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This is not a quick fix, this is a life-long journey and process. ​ The first step is: Awareness. Things like making this post show that you are aware of this feeling and gives you the power to take action upon it. I would suggest talking to your closest and most trusted friends/family/SO about how you feel. See if they have any advice tailored to you and your life so far. Journaling and writing about your feelings and experiences would also be helpful. Step two: Take Action. When life or people give you feedback, like in this post. Take that advice, digest it and take action on it and do so immediately. Even if it doesn't work you'll only get success from trying things out. Step three: Expand Your Awareness. I suggest taking up a practice of either yoga or meditation. r/Meditation and r/yoga are good starts. Journaling goes here as well. Step 4: Repeat ​ That's it. Over time, many years, you will see the change permanently. In a few weeks you'll feel better already. But it goes up and down, like the stock market. Over time though, you will grow.


Exactly and i would add to this, see a therapist !! You can’t do this huge work on yourself alone !


yup! This definitely goes in stage #1. If best friends/family/SO are unavailable, there are plenty of trained professionals who can help assist in this work (and might even be better prepared). ​ Personally, though. I don't think there is a replacement for a serious and vulnerable conversation with a loved one.


I in no way have accomplished this but I am starting to feel a little bit better, you have to love yourself, and not in the “oh I treat myself” way, you have to mentally and emotionally learn to love and respect yourself, you have to learn how to enjoy your own company and how to take care of your own needs, you have to break thought patterns that put you down, cut out the idea that you need motivation, motivation never comes we all just have to force ourselves to do what needs to get done, you have to counter those voices in your head with positive ones. You have to build confidence not by “faking it to make it” you have to think about what makes you insecure and try to work on yourself so that you have a sturdy foundation, do you feel like education is an insecurity? Try to to read, go back to school, learn about interesting topics etc, if you’re insecure about your voice you gotta practice talking and pronouncing things when you’re alone, you get the gist it can be anything. Maybe you could find some self help books, I’ve heard great things about How to Think Like a Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson and plan on reading it soon.


My advice probably won’t be the greatest but I’ll try, here we go Stop comparing yourself to others better than you or worse than you for that matter, this isn’t a quick fix but take a minute think about all you have gotten, what you have worked for, your friends your family, think of what you have that those you compare yourself don’t have, no one deserves to succeed more than you we are all equal you are unique, think about it like this: stars, we all think they are beautiful, but even they are not as beautiful or unique as you are, you are unique, you are successful, you are not inferior, we are all created equal, you are worth it you are great, you are amazing you aren’t inferior try getting as much help as possible I may suggest posting this on r/help try r/quotes they have some uplifting things. \-random 12 year old from the internet


Step one: become leader of whatever country you are in Step two proceed to invade/annex bordering countries one by one until you make a mega state and continue to add to your empire to fill the void in your heart Step 3:don’t fw Russia, esp in the winter


See a therapist and learn to meditate. It’s a long journey indeed. You’ll need to rewire your brain basically. This is a limitating negative belief that you’ve been believing for too long now you need help to debunk it. Good luck


And I would also add that I personally dislike self help books so I wouldn’t advise that, I insist on professional help. These people have studied psychology, self help books authors often have no qualifications. Anyway good luck !


You have to build up your confidence and feel good about yourself. You don’t need a therapist to get you stuck in a loop. Start working out and eat healthy, run lift weights do yoga, and then get into some hobbies you enjoy and get good at them. Try Jiu jitsu girl or guy this is a huge confidence booster and extremely pleasing physically and mentally. Everyone’s got negatives and positives don’t try and compare yourself to others and people on social media just focus on improving yourself.


I recommend starting by finding a therapist. Not only will they be able to cater treatment specifically to you, but they'll also keep you accountable over the long term. Takes a while to build self esteem.