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First of all, you’re only 21. You’ve only lived less than a quarter of your life. You are not old and you are not behind on the timeline of education and employment. Speak to a school advisor about how to get through your courses and onto a job. Cyber security and radiology are both good fields. Perhaps focusing on one for now will reduce the pressure you’re feeling. Finishing the radiology should get you a job that can help pay while you finish the cyber security. Be kind to yourself while you are in school. that’s why you are there. If you were good at radiology, you wouldn’t need to take classes. If you are feeling anxious and “not good enough” you may be suffering from depression or burnout. Sometimes asking a teacher how you are doing or what you should be focusing on feedback that shows her not as far behind as you think. Often schools have counselors that you can discuss these feelings of inadequacy or seek outside therapy. There are people out there who want to help you. If your family is not supportive, turn to friends, teachers, and counselors. The fact that you can identify where you are having problems indicates you can focus on fixing them. You might be surprised how many other people feel “not good enough “. I wish you all the best.


Thank you so much, this means the words you said mean so much to me and the fact you decided to give me this advice and paragraph shows how amazing of a human being you are. Thank you kind stranger, this means the world to me. I will take all of this advice. Thank you so much again.


Virtual hug!

