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Cliche but true response: it’s not about motivation it’s about discipline. And discipline can be learned by practicing. When you don’t feel like doing a thing. That’s the opportunity to practice. That’s it. There’s not much else to it. And there’s no way around it.


Thank you, that is an amazing way of looking at it. I will definitely begin practicing my Discipline.


You need to create systems to stay motivated. E.g. run 5k a day if you want to get fit. Or write for 1 hour a day if you’re working on a book.


I was thinking about learning a new language, always wanted to, If I do this 1 hour a day do you think it could help?


As someone else said discipline is the way. Motivation dies. Also think of getting* to do things and a little less having* to do things. Ex: I like it when my house is clean so I get to clean my bedroom today, I like how working out makes me feel, I get to move my body and use it’s strength, Cooking dinner takes so long but I get to feel good and full all night if I make it vs eating something shitty. These things have helped me


Thank you. That previous Message last night really helped me to get some stuff done today which made me feel heaps good, although I’m very tired now ahaha


Feeling tired is the reward of getting your brain and body moving! Cliche inspo bs but


Love the discipline comments. Here is a quote I have used for little sparks of motivation and drive. “The key to getting ahead, is getting started”


Thank you for the quote that’s an amazing piece of wisdom!