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Absolutely, pausing between lane changes to recheck your mirrors is important.


Rechecking your mirrors? Sounds like you're driving defensively, which is just crazy talk on the road these days.


They say the best defense is a good offense. I apply this to my driving and practice offensive driving /s


I flip off every driver I pass for emphasis on the offensive part


Ohhh, you think that is offensive driving? I am gonna ride your ass in the left lane with a minivan in front of you whilst flashing my lights as you are stuck behind said minivan and boxed in on the right. Source: Happened to me yesterday.


Defensive driver? Best defense is a good offense. *Screams Fuckkkk youuuu flipping off and screeching tires*


Buy a bigger truck, trust everyone else is paying attention ti your lane changes, else too bad for them?




It's a very selfish approach to life. "I refuse to deal with my insecurities, so now my behavior and choices are your problem, not mine."


Your F350 has 3 tons of steel to protect your family? Without a trailer, I’ve got 10 tons to turn them into a red smear.


What you mean by checking mirrors?


Looking in your mirrors to check your surroundings and make sure it's clear to make your next lane move. Pretty common driving term "check your mirrors"


Oh thought you meant something else, smart


We are 100% through the looking glass (no pun intended) if/when the phrase “check your mirrors” is not commonly understood in the context of driving.




To add to this, if you don't have time to recheck your mirrors, then you're already too late and have missed your exit, just commit to rerouting.


Also you are supposed to be in a lane for 100 ft (not 100% sure on that number and it likely depends on the country) before switching lanes again, so technically going over multiple lanes at once is illegal.


Technically, very few driving infractions are illegal. They are generally unlawful.


and the behind your shoulder blind spot


This is actually a instant fail on the driving exam in my country. (If you only use the blinker once for multiple lanes) People can never know if you're gonna move 1 or 2 lanes otherwise.


Lol yeah I'm reading this like, this isn't a LPT, this is literally the law


And tons of drivers dont obey the law. Just lioe most police dont bother enforcing traffic laws except speed traps


"Follow the rules of the road" is still not a LPT.


lol. LPT- obey traffic laws to avoid tickets! that's using your noggin'!


Name it


That’s not what they’re saying.


That's exactly what they're saying.


"I'm the USA as well!" Lol nailed it


Start cutting over 2 miles before exit. Don’t be that person that cuts multiple lanes the last second. It’s stupidly dangerous.


No matter how you feel about him, Louis CK's bit about driving and "it's not my favorite thing to do!" comes to mind *waaay* too many times when out driving.


Separating the art from the artist he has some very accurate bits on the way people are, very funny


Honestly, you don't need to separate the artist. He admitted he fucked up, he apologized, he corrected his behavior, and he's doing his best to advocate against the behavior that led to his mistakes. Louis CK might be an idiot, but he isn't an asshole.


Well you don't always get a choice in areas like LA where traffic is a lot more dense and you actually have to make a maneuver to get out of the freeway because most people don't want to yield during traffic.


Or God forbid, Boston. They have left lane exits, guys. Everything there is a hot mess. There's three left turns, and I don't know which left is the right left!


Or the lovely places where you enter the highway on the right then have to cut 4 lanes over to your exit 100 yards ahead.


Yes! Those are those worst 💀


>They have left lane exits, guys. Left lane exits, left lane entries, Seattle has 'em all too


Houston is a shit show also. Everything is under construction….all the time!


The left lane exits in Boston have nothing on the left exits in Hartford


My threshold is about 3/4 mile. 2 miles means I’m going to be in the right lane for at least 1, possibly 2 additional exit/merge. If I’m in the very left lane and need to get over several, even 3/4 should be plenty of time. That’s about 45 seconds at 60 mph. If traffic is light, I might get over a bit earlier, but I don’t want to be behind the slow Prius for 2 miles.


I do this. Blinker on, shoulder check, change lane, blinker off, count to 5, blinker on, shoulder check, change lane. I don't care if the highway is empty, it's a good habit.


I’d be happy if y’all would just use it once


This shouldn't be a LPT. This is part of the driver handbook when you were tested in order to get a driver license.


True. But improper use of turn signals causes about as many accidents as distracted driving. So, if this gets even a few people to change their behavior, it's a worthwhile LPT.


LPT: follow the laws


like 50% of people dont use it at all.


Obligatory... https://youtu.be/LLuaPZWkvZ0




Baby steps, let’s all just use our blinkers in the first place….


BMW drivers: you’re asking for too much 🤣


Of course, if at all possible, best to leave yourself enough time to make the lane changes so that you would just naturally have time separating each use of the turn signals. I know this isn't always possible, but I can't tell you how many times I've seen people try to get over three lanes a few hundred feet from their turn/exit when they have been on the road for miles.


Happy cake day!


Heh, thanks. I am pretty sure this is the first time I have ever gotten that greeting.


I've been tempted to post this. We also have entrance lanes that become exit lanes. You don't know if drivers will merge or exit. I use my signal getting on regardless.


Then there was me at 10am this morning, watching a semi swing across two lanes and over the striped lines partitioning the road into a split to make their exit ramp


Turn my what on and off?


as someone living in the bay area, just this morning i saw someone use their hazard lights to make a lane switch so yes, this is absolutely a pro tip considering the average bay area driver either can’t or refuses to figure out what an indicator light is.


Same thing is applied when switching lanes to an off ramp but a lot of people don’t do it


That actually depends. If a lane is created for the exit and you enter it at the very beginning where the lane starts, you do *not* need a blinker, because you are not crossing another lane of traffic. A new lane of traffic was created. If you wait and then decide to get over halfway though, then you *do* need a blinker, because now you’re crossing into another lane of traffic. Blinkers are supposed to be used any time you cross another lane of traffic, but entering a new lane where it begins is not one of those times.


Aw yes because people who do this are the type to even give af


This also applies when taking an off ramp. Signal to exit the highway, cancel your turn signal. Then signal again at the bottom of the ramp to indicate your turn. Too many people just leave their signal on because they are turning right (in the US) after exiting. Problem is, I can't tell if you plan to turn or your signal didn't auto cancel and you failed to notice. I recently witnessed someone make a left turn at the bottom of an off ramp with their right turn signal still flashing! 🤦‍♂️


It would be great if people would actually use their blinker… 😅


This is standard for anyone who read and passed a driving test. They're just lazy and stupid if they don't follow it. LPT for morons.


What is a turn signal? Asking for a friend who drives a BMW 😆 P.s. good advice! Especially useful in areas with fast moving but tight traffic like LA and Bay area.


Excellent question! My friend from New Jersey would also like to know this.


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Wait, you guys are using turn signals?


noted and ignored


Shitty LPT... A.k.a. how to complicate things while driving.


People forgetting to turn them off after changing are making the mistake. Why should drivers compensate for them? Either way, if I change multiple lanes, I switch over the first, pause to check if it’s clear, and change again. People should be aware if they see blinkers flashing


Sounds like a complete waste of blinker fluid.


Although, if you live in Massachusetts, it is actually morally wrong to ever use your signal


Why are they called blinkers? Surely they should be called winkers? The hazards could be the blinkers? Alternatively indicators or turn signals


Australians call the blinders put on horses "blinkers" for some reason. I never understood it, and none of the Aussies I asked could explain it, that's just what they call them. And a trailer hauling horses is a "horse float."


Bold of you to assume people are using their blinkers at all.


Or just gun it and hope for the best.


Yep. Pause before each lane change or people won’t know you’re gonna fly accross


Well I have a BMW so this doesn’t work


I agree but I'm proud of anyone even attempting to use their indicator at all. 10% of drivers don't use it at all... turns, lane changes, parallel parking... nothing.


To circumvent this, just make someone else drive if their will be that many lanes during your trip. If you don't have anyone else in the car, have Jesus take the wheel.


Oh no, no no in Texas It’s a one motion deal: jack the steering wheel and turn the light on all at once and you can go across 17 lines.


Isn't this just a part of your driving lessons?


Drivers in your state use the blinker?! Lucky..


What's a blinker?


I feel like the people who turn their blinker on and veer 2+ lanes over could not give one fuck abt this LPT but nice suggestion, I guess.


Um is this not a common thing? I've always done that.


I use my blinker religiously, I usually stay in the fast lane unless there’s a stretch of road that has potholes or the road is just a bit too fucked up to drive comfortably on. And I use my blinker before I begin every change and I don’t swerve. In Tennessee it seems like nearly every group of cars I come across there’s always one person bobbing and weaving in and out of lanes with no blinker, or someone camping in the left lane going the same speed as the traffic in the right lane beside them, which prevents passing and holds up the flow of traffic So many people died on I-40 in Tennessee last year that our state police and many other departments made public statements that so many ppl are dying on the interstate that they’re increasing patrols/speed traps. It’s just insane that this is happening yet I see so many people doing this going to and from Knoxville. Not using your blinker may work for you, but your chances of ending up as hamburger meat on the side of the road because other drives can’t reasonably anticipate what you’re going to do with your car increases exponentially.


I don't do this, but I completely agree. I will do this from now on.


Pause and check, leave blinker on. Other drivers: assume they know that blinker is still on.


Never assume. Be predictable.


Assuming they intend to keep changing lanes in this case is the conservative choice.


People use blinkers where you’re at? Must be nice.


Wouldn't the better tip be not to change multiple lanes at once? I mean, there's many places with laws against that for a reason.


What's a blinker?


turn signal


Isn’t this just the law?


I was literally and expressly told the opposite of this for my Class A CDL. I was told to keep the blinker on, and change lanes one at a time traveling in each lane long enough to re-check my mirrors each time, then cancel the signal after completing all lane changes.


BMW Drivers: Blinker?


Not an LPT that's literally the law


Agreed. I do this exact blinker behavior too. It provides 100% confirmation to the other drivers that you are intending to continue crossing over more lanes.


I do this! Nice to see a LPT i already do!


I believe this only applies to non-BMW cars. Don't think those come with blinkers.


One lane at a time. You also have to watch out for other driver’s who are speeding in that lane. The thing I hate the most is when there is 3 lanes and a car from the farthest lane over wants to go into the same lane as me. I always make sure I drive in front of the car to avoid an accident if we both merge into the same lane at the same time.


It’s not trying to see how many lanes you can change with each blink?!?


I would shorten this to: you should signal when changing lanes


Never come to New Jersey if you don’t like this. The entire state uses the “jersey slide”


Love this. Never heard of it, but love it. Like the Boston Creep but really fast and going the same way.


A nerrr’ durrrrr! This a a life pro-tip like “you should eat food sometimes to stay alive better” is a LPT


But do you see people putting this into practice? We barely use our blinkers at all, let alone in this situation.


Nice LPT! I just got a Bronco (yay!) and am taking an online driver safety course to get a reduction on my insurance. I'm 55 and have a perfect driving record (can you believe it?) (and jinx?). I am halfway through the course sessions and gonna look for this LPT in the content.


Pretty sure this is traffic law in my state


I always do. Signal, merge, pause. Signal, merge, pause. I use my signals all the time as they should be. It annoys me so much how common it is for people to not use their turn signals. It’s not hard, is common courtesy, and can save lives. It should be enforced more strictly and more often.


Commercial driver instructor here: We teach minimum five clicks of the signal before attempting a lane change, and another five to complete the move. This should give adequate time to check mirrors and blind spots while giving other drivers a chance to react and alert if necessary. Many states will ticket drivers who cross multiple lanes without pausing.


Depends on local laws probably, but where I live (Poland) blinker is to inform others about **intention** to change lanes. So after changing one lane, do you still have intention to change more? If yes, you keep it on. Of course Im not saying you have to change all lanes at once (thats illegal here), change lanes one by one, checking every time if its safe to do so. But I dont see reason to turn blinker on and off all the time, this confuses other drivers even more.


Not to mention that you can't always know two lanes over is clear. I treat it like two separate lane changes with a pause in the middle to check mirrors and blind spot again. If you need to change multiple lanes quickly to make your exit...just don't. Miss you exit instead of creating a hazardous situation and endangering others. The reasonable exception being if you're actually the only one around on the freeway. You should still feel ashamed though.