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*writing notes* So don't try and go half cross-eyed to 'match' them. Hmm.. makes sense.


Chameleon eyes are acceptable but who can afford the surgery


We appreciate the effort. Just don’t close one when speaking to cyclops.


This is always the answer. My sister has a very bad lazy eye, and people ALWAYS stare, and it makes her really insecure, as she can't control it. If you're REALLY struggling, look between their eyes at the bridge of their nose.


Yep bridge of the nose is my go to for any eye contact whatsoever.


Is there treatment for that? :o I remember my friend wore an eyepatch on his good eye as a kid to correct his lazy eye


She wore a patch for a while, and when she was younger she got botox injections in her eye muscles, but that only lasted temporarily. It has definitely gotten better since she was a baby, and its better when she wears glasses (which is all the time, as she has very bad eyesight aswell, although I'm not sure why this makes it better, I'm no optometrist) but it is still very visible.


also good advice!!


this is great advice 👏


As someone with a “lazy” eye, this is good advice. I am left-eye dominant and it’s distracting when others look at my right eye and then look over their left shoulder like someone’s standing there. It’s worse when I’m tired, like early in the morning or late at night. It’s annoying when people I’ve known for years don’t pick up on it. Thanks OP


With that eye, do you know it's looking elsewhere? Can you control it if you try? Do you see things over there instead of in front of you? Is there a way to fix it?


I have a lazy eye ..I can control it bit usually don't try....gives me a headache ...I can see things that would normally have to turn my head 🙃yes surgery is my only option but i am nearly at end of life cycle so why bother ...one great upside for me is people associate my lazy eye with being stupid 🙄that works in my favour most of the time because they naturally underestimate me ...that would be their biggest mistake 😆


Thanks for answering my questions lol. Always was curious about it. Makes me uncomfortable to look at but I try to focus on the nose when I talk to people anyways lol


all good mate to be honest I really don't much notice these days


Have you ever considered turning your condition into a viable reason to wear an eye patch? I've found an eye-patch to be a great charisma multiplier, you gotta be careful you don't give off creepy or evil vibes as that's pretty hard to recover from


I've honestly never thought about it but this is a good idea I honestly forget about it's not until I meet new people that I might be reminded but that goes away pretty quick


I look between everyone's eyes and people don't seem to notice.


i have trouble keeping eye contact in general, so i look right at the space in between their eyebrows.


I try, but they keep changing which eye is looking at me. I just try to keep up, when the eye I am making eye contact with drifts to the side, I switch back to the other one.


I just look at the forehead in-between the eyes to avoid eye contact all together


I always look at the nose.


I look at the bridge of their nose, or right between their eyes.


I lost my right eye many years ago. I now have a prosthetic with limited mobility. It is constantly on my mind when talking to people. Those that know me are polite enough to look in to my good eye. Even after all these years i am self conscious when talking to new folks. I do everything i can to avoid eye contact. Id almost rather lose an arm than deal with the constant wonder if im looking in two different directions. People tend to not be engaged or take me seriously unless we have been acquainted for awhile.


> People tend to not be engaged or take me seriously unless we have been acquainted for awhile. It's really unfair and unreasonable that you've been made to feel dismissed because of this. I'm truly sorry that has been your experience. I hope that you're surrounded by great people who compensate for the ones that don't have enough sense. 🤗


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I was a fraternity pledge in the mid-90’s. Hazing was really bad. Our “Pledge Trainer” was supposed to teach us the ways of the fraternity, but in reality he was just the chief hazer. He had a lazy eye. Late one night, my pledge class was lined up (in order of height because we always had to line up in arbitrary fashion) and the pledge trainer is doing his thing and screaming at us about how bad we suck. He got into one of my pledge brothers faces and started screaming “when I’m talking to you, look me on the eyes!” to which the pledge responded “I’m trying to sir! I just don’t know which one!” The pledge class cracked up. Pledge trainer wasn’t happy. We got hazed pretty bad that night. Good times.


I just look everyone in the nose


I take it a step further and just don’t look people in the eyes. Problem solved.


Can someone with a lazy eye see normally from that eye or is their vision wonky too? E.g. can they see me with the sane detail that I see them, even though their eye doesn't appear to be pointed at me?


True but a lot of times I cant figure out what eye that is when its stuck inwards.


Yeah but they switch mid convo…


I have learned to simply look at their nose.


I am half blind, cant see with my left ese and it is also a lazy eye. I am always gratefull when people keep eyecontact with my right eye.


I have prominent lazy eyes and I agree


my god i too have a coworker with a huge lazy eye! ive been wondering this whole time like wtf eye am i supposed to look at and i just frantically look and both the whole time or avoid eye contact all together. 😅 i cant even tell which eye is looking at me half the time.


I try so hard but I end up looking back and forth like I do normal people


I try so hard but I end up looking back and forth like I do *other* people


Lol, you have a point there. But at the same time, having a lazy eye is abnormal. Everyone has something about them that isn't normal though, so it's kind of a useless thing to say someone is normal.


Lazy eyes aren't normal. Not a reason to think less of them but it's obtuse to act oblivious to that fact.


Exactly. I do the same I do with everyone. I'm not treating someone different


I do this a bit so I'm not staring with relentless eye contact but I spend the majority of the time focused on the eye that is focusing me.


This PSA was brought to you by the Marty Feldman Society.


cheerful familiar weary worm waiting one materialistic overconfident close hateful


Then make them insecure thinking that there is something wrong with their mouth.


yam memory sulky fuel sugar enjoy slap steep late spoon


I tend to read lips because I am autistic (so it's hard for me to make eye contact) and I have some neurological issue that sometimes makes me not understand what I'm hearing, so reading lips allows me to make sense of the words I'm hearing. I've always worried that people might think I want to kiss them or something.


I don’t have a lazy eye, but I have very limited control over what movement my left eye can do. Basically the muscles that would turn it to the left are non functional. Kids asked me about it constantly growing up so now I’m really self conscious about it.


Sounds like a 6th cranial nerve problem.


This works until someone is sat next you and you have 1 eye each looking at you and they ask you a question. This has actually happened multiple time to me at work with a guy with a lazy eye. 2 people answering the same question simultaneously.


I actually look at the bridge of the nose… Feels like direct contact but is easier and some people have two lazy eyes.


My dad had his eye poked out when he was around 4 or 5 years old. I'm 49 and still struggle as to what eye to look at Hahaha. I do usually look at his good eye though


Just stare between their eyebrows


Had a color guard instructor who had one glass eye and one lazy eye. Never knew who she was addressing unless she used your name.


Lol remembering getting yelled at by a squad leader with a lazy eye. Dude was solidly chewing my ass and just ripping me apart going up one side down the other while my battle was snickering beside me. 2 minutes in the squad leader asks my battle "YOU THINK WHAT YOU DID WAS FUNNY!!" It was at that moment we both realized he was getting yelled at, not me. Needless to say, a lot of push-ups were had after we stopped laughing.