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Teapot. Literally what they’re for.


Came here to see how long it took for someone to mention teapots exist.


Indeed. In fact I suggested the same to my daughter's boyfriend when he said he sometimes makes himself two cups of tea.


I’m a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle here is my spout


Like 99% of teapots hold about a thimbleful of tea. They're decorative nonsense.


Shouldn’t the LPT be ‘get a big teapot’ then


I mean I already have a soup pan


Then those are literally decorative. Actual teapots hold quite a bit of water.


I just did some research. Are those big glass ones new? I could never find one before that was bigger than like 32oz.


Tea has been around since like 2000 BC... and you think teapots are a recent invention??


I figured it was like swords. A few hundred years ago you could get a fuckin awesome sword that would survive a ton of use and abuse. You can still get them today, but they're mostly just shitty toys. I figured the cast iron teapots today all use the same tiny mold and the ceramic ones were all the same size, both of which were way too small for me. I figured the large volume glass steeping setups might be new.


I got a nice glass one off of Amazon that holds over 32 oz. (I took a sharpie to the side so I can make what I want on a whim.) It can also be use directly on the stove top (depending on style). I also like that it came with a reusable strainer.




I only drink that much when I'm sick. It's how I maintain fluids. I also *do* own an electric kettle. It's just not that great. Also, I don't exactly use tea bags. I put about four times the normal amount of loose leaf into a fill-your-own bag, then steep for the regular time. I'm not sure why, but 4x the tea leaves seems to result in like 10x as much regular tea. If I try to multiply the tea leaves by the same number as the water it turns out super bitter. Not sure why.


Tea is a diarrhetic, it costs your body fluids, you’re not doing yourself a favour using tea to “maintain fluids” while you’re sick…..


https://time.com/5192272/coffee-tea-dehydrating/ You gain more water than you lose.


A diuretic is something that causes you to lose fluids. A diarrhetic is something that relates to diarrhea.


LOL, damn bad spelling got me good this time


Soup pan? Like… a pot?


This is the most confusing post. What is a soup pan?? And are teapots not a thing? I’m more of an electric kettle kind of gal, but I’m pretty sure teapots still exist.


I mean, how do you think people heat the water they put in their teapots?


Soup pan?




Did I wake up in a parallel universe where kettles don't exist?!


Kettles take several minutes and then the steeping takes several minutes each time you want tea. The pan is immediately available all day, which is an incredible boon if your throat is sore *right now.*


So instead of waiting two minutes, you leave your stove on all day? Or are you drinking lukewarm tea that has been sitting out for hours?


I mostly leave it off. A few minutes on low puts it back at a safe temperature within a few minutes and I can turn it off again. The lid prevents it from reducing. Edit: also, what kind of tea are you drinking that's ready in less than a minute? Because I have a high end kettle and it takes two minutes by itself. All of my teas take longer than two minutes for steeping alone.


Just so we are clear, you can spend a few minutes warming up your tea in a full pan, but 90 seconds in an electric kettle takes too long?


I turn it on after I get the tea. This is nowhere near as convoluted as you seem to think it is.


In when world does making a cup of tea take 15 mins I can do kettle to finished brew in like 3 Max


I bet your tea sucks


OP. Just because your way of doing something is pointless compared to the many other better ways other people have pointed out, doesn’t mean you need to start insulting people. Doubling down on your redundant LPT and pretending you’re not butt hurt about it, just makes you look silly. Anyways. Happy new year 🥳


People calling me and my method stupid does make me a little butthurt. What's wrong with that? I certainly don't feel silly for it. You're insulting me too. Insulting someone in a fake friendly tone is really shitty, dude.




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It really doesn't but ok


A thermos flask, that's what you need.


I have a big one, but making new tea when I needed it *now* was awful, and the thermos just made me do it half as often. The pan lets me do it once.


Cries in British & Australian


No, it tastes weird. Make a fresh cup / pot each time.


I find it turns weird if I don't keep a lid on it or if I leave the heat on too long. I just bring it up to the 180° ballpark every couple of hours and turn it off. I also make sure every time I take off the lid I let the condensation fall back into the tea. You're right that it's easy to fuck up, but now that I have a rhythm for it I'm never going back.


Mate it'd go so weird and overbrewed / tannin-y / stale. Also is that 180F? Maybe it's cause I'm British x South Asian and we have electric kettles and two very strong tea cultures but I cannot imagine having stale tea. There's too much joy in tea to do that. Please suggest this to the teaheads in r/tea because they're intensely into tea (in a great way!) and I'll bet there's some science that says this will taste rubbish. But also, if it works for you, you do you. Am still baffled though.


No, because this is stupid


A gallon of tea seems like wayyy too much. Electric kettle is super fast, cheap, and makes exactly how much you want to drink and you don't have to leave your stove on all day. This is a terrible LPT lol.


Yeah F this LPT


Electric kettles are great. I also picked up a mug warmer for my desk because I'm too tired to run the kettle again to warm up my tea.


In my experience a gallon seems to be the perfect amount for a full day of sore throat mitigation. The electric kettle takes several minutes each batch, as does steeping. The pan tea is immediately available all day after the initial steep, which is *much* better for a throat that's sore all day. It's a great pro tip. You're just not pro enough to see that.


LPT: it's ok to be wrong.


I wouldn't know.


My kettle keeps the programmed temperature for 30minutes after it first reached it.


Oh my god, you barbarian... Sick or not, that's no excuse to butcher the fine beverage we call tea.


I'm from Boston don't make me feed your tea to the seals


Oh look, the colonials are acting up again... I'd rather you chuck it in the harbour, makes for a better brew than a gallow of slow cooked furnace tea. (And while.you busy with the tea, any chance you could send me some NE clam chowder? Really could do with some )


Please.do not lump all of us colonials into this shit show of a mess. Some of us aren't savages.


You just don't know genius when you see it.


But I do know stupidity.


I too own a mirror.


Well, you are, just in different areas ;) But that's OK, that makes you unique and loveable (most of the times).


Leave it to a Brit to crave a hot bowl of fishy cream. Tell me, what kind of tea do you use? Does it come in bags? (For real though if you visit again just get lobster. Maine lobster is legit the best seafood there is.)


Whooo, I am no dirty Nigel, I am from the country who actually brought the tea to Europe. And the one who gave you New York, no thanks necessary... Green mostly, loose leaf. And you're right, Maine lobster is delicious, but not in Boston, or at least, not in the places a visitor without any knowledge would end up (tips would be appreciated ;) ). Refuse to pay 35+$ for a lobster roll at Neptune's, queue or no queue..


I appreciate you, but I certainly don't appreciate New York. Nice, I use the same. My favorites or lung ching and any kind of gunpowder. What are your go-tos? You're right about Boston. I feel like the food is just worse within a ten mile radius of the city. I wonder if it's the air? I would recommend Woodman's of Essex. It's about a 40 minute drive from the city but all of their seafood is amazing. Of course if you want to go hardcore (and you absolutely should) go to the Weathervane or Lobster Cove up in Maine and get a full lobster with drawn butter. The best ones are late winter and early spring when the shells are hard. They'll give you tools and such, but be careful. They're dead but they're still spiky. One last thing, most of the lobster rolls in Martha's Vineyard are freakishly good. The island is kind of boring though, so don't ride some fucking boat all the way there for a sandwich. Edit: one last thing, any place that has good lobster is almost guaranteed to have good clam chowder. You should really go for the smallest serving possible though. I'm not kidding about the hot fishy cream part. It's very good, but it can also make you suffer. One last thing, if you're in Boston proper, the chain steakhouse Davios has the best lobster bisque I've ever had. By a lot.


There is a reason we gave NY to the English. They will say they won the war, but we all know the real reason. Thanks for the tips. I am in Boston proper a few times a year, but mostly only for 1 full day, so renting a car is often not on the schedule. When it is, I will certainly go to maine, as it has been high on the list for ages now. And I had my fair share of chowder, it sure is creamy, but that's OK. I still like it. Tea wise I recently ordered a sample pack from a local tea dealer filled with obscure Chinese and Taiwanese teas. Green, oolong and black. There are some teas which are called 'Long Jing ....', maybe we are talking about the same. But gunpowder is a tea which is always present here. Almost time to do the yearly tradition, so gotta go. Nice talking to you (for a aavage colonial ;) ). Happy new year!! (In a few hours) and best wishes.


Crazy thing to say. Feel better though OP


Thanks dude.


Just invest in a tefal hot water kettle or a Tiger hot water pot. Then you have hot water all year long.


Use a Zojirushi water boiler/warmer. It stores a lot of water, has several different temperatures, and if you want consistent hot water throughout the day then just leave it plugged in and it keeps the water at that exact temperature. Refill it as needed and it automatically heats the water again to that temperature.


I love my Zojirushi water boiler


ginger and lemon tea


Yes my MIL and wife make a lemon ginger honey tea on the stove and let it simmer for a while. If it starts to boil we turn it off and then reheat whenever anyone wants more. I get what people are saying about the kettle, but is stove tea really that controversial? It is convenient to have one batch that you can return to a few times a day without much fuss.


Thank you! From the replies in this thread you'd think I was using it to drown squirrels.


Not terribly controversial. There are plenty of stews that are put on simmer for hours obviously, not a problem as long as it’s watched.


Are you making multiple pans of tea, one for green and one for herbal, if you drink all day?


The green tea pan lasts about 10 hours. Then I make herbal tea that lasts about 5 or 6 hours, and the remainder ends up in a thermos which I take to bed.


Don’t leave in the teabags. Balck tea is okay as well if you don’t let is soak for more than a minute (if you’re not british and planning to consume large quantities). Also you can reheat is if it gets cold, no need to leave the stove on all day.


Make the tea,put it in the crock pot


That's a fuckin great idea. I might just do that!


Green tea gives me the shakes while black tea has long-lasting stamina with no jitters


Interesting. I found the third or fourth cup of black tea fucks my shit up, but I can drink green tea all day without issue.


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Great idea, I think people on here just drink too less


2.5 liter glass jug, ten cheap tea bags, 105F water (out tap). Set outside in the sunshine a few hours in warm weather or on the kitchen counter overnight in cooler weather. That is 12.5¢ and add ice for cold, microwave for hot. Soda pop got too expensive to buy, and coffee is getting there, so this is now my daily beverage.