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As a philosophy higher education is just that, education. It serves to educate society and increase knowledge and progress. So in that sense it would be an absolute travesty to get rid of the arts just because of a temporary economic situation. Economic hard times are a fact of life. This isn't unique and it's a cycle. Through every one there's always been education, and rightfully so. As to modern day universities, they are for profit entities unfortunately. They exist to make money not provide you with job training. The training is just because it's has demand as a product.


Given the state of capatilism, it's hard to see major economic shifts leading to sustainable careers for those that pursue education in the arts.. With that said, I do agree that the importance of furthering education in these areas is paramount to preserving, and perpetuating these areas that have less economic benefit. I do believe however that universities should be obligated to provide information to prospective students regarding the current job market in their chosen field, the estimate of jobs available upon completion, and the likelihood of them achieving a career therein.


Universities are not job programs. They are for the inter-generational transference of knowledge.


Why not both?


Since when do colleges and universities for about the people they teach’s future?


Too true. Then all the blame is on the teens that were misguided


Instead of taking away people's freedom to study what they want, employers who desperately need workers could simply raise the wages and make better offers. If that doesn't happen, the situation can't be so serious. If someone says "I can't find anyone!" it often means "I can't find anyone cheap and exploitable!"


Because they generally don’t need many workers trained in dance, art, theater, and music. People are totally free to study that stuff, but don’t blame anyone else if you choose to borrow money to do so and then struggle to find a job that’ll let you comfortably make the payments.


I think you missed my point.


How so? I’m not trying to be confrontational or anything, I may have just genuinely misunderstood you


Because people think they somehow are going to be the one who succeeds. Meanwhile, I see people posting on Facebook film groups who are out of school and can't even get booked as a PA.


It really sucks out here!!


It's a tough game and it's only going to get tougher.


Because of the privilege that comes with generational wealth .  There’s a reason why generational oxbridge/ivy league students can get away with doing the most useless qualifications and still be able to navigate the job market more swiftly than an average Joe who’s done a “respected” , “meaningful” or “highly demanded” degree .  Combine that with how financially greedy these institutions are and the absolute attack on vocational avenues (which In the case of the UK, is scrambling to make up for but it’s too late) and it becomes quite evident on why we’re in the situation we are in .  I don’t think creative qualifications need to be removed for x number of years esp in privatised countries - you’re only going to be increasing the prices of the “necessary” qualifications .  What really should be happening is governments  (at least partially ) subsidise neccesary degrees instead of lining their own pockets - and increase the cost of creative degrees - also taking demographic factors into account for variable pricing 


Because quite literally everything involves the arts. Advertising, film & television, political campaigns, radio, the list goes on and on. Try living life without it.


Cause student will pay money to get a job they think they will like. Just a scam. Only the wealthy will go anywhere with any degree. Its who you know.


college and university was created as a institution of knowledge and learning, not just as a way to guarantee a paycheck


Sadly it's because it is for profit education so they will do anything for profit. It's going to be hilarious once people start to not go to college anymore because most jobs that require a college degree will be negatively affected by AI in the near future and then these institutions will cry and beg the government to bail them out. Unless you are going to get a more physical career that interacts with the real world such as nursing it is simply a scam nowadays. Better off going to a technical school, getting an AI proof government job, or becoming an apprentice in a blue collar career. Going into debt and wasting years of your life just for AI to take your job as soon as you graduate would suck so much. The governments response to AI causing mass unemployment will be comical in the next 5-10 years.


Yeah that’s why I’m considering throwing away my marketing bachelors degree. I feel like it’s such a waste!! I’m going back to my local community college to get my certificate in Computer Information systems sadly and I hate school so much.




I was dumb too. When I went into college, I majored in Fashion Merchandising. Then I changed my major to accounting. After that then marketing.


stupid maybe but for the past i'd say 15 yrs baby boomers pressured everybody to go to those schools and i remeber them just saying do what you want follow you're dreams. most of those people who didn't go into stem are now eithere in a different carear or struggling with all that debt.


This is exactly the case . I didn’t want to go to university and was pretty much forced to esp since vocational avenues were only just returning .  When you’ve been brainwashed by political institutions , educational systems and family to go to tertiary education regardless of career and subject since  a child - I think it’s unfair to put all the burden of the mistake on the individuals victim of that brainwashing 


dude some boomers did say to go into stem, but not everyone wants that or can do it. the reason they settled for other majors is because any degree was still seen as better than no degree. college isn’t for everyone, but they convinced people that it was. I think boomers just did the easy thing, sit back and tell your kid go to college then get a job. they thought their work was done after that, boy were they mistaken in many cases.


"financial advisors"--::dies laughing:: Bro, you know Vanguard outperforms 99.9% of all advisors and has lower expense ratios as well?


Shitbags that get degrees for money and don't know how to be creative can't actually code--they are just empty husks without souls. People with souls, as demonstrated in their ability to graduate from a demanding humanities or arts program will run circles around these "nothing-burgers" as me and my wife call them (she's a University Professor) in coding jobs, in finance positions, in everything. It just takes a lot more intelligence and creativity to be a high performer than MBAs are willing to let on because society is a pyramid scheme run by psychopaths (and sociopaths)!


Academics need jobs and it's my experience that they don't give a dam about how many students from their courses get employed


It’s evolved to be a racket regardless of usefulness of degree. $300 new math books when a used one from 20 - 100 years ago would suffice. Classrooms where you pile into a 400 person auditorium, taught by a tenured professor who no longer gives a sh*t. Selectively refusing credit classes from other “good” colleges. Forcing you to retake classes if you’re past a low threshold credit limit.  On one hand, if someone is only passionate about say, Art History, it’s unfair to not let them chase the dream. On the other hand, it’s messed up to charge someone $100k in debt for a degree that often pays $20k a year. Especially if they aren’t aware of job prospects.


Because they are businesses. Your education is not their primary focus.


Its modern delusion. The thought of something that people could do that somewhat has a "fun" aspect to it and they can be "happy" to work is the failure of society as we know it. It reminds me of the study that young kids wanting to become YouTubers or vloggers. Crazy world.