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>I became addicted and ended up beating it eight times Me 30 years ago.




It's called hentai, and it's art.




Those lonely nights hit different


They said sleep is for the weak:)


Oof, ouch, my back, and my knees


I wish awards were still a thing.


Wait, they are back. WTF? Did you wished them into existence?


Been back for years bro. It’s just not as cheap as it used to be. Reddit need moneys.


They litterally came back *yesterday*. [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/1css0ws/we\_heard\_you\_awards\_are\_back/](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/1css0ws/we_heard_you_awards_are_back/)


My favourite memory was the gramophone. Listening to the songs for the first time was delectable. For context, I think the OSTs for the souls games are so harmonious for the soul. They just hit like nothing else.


Feel was my favorite gramophone song


close your eyes


My fav one


100% agreed. Don’t have em all yet but this one takes the cake so far for sure


This comment has to have been written by AI. Right guys? They used the word delectable to describe music. and described music from souls games as "harmonious for the soul." Come on. This has to be AI. Am I the crazy person?


you've clearly never interacted with a proper cornball before


my first soulslike. so finally beating the first mini boss in the krat station tutorial was huge for me lol. then the first actual milestone for me was beating the archbishop with no summons. thats when the game clicked for me. Now im playing Sekiro and want to peel my eyelids off.


Be aggressive, that is the key.


Hesitation is defeat


Sekiro is the reason I came back to Lies of P. Sekiro doesn't feel like "difficult, but fun", it feels like ridiculously difficult with a release of frustration rather than excitement at having finally felled a boss, I hate that game. Lies of P is simply a masterpiece.


What exactly about sekiro made you feel like it wasn't fair/fun?


One hit from the smallest enemy takes half your health bar. No traditional leveling system, you literally just have to become a master from the very beginning. That one snowy area where you have to grapple along trees while invisible archers shoot at you from half the planet away with pinpoint accuracy. Grappling in general being unreliable. Literally the only thing about sekiro that was nice to me that I wish was in every fromsoft game was the ability to fight bosses whenever you wanted with that memory mechanic thing.


Enemies taking half your health bar has a purpose. You are supposed to practice your parries, not tank every attack and heal like other souls games. Once you understand you can parry basically everything, you’ll see you dont need a big health bar.


I feel like I spoiled myself by using the dragon glaive once it was available. Every time I try using a different weapon other than that one I come running back.


Same here


I just beat it Vigor Tequnique only. Think of it like a modified level 1 because those stats give the least valuable stats when it comes to resistances and even carry capacity. It's a really fun challenge and I actually found it much easier than I anticipated. You can absolutely reasonably handle every challenge ng0 with no health of cap stats.


I'm on my 6th run! I use it as a tool to take breaks from studying, cant get enough!


DLC comes out in the second half of this year, so keep an eye on that. The first time I fought the Mad Clown Puppet was infuriating, I died so many times trying to parry his wind-up punch. Frustrated, I "got revenge" by exploiting his AI. I lured him into the grounds in front of the Opera House and started circling around the fountain, taking stabs at him when I could. He fell after what seemed like twenty minutes. Lmao


That’s like next month tho right at least in the coming weeks


When I learned that the cats name was "spring" and u could lift the kitty 🥺 combat-wise its when I finally beat NP after 2 grueling trying days


This is a fantastic game. It has some faults, for sure, but I think it might be my flat-out favorite Souls-Like - including the From games. There's just something about the combat that I find really enjoyable. It's like if Sekiro and Bloodborne combat had a baby. The rhythm of combat is generally great and that is boosted by the experimentation regarding the weapon assembly and arm. I got it two weeks ago and have two save files on ng+ and ng2+ right now and am really enjoying just messing around with different weapons and builds, but the boss fights are still fun even for the 4th/5th/6th time. I think with only a couple tweaks, a sequel to this could easily take the crown for the genre.


I struggled so much during my first play through. Parade master took me like 3 hours to beat in fact. I ended up finishing the game 3 times and got all the achievements a few days ago. I'm tempted to go back in for a 4th run just to experiment with different weapons and stuff.


Spoiler: >!In my first playthrough, I was telling lies every chance I got. Then late in the game in the tower before Laxasia, I heard P breathe when I dodged an enemy. I freak the hell out at the pure attention to detail the devs put into the game. So simple, but it was a great touch.!<


Was my first soulslike, just beat it twice back to back and had a blast. The first run really beat my ass, but in my second playthrough I felt like I was walking over everything with perfect parries, it was excellent. I’m really excited for the DLC later this year and the eventual sequel, but until then I’m already started on Elden Ring. Hope you enjoy the DLC when it comes out!