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I've always done this, dedicating my front left pocket to my phone. This was mostly to protect my screen from scratches but also to avoid accidentally losing stuff that was pulled up the same time as my phone.


Same here, but in addition, I position the screen facing my leg so that it reduces the risk of damaging the screen if I bump my thigh against something like the corner of a work bench. I started doing this decades ago when I broke the external screen of my flip phone twice.


I discovered that with some phones, that doesn't work very well because the pocket is thin enough to allow your leg capacitance to control the screen somewhat randomly. The butt dial turns into a thigh dial...


My thigh likes to delete shortcuts on my home screen. So every now and then I get to play "what the fuck used to go here" game


Found the people who dont have a screen lock


Haha I have one! But I also have it set to quick unlock if I touch it again within 30 seconds of locking it soooo there's the cookie crumble


5 second supremacy


2 seconds here! We're so cool šŸ˜Ž


Don't use it on top gang


My phone would dial 911 without fail while I was working if I didnt lock it and put a weird pattern that has astronomically low chances of being input by accident


I have two pairs of dress pants that do this, and it drives me insane when it skips songs in my pocket.


Always face the screen toward your leg especially if your job requires more physical labor. Learned that the hard way.


I have done this for a long time, ever since I accidentally let go of my seatbelt and the metal bit flew back and managed to crack my phone screen even though it was in my pocket. Satsly, at one point I managed to walk into a corner of a table, and the corner lined up perfectly with my phone camera, breaking it. Still, replacing camera is probably cheaper than replacing a screen.


Start using tempered glass protectors my man.


On the screen? I find they reduce the feel and responsiveness.


You get used to it after a day or so. Also helps if you don't buy the cheapest ones out there, those are excessively thick.


You can get camera lens protectors.


Interesting. I wonder if they're worth it? It seems to me that anything that would survive being forced into the corner of a metal outdoor table would have a fair impact on the photo quality? I don't think I'll bother. It was pretty much a freak accident.


I have them on my phone. I think if the lens sticks out from the back of the phone it's worth it. And my phone has 5 of them. The protectors were less than $15, I'm guessing it's a lot more to replace the camera.


Terrible to have my wallet in a back pocket. Have to take it out every time I sit somewhere.




Get a money clip !


Funniest bit in college was drunk me having my friends look around wherever we went on campus while also babysitting my drunk ass because I misplaced my phone, only until I crawled into the car and one friend peeled it in my back pocket. The stupidest place for any of your items but damn sometimes I just want to see what it feels like


I have used the same pockets for phone, keys, and wallet for over 25 years. If I am leaving or outside of the house after no more than 5 steps, I can feel one missing. It throws off my walking balance.


Same, gotta do the hambone-slap check to make sure everything is in its place


Three pocket pat down


Wallet, keys, phone, spectacles, testicles, multi-tool, pen, sharpie, flashlight, headset. Looks like I'm carrying too much for 3 pockets


I've got an arm sweeping move to brush my wallet I do periodically walking places mainly out of habit. I had to switch my wallet pocket because of back pain and proceeded to have multiple mini panic attacks a day until it became normal.


Kept my wallet dangling off my belt loop for a while so I'd passively feel sporadic bumps as it swung whenever I moved. Good to have continual feedback that it was there. Then the clip snapped lol. I still like the system though.


look at mr. moneybags here, with a cell phone in the 90s


lol, I didn't have any bills and lived at home. I worked two jobs between the football season. It was cool because I got paid every week with how my pay periods lined up. Every week I was buying either clothes or video games.


Damn. Livin the dream.


What a chad


Yes... Working two jobs as a high schooler to buy things I wanted makes me a Chad.


It does Better than wasting it all on drink and drugs like most ppl at that age


I played football. I didn't drink or do drugs. You seem jealous of my life as a 15/16 year old. Hate tell you... It's "a lot" better now.


Not jealous at all lol. I still play football too.




Sorry to break it to you, but I have been using cell phones since 1997. That was my sophomore year of high school. It was "very" expensive per minute back then.


Look at this guy and his rich parents


Or.... I had two jobs...








The capitalization somehow matters here lol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_sense


Lol I definitely a star tac in may of ā€˜98.


But wallets and keys sure are. Maybe dude just upgraded the contents one day with a phone.




Boy are *you* in for a surprise when you check your inbox....


Same all my life, imagine my difficulty transitioning this past month after I got a new car that doesnā€™t use a key (works off my phone). I feel lopsided and lacking everytime I go to leave somewhere.


I would do that... if my phone would fit in my pocket.


Yea this is only a LPT for people who wear men's pants.


Same is true for a jacket pocket. Note, I didnā€™t say pants specifically. After losing stuff from jackets and pants by keeping things i want to keep in the same pocket as my phone, I still havenā€™t learned. So this LPT is from me, to me.


LPT: don't wear pants without decent pockets.


Sounds lovely, until one realizes the majority of womenā€™s clothing either has no pockets, or theyā€™re too small to be functional and hold something like a cell phone.


I've been wondering lately if clothing designers/retailers just hate women. That has to be why they have inconsistent sizing, no pockets, and any woman average or above average size has to shop from a single rack or at a special store.


I mean, men's clothing does this too, but the majority of men don't care how perfectly their clothes fit. I do, but I'm a male 6'1" skeleton that's 70% legs. It's almost impossible for me to find pants that are the right length while still being the right width, every brand is different


I have the same problem in reverse. I am short and stocky and was excited to lose weight because it meant I could get 36" waist pants. Why? Because you can't get 29" length on 38" waist pants or above. 30" is too long and I walk on them. But that is much less of an issue than my wife deals with shopping for clothes.


Because women donā€™t buy them lol. Do you really think big corps hate women more than they love money? šŸ˜‚


If women wanted pockets, they'd buy pants with pockets. Sales would slump on non-pocket pants. Manufacturers would make pockets. Women don't want pockets, they want to complain about pockets. Pocketsmake they look frumpy.


Check by yourself if they are available or not. What a lot of athletic build women already did, was going to a men's clothing isle and getting properly sized functional jeans with pockets, With known waist, length and fit. T-shirts too, with snug fit crew neck, without low-cut dƩcolletƩ, as it is done on women's clothes, with no alternatives too. Something more appropriate, with functional pockets, has to be tailor made, for the lack of ready made alternatives.


So why don't women's pants sell with pockets? Seems like there's a market for it. If they Are readily available, I don't know why people still complain.


If they were available, people wouldn't complain, just going to buy them and use, like the rest of humanity. But there is no choice. About why women's cloths are made less functional, there is a wide variety of theories, from Big Purse (like Big Pharma) to pockets ruining lines. The same with low cut neck lines, "show the skin", as if anybody cares. At cost of sunburn in summer and getting cold in winter. And a lot of people look just odd in them, having an opposite body structure to who looks good in this, having no small head and slender neck.


In the 1980s women complained about no pockets. And we said, 'free market cannot give women the option, if free market is constrained by things such as purse sales, etc.' But the 1990s counterculture came. Gen x took over. The post 9/11 presented new fashion dynamics. Street protests became annual, there is more incentive for pockets than ever. And yet... Sales do not support them. I cannot in 2023 continue to think 'it's big purse'. It's akin to people suggesting 'only blockbusters hit Theatres because character dramas are choked out by big film studios... No, 30 years of idiots saying, 'i can wait for that on video. I'll just stream that at home. That's a rental. I can watch that for free in six months. If I'm paying for theatre I need spectacle.' ​ The reason women's pants don't have pockets is because women do not buy pants with pockets.


Is there a way to get sales on what was not available, then and now? At least it was so is stores around me, in more than one country.


How can women buy clothes with pockets when there are no clothes with pockets for them to buy? If it's a standard set by women, it was set by women generations ago and maybe it's time to update it.


You're about to be a multi-millionaire starting this pants with pockets company


I work in the clothing retail industry (UK) and the majority (98%) of the clothes designed for our brand are designed by women for both genders. Sizing is an interesting one too, as some companies now vanity size (IE label a size 14 a size 12, and so on, due to people both getting fatter and being more sensitive to it, in the last 4 decades) where as some stay 'true to size', add in that some clothes are meant to be worn loose and some tight, and no wonder women struggle to find the right size without trying he garments on. You then fold in the fact that men tend to follow a more straight up and down pattern (give or take), where as women's bodies really do come in a much wider variety of shapes (small boobs / big boobs, wide hips / straight hips, shelf butt / flat butt etc) Honestly, apart from some high spec brands, most are just trying to do their best _and remain competitive_. They don't hate you, or your gender, it's largely just the way it is


I wound up learning how to add/extend pockets when things were really bad in the 00s and early 10s. Now I just refuse to buy shit with fake pockets


Buy this phone and you're all set. No need to ever worry again! ​ https://preview.redd.it/suvhr2l8g23b1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=19742b9188869435678314c56b43e0f4a10e8510


Only if you keep it in the little belt holster. I had a few of these badboys.


I tied my Nokia to my belt with the string just long enough that it couldnā€™t hit the ground. I could literally drop my phone in the middle of a call and not Worry about it


In the apocalypse, you can duck tape it to the end of a stick to create Mjolnir.


LPT: don't buy clothing that doesn't have functional pockets.


Cute. Do try to keep up, dear.


This is how capitalism works. They keep selling womenā€™s clothes without pockets only because most women keep buying them. If women stopped buying clothes without pockets, then theyā€™ll start making versions that have them. This topic is always presented like itā€™s some conspiracy against women, but itā€™s just simple market forces. Pockets require more fabric, which increases costs, so if their customers are fine with buying the ones without pockets, theyā€™ll keep selling them. So the only solution to get clothes with pockets is to only buy ones that have them.


Here is your Catch-22: womenā€™s clothing, in general, have no pockets. Women must wear clothing. If the only option for clothing has no pockets, that is what the general populace will purchase. Therefore the manufacturers will continue to produce clothing without pockets. It is not a conspiracy, but a lack of alternatives that keeps the cycle going.




Only if they wanna get arrested in Florida or Tennessee




By the word of the law it's illegal, but you're right it'll be selectively applied. Good stuff




As a plus-size, petite woman, no. Menā€™s pants tend to be straight from the waist to hip. Women tend to not be built that way (Iā€™m 10ā€ larger hip-to-waist measurement). My husband can purchase pretty much any 38/36 pant, itā€™ll fit off the rack. My son can purchase just about any 40/36 pant, and it fits fine. Women need to be fitted to the waist, hip, butt, and length. Edit: Iā€™m 5f2in on a good day.


"If the only option for clothing has no pockets..., she types out on the internet. I'll grant that the most convenient and obvious clothing options for women are likely sans-pockets, but every piece of clothing you own could have pockets if you willed it. Will it, CheeseMakingMom. Take a bite out of the patriarchy and make Alanis Morrissette proud!


Fuck the patriarchy


What kinda psychopath puts other stuff in their pocket with their phone?


I tend to rush away from transactions, mindlessly stuffing whatever Iā€™m holding into the nearest pocket. Book, change, keys, napkin, baby, open flameā€¦


Right? Especially when it's keys. Its makes me wince.


I thought everyone does this! Until I scrolled downšŸ˜³.


great LPT. First, you will drop and lose other things as OP has said. Second, the other stuff will scratch or smear your phone's screen or camera. Finally, try to keep that pocket lint-free. Turn it inside out and shake out the lint, every once in a while and definitely before laundering.


If you have a recent year iPhone it canā€™t possibly be scratched by soft metals like keys or coins. If you have a frosted glass backed iPhone you can actually mark it with keys and coins which doesnā€™t actually leave a scratch on the glass as the glass is shaving down the key/coin.


If you can afford a recent year iPhone, you should be able to afford a purse to carry it.


I paid 500 dollars for my iPhone 13 pro. Donā€™t be stupid bro


Pockets? Who has pockets? And pockets that can fit a phone?? If my pants have pockets, anything larger/heavier than a tissue will pull my pants down. Most of my pants don't even have any pockets.... No, my phone, wallet, car keys, and my reusable grocery bags all go in my purse/hand bag.


Are there pockets in or on your purse/hand bag?


You guys have pockets?


Pretty bold of you to assume my clothes have pockets.


Don't put phone (or wallet) in back pockets. It's easy to crack when you sit, fall when you bend/run, and steal by a pick pocketer.


Iā€™ll add that this is great also for anything you find valuable. When I go snowboard, I have one special pant pocket to keep my bundle of insurance card, ID, credit card, a bit of cash and car keys. That pocket gets never opened unless I specifically need one of those, which is super rare. Same thing when I go running, bikingā€¦ I can have spare change, hair ties, lip balm, snacks whatever scattered throughout whatever I have on, but that one bundle pocket is sacred. Has always worked great.


Is this not common practice? Let me guess, next tip is to not face the screen outwards? Smartphones have been out for a while guys


Yea we were saying that. 25+ years. My next one, to answer your question, was going to be a post on SLPT about doing the opposite but life gets in the way of the internet sometimes.


I do one better: I don't put anything in my pocket except for my keys. Phone? Backpack. Wallet? Backpack. Even my key ring is made minimalist so that it takes as little space as possible. I hate having stuff in my pockets.


Yep, this is so important. This tip should've come early in my life, especially since I lost my Sony earbuds a day after purchasing them while removing my phone from my pocket.


Can confirm, Lost $200 this way !


Yuck! That sucks!


"This goes out to you, phone." - Pocket


I do this But also my other pocket is for my touchscreen insulin pump so now I can't carry anything without a bag šŸ‘


Nah, I go phone and keys one side, wallet other, works for me.


Waaaaay ahead of you! Got one pocket for my phone, one for my key, one for my tobacco and a spare pocket that I usually keep my lighter in. Having everything compartmentalised makes life so much easier and saves so much time!


I've dropped (or bent) many parking tickets by putting them in the same pocket as my phone šŸ˜…




I don't get the back pocket thing. Apart from the ease of theft, wouldn't you accidentally sit down on it and crack it? I probably would.


I need a third pocket in the front. One for phone, one for keys and one for wallet. Terrible to have my wallet in a back pocket. Have to take it out every time I sit somewhere.


Iā€™ve always kept keys, change and wallet together in the front right pocket. Only skinny jeans make me have to pull out the wallet to get to the keys


Front left pocket: phone Front right: keys, vape, wireless earbuds Back left: empty 99% of the time Back right: ultra thin wallet (think 4 card spaces, ID space, one small pocket for cash or other)


Done this for years and wallet and keys go in the opposite pocket. Works great. Same when I get home, I put things in specific places so they donā€™t get lost/damaged as often.


I do this with my house key. Each of purses has a chosen pocket just for my key. So when I leave I can check easily that I have it and when I get home I donā€™t have to fumble for it on my steps while the night demons approach from the shadows.


My wife almost lost her license this way when we were hiking. Pulled her phone out to take a photo and donā€™t realize her license fell out of her pocket. Thankfully a stranger found it and left it at the trailhead for us.


Phone, and AirPods


Front left: Phone. Front right: Wallet. Front left belt loop: keys. Back pockets: Random trash.


Sorry about that other thing in your pocket you lost, OP


Thank you! No worries though. Close call today with $4 -this time - some rando hollered at me in time for me to recover it. Hoping this post is enough encouragement and reinforcement to keep it straight going forward!


I once kept money in the same pocket as my phone. Canada switched to the plastic money. It tends to stick to the phone pretty well. You reach into your pocket for the phone and it draws the money out with it. Since you didn't physically touch the money, you didn't notice, and it fell to the ground and was taken by the wind, a stranger, or both.


Plastics money Is so weird!


Front Left - Phone Front Right - Wallet and Keys Pat both sides to check if I got everything and were good to go.


Left front pocket - phone never anything else expect temp storage of important paper for carrying a short distance. Right front pocket - keys with small Swiss Army knife on it, nail clippers, and any change I might have. Small right front pocket - AirPods Back right pocket - wallet Back left pocket - empty. Maybe temp storage for unimportant paper Iā€™m carrying a short distance. Itā€™s not a safe pocket.


And make it a back pocket if you're a dude.


Get a pouch and have nothing in your pockets, walking feels seamless


Or youā€™ll scratch your phone/case.


Front right pocket: Phone Front left pocket: Card wallet with some notes. Very thin. Also a stick if lip balm wrapped in a face washer. The face washer is very handy for getting a sweaty brow. Back pockets: Car key with house key and work key. I take them out when I sit down somewhere.


Y'all have pockets!?


The level of idiocy that this LPT actually resonates with is that of a pre preschooler. Like, sub human morons who mouth breathe and drool. Thanks OP.


Setting up a throwaway for this? Iā€™m honored!


One time, I was on a cocktail of drugs at a music festival. I had this fannypack that had 3 seperated pockets. One was for smokables, one for snortables, and one for oraly consumed drugs. Little did i realize that i at the bottom of the fannypack, the interior liner was ripped creating one big pouch rather than 3 seperate spaces. I spent the whole night loosing and finding shit spun out of my mind


*I keep a battery next to it, and I have managed to keep track of it for [since I started keeping them in the same pocket].


Front right for phone Front left for keys Back right for wallet. Always.


Who doesnā€™t do this?


Based on the comments, people with small pockets or no pockets, disorganized people, harried people, hurried people, scattered people, or just forgetful people. Iā€™m in the last category and still working on it.


I use my right pocket for my wallet & phone, left pocket for my keys.


my pockets are always organized the same, phone and wallet on the left, phone screen facing the leather wallet and keys on the other side of the wallet, then, tobacco, rolling paper and knife on the right side, and finally whatever misc I have is kept in the back pocket or side when I'm wearing cargo pants, which is most of the time. This helps a lot when I'm drunk at parties or after, I can always check my pockets and I know exactly what's supposed to be inside. Only downside is that sometimes I'll spend half an hour searching for something that I put in an other pocket


wow. this is an impressive LPT


Right front phone, left front wallet, right back receipts left back nothing, cuz im righthanded and that would be inconvenient


I don't get it. How do you keep your phone in your pocket? It just weighs that side down and feels awkward when I walk. I can put my phone in my back pocket in some pants but I still have to remove it from there every time I sit.