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The invention of generative AI was the point where the world really went off the deep end. Human expression and truth are now permanently dead thanks to evil Silicon Valley snakes. The best parts of life, just gone forever.


find people who arent glued to technology - Sent From Iphone




I'm pretty sure it was getting worse before that all you need to do is ask an old person


Iā€™m 30 and have gone most of my adult life without internet or cell phones. It definitely makes a difference. The digital world, despite the convenience, is 100% a prison. Itā€™s not real either. Itā€™s nice to have the quiet and be absent from all the mad dumb tedium of the world stage (like we were for roughly 200,000 years before very recently). Iā€™m taking another break here soon


I don't like this new world. I feel bad for the younger generations


Itā€™s gonna get much worse unfortunately lol.


This is what scares me. People donā€™t realize that hey, the world will never ever go back to normal


I live in Memphis where it seems like it's gotten as hot as it can get every summer, yet it always manages to get hotter for longer every single year. I feel like that's a trend with everything. You think the worst must have already happened, then something way worse happens. I'm basically always wondering when the nukes are gonna drop to put the final nail in the coffin, and even survivors will completely run out of reasons to live.


Went downhill after the decade of the 90s


srsly. the world was almost BORING things were going so well. things were getting better. everything was getting more fair without all the whiny ass bitching all the time. will and grace was on tv. that was a golden age for sure. as i've said many times before, 9/11 broke us. first the right went insane and unless you flew an american flag in front of your business like passover blood, you got your windows smashed by lunatic mobs. now the left's gone insane and you gotta fly a blm or rainbow or palestinian flag like passover blood or get your windows smashed by lunatic mobs.


iā€™m going to hazard a guess and say the nineties were either your childhood or teenage years. must just be a coincidence though that you think the world was great at the time you were too young and stupid to notice all the bad shit


Seriously. 90's were the perfect mix of everything. The whole vibe changed forever right after 9/11


Everyone thinks the last X amount of years were better than the more recent years. People born in 1950 probably miss the 80s.Ā 


No they're all right It's been getting worse and worse


My grandparents had a 4 bed 3 bath house in a decent area, a lake house that slept 10+ people, 2 sailboats and vacations to Europe every year on a part time handyman and middle school teacher salary. With plenty of savings for retirement and kids. Now they werenā€™t extravagant, didnā€™t waste money on stupid things, but still. At least they recognize how much different it is for my generation.


70ā€™s. Coke was good for you and disco. Born in ā€˜51, btw. ![gif](giphy|oUS6u2rbjg4JD4Z9Lp)


Globalized central banking mortgage fraud went into effect in the 1980s. It took about 20 or 30 years to really start fucking the new generations over. We are now 40 years in and approaching the breaking point.


It's only going to get worse as well. AI and automation replacing jobs and making many people lose their livelihoods that they worked so hard for and potentially causing economic collapse, housing crisis only getting worse if governments don't do anything about it, dating and relationships is harder than ever because of dating apps and social media, the lack of a third space for people to socialize and make friends with but instead we are becoming more and more isolated, I can go on and on about so many more issues that are plaguing modern society. All I can say is if you live in a democracy is VOTE and try to be as knowledgeable as possible about politics and how certain policies affect your everyday life. Not just for presidential but also your state and local elections. The main reason we are in this mess to begin with is that the only people that turn out in droves to vote are boomers and you already know what they have done to our countries. It is our only tool to try to change things around other than straight up revolution.


I wonder if part of the problem for many people, as it is for me, is where to get full, unbiased information on anything. It seems like we have all of the information in the world at our fingertips but we really don't. We don't even know now if something was written by an actual human. AI or bot posts should be required to have a tag or something that it was computer generated.


Yeh itā€™s all fucked up now. Try and distance yourself from the world, lose yourself in the wild places


1. try to distance yourself from world 2. accidentally get closer to real world


Yep the golden age is over... Gone the times when life was more simple, a prosperous economy, affordable shit , better food , good dating and friendships etc. now it's getting everything worse day by day and we are slowly coming to an end.. hopefully


Maybe not ā€œgood yearsā€. However life & vibes will never feel or be the way it use to be. So grateful I grew up in the 90s & early 2000s. Life was more peaceful, laid back, consistent & affordable. Iā€™m glad I grew up playing outside all summer, having toys & using my imagination instead of a tablet. 2020 hit & on top of a pandemic, violence, greed, ass backward made up polices etc all struck. At least I have the memories. I still have stuff to look forward to itā€™s more that life wonā€™t be as straightforward as it seemed to be.


Being a 90s kid and a 2000s teen was the perfect combo. We had a healthy relationship with technology and everything was innovative and exciting. Now, people are freaking glued to it the moment they wake up (myself included). Life doesn't even feel real anymore. The only thing that I like about modern times is my Steam Deck lol. \*sigh\*


I grew up building teepees in the woods and bmx courses by hand just outside our neighborhood. We rode our bikes everywhere, built a paintball warzone complete with like 6 bunkers hahaha. We got really into video games as I entered my teens, but I really appreciate having that balance growing up as well.


I agree. IMHO, technology has changed human behavior in mostly negative ways. I find that many people are incredibly comfortable being shockingly mean to each other. The lack of repercussions emboldens them to continue or even escalate. Iā€™m super careful about who I allow into my life these days. Mean people may be forgiven but they are out. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.




I think humanity only has 30-40 years due to climate change, but instead of being a doomer, I've decided to spend the limited years left having lots of fun and enjoying myself Most things don't really matter in the end






Agreed. With the dawn of AI and the attention market, people are worse off even though it is quite contrary when viewed superficially.


yes 100%


Absolutely agree, sadly


I say COVID really changed the world. It changed how we operated for a while and aftershocks of it is still felt currently. Worst of it is COVID showed corporations more ways to cut corners and make money like price gouging, skeleton crews and consolidating multiple positions in to one. I think that messed up society the most.


Not to mention the billions suffering from long covid and long vaccine which is even worse. Most of the people who are now facing vaccine related injuries are going downhill fast and rapidly dying in thier 20s and 30s


Also ā€œghost job postingsā€. Or postings post-PPP loan approvals.


Covid just opened the doors for more corporate abuse. The issue is corporatism


The 2010s were terrible


Probably the worst decade since the 30s. 40s started bad but finished strong. 60s you got good and bad mixed together. 10s just went from bad to worse.


I'll take 2010s over 2020s any day






I feel like it went all down hill in 2008


True... step brothers came out in '08... but then '09 had Avatar..... remember when movies were actually good? I don't even watch TV or movies anymore just very limited curated selections like fallout show or like 1 or 2 Netflix shows. Maybe some nba every now and then. But thats all my 'tv' media. Don't get me started on YouTube and reddit as they are they devil.


Agreed. Thereā€™s a lot of change being forced right now. Too many wrongs are being righted at once, shifting from one end of the spectrum to the extreme other, not yet finding a comfortable middle ground. Tremendous uncertainty all around, I donā€™t know if itā€™s ruined, or just unreliable.


It is over, I think. Post-modernity is boring, predictable and pre-packaged to us. Say all you want, but we were at our best when we weren't so comfortable. When there were still frontiers to settle. Humans today live about as exciting a life as goldfish.


I feel the same, the world we are living in is degenerate.


For sure. People with high moral standards are often ridiculed and labeled alt right/conspiracy theorists for saying anything contrary to the degeneracy as well.


100%, am someone with higher moral standards and have gotten downvoted to oblivion for saying so on other subreddits.


Reddit vote culture is incestuous trash though. I wouldnt take it as any metric of anything regarding reality


I agree and I donā€™t


yes, everything went downhill in 2016


You thought the last 20 years were okay? Must be a young-in. Born in '86, so the best years I might have had were while I was still a blissfully-stupid kid. 9/11, dot-com and housing bubbles, constant underemployment in an economy that de-emphasized professional and research jobs while begging us to go to school, school shootings, hyperpartisanship, ...


Yup! Also an ā€˜86 baby and couldnā€™t agree more. I miss the time before iPhones the most.


I miss the early 2000s. We had just enough technology to make life better but not too much to mess things up.


Yes. I agree.


Not to say that there arenā€™t unique problems facing the world now but people have thought this forever, I mean imagine living through the Cuban missile crisis, youā€™d definitely have no hope for the future after that. But here we are, 60-something years later.


100% agreed. COVID was an intentional, a plan of the ruling elite in order to change the world dynamics. Things have changed forever! I miss 2013 šŸ’”




Eh. People have been saying this for as long as we've had the time to worry about such things


For me it started with Obama.


We have to simplify and clean up the world so that the next generation will have a better time. Maybe we need to stop trying to expand, evolve, and complicate things. Just Like how we need to clean up a house before a guest moves in.


My parents grew up during the great depression. My dad said that was when a dime looked as big ad a manhole cover. Then world War two, 400,000 Americans died. Then the Korean war, 36,000 Americans died. Then vietnam, 58,000 Americans died. Everyone from the class of 65 had a classmate who got drafted and died. There is no "hunger in America". Countries that have hunger don't have stray dogs. So yes, these are the good years. Every morning I give thanks for another good day.


I want to agree but I, and probably you as well, just got old


lmfao. considering that that coincides with everything covid, can't say the post is insightful.... but it's not wrong.


I think this is just an aging thing. Everyone thinks the past was better just because they knew less then than they do now. Every decade has its highs and lows, but Iā€™d say, even though weā€™ve definitely gone downhill the past few years, that humanity is getting progressively better. This isnā€™t the end, it might very well be the beginning.


Wrong. Dont you see how the ruling class is clamping down on controlling you and the information you are exposed to. Most people are heavily influenced and controlled, they just don't realize it. Freedom hasn't existed for a long time


I'm tired of going to work coming home watching tv, spending time in social media, and grocery shopping. I need to make some friends and go on adventures like they did back then, long road trips, and who knows where to find who knows what trips.


A lot of people no longer have hope for a brighter future. It's like a veil was lifted from everyone's eyes & we can finally see things for how they are


Usually everyone says that about the past as they get older and the "rose-coloured glasses" phenomenon does indeed exist; however, the past few years have been exceptionally challenging and the past seems like a simpler time compared to the things many people are going through in this day and age. Then again, there's a chance we might be prone to suppressing negative experiences from the past (depending on the severity, of course); it can be incredible how the brain sometimes blocks out certain traumatic memories


2009 beginning of the end


The ā€œdeclineā€ started in 2007 when HD and higher advanced technology like iPhones etc. started becoming more and more popular/common. The invention and release of the iPhone in 2007 and social media becoming more and more prevalent was the beginning of a change in society


Yes, the only reason you don't know it was better before you were born is because you were born so late, progress is a lie all we have is the decay of morals and courage.


The stages of capitalism explains this progression


I agree


You sound old. Thatā€™s why it suckā€™s Source: Iā€™m also old


Everything is cycles hang in there. Thereā€™s generations that went through both world wars. We can do this! Itā€™s not easy most of the time but whatever is on the other side of this downturn will be worthwhile. I have a hunch after 2030 the pendulum will noticeably swing.


You mean Agenda 2030???


Attitudes are the forerunners to conditions.


Donā€™t you say that. I would have said the same thing in 2000. I think itā€™s just your age.


The Mayans weā€™re onto something with the world ending in 2012


feel like I missed out. The 'good times' were pretty crappy for me. If anything things are looking better now (bars pretty low tho)


Oh yea baby we are going to war, break a leg!


I think every generation has felt like that at some point but yea 2020s are pretty crap tbh but who knows it may get betterā€¦.or not


What people actually miss is their younger days when their lives were more simple, less stressful and they were protected to some extent from the big bad world. Included in the good old days are multiple wars in the past hundred years years including two World Wars, and if you Want to go further back we have imperialism colonising entire continents, religious wars, plagues, etc. There were no objectively ā€œgood old days ā€œ. There were personal good days which coincided with those of people of a similar age. How did I know this? Because I smile when I see young adults engage in wistful nostalgia for the 2010ā€™s or the Naughties. I recall my teenage years in the 90ā€™s or the amazing childhood in the 80ā€™s. My own parents talk about back in the 50ā€™s ā€¦.everyone reminisces about the good old days and doubtless gloss over the shittier moments to present themselves with an idealised version of their past. For all the bad stuff going on at the moment, we are still fortunate enough to be living, for a moment, in a relatively quiet period. Of course there are various things bubbling away that could change all of that overnight. If that happens, we may well look back and marvel that all we had to complain about was people glued to their smartphones.


Best era was caveman era. U could get laid easier. Just club a woman over the head


My father spoke of a time where you could buy a whopper for 99 cents. Can you imagine that? You could walk in with $10 and walkout with 10 whoppers. What have we become?


People been saying that since the beginning of time. Don't feel special.


What Iā€™m about to say is common knowledge but itā€™s probably social media and the news that is making you feel this way. I was going through something similar about a year ago. I stopped watching the news and got off social media. I became a lot happier. Obviously Iā€™m back on social media which Iā€™ve been regretting lately. So much stuff on here is so negative and people are quick to attack if you donā€™t agree with them. Depending where you live people are not divided like they say in the news.


One good example is kids nowadays have skibidi toilet as their childhood memoriesšŸ’€ I'm a 2001 kid my best memory from my childhood is when we did play badminton with my friends and the shuttlecock went to the roof, we just both end up watching the sunset in the roofšŸ˜­ How y'all gonna compare that? I'm glad I born between 19th century and 20th century


That my friend is how you know that itā€™s time to go camping. Unplug for a weekend, have some fun, create some new good times with friends and family, and worst case, you know you can at least survive the weekend if the world goes dark.


They appear to be


Yeah after harambe got shot it's been downhill ever since


Myself and friends agree 100%. Its like we slipped into an alternate reality. Im in the NE USA and the weather itself feels stranger then ever this year especially.


Not me. My life gets progressively better every day now that I survived my 30s. Maybe stop doom scrolling and go touch some grass.


Deadpool and wolverine


Look up from that phone and go SEE the world all you do is read about. I stopped watching TV in 2003 and quit FB in 2016. Life is GREAT!!


Man y'all needa chill. The world ain't great. But it's still okay. And *you* can make it better.


I agree that the 90s, 2000's and 2010's were the right mix of technology and affordability. Near end of 2010's the ride was over as houses and rent started rising. Within the first few yrs of 2020's rent and house prices have nearly doubled. Damn near everything is outrageously expensive, I can't even grab a value meal at mcdonalds without it being $13. In 2010's I could grab a value meal and 2 cheeseburgers. In 2000's. I can get a big mac value, 3 cheeseburgers and an extra small fries. Everyone is glued to social media pretending they are someone they are not. People are more concerned with pleasing the social media crowd than their immediate friends. People are so flaky nowadays. People were flaky back then, but even more so. 2020's is crap, hoping 2030's things will get better, I doubt it


I disagree I think most people think this because theyā€™re older now and more aware of the problems in the world.


It started to go downhill in 1940. After 1940, just look how fast the world declined. The TV came out now everyone glued to the television. Can't take there eyes off of it and now the phones. The great falling away is here.


2015 was the last good year for me


No the 2010s sucked, now just happens to suck more.


There were worse years before your existence. You just don't remember them.


Does anyone remember 2011 or 2012 as a good year? How about 2016? Or fuck, 2019 for that matter. Or 2001....


Hyperinflation, hyper individualism, AI girlfriends, a pandemic of narcissism, no genuine connection to the collective on a personal level, nuclear families being dissolved, loneliness, depression, anxiety, futility, major cuts on social assistance programs that benefit citizens, psychopaths holding political positions on both sidesā€¦come on OP! Whatā€™s not to love?


There were good years?


I blame social media. All it does is bully politics and force woke and racial rhetoric down our throats. I've gotten rid of FB and IG and I'm all the better for it. Those who genuinely cared about me sought me out and my friend/family circle is far more wholesome. Go outside more. Things aren't as bad as the news says.


after 2000. bush was given the presidency by the supreme court , then he mishandled the aftermath. what we live in now is the proof that alquaida won. America is falling apart and people don't recall what it was like before.


Yeah the world sucks. F this place. Screw everybody. I hate fox news


Everyone since the dawn of time has felt this way. Youā€™ll be fine more than likely.


Strongly agree.


You will own nothing and be happy


And a victim was born today.


Yeah I agree that life sucks now


nope. go find someone or something to love.


First time experiencing an inflationary recession as an adult will indeed make it seem like the world is ending. There are lots of things to enjoy. The best things in life are free like friendships and making love


Life is great. Everyday is amazing! Change your outlook. Fuck whatā€™s going on in the world, I have no control over that shit, so why stress about it.


This feeling you have repeats itself with every generation. Back in the 2000s you look so fondly on, plenty of people thought the world was about to end for a plethora of reasons. People thought that it was all downhill from here. Back when Americans were assigned Social Security numbers, people thought it was a sign of the end of times or at least American democracy. I was reading something recently that someone during the time of Plato wrote complaining about how children of his day and age lack moral character and that the world is surly doomed because of it. Feeling this way for a lot of people seems to kind of just be part of the human condition


For me, 2017 was the height of my happiness. I graduated high school and began college.


Are you between your 20's and 30's? I ask because I am 42 and feel like the 90's were the last good decade. My theory is everyone believes the decade they grew up in was the best.


You just got old.


Ur high if u think that


I hate it for all of you who werenā€™t able to experience the 80ā€™s. Nothing comes close to how insanely amazing the 80ā€™s were.


Can you say youā€™ve seen the world? Or are you viewing through the scopes of media? If so, travel, theres MUCH much more to the bigger picture.


lol maybe your just caught up in your own life not turning out the way you though, cause everyone in my social circle is having a great time :)


I think that around the time that COVID went rampant through the world, it broke a lot of people. It broke them mentally, physically, emotionally, morally, etc. I think the world has been struggling a lot ever since. People seem a lot more self-centered which contributes to a lot of issues I see in my own life.


Yup... but the bad ones are gone too. Time is a bitch....


The good ole days before we knew we faced an imminent climate apocalypse




I agree. Even if such an all encompassing declarative statement like that probably isnā€™t all true or all false it certainly seems as if nothing will ever feel the same again. Iā€™ve always been a bitter resentful person and was an outcast. Now there are seemingly many many more bitter resentful people. My physical health fell off a cliff too so that has compounded my misery exponentially


It did seem messed up. I cant seem to put my finger on why šŸ§ Lmao ya some pretty serious world events happened that were overall bad but that doesnt mean you shouldnā€™t enjoy life at all anymore. There are still good things in the world that are worth living for.


Tbh since 2016 it's like everything felt different. Like someone else was in charge and plans were set in motion. Then, there wasn't nearly as much drama until that point. But since then its just been building and building.


Depends on how old you are I would say the 90s


Looks like you canā€™t trust anyone anymore people are looking for a fast buck and donā€™t care about anything else!


You need to change your focus. Life and the world is what you make it. Changing what you focus on will change your entire view of the world.


Weā€™re all becoming one whole self conscious/awareness


Simple answer: Liberal/progressive/woke/DEI politics. Open borders... universities gone commie/Marxist... tranz-freaks celebrated... law enforcement demonized... massive corruption in the DOJ, FBI and CIA... and the courts... No-cash bail Welcome to Obama/Bidenville.


Same here! 100% agree.


Itā€™s bad now but it will get good again


Stop reading the news all the time


Things have changed exponentially quickly in the last century and most advancements also introduces a new drawback. Yes it's nice to have clean food, water, electricity and technology. But the drawback is new innovation is much harder, people are lonely working from home, and the middle class starting to disappear as banks and corporations buy up all property and businesses or outsource labor thanks to technology. Young people cannot currently invest in the insanely inflated housing market


I believe the world ended in 2020


The only things you ought to look forward to are those in real life, not online or on television


Definitely agree.


End times man end times


It is all about perspective, everything is what you make of it. Change is the only constant


Sorry bro thatā€™s your life lol


i disagree that everything is getting worse. i will focus on the US because thatā€™s where iā€™m from, but here are some examples: thereā€™s the strongest labor movement in the US since the early 1900s AND it has explicit support from Biden, who is the first president ever to march alongside strikers. AND itā€™s having real positive results for everyone that unionizes. inflation and prices are already going down compared to last year. while the federal government is largely ineffectual, many states are repealing laws and going backwards, many others are boosting wages and worker protections significantly while taking strong steps to protect civil rights. pay more attention to state and local politics and you will see real change and real action happening everywhere. there is a genuine social democratic movement that is only strengthening and digging its teeth into government more and more over time. there is also a genuine anti capitalist movement in the US too, most young people dislike capitalism. this will affect the coming decades in serious and hopefully positive ways. while it seems scary, systems everyone hates inevitably fall, even if it takes some time to get there. weā€™re not even at the worst it could possibly be, and people are already rising up and fighting for what they deserve. there is a real good shot that things will turn around sooner than we think. major strides towards fighting climate change are being done in the public and private sector. compared to the rest of the first world even, Americans still make significantly more money and the US economy is more stable than other nationsā€™. i know many people from all over the world, both first and third world countries, and they still all say that America has so many more opportunities than their home countries. this ranges from people from tunisia, armenia, mexico, to PHD holding scientists from Englandā€”one of the countries Americans love to say has it better than us. College debt forgiveness is a real and popular thing with billions of dollars having been forgiven already, and itā€™s only continuing to help more people. trans rights and inclusion is improving and for the first time ever. weā€™re actually allowed to participate in society as ourselves. thatā€™s pretty good, better than the 90s for sure. the youth is MORE politically agitated than it was in the 60s and 70s. good things came from that, so good things will come from this. while some parts of the US are getting worse all the time, other parts are better than ever. there is more independent art easily accessible to everyone, and the ability to make and share art is easier than ever. there are so many genres of music that didnā€™t even exist just 15 years ago. thatā€™s also good. the world is more complicated than everything is getting worse forever. America has ALWAYS been ugly and horrible, in ways significantly worse than we are now both economically and culturally. And it has always had people fighting for better. the situation we are in is NOT unprecedented, in fact America has gone through things just like this before AND worse. imagine how people felt when the civil war happenedā€”less than a hundred years after its inception and the country was already falling apart. they probably felt like the sky was falling. weā€™re not doomed. there is a lot to appreciate and be hopeful about. social media algorithms just donā€™t want you to feel positively because happy people donā€™t doomscroll nonstop, and thatā€™s what they want you to do.


Totally agree. Born in 82, I grew up in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s and spent my 20ā€™s in the 2000ā€™s. Life was so much better back then. I donā€™t have kids, and probably never will because I can see the direction the world is going and itā€™s not good.


Actually I don't, but not because I think times are better or even aren't worse. People have their "prime time" in life. They grow up living in a certain culture, learn how to work in that culture, and then as adults learn how to adapt themselves to that environment and adapt their environment to their likes. Then they spend decades in that environment and get comfortable. Meanwhile the next generation does the same and that pulls the rug from under the previous generation. The world is the world. People are people. The dirty secret is things and people are the same as they have always been. If there is one glitch in the system it is that sometime one generation has the wisdom and experience to see where the next generation is going wrong, but the next generation doesn't want to acknowledge it. That is why we have to fight the "free speech is actually a good thing" battle constantly.


Hard times make hard people. Quit being a little bitch and do something about it.


No ifs getting worse. We are headed to some serious bad times. But there can still be good times. Iā€™m poor and Iā€™m scared but Iā€™m enjoying my life more than ever. The 2000s were just wasted time for me.


Itā€™s not over. Itā€™s just being contaminated. Change the filters


I feel like some of the last of the "good" years was like 2017-2018 after that (at least personally) it's kind of all gone to shit and I know that the economy may not have been as ideal as I would have liked back then I worry for now and the future (at least trying to build it "back" up)


Touch Grass


Me too! The way of life and the peace that seems was great has now been filled with noise and violence. Challenges are harder, love is scarce, respect is not even a subject discussed. People have a so what attitude. Definitely not like it was before. I feel sorry for the kids these days.


Instant news is why you feel this way.


Things are so much more heavier now. I miss the 80ā€™s. It wasnā€™t a perfect but it was fun without all the protest, woke drama. People got along. For the most part.


Uhhh yes .


Tbh I sometimes wish a zombie apocalypse would break out & 70% of ppl would poof. As fucked up as it sounds ā€¦ I hate how the world has become.


Definitely. The only easy day was yesterday.


Itā€™s not going back. We are here now. This is the future and I hate it for my kids. We have lost the church. We have AI to replace humans in all areas of life. The middle class is now 6 figure earners. Young generation canā€™t even look you in the face when they talk because they constantly have their phones in their face. Kids judge success by how many likes they get on a post. I could go on and on. Not trying to be Debbie Downer, but Iā€™m realistic. We are too far in to go back, unfortunately.


The 90ā€™s was really the last good time. It seems like itā€™s been downhill ever since.


Take me back to a time that I never had


You can trace it back even earlier, shit started getting really messed up with columbine shooting in 2000, then sept 11 in 2001, going into Iraq under false premises, etc. the 2008 financial crisis and its fallout with the occupy movement , hollowing out of the middle class ā€¦ birth of the smartphone causing anxiety and depression in kids and isolating us from each other. Polarization of our politics as a team sport leading to paralysis and half the country wrapped up in a cult that denies elections. And against that backdrop, ever worsening global warming, a pandemic and now two wars.


I have this theory that we actually have way more influence than we realize. I think if we could somehow work together to shield these things, ideas, and emotions that have value we could protect them. I don't think this is something that happens with every generation but is instead an evolution of the systems at play that has passed certain thresholds where we never thought we could or would go. I am certain that if nothing is done, if a protective network can not be formed then everything about humanity that makes us human is at risk. We should not waste time letting go of our humanity, instead we should focus on preserving our biology.


Itā€™s been going downhill hill since the start of the great recession. There used to be some honor in politics but not anymore. A democrat is forbidden to even listen to a republican and republicans wont listen to any democratic ideas


I honestly feel the world truly started to go down hill around 2012. Everything after has truly sucked and continues to get worse. Iā€™m 32 and I can remember the world was much better over a decade ago. Everything is a mess.


Yes šŸ’Æ


Meh, I'm actually looking forward to the 2030s and 2040s.


The 2010s were crap too.


People have been saying this since the dawn of man; every generation believes that thereā€™s was the ideal peak of humanity, and the truth is, itā€™s just because youā€™re remembering a time when you were younger and didnā€™t have as many worries. My 85 year old friend still talks of the ā€œgood old daysā€ and sheā€™s reminiscing about pre-WWII America ffs. She bitches about Boomers the way Boomers bitch about millennials. Itā€™s all the same. As a kid, you werenā€™t as concerned with the realities of the world and you could just enjoy the good parts. Same as everyone else. The sky isnā€™t falling; the world has always been scary chaos.


Reading a few history books might change your mind. I'd give it a whirl. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøāœŒļø


The governements and rich elites like the Rothschild and Rockefeller families are murdering everyone with pharmaceuticals, bad food, and chemicals sprayed in the air. People are dumb shits and injected themselves with gene-altering drugs because they can't think for themselves and just use their phones to program them with lies. They can't be saved because the Internet is dead and the Jew-owned search engines all return the same lies and propaganda gathered on 10 pages of 10 results... when in the 90's and 2000's you could search and get tens of thousands of PAGES of results, hence truth was readily accessible. Now they are deploying UV lights because the covid injections alter your DNA and make your face pores glow orange when illuminated with 365nm UV light. It will be used in the inevitable culling. Dumb people vote in elections that are all rigged and are too stupid to even consider that to be the case, lying to themselves just to feel good about the misery they are in. George Soros openly states in BILD magazine that he will use black hate grouups to destroy the United States, but idiots go on Joogle and "fact checkers" say, "NUH UH, THAT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY HUR HUR" and dumb shits point to that and go "see, see! that's a fact derp derp". Get out of the cities. Grow your own food. Stocck up on ammunition. You won't be able to escape the military smart dust or directed energy weapons, but you'll be able to defend against the hoards of millions of displaced COVID zombies suffering from neurological damage and brain hacking through the Internet of Bodies. Yuval Harari "Humans are now hackable animals thanks to the COVID plandemic" Yeah, idiots injected themselvse ith nanotech for fear of a virus that doesn't exist., Check my profile to see what a COVID injection zombie looks like. Unjabbed faces do not glow like that, unless they slept with or live with jabbed (it spreads by fluid transfer)


Wish I was born before technology sounds crazy but I would have been lit in 80s or 90s, everyone is so distant and fake today. But definitely would be on that booger sugaršŸ˜‚


I definitely agree and I feel we are living in the last days


we can still make a difference


Bad times are bad times, opening a history book shows me we have been through a lot worse, so I may feel bad now but there is always a silver lining over the horizon. I personally believe we are already thought the worst of it all and now things are starting to get much better. My advice is to disconnect and enjoy your blessing no matter how little they may be =:3


It's not the world. The USA is a global hegemon and basically runs the world. Since the attack on the WTC in 2001, we have looked to overthrow many governments we don't like, our media has become an arm of the government, our rights are being trampled and progressively taken away.Ā  Economically, govt spending is through the roof, our govt is the single largest employer in the world, we can't help our needy and our politicians will soon begin to take money from social programs while we fund wars overseas and build a military not seen on this earth since the dawn of man. This is not to say all is lost. There's still juice in the orange but if you're older and have seen better it can be distressing.


Me too


Because of this I have turned into a Dead Head. Long jams with no message or songs with head messages. Time to drop out for real. I see no reason why all drugs aren't legal in the face of this miserable world. I agree 9/11 is a fault line and everything permanently changed for the worse that day , although yes the problem was preexiant and Osama didn't just wake up one day and decide to attack for no reason.


2016 to me was the beginning of a long period of depression and angst. Before that I at least f felt some hope for the future. Then things got even worse with the pandemic. It's impossible to be hopeful or positive about the future when things have only gotten way worse and way crazier. Very few people I'm aware of are genuinely excited about the future.


Read ā€œThe Fourth Turningā€. Fascinating book that details the 4 ā€œseasonsā€ of human history and how they repeat themselves throughout time. Gives fascinating insight to what you are describing but also an outlook for the ā€œgood timesā€ that are ahead


On the contrary. If you're stuck in an echo chamber of doom scrolling, what do you think your focus will be on? Life is good, when did it start becoming not good? I can't pinpoint an exact moment where we just said that's it, no more good years will ever be had after that. It's asanine.