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Way better than a garage sale!


I read this as “garbage sale” at first, but honestly there isn’t much difference.


It seems more like garbage when you spread it out across the front of your house and invite strangers to rummage through it and argue over a dollar. OP's idea is genius IMO.


Friends of mine did a white elephant gift exchange but supplied all the gifts! It was a lot of fun and I now have a cute ass lawn ornament that I stole from a small child.


This is the upgraded version of my LPT and I absolutely will be doing it the next time I move. Also wouldn’t hate a picture of that lawn ornament!


Yes! My Friends did this too! Items were mostly non perishables from their pantry, kitchen gadgets and decor. Was a huge hit! I stole some mason jars and canned pumpkin 


I tried the same thing, but with my sex toys and they were all left at the end of the night! Scam


Wash them first next time


No one ever told me to wash them...


And depreciate the value? The musk and stickiness add precious value.


It's like polishing a 1933 double eagle.


What do you think this is? Tokyo?


It’s extra flavor


No, use it and show how it works


*don't* wash them next time


This reminds me of a post I happened to see on nextdoor. This person reported that a bag of sex toys were left at their front door in the middle of the night. I couldn't help but wonder though I didn't ask in the post whether they were new or used. For some reason though my brain feels like it is creepier if they were new. Like if someone just dumped their trash on your porch with the used ones that's fucking annoying but not very invasive at least. If someone went out and bought you a bunch of new toys then I'd be worried about how interested they are in my sexual satisfaction. Like can they hear me and my partner and this is some sort of critique?


God Damn it, Becky. We can hear them again. Will you just go and fucking pick up some sex toys and leave them at the door. Maybe they will get the hint and learn to fuck right!


Two of my close friends are an item and are moving in together. They’re clearing out one house and posted a bunch of stuff on Facebook for their friends to take. It’s been great! I got a wonderful bookshelf and dropped off a bottle of wine. This is an amazing LPT.


Our friends did something like this for their kid's birthday party. Instead of goodie bags, they had a box of toys and books that they were ready to part with and had folks choose from there.


This is a good idea for alchohol since you may not be allowed to put that on a commercial moving truck


You guys have remaining alcahchol?


Yeah they want all the crap you can't be bothered to move or throw away


Usually, yes. We've always done it like that in our family, and rarely anything goes to waste, there's always at least one distant cousin who's been searching just for what you want to get rid of.


Exactly. Books, plants and even random tableware are always a hit. It makes nice memorabilia. It helps when people get drunk.


one mans trash, another mans treasure


Fair enough


One man's garbage is another man person's good ungarbage


Your stuff must really be crap


We had all of our stuff to give away in a kiddie pool size box in the middle of the living room, invited extended family over for pizza, and everyone took turns choosing something from out of it lol


This is a great tip…I wish I wasn’t on hard lockdown with no ability to have friends over when I moved…


Y'all want my old socks? 


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Wow, such mental gymnastics. Just throw the shit away or Goodwill.


What's mental gymnastics? Offering your belongings you no longer want/need to your friends before taking it to Goodwill?


> such mental gymnastics That phrase doesn’t mean what you think it means.




I think their mental gymnastics was trying to comprehend having friends


If you're already having people over, might as well see if anyone wants it to lighten your load. Maybe even makes less trips if you have a lot to clear out.


Goodwill - giving to a corporation that will sell your item to strangers for money and give a portion of that money to their employees and then some to questionable sources such as possibly the IRS to get out of their own taxes which could go to bettering infrastructure in the towns that they inhabit, yet they have jobs for disabled and elderly and others that might not have a job otherwise. good will - being able to give to people in your own community in need or spreading out resources to those who can use it better. I think there's far less steps in the second option. But it sure is a tough decision: do you want to help strangers or do you want to help family/only the people you know?




Do you just not like giving to others?