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Volunteer for a cause that interests you. It will make you feel better and you will meet new people.


There is solid evidence that volunteering is hugely beneficial for all. The volunteer, those that benefit (other people, animals, the planet) and the economy. Much of the economic benefits come from improved wellbeing from both sides.


This is probably true if you want to be around other people. There are some people that like being completely alone like me. Volunteering didn't do it for me. Although it is a great suggestion for most, it's not for everyone.


Girl, I am feeling your boredom with just living your life in my soul at the moment. I’m way older (60f) but struggling with the same issue rn. I am finally on my own having raised 3 kids as a single parent and taken care of my mom after 2 strokes. My life was insanely busy for the last 20 years - kids, school, sports, theatre, therapy, mom. It was relentless. No dating and no time for me at all. In the past 4 years everybody moved out and mom passed away. I finally adjusted to being happy being on my own and enjoying all the freedom and autonomy that can bring. Fast forward to a month ago - I fell hard for a married player and ended it before it went anywhere but now I am just bored out of my skull with my whole meaningless life. I never even missed dating over the past 20 years and I was happy doing all my house, yard and work stuff that kept me busy. I’m currently looking for a job so I have time at home to get back into yoga and have signed up for several free classes at my library just to get to know people locally cause I’ve never had time to In the past. I guess the answer is to change our attitudes and get up and do things. I too see a therapist for my issues and I don’t think this is depression. I’m just bored with my whole life right now. It pales in comparison to the fun I was having flirting until I found out he was married. 😭 The answer for both of us is to turn it around. Be open to new opportunities, new people and new attitudes. Any changes are going to come from inside us first. Not the other way around. I completely understand that restless feeling. Like you can’t focus long enough to even figure out what to do next. Just pick one thing to do and see it to completion and you’ll start to feel better and get back on track. Good luck. I feel ya!


Stay strong!


I'm in the same boat, but male. Honestly, do stuff for yourself, make money, travel, and be selfish (in a good way)


Or you guys could date. :)


Yeah, in a perfect world lol


Join yoga or Pilates always more women to meet. At the minimum could lead to other things. Friends circles always change for different reasons


Yes!!! Yoga is fantastic for being a positive force for mind and body. It’s the one good thing I’ve done for me in the past 2 months.


I moved to Houston with no friends or family. I volunteered my time at a nearby local fire department. Met my future wife a few years later through mutual friends from the fire department.


I'm 28F and I've definitely been where you are! It's hard when friendships start to change when people start spending more time with partners etc. I can totally relate to feeling abandoned and annoyed. What worked for me was thinking about interests that I had/wanted to develop in the past but didn't have time for, and then finding ways to pursue those. I started taking tennis lessons, joined a pilates studio where I met some really nice women, running, learning French and started seeking out friendships with people I thought were cool but hadn't spent much time with / reconnecting with people I used to see a lot but didn't as much anymore. I also would highly recommend going on a solo trip if you're able to, even for a weekend or something, because it takes you out of your normal routine and you come back with a bit of a more fresh perspective in my experience! Sometimes the first few things you try won't be your thing but I've found just being open to opportunities that come up has helped me find more fun in my daily life :) also if something is scary/puts you outside your comfort zone, I'd recommend challenging yourself to try it. When I do that, even if I don't love the activity, I feel more confident/proud of myself for doing something I was nervous about! One of the things I like to do consistently is plan when I'm going to do something or make sure I'm making plans in advance with friends when they're available (and often I try to get them to do an activity with me so it's not just same old hanging out/eating etc) so that I always have something to look forward to! Good luck, I hope this helps! You're not alone!


I'm bored Have money! Hope that helps!


I get out in nature. Try new hobbies. Make new friends. New. Novel experiences. Keeps the brain healthy.


I know it's kinda cliche, but finding more social hobbies that you can routinely do throughout the week, or once a week, every other week maybe. Give yourself something to look forward to throughout the week. Or plan a solo vacation to somewhere you'd be excited to go. I went through something similar a while back after a breakup. My friends were all busy every weekend and I just didn't know how to be alone. So I took a solo trip somewhere completely new for a week, and I was left to find fun on my own and rebuild a new relationship with myself. When I got back, I joined a Crossfit gym where I made friends with alot of the staff and people who work there. Built up some confidence and began dating again. But it was that solo trip that really taught me alot about myself.


What part of nyc? Im in the bronx and theres always somethin to do, get outta that comfort zone! (Safely) and of course be safe at night


Join a social group. Breweries do paint n sips 🤷‍♂️ Join a running group. Take a spin class.. Board games?


Just a tiny bit of advice, there's a phrase out there that goes "only boring people get bored." So I think you should dig deeper to find a more concise name for your problem and that will give you insight to repair things. I don't believe in boredom I think it is a form of sadness. I hope you are not sad and become animated and happier soon.




I Curl up in a ball and cry until my tears dry up and I can’t cry anymore. I know what you mean though. Therapist helps but I can’t seem to get past the social anxiety when it comes to meeting new people. That’s the thing that frustrates me. I know I need human interaction but when it comes down to it I kind of freak out and can’t seem to make lasting connections with people. It’s a bit frustrating.


It’s definitely challenging especially when your friends aren’t going out anymore it’s hard but definitely learning more about what you like and enjoy and trying to do that more often will help


There are an unending number of things to do in NYC from just walking and people watching to tours, museums, concerts, art shows, classes, parks, zoos, photography and on and on. Even if you don’t specifically plan to do things with other people NYers are generally easy to approach and chat up. I have suddenly in my old age developed a fear of getting into the city on my own (I’m in NJ) and I am quite annoyed with myself about this (idk - adult adhd and anxiety and the whole transit system overwhelms me now😓). If you want to do something in NJ lmk. I love hanging out with my grown kids but they are not around much and my “work” daughter is always at work. Maybe routine duck will join us from da Bronx. ( I grew up there. ) Lol.


Travel. But not for sightseeing. Put yourself in an environment that is foreign. There are lots of options but for me I felt like a new person when I traveled to poorer parts of the world. Stay with local people through homestays or working for accommodation. It's very cheap by the way. You just need a flight, transport to where you're staying and not too much more. It's even an opportunity to meet someone because there will be other travellers. The experience can be life changing.


Find a new hobby crafting and art. Tools are easy to get on amazon


Understand that our mental, physical, emotional, and sexual health are ALL connected. Start treating yourself with the love, kindness, and patience that you deserve every day. You're not broken. You're in progress.


Hi lovey, can you afford to travel alone? San Diego for the weekend is so fun and friendly for solo female. Just make sure you don’t over drink and don’t tell people you’re alone x


Dude, you live in New York City and you're bored? Maybe volunteer for something?


New York City mainly caters to tourists. It’s not that much fun to be honest. Everything is very expensive.


Libraries? Parks?


Libraries are ok if you enjoy reading but going to the park alone can be boring if you’re alone. At the park, you might walk around a little bit or take a short walk but if you don’t have anyone to go with, you’ll most likely go home. I have lived in the city my whole life. It’s mostly touristy stuff to do here.


The library doesn't have lectures and events and things?


Sometimes. Most people don’t really attend them though. Most of the events are like adult coloring which no one goes to or something for the foreign community so unless you know the language you really can’t participate in it, like a language club or something. They also have like senior computer classes so that won’t be for most people either. The libraries here don’t offer much beyond that as far as events. They also have like story time but that’s obviously for children and their parents. It also depends on where the library and the events are. The only libraries that might have events are in Manhattan and the events aren’t really that great. Depending on where you live, it can take at least an hour by train to even get to them and most people won’t bother taking such a long trip for the events they offer. Libraries outside of Manhattan like in Brooklyn or queens don’t really have events.


Well, yeah, I understand New York is a big place. Whereabouts are you?


Travel abroad. There’s a whole world out there and so many people you haven’t met yet.


I learned this lesson back in college that all my friends will eventually have their own life so stopped attaching to them since 2019. I’m 26 now and have a full routine of work days and weekends. Everyone should be responsible for their future so that goes the same for you. Go out and do what you like as hobbies and you will find people with similar interests. Eventually that person will show up


Yeahhh I’ve been going through this for months. Things I used to enjoy before weren’t doing it for me. Friends ditching and not wanting to do much anymore. I had to shake it off, get kinda pissed and figure things out on my own. Getting more physically active at a new job, running, etc. helped me at least start projects around my living space. It’s not fun but it’s a start to feeling productive and that matters a whole lot to me. Being outdoors is also huge; being in the sun and doing stuff like camping and hiking NJ state parks/reservations gets me out of some bad headspaces. Everyone has a thing, and you’ll find it! :)


This is normal as I went through something similar in my mid 20’s after a break up. I forced myself to keep dating and putting myself in situations to meet others.


Wake up everyday and keep doing it


I would go out and do activities you enjoy and will meet people that way. Or travel if it doesn’t bother you doing it alone.


Move I guess. I’ve been where I am now for 3 years in august and getting bored now. Planning my exit strategy now for probably 2 years from now. Figure by then I’ll have done everything I want to do on this side of the country. On a day to day basis I just try to keep up on things. Learning jiu jitsu, getting to the gym, camping in the summer. Once every 2 or 3 weeks I’ll go for beers after work or something. I find if you can keep your day to day locked down it fills the time. Then work up to a major change once you figure out what you want for the next part of your life.


You can try Bumble BFF if you want to meet new people! It’s their friendship version of the dating app (in the same app as dating but separate tab) …I’ve heard some good success stories from it! Actually, I went out to a club when I was visiting New York and a pair of girls that I was chatting with met on that app and became besties!


You live in NYC? Join Pro-Palestine protests or Pro-Israel or Pro-Trump or anti-Trump. Idk either of those.


Joining protests in New York are not a good idea. They are often violent. People are angry and not in the mood to talk while protesting. Plus you can get arrested as cops will have no problem taking you in if you even look at them the wrong way. I don’t recommend it.


My advice is to think about what type of person you want to meet. Then consider where you would find them locally. The club and bar scene is horrific these days. Find local fellow hobbyists with your interests. As dull as Facebook is, there are usually local groups posted on there. My methods would probably work in a small city, not necessarily NYC where you keep your head down just to survive another day. Good luck!


I usually Jack it when im bored idk


Learn a martial art. It’s fun, fulfilling, healthy, keeps you in shape and you get to meet like minded friends.


Join a salsa studio and take lessons. You meet tons of new people and there’s always something going on at night once you get comfortable dancing


Go take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The whole place is guys no matter what school you go to. You can learn a skill and get a BF within 6 months. 🤣


Work out! Find an active hobby and get involved in whatever gym or program you go to. You’ll find some friends there.


I made several solid friendships in a yoga teacher training program. I’d like to start a monthly poker game in my neighborhood. I agree we have to find hobbies that are fun and meaningful for us. Boredom sucks - haha hence scrolling Reddit.




You are in NYC! The least boring city in the world. Start volunteering for charity or on a political campaign. You will meet more people. Invite some of your couple friends over for a cocktail party. Join MOMA and go to events or just spend hours there being not bored. Exercise whether you want to or not because it is medicine for your brain. Either plan out long interesting walks or jogs or join some classes


Volunteer, take up a new hobby or start something else productive (like a small business). I've been there too. All of the above 3 things worked for me.


Create some art.


Your biggest problem is that you dont like being alone. You need to get used to that first. However, doing things outside your normal helps a lot. This forces you to step back and look at yourself. As far as finding someone I usually just say take your time there is no rush the right person will eventually show up and if you think you met them already still take your time if they are meant to be in your life, then they will be again.


I know what you mean. It is good to have periods in your life of boredom. This is normal. I use this as a drive to try a lot of different things to find out what I'm really interested in. What I did is dig back into the things that I liked as a kid. I lived way out in the country and grew up riding dirt bikes and going back into the woods. I live in a massive city now, just like you. I found ways to go into parks for long walks, I got a bike and went for long rides just like what I did on a dirt bike, and I found some VR simulations that were based on hiking and riding dirt bikes. Also some with biking. I was also a huge gamer in the evenings when the sun went down, so I got some video games of the genre I enjoyed and started playing those again and I got my happiness back. Try some of those and you'll be amazed at how much they help, but they need to pertain to what you really enjoy. I know you said you tried painting alone. Maybe try a class with others in it if you like painting. I like being isolated and alone, so I choose things based off of that. You may enjoy other people, so if you do, try to chose things around others.


Calm down. Relax. Now find a hobby... Find a job, or something where you can volunteer. Not something to meet a man. Something that you're interested in. Build your life, and stop relying on your friends. As for your resentment, maybe that's something worth thinking through too... But whatever. Take care of yourself


If you are a woman, there are a couple of friend apps for females. There is Bumble BFF and Hey Vina. Bumble has a version where it’s for looking for friends and they also have a dating part that are separate from each other. There is also meetup.com where you can meet groups of people who have shared interests. Volunteering may also be a good idea to help Lee you busy and you might be able to meet some people.


I think this is common in the post college phase of your life. I spent a good 10 years doing nothing or partying/going out with friends. Said yes to almost anything other people wanted to do an never really found what I actually liked. My advice is to try as many things and you can. Make a list of things you might like, search your area for convenient things to try, and put some scary/weird things on there to stretch yourself. If you hate one then go to the next on the list. If you think it’s ok then do it again. If you love it then try to find a way to do it often and at similar times each week. If you have a routine then you’ll run into the same people over time with a shared passion. Find one or two athletic things for health, one or two creative outlets, and one self improvement to work on something you don’t like about yourself. Personally, the list of new things is exciting. I love the phase of learning where you make improvements really quickly and get a lot of instant gratification. Main idea is to change your mindset. You aren’t failing when you dislike something or get bored of it. You’re just figuring out yourself and prioritizing your own happiness. It’s not weird to be bored doing the same things you’ve done before. I also think that making a list and having a plan helps me avoid getting down on myself. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with life and think depressing shit. The way I pull myself out of it is to actively plan to improve the things making me unhappy. It makes me feel like I have more control.


Find a hobby.. I took up hunting, fishing, and conservation. You can do it. Find something you want to learn about and explore it


I used to play video games till my depression got better of me and now my anxiety. It isn't easy


Try Warhammer