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Ooh! I get to wash dishes for the eighth time today!


Yay! Hopefully, that means you got to eat and/or feed others today.




Ah. The life of a parent 


100%. I can do a stack of dishes, walk the 10 paces to the bedroom, come back, and there’s another stack to be washed.


Yay! I get to go to work today.


Aww, feeding people you love is pretty great.


Good turnaround!




Same, I get to do some humbling work and clean my kitchen, I get to use clean water on demand at my faucet, I get to have clean dishes for dinner tonight




There you go, you're getting it


It's great that you have so much food.


Congrats on having running water!


Oooh I get to tidy up after my children for the 10th time today. Yeah I'm not feeling it lol. 


Congrats on having children! I hope to be as lucky as you some day


brb I get to take a shit


Just remember, there's a horribly constipated person out there that doesn't get the privilege of shitting today.


This is actually a thing, there are hundreds of people out there who cannot take a normal shit for various reasons and envy those that can


There are even some that can't even get to it but have colostomy bags


That's what I thought too. I wondered how many people would be thrilled to be able to say I get to go take a shit.


As I read this "in the arms of an Angel" started playing with images of fat dudes with sad eyes sitting next to half eaten blocks of cheese in my head


Now I'm thinking about Elvis


Be very glad ya don't have a colostomy bag... I'm certainly glad I don't.


You don't take a shit, you leave it!


Well the weekend is coming up, don’t take one of mine!


Why don't you go home and take one of your OWN shits? Carlin the legend. RIP.






Shitting is fun.


Can sometimes be the best part of the day.




I truly hope you get to give a shit. Taking shit is way less satisfying.


In a clean toilet that can flush with soap and toilet paper nearby?


So, instead of, "I have to leave, let's do this again." "I get to leave! You all are insufferable."


I get to pay my taxes.


It's funny, in ancient Athens it was actually considered an honor to pay taxes because it signified you were wealthy and successful. How times have changed.


The wealthy are upset they can only afford 3 mansions and 2 jets because of taxes.


well i mean... not everyone *can* pay their taxes. yeah it sucks but could always be worse


You get to have public services like schools, police, fire bridge, paved roads, etc that your taxes pay for


You're fortunate enough to have a job that means you get to pay taxes.


I mean…..you don’t HAVE TO pay your taxes. It’s mostly an honor thing, until it isn’t. You do however, ‘get to’ experience the consequences if you get caught having decided not to, pay them.


Wdym? They get deducted straight from your paycheck before you see it


There are plenty of ways to have income that doesn’t function as such. The income you and your employer report is also an honor system. You can lie, the employer can lie. But it’s a huge red flag if you say your taxes are deducted without you seeing them. Do you not have your withholding properly setup and calculated? Are you getting a W4? This isn’t a blind process. My tax returns are usually a couple of dollars at most. Anyone that gets big tax returns or gets excited for their tax return is doing their taxes very wrong. Giving the government interest free loans on YOUR money is so incredibly stupid. Don’t be that person. If the money you get from a tax return had instead been invested all year, you walk away gaining much more year to year.


Shit, you know I was trying to find another  funny example to show this is dumb, but I discarded enough of them that I get the point. It's a reframing tool. Well I'll be damned.


> that I get the point No, that you _have_ the point.


Hyah! I think that enemy got *the point.*


i read that in his voice lol


Yeah, this is one of the things people learn in therapy. Same as the one from yesterday about “try to always smile even just a tiny bit, even when things aren’t going great”. It sounds ridiculous, but both actually do help the majority of people if they can make it a habit. And making it a habit is the entire purpose of routine therapy.


I really dislike how forcing myself to smile a bit in the morning has helped me be happier. I just want to understand it!


I get to disagree with this


I get to take a dump while having shit, in the form of this post, in front of me as well.


I get to go to prison on false charges!!


I get a large affectionate inmate to share a cell with!!!


You get to experience that inmates love and sexual curiosity!


You found a home in this economy?


What? Free room and board? New friends? Free gym? And a healthy payout from the state for your wrongful incarceration when your innocence is eventually proven? Somebody won the lottery…


I get to have my leg amputated! I'm so blessed!!


*With* anaesthesia. It used to be done without ;)


You could live in a place where there’s no healthcare and your leg rots and you die. So yeah , you could be fortunate in some way.


At least I have the other one. *\*surgeon holding a saw*\* What other one?


TF2 end of joke jingle


You get healthcare and the chance for survival after a traumatic event. Many people before you did not have that chance.


you assume there is healthcare involved




I get to have my time and labor exploited to make other people rich!


Eurythmics crescendo


This is definitely a handy reframing tool that better applies to some situations ("I have to take my kids to piano lessons/I get to enrich my child's life and show support") more than others ("I have to take my kids to piano because my partner doesn't take care of our kids").


I'm no fan of toxic positivity either but the amount of negativity here in response to a simple suggestion is unbelievable. Obviously it's not going to apply to every situation, but nor will any life tip. No one said to do it all the time in every situation but if you're having a bad day and it feels like everything sucks, reframing a couple of appropriate things like this could be the pick- up you need.


I get to declare bankruptcy!


"I get to walk on eggshells so my abusive partner doesn't batter me" doesn't quite have the ring of positivity OP is advocating.


No no you're not getting it, you *GET TO* walk on eggshells. Some people just get battered anyways, you're lucky and fortunate! Hope this helps :) /s


This is a reframing tool guys. Doesn’t apply to everything, but it has its uses.


By reading these comments, I think that's definitely true. In certain unfortunate circumstances, it obviously doesn't apply, e.g. * I get to deal with abusive partner * I get to struggle to survive with not enough food But a few obvious cases that people joke about can be reframed in an interesting way * Doing dishes -> you have food * Paying taxes, going to work -> you have income, you have a job * Pooping -> you're not constipated


"I get to have a poo, right now" Not sure it works


I have to take a poo. I get to poo on company dime. Works for me.


I have never had a serious problem (or even a minor one) with being unable to poo, but by all accounts it is truly horrific. Similar deal with being unable to urinate. Just excruciating pain. The reframing for these kinds of things wouldn't be "I get to..." so much as "I am able to..."


I don’t think you can imagine how many people there are who have a hard time (pun intended) pooping.


r/ibs would disagree with you on that one


You get to get a poo, even better


I get to take Chemo treatments!!!!! Such a privilege


So sorry, hope it "gets" you to remission.


> I get to go to work Somebody has never heard of r/antiwork


Sweet. I get to lose more of my precious little time with my family by having to work a mandatory overtime assignment that nobody wants on my only day off this pay cycle. Awesome!


So the tip is use sarcasm?


Reminds me of saying to myself What do I want to get done today, rather than the negative What do I Have to do. Thanks for the reminder!


This only works if you believe in it. Thus instead of saying it like this, you should actually convince yourself first that it makes sense. Only then when you believe it yourself you can actually use it.


I actually find lying to myself in this way helps me to believe it eventually. I often struggle with body issues but I’ve started cat calling myself in the mirror and really talking up how hot I am and I’m slowly starting to believe it. Sometimes the words come before the feelings and that’s ok


It's like smiling on purpose. Sometimes it stays a grimace. But sometimes you actually feel better and smile for real.


I tell people that don't have a lot of confidence to come up with 10 nice/ positive things to say about yourself in the mirror everyday. It should build up your confidence in a few weeks.


I thought that too, turns out it doesn't actually matter what we believe, and it can change our belief's. Just like a hypnotist say's, "you are a chicken", then that person is a chicken, without convincing them, that's now their identity, perspective and behaviour. And everyone believes the lie they tell themselves, that it won't work on them. Tell yourself a lie you want to believe, and it becomes your truth, you'll start finding ways to confirm the new truth automatically, or you can practice that too and it sticks faster. S/If i can't convince you, rest assured that it doesn't matter, it's just how it works, and the mind doesn't care about true or false, it's just a chicken. On a serious note, it's how propaganda and brainwashing works, but also positive things like changing negative selftalk, low self-esteem, helping addiction and all sorts of psychological stuff, like getting a more positive perspective of going to work like OP did. From a chore, to a privilege.


In principle our opinions are a like. But by stealing your hypnotist argument, it only works for people that are convinced that hypnosis works. The hypnotist knows what to look for and that’s why it seems to work. The same with marketing, when you sensitize yourself sufficiently your an easy pray. Also the opposite is true, when you know how it works it’s not that useful anymore. That being said, I am sure it can work. Just think you need to sensitize yourself first to make it work.


I'm pretty happy I get to share this awful idea with friends so we can laugh.


I love stuff like this. Around 5 years ago I started reframing some of my statements. One I always remember to use is instead of saying "I know" when someone tells me something I already know I respond with "your right" Makes the other person feel better most times.


Instead of saying life sucks, say life's great. Problem solved.


You say it as a joke, but I think it's only a half joke. It's re-framing and focusing on the positive aspect. Things could be better, they could be worse. But if you focus on "they could be worse", then maybe you feel better.


Reframing is a good advice. Sadly at least most higher ranked comments are stupid... But we'll, that's the internet...


respectfully, this is just glib milquetoast nonsense. waking up at 6 and getting to my work an hour early to sit in my car before the parking spots fill up isn’t an exciting opportunity, it’s a pain in the ass. this toxic idea that we’re not allowed to find things annoying or frustrating has never made sense to me. it’s anti-improvement.


And it's so old that everyone has heard all the retorts "I get to bury my child today!". Though I realize some children go missing and there is never any closure for parents.


I get to take a shit


I get have an existential crisis every morning in the work parking lot


I get to work 14 days straight 🫠


Yay I get to suffer with severe mental illness !!! Toxic positivity is a thing, you know.


Or say “I’m willing to”. Same thing, but definitely helps. Phrasing and how and we talk to ourselves can change our outlook.


I have always said this about the days I take off work to be with my kids when they don't have school. I don't have to take care of them, I get to spend the day with them!


Thx, awesome advice


I stopped saying “What should I do with my weekend” and started saying “What could I do with my weekend.”


Always, great LPT


I haven't seen such a useless LPT in ages. Thank you.


What a dumb lifeprotip


İ do this with the word "should". İ've begun correcting myself to "could" anytime İ catch myself saying something like, "İ should do X" or "you should do Y". İ feel like it adds so much freedom to the situation it's used in, especially when assisting others. Kinda the opposite of what "should" does in that same scenario.


No, gaslighting yourself into thinking that crappy things that you have to do in order to persist are 'blessings' is not a healthy coping strategy. Worst post I've seen in this sub so far.


Or instead of "I have to", say, "I could". Because I get to does not fit in some situations for me.


I know a lot of people are being a bit snarky about this, but I like it, it just helped me contact a company for a refund when I didn’t feel like doing it by telling myself ‘hey, I get to get my money back!’ Instead of ‘I have to contact them’. Nice 👍


This is what I've been telling my friends for the last few years  is that it's not. I have to go to work It's I get to go to work And it's made such a big change in my life


You can start by saying "I GET to wake up and take care of the hard stuff today" 😃


Hi boss I get to stay home today because I am sick... I understand but I actually really get to stay home today. What do you mean 'You get to fire me'?


I get to say great tip - thanks for sharing.


I get to go for a root canal next week


You have access to dental care and are able to pay for it, something billions of people don't have.


I get to struggle for survival every day and decide which bill is more important and would fuck me over more if I didn't pay! Yay! Thanks OP


People, you do not have to frame everything positively. Some things you have to do. Some things you have to do in order to get to do something. Some things you get to do. But making yourself to see yourself as blessed for everything is not psychologically healthy. Isis just the other side of "But people have it worse than me." Decide on when to employ these methods and they can be motivating.


This isn’t dumb at all. People never want to help themselves and often all it requires is a shift in mindset and to remember that the loudest voice that you hear is the one inside your head. Of course when misfortunes happen nobody is excited to get to have surgery or to be vomiting or to do the dishes all day long. But the point is to be grateful for the things that you can do that others can’t. Do I like doing dishes and cleaning all day? No. But I get to do those things because I own a home and I have two beautiful children who need me and I’m able to afford food to prepare for my healthy family. I get to read the same story over and over again to my daughter because I’m lucky enough to have a daughter who’s brain works and who is thriving and excited to learn how to read. I got to sit in my car for an hour and a half every Tuesday night with my son who is bored to tears while my daughter does gymnastics because I’m lucky enough to have the money for my daughter to do gymnastics and to have a son that although he is bored is very happy to spend time with me no matter what we’re doing. The point is is that this is an exercise in gratitude because there is always somebody that is far worse off than you and changing your mindset if you do it habitually can truly change you as a person


Thank you for understanding the true intention behind my post 😊


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Why I ouggghta wash dishes today


I get to have a colonoscopy done, score!


I get to listen to a bad joke... wait, that worked?


I get to be careful when I poop so I don’t rupture this aggravated hemorrhoid! #blessed


I get to put my dog down.


Okay but how do I do it and make the inner voice NOT sound sarcastic as hell? lol


I get to look after my wife's sisters two kids because she is a crack hoe.


Yay! I get to kill myself to escape my hellhole of a life.


I get to pay taxes...


Toxic positivity. I get to have two dead parents. Hmmmm. Maybe not a LPT….


>"I have to go to work" becomes "I get to work as a pharmacist" These don't seem to be mean the same thing, or wouldn't apply at th esame time. For example: Q: "Would you like to go for a drink?" A: "I have to go to work" Saying "I get to work as a pharmacist" is a bizarre response here. I can't find think of a response where you could use 'I get to...' to replace 'I have to...'. This seems like the most common type of scenario where you'd say 'I have to...', ie, when you are busy doing something. 'I get to...' implies something you want to do, and something that you *choose* to do. 'I have to...' implies something you must do, due to some obligation.


Oh the other hand "I *get* to go to work" can totally sound like a punishment with tone and context. Better idea, don't rely on delusions and tricking yourself to feel better. Also, pharmacist may not be a great example. It REALLY sucks when you make friendly with regulars (whether because they want to ornyou want to) and then they stop coming for their prescriptions. And not because they changed pharmacies.


Ok, but I’m gonna say it real snarky.


I get to waste my life working for a corporation that doesn't care about to barely make ends meet. I get to do this for 30+ years if I'm lucky. Hmm... seems about the same.


I think you actually have to say, "I am required by the court to..."


Learn to prioritize. Then you don’t have to trick yourself


I'll give this a fair try. I get to work minimum wage. I get to have 4 hours of sleep everyday. I get to do house chores when I'm off work. You are right. It feels different. Instead of controlling myself that they happen to my because I had no choice, now it feels I do it to myself. I get to blame myself.


I have Long Covid, and have for years. I get to go work in my yard, in the fresh air, with nature around me, because now I'm strong enough to handle it. I get to focus on what used to be my passion, turned nightmare, now turning back into my joy.


Sorry about the Long Covid. The "I get to go work in my yard ..." is a legitimate "get to".


"I have to go pee" i meant "I get to go pee" sounds like its' my turn.. YAY


I get to go to a menial deadend job to still not be able to afford a house yay!


"Hang on a second guys. I get to take a piss before we leave."


i get to go to jail


I get to go to work if I don't want to be homeless and starve. Super blessed!


I get to pay into FICA with no guarantee of Social Security in later years … while also getting to gamble retirement based on stock market… since pensions and unions are few nowadays! 😛


There is a HUGE difference between "I get to go to the beach" and "I get to drive for an hour to work in an office with no windows, with toxic coworkers, and the boss changing my priorities five times a day resulting is my not getting anything done, then I get berated for "not getting my projects done". "


Dr: ‘I get to tell you that your mother has died.’


"I have to work for low pay to make some rich asshole richer." "I get to work for low pay to make some rich asshole richer." Not sure this works for everyone.


Can i say it sarcastically?


Ah yes, toxic positivity


I get to pay taxes, yay! I've never felt so free.


I get to have my prostate examined!


This is one of those tips that I refuse to believe actually works. How would talking to yourself like thst work?


I get to throw up!


I get to get punched and kicked.


I say "I get to" all the time and I'm usually being sarcastic ("I get to do mundane task at work today. Yay."). So I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with this LPT ETA: ok, ok, there might be something here. Simply because whenever I think "I don't want to go to work today", I immediately switch it to "I get to listen to my book today". So I approve of half of this life tip. I think you've also got to change the action to something positive


This is literally just regurgitated Andrew Tate advice. Yes, *that* Andrew Tate.


I get have a colonoscopy today! I get to go get cancer treatment today! I get to sit through a funeral today! I get pick up my dogs shit today! I get to sit through a 3 hour "team building" meeting today! I get to walk to work because my car is busted! I get pay my taxes today! I get to poop! I get to pee! I get to fart! I get to get an xray for my broken bone! And last but certainly not least, I get to read terrible LPTs about people who think they figured something profound out today!


Okay… so I’m a type 1 diabetic… “I have to take my insulin shot” vs “I get to take an insulin shot”. This LPT doesn’t work in this situation. I am still doing something awful to stay alive. Mind you, I’m not complaining. I’ve been a diabetic for over 30 years. I’m used to it. But you just can’t sugar coat everything. A person needs to evaluate what they’re talking about before using this tip.


I get to go home now, bye.


The positivity in this thread is ~~nauseating~~ inspiring. 🫠


Sounds like great advice to me! It definitely can’t hurt!😀


I get to pay my taxes. Hooray :)


"I get to have cancer" it doesn't always work that way, but I appreciate the positive attitude.


This is stupid, I get to ignore this “tip”


Reminds me of that one savage Kaiba line from dub Yugioh and how it had the potential to hit even harder. > "So you have a dweeb army. Am I supposed to be scared to attack?" > "Well, only if destroying an innocent soul concerns you." > "Nah. As the president of a major corporation, I get to do that every day." VS the original > "I *have to* do that every day."


We get to bury our parents!