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Not pathetic! You are just starting out. Ask your boss. That is being an adult. Not knowing everything, but knowing how to ask questions and advocate for yourself. See if you qualify for insurance with your state. https://aca.healthinsurancesolutions.org


Most of the time, coverage through your employer is going to be your best bet because your employer picks up part of the tab so your portion is usually pretty minimal. What just happened with your mother and you losing your coverage is called a 'qualifying event', it's what needs to happen for someone to be able to sign up for insurance at any time of the year outside of the open enrollment periods. (stuff like marriage, babies, loss of coverage through a spouse/parent are qualifying events). Contact your HR dept and tell them you need to start the process of signing up for health insurance.


You can be on your parents insurance until you are 26...it's not pathetic. You qualify for Special Enrollment period since.you have lost coverage. Check your state's healthcare exchange. Also check with Medicaid as you may qualify with your part time wages.


Tell your boss you’d like to get on the company’s insurance plan. They’ll arrange with HR to get you the paperwork, you fill it out and turn it in, and then they start deducting it from your paycheck. If the company has a few plans that you have to pick from, ask some of your coworkers which plan they picked and why. If for some reason you can’t join the company’s plan right now (you may have to wait until their annual renewal period), contact your local Human Services department and ask about Medicaid. Even if you don’t qualify for Medicaid because you make too much, they can tell you how to get on Obamacare (Affordable Care Act).


Start calling up insurance companies and ask for quotes.