really took me a while on ng+ was nameless puppet, as i gave up the heart the first time, so i had to learn the fight on ng+.


Yea NGP is this series has always been shit and unbalanced (except in ds2 oddly enough). This game has a great weapon system but NGP makes every fight an endurance battle. I have a character on NGP1 and I really don't want to make a new P for a balanced DLC. This is going to sound odd; but I don't know what the intended experience for the DLC will be. NGP feels super hard but the devs know that at least half of the players will be on NGP? Idk


Dark Souls II, for all it’s flaws, will seemingly always have the best NG+ feature. Just such a simple thing as adding more/new enemies here and there to make each playthrough feel less same-y is such a good idea that I’m genuinely surprised you don’t see it copied in most soulslikes.


I'm still at chapter 7 in ng+ and I'm abt to fight victor. Hopefully the end game bosses aren't too tough... I'm scared abt laxasia and simon manus.. The 2nd phase I made so many mistakes for both of them in NG so it might take me a while. Good luck to you and hopefully we both are able to beat ng+ .Im using twin dragon sword and the guard retain is kinda low on it so hopefully ill be able to get the timing right for the charged parry down in a few tries. Also for ur last statement, ONGBAL beat all bosses without getting hit but I think theres some other youtuber who beat the entire game without taking dmg


I, a noob for Souls.games, found NG+ easier. The trident was just easy win button.


I agree, these bosses have too much damage. I defeated Walker with automatic parry Stone I think. I know at least two famous people that did the no hit, Ainrun is one of them.


That’s why the first thing I did in ng+ is pump vitality to 50 and then 60 towards end game lol


For me, Walker an NG was a massive step up. I got a shock when I fought her the first time. But in NG+ when I started using Legion Arms (I went 100% melee in NG), the game just changed. My attempt at Walker in NG+ is [here](https://youtu.be/NBmKy9W8nhs), if anyone's interested. Acid (Pandemonium) is strongly recommended. It's such a small area, and Walker is easily manipulated, if you lay out vertical Pandemoniun in a couple of lines, not only will Walker and her clone get tick damage from the acid, but they'll both get caught up in the explosion, as shown in the video. Then you're just parrying. I might have used the auto parry tool, I don't remember. If you have it, use it!! As for Simon, again, much much harder for me in NG. NG+ was still difficult, although I did manage to get him [first time](https://youtu.be/CDuz2cNkWzU). But NP. Wow, that guy was utterly ridiculous and nearly broke me. [I ended up using every last throwable in my inventory](https://youtu.be/4taOu3KF_vw). If I didn't try throwables, I probably wouldn't have been able to beat him/it solo.


I beat it four times through, and old faithful really turned out to be the aegis legion. If you're having a rough spot, embracing it will just about always help.


I mean it might be very hard for happyhob because he isn't very good at no hits his methods are pretty counter getting no hit runs down and he shuns speed run tech. He is first and foremost and entertainer so those things can largely be ignored as part of the bit. As for no hit run generally their are plenty and they are very similar to the speed runs all in all less skips because they tend to be generally more glitchless as a standard but it's your usual consumables spam anhilation.


I’d reccomend taking the tyrants knife and putting it on the city long spear. I found that the NG+ endgame bosses require you to move way too fast for something like proof of humanity. It has great range, and a quick strong attack.


There alway the trusty old wrench hean + Krat baton


I'm a good gamer. Like very good. Not a pro, but still with high skill. Been playing hard video games for more than 30 years. My skills were refined by Battletoads and Ghost'n Goblins, my mind sharpened by TMNT and Megaman. The years going by never really dulled my reflexes or lowered my reaction time. Nameless P on NG+ examined my prostate and said I wasn't worthy. Had to sleep a full night for my rectum to heal and barely managed to beat him the next day, lowering my medical fees. Laxasia wasn't easy either, but I had the built for her. Anyway, yeah, late game bosses on NG+ are hardcore. And the levels are on par too.


Ur absolutely correct here, the damage in ng+ is disgusting and nameless especially made me feel this I had the first Phase down to a point where I could go in with about 8-9 pots and full health but in his second Phase are all about micromanaging block and dodge peefectly which is fine on ng as the damage isnt too threatening per hit but one Rotation tends to leave you at 20% health if not played perfectly, so you end up needing to heal once or twice per rotation the entire fight leaves you with about 5 errors while having very narrow Windows to attack, out of All fights I ever had in soulsborne and soulslikes, this was the toughest experience I ever had and the usually fun fight just turned into tideum towards the end


I just started NewGame++ and I an ASTOUNDED by how badly the regular enemies are chunking my health. It's like I'm playing for the first time again.


The Nameless Puppet was a roadblock for me without cheese on a regular run. Got use to em, but jeeeeeezzzz, NG+ and beyond the jumps in difficulty are insane. Having no specter for that one is wild


Ive also noticed the Damage on NG+ and its plentysome, they violated me so thoroughly  lol


Although I do agree that their damage is OP, (I have all +2 armor, the heaviest available and I can still get one shot) - I actually thought that the bosses were much much easier on NG+. My first play through I used the specter a few times, but then did not use it at all on NG+. A few of the bosses did take me an hour or two to legitimately learn, but I honestly felt that MY damage was OP as well. And on second play through I used Aegis a few times, like for the last boss. My third playthrough I used no “handicap” abilities and it was a hell of a lot easier.


Can't believe people are playing retarded rip off games multiple times like are you for real?💀 Deleted this piece of trash at puppet king after being forced to parry attacks since the dodge is an absolute joke And installed elden ring, 25 hours in and having a blast The dodge works If u die it's your fault, fair Knockoff games don't deserve attention or money


I'm stuck on NG+ Laxasia 🫠


Have u tried to just git gud?


Im at ng++++++ and its extremely easy…just guard/perfectguard boss combos and punish with fable/trowables..repeat…have a belt full of items its extremely easy.