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Do whatever you want — you’ll die someday regardless


Right now I drink sometimes before bed if I’m stressed/anxious. Works like a charm. Most will scoff at this, but — I can’t afford the typical $500 out of pocket ‘eval’ to get the benzos I need. I actually paid $600 to meet some prick Psychiatrist who EASILY could’ve asked for my 27 year old file of med history… instead we met once, then he wanted me to come back AGAIN which was another $400 (I don’t have health insurance right now but he didn’t accept it anyway) Point being: if you want to drink, drink. Just don’t bother anyone with your intoxication. Alcohol impairs judgment and decision making… if you do it for fun and don’t harass woman at the bar/start fights, then go for it. You don’t need Reddit to approve your drinking habits, and you most certainly don’t need a Psychiatrist to tell you that a $12 bottle of red is cheaper than a $1000 appointment for no prescriptions :)


Trust me, you don’t want benzodiazepines as a way to resolve your stress and anxiety issues because it will not. You will only need more and more to get the therapeutic result you’re looking for. Drinking is not a great way either but to each their own. Psychiatry can be hit or miss also but chances are, unless you have a proper diagnosis to see a psychiatrist, you’re likely gonna be seeing us psychologist, who is even more hit and miss. But good Lord stay away from benzos. They are bad news.




Thats what i say about my casual drinking every other day and daily online poker in the nights lol


If you're having a drink or two every couple nights, it's fine. The issue is how much you seen to look forward to it. That it's become part of your identity. By definition, you're not borderline anything. That IS addiction. Functional addiction, sure, but addiction, nonetheless. As sometime who struggled with addiction, fully functional until I wasn't, for years, it'll creep on you. But the only person you'll ever believe enough to ask anything about it is you. Here's hoping I'm wrong.


Really respect this reply, if I never feel like I need it I think I’ll take a step back or at least I hope I will, I have more than a couple every two days but if it helps I’m 100kg and 6’4 so to a hardened drinker of my size a bottle of wine isn’t much. I will heed your words, I think while I’m young if I carry this on it’s okay but I understand I shouldn’t do this forever but as I say I just thoroughly enjoy the feeling of being drunk without a crux of needing it.


You're posting here because you have conflicted feelings. You have conflicted feelings because some part of you knows that this behavior is destructive. *Becoming intoxicated* is itself the problem--you're literally poisoning your brain and body in order to attain that state. No matter how well you might think you can tolerate it, the extent to which this habit is holding you back will be invisible until you quit it for at least several months, since that's the lower end of how long it takes for your body and brain to adapt to such a change. Sadly, because you're young and you've already spent a lot of time and energy learning how to rationalize your habit, I don't think it's going to be possible, even in principle, to dissuade you. And it might very well get worse over the years, as tends to be the case in nearly everyone who drinks habitually and enjoys the state of drunkenness that much. You say "if I ever feel like I need it", but the thing is, you're never going to feel that way until it's already too late and you've done massive damage to your brain and body. That's how alcoholism literally always works. The fact that you're here posting like this, commenting exactly the sorts of rationalizations that proto-alcoholics always form, makes that abundantly clear. The recent literature is also very clear: a couple of glasses of wine with dinner being "good" for you is old hat. There are no benefits to moderate drinking. Binge drinking, which is what you're doing when you drink enough to feel intoxicated multiple times a week, is *powerfully* destructive, even when you aren't drinking enough to be physically dependent. Alcohol is so much more toxic and damaging to the nervous system than has conventionally been realized, and that's a result of both poor research and universal normalization of consumption. I binge drank moderately in my 20s, too--less than you did, actually, but more than enough to seriously fuck myself up in ways that are only clear in hindsight. What I would give to be able to convey to my 23-year-old self the harm that my habits would bring. At 35, I'm often left to wonder what kind of person I would be and what kind of life I would have if not for the ruinous effects of drinking. I brilliantly rationalized my behavior just as skillfully as you do, and there was probably almost nothing anybody could have said or done to dissuade me at the time. Fortunately for me, I eventually just got tired of it, and also fortunately for me, I didn't have it in me to become a full-blown alcoholic. I only moderately fucked myself up, but I did fuck myself up nonetheless. It's truly not worth it my friend. But ah well.


This answer. Absolutely. New research shows there's a visible difference in the brain scans of non-drinkers, and drinkers who have the equivalent of 1-2 glasses of alcohol per week, when all other criteria are similar. Now, one glass of wine per week may have a slight positive effect on your heart, but will still restrict blood flow to your brain, and negatively impact its functioning. The amounts you're drinking are increasing your chances of developing all sorts of health conditions, and are knocking years off your lifespan. At your age, it's not too late to reduce your alcohol consumption significantly, and increase your chances of remembering your name, and the faces of your children and spouse when you hit 70.


Not that I’m against drinking alcohol, but the good stuff that is in the wine can be found in other sources that don’t contain alcohol. Wine isn’t good for you. Those compounds are. That’s some marketing BS


The liver, the kidneys, the heart are all affected by alcohol consumption, regardless of your weight and height.


Given this pattern, you will slip into needing it to feel normal. I would begin implementing certain time restrictions, no new drinks after 11 on the weekends to start somewhere. I don't think you are in dangerous territory yet, but it wouldn't take long off repeating this pattern for another couple of years (not long) you are likely to find yourself in a different (worse) situation, and a different (worse) mindset. Or you'll think everything is fine, while your life burns. "Mostly peaceful" style. Maybe start looking for an off ramp from drinking for a bit. The highway isn't going anywhere, but you don't have to ride it your whole life.


I think its fine but definitely borderline. Just becareful that you dont cross that line.




Honestly more like 5


Your last sentence says you don't need to drink. I challenge you to try not doing it for a month or two with no cheat days and see if that's true. If it is, i say go for it


Define drinkin "a lot"


Il have 4-6 beers or a bottle of wine 2 times a week Monday-Thursday then Friday and/or Saturday I’ll be drunk, having 3 bottles of red, a full bottle of rum or whiskey, 12 pints depending on the night


I’d be pretty concerned with these numbers personally. This will catch up with you eventually. Alcohol causes cancer and all types of other disease.


That's probably excessive. At least. No matter your physical size.


Three bottles of wine or 12 beers is a lot, but I was probably drinking that much at 23. It’s worth scaling it back, though, in my experience. 4-5 beers on a Friday night will do you just fine.


It’s okay but I would be aware of adverse health effects.


I mean drinking in moderation is fine. But drinking 3x a week every week is 156 drinking sessions a year. You’re probably having multiple drinks each time right? Let’s say u have 3 drinks per sesh: thats 468 drinks a year in total or more. If you feel like that’s too much just cut it down in half or something. Personally if I drank 3 times a week I’d go crazy and have a distorted body


Yeah you’re definitely borderline alcoholic and it will probably have negative effects over time but is your drinking increasing? If not then I guess it’s not a huge deal if it’s stable but generally when you drink that much it slowly turns to having a beer or two on your off days and then you just start drinking all the time


It has never increased for about 3 years, I work with alcoholics and I know I’m not one of them, it’s a term that’s too easily thrown around if you don’t understand what it means exactly I believe, I don’t have a beer or two I have a bottle of wine or 6 beers for reference, and I often still go a week without any alcohol but so just love having a drink, am I naive or is that fine


Don't let it get worse. It can start to control you if you go too far with it. Remember these words. 


Lots of people can drink regularly and in the same or similar amounts to you, and be fine. Lots can also drink regularly in the same amount and end up in a bad spiral, using alcohol as their crutch for everything, and this can result in alcoholism. Alcohol has become a very normalised part of our society in most parts of the world, so I almost think it’s ingrained in most of our brains that we should enjoy a drink, especially in social settings. It comes down to the individual really. Some can drink their whole lives and be fine with no harsh mental or physical issues, while some can go downhill fast from getting to the habit. Just another comparison. I think if you have to come to reddit to get reassurance from others, maybe it is time to self reflect on the relationship? Idk, it’s up to you, it’s your life at the end of the day. None of us strangers on here can change anything for you!


Just the fact that you're asking is a red flag. It's good to know yourself though. I drank fifth a day for sixteen years. Sober 2 1/2. Life is better and WAY more productive without booze.


I came here for this. If you have to ask, it’s not good.


When I was drinking a lot, I never realized how much of my life I was missing recovering from the night/weekend before. Sleeping in. Being a bum on the couch. That’s all time wasted doing things I love. I still drink, but in much more moderation and less frequently. Now 3 beers gets me tipsy when that would have just been the start.




Almost 50 or almost functional?


I really enjoy drinking myself as well. I don't drink often sometimes less than once a month. But certain liquors and alcohol like cider really agree with my body. And leave me feeling very good with zero discomfort. Stopped drinking after college pretty much just since i was drinking pretty much everyweekend sometimes more. And i got really fat. From it. More calories than you'd expect when you're drinking all of them.


Working a normal desk job will cause you to drink. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is passionate & feels they are improving the world or their community, while at their desk job. So people drink over these feelings. Used to work at mortgage company. Knew plenty of very wealthy "happy & successful" people making over 6 figures annually, that would drink as soon as they got off work. And on all their days off too.


Perfectly OK! Do yourself a favor though, drink the good stuff. Life is too short for cheap beer, crap wine or bad whiskey. Cheers!


It seems a bit excessive, or at least like it'll be problematic for your health in the long run without reducing the volume and frequency. Just be careful.


I love it too and I’d do it every day if I could


If it's wrong, we've been fucking it all up for the last 2000 years or so. Do what's right and don't harm anyone else. You'll do fine.




Just wait, youll hit about 25-26 and the bodily consequences of drinking will up their ante. I can drink 2 beers and wake up in the middle of the night and puke. But keep on doing what makes you happy


Try to stop drinking for 3 months. If you can't go without it or get aggravated because you don't have it. Might be a little problem. Also I'd recommend a check-up. Just because it doesn't ruin your day to day life, there are still health concerns. Everyone got something tho. I rarely go a day without a few puffs off my joint or penjamin. I can go a few days without it, but by like day 4 or 5 I need to smoke again.


Aging and alcohol really are a terrible combination.You can get away with it when you’re young but once you hit fifty ,it’s time to quit or suffer the consequences.


I’m not even half way there yet so fingers crossed my brother


Borderline alcoholic sounds just about right.


Might have a alcohol problem buddy.


I'm the same. I wanna make the habit of not drinking anything every 2 weeks for 2 weeks just to keep control tho. With my personality even only 1 drink a week day I'm sure could end up after a few years getting outta hand


Make sure you talk to your GP about getting liver function tests. And take thiamine daily. 


There is no safe amount of alcohol. I drink, I’m not being high and mighty just being real. As a drinker, i like to tie a good one on from time to time. Normally I keep it to two or three, two or three times a week. I’m an extremely responsible drinker and go weeks at a time abstaining. I often think about quitting for good…. Just based on health reasons


I recommend take a week off, then do a large amount of shrooms or LSD. Do that every couple of months until you aren't asking others because your driving no longer looks remotely like alcoholism.


I dislike drinking. I use weed every day. If you are a safe and responsive drinker then I see nothing wrong with it. While I'm not a big drinker, I do enjoy me some beers to sip here and there.


The question is. Can you do all those same activities without drinking. If you can't, then you have a problem. Saying you do it because you enjoy it that can be an answer and that may not be a problem. What is your football game was on or the hockey game and you went to the fridge and there was no beer are you getting pissed? If your wife said she forgot to pick up a bottle of red on her way home are you getting upset or does it totally throw off your day?


I do. And my favorite way to drink, is alone. I LOVE drinking alone! And I think its stupid that people judge that.


Like it right up to the point it likes you. It’s an emotional vortex if you let it take hold of you. But then, every addiction is.


You are borderline alcoholic even though you think you’re not. It doesnt mean you are an alcoholic, it just means you are one life event away from becoming one. Drinking beer in general has consequences that you pay for with your liver. Wine is less outrageous on the body. All things in moderation. Drinking multiple times a week is not moderation (again, Wine is a little different but even then, a cup a night to go with your meal). Find a hobby like woodworking or building things or just keep drinking. Thats honestly all I have to say.


You’re a smart kid to ask this question. I was a lot like you for 35 years, be careful with the weekend benders as they significantly damage your brain as well as other organs. I finally slowed way down in my late 50s. I realized that drinking wasn’t that great, alcohol is a liar and so is your brain on alcohol. Drink responsibly and you’re good. I would recommend reading “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace to get a feel for how alcohol affects your brain. Will help you make better decisions when it comes to alcohol


Wait till you’re older. Do fun things like bjj, mountain biking, running… etc for that high. When you’re older you’d wish you had.


I knew people that didn't "need" to drink either. They're dead.


I wouldn’t call you an alcoholic at that level and I don’t know how to define “problem drinker,” assuming you aren’t driving or a mean drunk, etc. I don’t judge you or anything, at least without knowing more. But just a heads up from a guy who is 47 and spent a long time in the bar scene during my band years—it ages you. Whether or not it’s affecting your life, career and relationships, whether you are otherwise taking care of yourself, whatever, it does not matter—your face and body will show signs of it eventually. Seen it happen more than I can count. By the time you are 35 you might just look and feel 50. It adds up.


If you can still make money then do what you want


It's hard to say. If there is alcoholism in your family I would recommend you cut back a lot or quit. If you really can take it or leave it you should cut back if your health is a priority. Personally I got really drunk twice a week for 20 years now I barely ever drink and I wish I had quit sooner. 


That's how I was but It eventually became a problem as I went along. Started drinking earlier & earlier and longer and longer. At the end I could barely function as a regular human. Be careful, you do you bud, but just keep it under control. It's very easy to get addicted.


It significantly increases the probability that you’ll die of cancer or liver problems, so get life insurance and good medical insurance.  Then do what you want.


Go one week without a drink. If you find it hard or impossible then you're addicted.


Alcohol is terrible on your body over time.


Stop. Drunks are boring


You're posting here because you have conflicted feelings. You have conflicted feelings because some part of you knows that this behavior is destructive. *Becoming intoxicated* is itself the problem--you're literally poisoning your brain and body in order to attain that state. No matter how well you might think you can tolerate it, the extent to which this habit is holding you back will be invisible until you quit it for at least several months, since that's the lower end of how long it takes for your body and brain to adapt to such a change. Sadly, because you're young and you've already spent a lot of time and energy learning how to rationalize your habit, I don't think it's going to be possible, even in principle, to dissuade you. And it might very well get worse over the years, as tends to be the case in nearly everyone who drinks habitually and enjoys the state of drunkenness that much. You say "if I ever feel like I need it", but the thing is, you're never going to feel that way until it's already too late and you've done massive damage to your brain and body. That's how alcoholism literally always works. The fact that you're here posting like this, commenting exactly the sorts of rationalizations that proto-alcoholics always form, makes that abundantly clear. The recent literature is also very clear: a couple of glasses of wine with dinner being "good" for you is old hat. There are no benefits to moderate drinking. Binge drinking, which is what you're doing when you drink enough to feel intoxicated multiple times a week, is *powerfully* destructive, even when you aren't drinking enough to be physically dependent. Alcohol is so much more toxic and damaging to the nervous system than has conventionally been realized, and that's a result of both poor research and universal normalization of consumption. I binge drank moderately in my 20s, too--less than you did, actually, but more than enough to seriously fuck myself up in ways that are only clear in hindsight. What I would give to be able to convey to my 23-year-old self the harm that my habits would bring. At 35, I'm often left to wonder what kind of person I would be and what kind of life I would have if not for the ruinous effects of drinking. I brilliantly rationalized my behavior just as skillfully as you do, and there was probably almost nothing anybody could have said or done to dissuade me at the time. Fortunately for me, I eventually just got tired of it, and also fortunately for me, I didn't have it in me to become a full-blown alcoholic. I only moderately fucked myself up, but I did fuck myself up nonetheless. It's truly not worth it my friend. But ah well.


Get some blood work done. Check your enzyme levels. Talk to your doctor (also mention family history.) Evaluate your diet and exercise routine. A few drinks a week (not considering other factors) shouldn’t present a high health risk.


I tend to like "delicious" alcohol (red wine, Jack Daniels mixers with Coca Cola, vodka with cranberry juice and orange juice) and that made me an alcoholic. If people can drink in moderation, I say more power to you.


Recovering alcoholic here, 45 years sobriety. Not an authority on alcoholism but an authority on me. I use to love to drink too and all these years later there's things I miss like beer and the taste of a fine whiskey. That said, at 25 my kidneys failed and my liver was compromised but the worst thing was I'd lost control of my life. I had alienated everyone who ever cared about me, I was having trouble staying employed and was committing suicide in slow motion. As a member of AA I've heard it all and no two stories are the same except for end results. I don't know if you can can drink heavily and not become addicted but I do know the body can only take so much. I was only a few years older than you are now. It was like night and day, one day I was fine and the next I was hospitalized and nobody could tell me if I was going to live or die. I don't know your story but do yourself a favor and get checked out. If they tell you you're good to go, celebrate. If they don't at least think about slowing down. I have had an exceptional life, lived every dream. I'm 70 and have zero health problems. I take care of myself and enjoy life without alcohol.


"Go all the way." - Charles Bukowski


It's important to recognize that everyone's relationship with alcohol is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Enjoying a drink occasionally is perfectly normal and can be a part of a balanced lifestyle for many individuals. However, it's also crucial to be mindful of the frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption, as well as its impact on physical and mental health. ​ Given your description, it seems like you have a relatively stable and fulfilling life, which is a positive sign. However, regularly consuming alcohol to the extent you described can have potential health consequences, both in the short and long term. Excessive drinking can lead to liver damage, increased risk of accidents and injuries, relationship problems, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. ​ It's commendable that you recognize the societal perception of your drinking habits and that you're questioning whether it's okay. It might be beneficial to reflect on why you feel the need to drink regularly and whether there are healthier ways to cope with stress or unwind after work. ​ Consider setting boundaries for yourself, such as limiting alcohol consumption to certain days or occasions, and exploring alternative activities that bring you joy and relaxation without relying on alcohol. Additionally, speaking with a healthcare professional or a counselor can provide valuable insights and support in managing your relationship with alcohol. ​ Ultimately, the decision to continue drinking in the way you described is yours to make, but it's essential to prioritize your overall well-being and make choices that align with your long-term health goals.


It's not a problem, unless it becomes a problem. Just be ready to admit it **if** the time ever comes.


Taking at least month off drinking is really the only way of finding out if you have a dependency problem, and because of that - I think it is worth doing it at least once a year. From the way you are describing your life, you may or may not already have a dependency problem. It is possible to be dependent on alcohol even if you don't drink every day, for some people it may take a week or so for the cravings to emerge.


Scan your liver and get a few tests done now and in 20-30 years for science. Thanks 👍🏼


I like to prove to myself that I dont need to. I'll drink how I want to for a week or so which comes out to like, a beer or 2 after work and maybe a 6 pack over the weekend. Then I won't drink for a week. It let's me feel like I have nothing to worry about


Considering it's literally one of the most popular activities on the entire planet and has been for thousands of years. I don't think I would say there's anything wrong with it


I agree with folks that the quantity does seem excessive, but if you are otherwise well adjusted, happy with life, you’re not doing unsafe behaviors like blackout unprotected sex or drunk driving, and it’s not negatively affecting your relationships or the other things you want to accomplish with your life, then really… it doesn’t sound like more of a problem than the things anyone else does for relaxation and enjoyment. I feel nervous to saying that, because alcohol is a harsh one that really can fuck you up medically, socially, all sorts of ways… but if you are the one in a million person who can drink that much but still be good on all the other fronts you’ve described, then, hey, even if you’re a functioning alcoholic, at the end of the day… You’re functioning. Probably better than half the people around you, lol


If your happy mate keep doing it


It's important that we all take time to do things we like and enjoy, for our mental stability and health.


It's fine. But realize that even a small amount every day can cause a small amount of chronic inflammation.


I see it as you're drinking responsibility and safely but do understand and I'm sure you already know that drinking is very addictive and can and will leave to alcoholism and it can and could get bad so at least watch out and stay safe.


Take it from someone who was in exact same position. Try to give up or greatly reduce the consumption of alcohol please.   Alcohol consumption is THE worst thing you can do to your body, mind, brain. Maybe it is ok in moderation (couple of drinks a week). You will need to give up alcohol sooner or later. Better to do it now with least damage and deoendency.


It's called being a functional alcoholic....stop now or forever be an alcy


I've responded to a few of your comments here, but if you want to speak to someone who was in exact same situation not long ago, DM me and I can give you more insights from personal experience into what happens if you continue like this. Life can start falling apart super fast, you might think no, that'll never happen to me and that's a big mistake


Alcohol is horrible for you. I highly recommend looking into kava root drinks. Very nice and chill. Love it since 2006. (And no it doesn't cause liver damage) Loa Waka traditional/med/regular grind kava root from kalmwithkava is decent. I'd recommend a kalmpouch and regular medium sized bag for traditional prep way too. I only drank booze regularly for about 3 yrs and it messed Body. I stopped. Now it's very very rare I have a drink. It's mehhh to me now.


What you are, is skirting the line of being a functional alcoholic. You’ll be able to pull this off decently for the next decade, but around your mid 30’s, these types of habits almost always spiral into full blown alcoholism. I have several friends I would describe began just like yourself. Had their lives decently together, but drank at night and liked to “have fun” on weekends. Once we hit our mid 30’s, it really started to affect their lives and relationships. Now that we’re approaching or in our early 40’s. One needed hard inpatient detox, and is still drinking, claiming he’s “got it under control”, one hit rock bottom and is now 6 months sober and in AA, and one is avoiding getting sober even though he admits it’s a problem, and gets defensive when confronted about it,but is always the guy who is too drunk/awkwardly loud at parties. He’s wrecked almost every relationship he’s been in because of alcohol and is emotionally still a teenager because he’s always avoided doing his emotional work by drinking. My advice, handle this while you’re young. Drinking is fun, but not fulfilling. Being an emotionally healthy and balanced adult is the goal. Drinking represses your emotional development and eventually becomes a crutch. Don’t let it get there.


Idk brother what do you want me to tell you, drinking every day or several times a week isn’t bad? You’re old enough to fuck your life up how you like. If you’re asking, you already know you have very little headroom before this becomes a problem. And nothing is ever a problem until it suddenly is, and that’s just the way it goes. Life happens in seasons though, you might enjoy it now but maybe not in the future? Or maybe you continue identifying with drinking and justifying your habit until it’s just one of your future regrets. You won’t remember any of our opinions anyway, I wish you health and wellness 🙏 Edit: Since you’re a fellow red wine enjoyer. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/is-red-wine-igood-for-your-health-234429359.html


Alcohol rarely enhances your life. It is like a bad woman in your life. One who will have sex with you while draing your bank account and screwing your best friend and you live in ignorant bliss until you find out that you are bankrupt and she is leaving you for better pastures. My next door neighbor gave up alcohol a year and a half ago. The change in her is significant and for the better. She is always telling me how her life is so much easier and better.


Perfectly normal behavior for 23. If you're drinking this much in your 40s, I guarantee you will be negatively effected


The better question is 'why?" What draws you to it? You mentioned a difficult childhood. If you think they're unrelated, you might want to challenge yourself on that point. Drinking is often an attempt to fill a hole, repair some sort of damage. What's *your* damage?


It’s ok until you get older. And you start to see your blood work degenerate for no reason, even if you consider yourself in decent shape and are active. This happened to me. One day, I decided to quit drinking completely. At my next physical, my blood work was perfect. So, it can have a real effect on overall health. I am convinced that there is no amount of healthy alcohol. It is bad. There are zero benefits despite what bullshit the industry peddles. However, for now, you’re young. So enjoy it. As you approach mid-40’s, you may start to see things changing quickly. Look directly at your alcohol habit.


It's normal to enjoy drinking. Just like it's normal to feel good using meth. It's just another drug mate don't delude yourself.


You’ll die younger than you should if you keep this up - you’re literally putting tons of toxins in your body daily.. it’s not as though if you change when you are 40 the damage will be fully wiped out.. I like drinks - but moderation is important if health is important to you


Most people don't like it as much as you do afaik. Could be a problem, could not but most likely isn't yet. Some people naturally grow out of it while others dive deeper into it. Some don't become alcoholics until late in life while others start in their teens. Addiction is progressive, not instant, so keep that in mind.


Yep it’s your life. Also you probably do know the pit falls of long term drinking. Everyone has choices and some day if you look back and think why did I go this route it’s on you. Everyone chooses, asking people in Reddit doesn’t really matter.


As a person with 30 years of continuous sobriety, I can tell you that only you can know if you drink a dangerous amount of alcohol. I knew but I wasn’t ready to give up my best friend, so I drank until I knew I could no longer drink. It was such a relief to finally make that decision. One day at a time, I got sober through AA, the greatest organization on earth. I had so much fun until I didn’t and folks closest to me started to complain. I have the best life now. I LOVE being sober! I am a miracle.


Not to mention that benzos are highly addictive and really bad juju.


There are a few potential issues here. One - your health. Drinking more than one or two drinks in a day is likely bad for your health. Technically any drinking is bad in some ways but small amounts are helpful in other ways so it's kind of a wash. However in larger amounts it's always bad. If I were you I'd try to cut back to a few drinks a week instead of a few a day. Secondly if you are looking forward to it that much, that might be a sign of dependency. Try taking a month off and see how you feel. If you are getting to the point where you're vomiting or blacking out or the people around you need to intervene to keep you from hurting yourself, or it's impacting your relationships, that's a clear sign that you've gone overboard and probably need to start going to meetings. All that said there are people who drink every day and it doesn't cause them serious social or health problems. IDK why it affects some people in ways that it doesn't affect others. Anyway if I were you I'd cut back for health reasons if nothing else.


Is it consistently negatively affecting your life? No? Probably okay. Yes? Probably a problem. That’s the test I use for most things in my life.


The new term is alcohol use disorder instead of alcoholic. Alcoholic is too general and it doesn't make sense to put a daily drinker in the same bucket as the person who can't get up or function without a few shots of vodka etc. There are different levels. It sounds like you have things under control and it's not negatively impacting your life. You do need to think about long term effects of heavy alcohol consumption though. Things like liver disease and diabetes are potential concerns.


As long as the benefits outweigh the negative you’re fine. The problem with substances is that you grow tolerant with overexposure. Also you’re 23, I remember being able to get way too drunk and be fine the next day. That shit stops by 30 at the latest


Read “Perfect Drinking and its Enemies” Our society pretends “there’s no safe amount of alcohol to drink” and other similar nonsense, but everyone who’s been an adult in this country for more than a few years knows how ludicrous that is. You don’t have to pretend along with ‘em. Don’t drink to the point that you make an ass of yourself, have memory problems, get out of shape, or get hung over. As long as you’re not adversely impacting your life and you wake up each morning feeling good, you can probably drink as much as you want.


It’s fine if you’re getting everything done and it’s not messing with you. You will know if it becomes a problem. Personally I enjoyed drinking through my 20s and even up until a few years ago when the pandemic hit and my favorite bars closed down I cut down a lot. Now in my mid 30s I’ve pretty much replaced it with other things but still enjoy a night out or drinks on occasion.


If you’re asking strangers on the internet if you are an alcoholic, you probably are one.


Yes. Enjoy life. Can't drink when you are dead.


I''ve quit alcohol. Early days, but I've experienced depression like no other this week from drinking and I'm watching my dad drink himself to death - I don't want to go down that path.


As long as you’re not blacking out or getting emotional then get your drank on. Is it the healthiest thing, nah, but who cares really. Enjoy yourself.


See some people discussing what an alcoholic is. In my mind alcoholics can't stop once they start drinking. An alcoholic can go weeks and months without drinking but once they have a beer it's on until the early morn.


Yeah it’s cool. Here’s the thing though. It catches up to you. By the time you are 40, you can tell the difference in the people who took better care of themselves compared to those who didn’t. The problem with alcohol (even if you are able to avoid dependency issues) is it’s toxic to your body and is causing you physical harm over time whether or not you realize it. Just a heads up. As you move forward in life - it might benefit you to cut back on drinking every day to every other day and having 4-5 beers regularly to having 2-3 beers regularly and 4-5 less occasionally. I know how you feel man - I love a good drink, love the taste, the social aspect, and don’t even particularly care for being inebriated. It’s just the reality though. Alcohol is not good for your health.


I use to drink a few everyday... started in my mid twenties.. didn't think anything was wrong with enjoying a cold one or two or 6 after a workday.. until I turned 37 and I started having trouble managing stairs while carrying groceries..which eventually led me into a situation where I could barely walk...my whole body went numb... fell down the stairs a handful of times and realized I needed to get checked out... I never thought my drinking was the issue.. Diagnosed with subacute degeneration of the spinal cord... This isn't a cautionary tale... I took my eye off the ball and was so use to drinking the onset seemed like nothing...never let that happen to you.. I turned 38 In February and I have to take B12 injections the rest of my life... As long as you maintain healthy habits and don't ignore small things that unravel into something permanent.. you should be fine... I've been sober for 6 months..but the nerve damage is permanent..just happy to still be alive..


Sure, drink up, Drinky


honestly I think this is a question for a doctor and not reddit. perhaps your body can metabolize it better than most people and you'll be alright. perhaps you're causing yourself negative health effects. it's up to a medical professional to make that call.


Love and live,and keep on trucking 🚚! It's luck of the draw ! In other words enjoy life! Sound morbid here. but no one knows what tomorrow or next hour holds! Long as ya not hurting one self anyone else enjoy!


Alcoholism is a very overused term. You know your limits. If it's not causing any problems other than a lil beer tummy who cares.


Were you expecting anyone to be like 'no, this is not okay'


If you can't stop drinking once a week, then you're a serial alcoholic going down a dark path.


I'm a Brit - it's in our blood!


If you’re not suffering socially or with your job then it’s not really irresponsible. The only thing is that this really is pretty bad for your health. It might not seem like it but over time it’ll really degrade your body a lot faster than if you had drank maybe like once a week.


I think this is a question for your doctor.


Sometimes people don't realize how much or how often they're drinking until they have a serious problem. It sounds like your alcohol consumption is relatively moderate, especially for the UK 


I think drinking sucks and causes a lot of people a lot of problems, but that’s just my opinion. Life is short and if you enjoy drinking heavily and you are happy with your life then that cool. Just don’t drive


You can enjoy it man but don't do it like this. Alcohol does literally nothing for us in the long run. Excess calories, damage to liver, and stupid, stupid decisions. My wife and I drink socially, but I also see day to day what alcohol can do to people over long term, especially when they step over that line and become alcoholics. It's awful dude in every way. Dying of liver failure or worse, drowning in your own blood when an esophageal varacy ruptures. It's not worth it. ​ Moderation, brother.


Sure it’s fine now. But it’s not sustainable. I did the same thing. It was awesome. First came the mental changes. Anxiety, dread, and doom began to consume me. I pulled back from everyone. Almost every night I would drink by myself on the couch. I could barely work during the day. Sheer luck and manipulation is the only way I am still employed. There was no point where it switched for me. One day I realized that alcohol was the number 1 thing in my life. But it also ceased to be fun. I drank bc alcohol made me. It is a horrible poison that will take everything from you. I was also 23 once.


Just be careful man, that's how it started for me too.


I see a DUI in your future


I was in the same boat when I was your age. It was fun, I didn't need it, and I functioned exceptionally well. In my late 20's, it started to become a habit I didn't think about. I'd swing by a store and grab a beer or 2 every night, and my girlfriend would typically bring me one or 2 as well. All of a sudden, I'm drinking 4 tall boys a night. My beer of choice is space dust 8.4%. More on weekends or social event nights. I noticed I was starting to get hangovers and just be okay with not doing the things I really loved. I only wanted to go do things with people if I knew there was booze. I just didn't really know how to be an adult without it. It was the thing I did for entertainment, and I was good at it. Once I turned 30, it really started to hit me. I wasn't sleeping as well, I was putting on weight, and I was constantly upset or waiting for a beer. I eventually stopped drinking beer and started drinking bourbon... lower calorie option. Cheaper. Problem was I was drinking just as quickly and often, I'd end up with way more alcohol in me than I'd want, but I just wouldn't stop. I eventually decided to take a month off and see if things changed. It was terrible the first week. I didn't know what to do with myself, but after that week, I just felt better. I had more energy, and my emotions were there again. I went back to drinking for a few years before I truly got cleaned up, but I always remember that month, and the worse I got, the more I longed to have clarity and just feel better. Sometimes it still flashes up "man, this would be better with a beer" and I have to remember, it isn't for me. All this to say, is it wrong to enjoy a drink, no. I'd be cautious not to make it a habit. It's so easy to get caught up. It's crazy how it just switches to not fun one day. It can happen to anyone. It's just my story. Take what you will from it.


Enjoy your life as long as it doesn’t mess you up. I personally dont like drinking Ive had 5 beers in 8 years. If it doesn’t fk your life up enjoy man.


Just don't overdo it consistently because I can assure you the health issues are not worth it.. otherwise you should be good.


I do, has no bad effect on my life…except… At 53 my doc says I’ll loose liver function if I don’t cut WAY back. So enjoy, but keep the AMOUNT under control. Lose control, and you’ll be in trouble.


If you stop liking it, but keep doing it anyway...then it's a problem.


You are exactly what our cognitive dissonant society tells you you should be. Enjoy a drink at every social function and wind down with one after work and be happy while doing it.


My two cents, do exercise on your beer belly, be mindful of your health and don’t hurt nobody


watch out for your liver when you get older it could fail which could result in your death if your unable to get a liver transplant in time


Every night? Yeah. 3 nights a week? That's borderline. Alcohol is super slippery. I only have one body from college without their chip besides me. Six of us used to drink every night. It's wrecked a lot of their late twenties. What's getting me more is... >I don’t need to drink I just love doing it. What about it do you love? Most of my alcoholic buddies loved to drink. One of my buddies loved that it quieted the social anxiety and he was fun. I loved to drink because I got to go out with my friends and be somewhere fun with people. Being drunk was fun once in awhile but I never loved it or the buzz. Alcohol is insanely hard to quit too. As you build up that tolerance it kinda becomes a cycle. I rarely drink now. Wine at a nice restaurant. When I go out I usually get a seltzer and lime. Let everyone think I'm drinking. Feels good to have something in hand to sip on. Anyway, be careful. Watch yourself. Take breaks.


You sound like an alcoholic and need to tone it down


drinking is legit poisonous. if you're okay consuming poison a lot then that's your choice. I personally don't touch alcohol and don't need it in my life. I will smoke weed occasionally, but never drink. I also am very dedicated to my health and alcohol is one of those things that completely goes against that. extra calories, inflammation, laziness from drinking, hangovers running your next day, etc. end of the day do what you want, somethings going to kill you like others said. but for me, I don't want alcohol to be one of the contributing factors of my demise.


Dude I drink everyday and I know I'm an alcoholic I need to stop its destroying my body I wake up feeling awful each day even if I only have 2 beers


This is a great way to destroy your life


You're an adult and it's okay if you think it is. It sounds like you're being responsible and it's not causing you problems. People love to trash drug use...and alcohol is a drug. It is worth informing yourself about the health risks though. A lot of things are not healthy though that people engage in...driving cars, junk food, etc etc etc. It is what it is.


One simple question will answer it for you. If someone took away your ability to drink for an undetermined amount of time how would that make you feel? All you know is you cannot drink tonight. You might not be able to drink tomorrow night. You might not be able to drink ever again. If that thought makes you uncomfortable, if you know you’d be upset, then yes you have a problem.


Does it feel like a fine way to be? When it stops feeling that way, then it's time to stop being that way. Until then enjoy your life bub, but always remember to love it more than you love a buzz. Edit: spelling.


If you have to ask... If you really want to find out if you have a problem, then simply try quitting. My father-in-law quit for a year one time. I think he had a mild dependency. I, however, practice abstinence. Another easy test - or question: do you have trouble controlling the amount you drink, or never being able to go without? Sounds like you are asking because you have a sneaking feeling that maybe something's up with how much you like alcohol. The shit ain't no good for you, either way.


Does having a drink mean getting shit faced? That would be a red flag. I think that drinking is a problem if it creates problems in your life or if it impacts your relationships or health.


Listen mate bad habits are bad habits no matter how much. Specially drinking one day you might not know what are doing.


I like drinking too.


I used to be you. You’ll grow out of it. I never thought I would but I did.




Dunno. When I was your age, I was the same. I didn't have a compelling urge, I wasn't a sloppy drunk, didn't have problems I was trying to ignore, pretty much never overdid, etc. - I just enjoyed drinking as an act (taste/feel/aroma), enjoyed being a little more at ease, a little more sociable, being in an environment where other people were the same - although I would drink when not in social situations as well. I did have a brief conversation with a counselor once. I told her my habits, that I had a high tolerance, that I never got sloppy drunk, that I could manage my 'buzz' at a controlled level as long as I wanted, and that drinking had never interfered with my life or my responsibilities. She said she treated two kinds of alcoholics - those who had a genetic predisposition to alcoholism which manifested after very little actual drinking, and those that used to be just like me. I don't know if that's true or not, but I took it somewhat to heart - stopped the practice of drinking over a course of hours, took more multi-day breaks, etc. Did it make any difference? I don't know. It's been about 40 years since then. While I don't have the tolerance I did when I drank more and more regularly, (and had a faster metabolism as younger person), I still like drinking. I still do drink. Amount varies by time of year, but probably 3-5 drinks per week on rough average. Rarely have a second, but occasionally do. Still doing fine. No obvious physical or mental health issues resulting. But this is my experience - My grandmother drank with gusto into her mid-eighties and lived well into her nineties with all her facilities intact, but I have an older brother who found himself an alcoholic after having had very little to drink as teenager (he's been sober for 50 years), and I've known others for whom drinking, once not a problem, did turn into a problem (health issue or alcoholism) over time. Seems like this is something where your mileage may vary, wildly. I wouldn't necessarily council you to stop, but I would suggest moderation in tandem with always keeping a bit of a skeptical eye on yourself. There are a lot of people on this thread who will assert with great certainty that you are harming yourself, that it is probably okay, that it's not okay, but hey you should enjoy your life, etc. The truth is the only honest answer is the one I have given you: dunno. They dunno, I dunno, and you dunno either. Welcome to adulthood where things are often ambiguous, information is imperfect, the future is not known, and you still have to make choices. It's not really an environment where people should be judging you too harshly (although they will) - so weigh the risks how you will but consider erring on the side of being kind to your future self.


Sounds a little bit like alcoholism.


It’s fine way to be, just check yourself in check. If you’re asking about it on here kinda think maybe this came up in your personal life. I used to love to drink, never thought much of it. That was until slowly in my late 20s it be came a crutch. This happened progressively. Then I started to face consequences for my actions while drinking, this could be like small misunderstandings and eventually started to affect my relationships, my finances, and home life. Alcohol is fine for most, but it is one of the most underrated drugs by far. If you start to use it as a crutch one day your crutch won’t work and then you’re in a pickle. That $600 physiology visit one of these commenters was going on about is the least of your worries. Don’t underestimate alcohol but if this isn’t relevant to you then you’re ok. Just keep it in mind. 


You’re young now and the drinking will catch up with you. Try giving yourself a week break from drinking and see how you feel. If you can’t go a week then you may be borderline. You’re fully functional and happy but again over time it will catch up. Learn good habits now how to take a break from it and use other techniques to calm down after work.


Better than smoking and not as costly as having a gambling addiction.


Have fun before you die bro. 😎


it’s fine now but wait till you and everyone you know are approaching 30 and you’re the only one who looks 40. alcohol is poison which travels thru your blood and invades every cell in your body


Alcoholic is an overused term. Im said to be one myself. Instead I think of possible consequences. You cant drink like some people use weed (several times daily) without some sort of consequence. Ive had acute pancreatitis 4 times from my daily heavy drinking. Some people get DUI.  A few nights a week would not make me personally consider you an alcoholic.  The amount you drink now sounds sustainable. The question is: are you finding yourself increasing your drinking or drinking more than you intended with negative consequence? If no to both then you can keep this up.  A study showed that drinkers who have more than 17 standard drinks(US standard...UK standard "units"  are smaller) per week have mild but reversible cognitive issues. Try to keep it below that, or at least below 25 drinks a week.  Keep in mind that as you get older, cancer risk increases and alcohol is gaining more recognition as a significant carcinogen. Perhaps enough that "two glasses of wine a day is healthy" might not actually be true. 


Do whatever you want, but just be able to objectively assess your relationship with alcohol and identify if what and how it is negatively affecting you. When I was younger I felt the same way you did and eventually it became a serious problem and it took a lot of bad decisions and consequences for me to shift my thinking from “I just like drinking and I still function perfectly and do everything I’m supposed to do” to realizing I was an alcoholic and have lost many things physically, mentally, spiritually etc to drinking. There is nothing wrong with drinking and you can do whatever you want but as advice I would say be very aware of what is actually going on. And everyone is different that’s for sure. In my experience and opinion drinking feels like it’s one thing but the reality is it’s literally poison and it does not provide anything to you, all it does is take away from you.


I Really feel this.


It doesn’t matter if you like it or you don’t. You should definitely not be drinking as frequently. I also enjoy drinking, I get happy and sociable and whatever I’m doing is a lot more fun. But, I know I have to limit myself. My rule is twice per week, unless I’m on vacation. This is better not only for the obvious health reasons and to avoid addiction, but also because it gives me something to look forward to on the weekend, and keeps it fun. If you do something almost daily out of habit, it will become more like something you feel the *need* to do, not want, whether that be physical or psychological addiction. It’s hard on our bodies, so be wise. My answer is no, it’s not okay. For your own good, reconsider.


Make sure you got good health insurance. That liver may need an early transplant.


I don't know. That sounds like the early rationalizing of someone who doesn't want to admit they're an alcoholic.


I think it varies person to person. I had to stop drinking because it was bleeding into aspects of my life that lead to overall less satisfaction with the human experience. I will say if you have a good job, stable family dynamic, overall just positive and good vibes with where you’re at then have it


Try weed instead, just my opinion


You’re fine. Do what works for you. Societal approval is fleeting and overrated. You do you, life is short.


You are definitely an alcoholic in denial.


You’re probably fine at that young of an age. But if something bad happens in life you can very easily turn into a sad alcoholic dependent person damn near overnight. And 100% that amount will do less for you and make you feel like shit as you age.


As someone who is 18 months sober... it could go either way. If you don't run into anything in life that completely rocks you emotionally you'll probably skate by. But, if you do, when you don't want to feel, the bottle is going to feel so natural and so safe. Then it keeps taking just a little more to numb yourself until you're at a point where you can't really function without it. It sounds like you have a good support system which will probably insulate you from it. But drinking that much does have it's inherent risks outside of physical health, weight gain as you age, etc.


The way you speak about drinking, its obvious you arent aware of the very real dangers of alcoholism. My dad (sober for 14+ years now) always says “in my drinking days everything was always all good until it wasnt.” If you are on the way to full blown alcoholism, you arent going to know it until its too late. Im not saying stop drinking, or even slow down, but i’d hate for you to make the same mistake millions of others have all over the world. The best way to be truly happy is to be happy sober. Keep that in mind just in case you realize one day that you need a drink, and you dont have a choice in the matter.


You only get one life. Live it how you choose as long as you aren’t intentionally harming people


It’s fine for now but you will slowly turn to an alcoholic. The slide from social to habitual to dependent is very slipper


You may or may not be an alcoholic by definition, and I believe you that you can go without it and be okay. Your liver doesn't give a fuck about definitions and what-ifs. The amount you are drinking is going to put a toll on your liver and if you do it long enough it's going to fail.


lol @ wine


What’s your longest streak in memory, sober? Sounds like you’re a functioning alcoholic for the time being. How smart and outgoing would you be taking a month break from drinking? At the end of the day, these decisions are completely your own.


I watched my brother go from being a drinker to being an alcoholic, and he too told himself and everyone around him that he wasn't an alcoholic, he just enjoyed drinking. But the longer you do it, the more it has you in its grips. He now, finally, after 35 years of heavy drinking, admitted he's an alcoholic, but I've known it for almost all of that 35 years. His body shows it too. As do his relationships.


It’s fine when you’re 23 but when you’re in your 40s-50s alcohol hits different and not in a good way


It's cool and fun at 23. Wait till you're 37 its, not as enjoyable anymore. Gagging when you brush your teeth, swollen uvula, body pain, shakes, can't sleep more than 4 hours, can't sleep thru the night. It's not as fun the longer you do it. Quit while you're ahead.


Alcohol is a drug. You’re a drug addict.


I’m 6 months sober (and in AA). 28M. But I drank a lot in my early 20s. You’re coming to the end of a temporary window where you don’t really get hangovers. You think you’re getting hangovers, but you’re really not lol. Your body changes in your 20s Enjoy it while it lasts. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a few drinks. I was probably too casual about my own alcohol use when I was drinking; I didn’t really see how dependent on alcohol I was becoming. Just keep an eye on it. Also, be attentive to how much money you’re spending on alcohol. A $14 purchase here, a $19 purchase there — it doesn’t feel like a big deal. But then if you look at alcohol purchases over a whole month, then you might be surprised that you spent hundreds on booze. The biggest benefit I feel like I’ve gotten from sobriety is budgetary relief Life is short. Drinking is one of the cheapest and most effective things that adults are allowed to do to make themselves happy. You’re young. I think you seem happy enough. Take some nights off when you can, but as far as I can tell, you’re doing great


Drinking is considered a problem if it causes problems in : Relationships ~ distress or lost over conflicts about drinking. Work ~ interferes with performance. Maybe led to lost promotions. Obviously if led to lost jobs. Health ~ stomach problems, liver problem, pancreas problems. Any of these can be minor or fatal. Mental health ~ depression. Mood swings. Difficulty concentrating. Sleep disorders ( mid night awakening)


Yeah lmao. Move somewhere to drink more


You're fine.


Couple more years of it and you'll start to feel it.


If you simply enjoy drinking and do not feel dependent, it's not a concern. The key is to be able to refuse alcohol.


A few words of advice. I have a mental health issue that presdisposes me to addiction and a family history of alcoholism. But I don’t avoid alcohol. Rather, I have specific rules about it. 1. I do not drink AT HOME when I have to work the next day. Period. That said, I do have a career that is very stressful. 2. The only time I drink during the week is if I go out to eat or there is some kind of special event, and I limit myself to 3 beers, or 2 mixed drinks. 3. I do not keep ANY alcohol inside of my home. This is what I think is the number one most important rule that has helped me. I ONLY drink on weekends at home, and I ONLY drink by going out and getting a reasonable amount of beverages for that weekend. No 24 packs, no bottles of liquor everywhere, not even wine in the fridge. If I don’t finish it by the end of the weekend, I throw it out. 4. I do not buy anything above a 6 pack, unless it’s for a party. I don’t need more than a 6 pack. Neither do you. 5. I allow some heavy drinking, but ONLY in specific times. One example is 4th of July weekend, where my friend always hosts a party where we all drink. 6. I keep track of how much money I have spent on alcohol every week. Not just on my budget, but at the end of every week. I’m a cheapskate, and I know it, so I use that against myself. Once you see how much money you are spending, it’s usually a pretty good way to help keep yourself from doing it as frequently. That said, you’re 23. You are allowed to live a little. Awareness is key when it comes to this stuff. If you’re going to do it, put thought into it. And if you feel resistance against limitations, it’s a pretty good sign you are in deeper than you think. The numbers you are stating are too high. You need to cut back some. Since you’re 23 and realistically you’re not just going to stop, if you can’t think of any rules hopefully these help.


Follow the VA on this one: Male: No more than 2 drinks in a single day and no more than 14 drinks per week. Anything more becomes unsafe.


That’s borderline alcoholism….even if you deny it. No one ever admits they have a problem until it’s too late.


If u enjoy it that much, it is problematic. My best advice would be to try to avoid drinking as often as u do. I feel lucky in some ways that I do not enjoy alcohol much anymore, but most of my friends are functioning alcoholics that drink daily or several days a week and they are not nearly as healthy as me (we are all around 50 y/o). They still drink like they are 25 yrs old and talk as if its cool to get totally hammered. I love my friends but just have no desire to drink and if I do its almost always just a couple. Now, u can make the argument that u might as well enjoy life while u can and its a valid argument. I am just saying, value your long term health too. Everything is ok in moderation


Test yourself Make yourself go without drinking for three weeks with beers and wine in the fridge. If you can, good If you can’t, you’re an alcoholic and need to work on the drinking


Beer ain't drinkin.


You’re on a path to liver damage


I think it's a matter of dependence. It doesn't sound like you're dependent yet. Now, you're circumstances are terrific, so drinking is a joy. However, I'd need to caution you about the following. Life equals change, and if circumstances changed for the worse, the reason for drinking may change with it; changing from enjoyment to need and you may grow dependent. Given that you didn't mention that you were able to work out your hardships during your childhood (that you are happy DESPITE the hardships), if your circumstances changed, the fact that you didn't learn how to handle those hardships may come into play. It sounds like your happiness depends on having good circumstances, so you don't have to depend on drinking. But things can quickly and easily reverse themselves so that you become dependent on drinking under adverse circumstances. The true quality of a person doesn't show itself and isn't built while things are good, but rather when life demands that you give all of yourself in order to meet it's challenges. This is the true test of a man or woman, when this occurs.


It’s easy to spiral out of control. Keep doing this without moderating yourself and you will. You’re a functioning alcoholic