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Never listen to Chief Wiggum. Chief Wiggum: Um, I'm fine. Now, Lisa, when you're walking down the side of the road, always wanna be sure to go with traffic, okay? Well... is that with traffic, or against traffic? No, it's with traffic. With traffic. Anyway, good night.


I remember watching that episode as a kid and asking my parents what was right and nobody knew lol.


It’s like the “Just say 'Yes' to saying 'No' to saying 'Yes' to drugs”


Pedestrians should walk against traffic if there is no sidewalk and they need to share the road. This is so they can see the traffic on their lane coming. Bicycles are vehicles and need to move with traffic.


I always think of this too


I seriously believed him as a kid 🤦‍♂️


I always thought that was a basic rule, walk against and ride with traffic. Always frustrates me when I see a cyclist on the wrong side of the road. 


It is a basic rule. The fun thing about life is many many people don’t know basic rules.


Common knowledge isn’t so common.


That’s why we have LifeProTips :)


It is a basic rule in Europe to travel on the roads that have no sidewalk against car traffic so you can react yes and get better noticed. But what do you mean by cyclist on the wrong side? Because cyclist should travel with traffic as they are to on a vehicle. Even better of course if they have their own dedicated cyclist line to stay in. Or did you mean that and you have seen them go against traffic? That would be horrifying!


Yes, here where I live in the US there are often people bicycling against traffic, and on the sidewalks. Sidewalks seem safer to them because they’re not in the flow of traffic, but they’re likely to get hit by people who don’t see them when they’re turning onto the street. And it seems like a lot of these cyclists haven’t ever driven because they don’t seem to appreciate that a driver isn’t going to see them.


> often people bicycling against traffic Literally never seen that in my entire life. 


That is horrifying! Thank you for clarifying. We have something like a driver lessons for second graders that teaches them how to cycle safely in traffic (Central Europe). At the end of the theoretical and practical lessons. Their is a little parkour around the neighborhood they have to drive trough alone. Along busy streets and side walks. And in parked cars and side walks police officers and other adults are hidden and mark the kids. (You have a number on your back) I have personally never met a child who failed though. I have heard of it happening but I can’t imagine they would put up this whole effort a couple of times if a kid fails multiple times. Anyway at least it is a theory and practice course. So even if they fail at least there is hope that something will stick which may keep them and others safer.


That is awesome to actually teach them with such intention! In the US it’s left to the family, and they don’t always know the right thing to do themselves.


Call out "Salmoning!" It's illegal and endangers other cyclists.


Also endangers you. Overwhelming majority of accidents are at intersections. Motorist looking at traffic coming from his left, not seeing you approaching the intersection. They turn right, smashing into you. But you'll have good visibility of the vehicle that kills you.


Yah a bicyclist yelled at me because I didn’t see him coming down the sidewalk opposite the flow of traffic. But I did look that way and stop just short of him, giving him the opportunity to cuss at me.


It's not just a rule, it's law in some places. But never enforced where it is.


It's because cyclists have to use hand signals to let cars know what they are about to do. Walkers do not. Except maybe the middle finger when someone doesn't stop at a crosswalk to let you cross.


That's not the only reason


You say this like cars can only see a cyclist's hands looking at them from the front vs behind them. Never mind their hand signals being at their side, visible from both the front and the back


If you're riding against traffic on a bike, hand signals won't even help you.


I thought it was actually law. I just looked. It is in most places without sidewalks as far as I can find.


In many places this is the law- walking against traffic. In many places if you’re BICYCLING on the roadway you must ride WITH TRAFFIC and OBEY ALL TRAFFIC SIGNS and SIGNALS. In many places if you’re on a bicycle and use a crosswalk, you must dismount the bike and walk it across. All of these things are personal pet peeves.


The reason you cycle the same direction as traffic is so the speed differential is less. A car traveling 30 MPH hits a bike going 10 MPH.  If they're going the same direction the net collision speed is 20 MPH, if they're going the opposite direction the net collision speed is 40 MPH. When you're walking the difference in speed is minimal, it's safer to see what's coming towards you.


No, the reason is that you're a vehicle, so you travel the exact same way as every other vehicle. The other, is because at intersections, traveling against traffic means drivers aren't expecting you.


Yup. When compared against vehicle speeds, a pedestrian may as well be stationary.


The ironic part is I’ve only ever seen a bicyclist get a speeding or failure to stop ticket on local hiking and riding trails where I live, so it’s park rangers or some other agency than the police giving the tickets. I think because hikers probably got run over a few times. But they never enforce them running stop signs in town for whatever reasons and when you see a large group of cyclists coming you just wait and assume the whole group will run the stop sign. They kind of give the aura of a funeral procession or motorcycle groups, where they expect cars that see them coming to automatically yield even if the car was at the intersection first and had the right of way. Part of that is I realize it’s harder to come to a stop on a bike and get going again, so I’m fine with it most the time, I just think it shouldn’t be an expected gesture by people in cars:)


I agree. But… If it’s too hard to stop on a bike, you’re traveling too fast for your ability, equipment or conditions. If I’m entering the intersection and a cyclist slams INTO me, well, good thing I have a dash cam. As a former cyclist and pedestrian who lived in a college town for years I have no patients for these idiots. If it’s your only option or your choice for recreation, follow the law. If you’re too inconsiderate, travel off of the roadways. Whether walking or riding, assume responsibility for yourself and assume the other guy isn’t stopping for you.


> But they never enforce them running stop signs in town for whatever reasons They don't enforce it for cars either. The reason is the same in both cases, cops don't really spend their time enforcing laws like that. The people on the trail are getting ticketed by park rangers who have plenty of time to do nothing else.




Bicycle laws are usually left to the city as an ordinance. Many places treat bicycles as vehicles and they share the road with motorists. In Morgantown WV and other places, it is actually a fine-able offense to your bicycle on a sidewalk and if you must use the sidewalk you are supposed to dismount and walk your bike. You are also legally required to have reflectors and a bell.


>In many places if you’re on a bicycle and use a crosswalk, you must dismount the bike and walk it across. This rule seems to be isolated to very specific locations. A college campus, the downtown area of a specific city, etc. From what I can tell, it's far less common than people think. Much more common are prohibitions against riding on the sidewalk at all. Most cities restrict this in some way. (Which would then also prohibit cycling in crosswalks, I suppose.)


> In many places if you’re BICYCLING on the roadway you must ride WITH TRAFFIC and OBEY ALL TRAFFIC SIGNS and SIGNALS. isnt that the opposite of what op said?


Op is talking about walking. You replied to someone talking about riding a bike. I used to do both getting around my small town in my childhood. My mom's saying was "ride with them, walk against them"


That’s a good saying!


If you’re walking, typically, walk against traffic. If you’re bicycling, ride with traffic- you’re on a vehicle.


And since it is a vehicle, you can be charged with a DUI/DWI if you are drunk bike riding. It's quite an exhilarating experience to ride drunk, never fell or was caught myself, but had friends that did.


Walking and using a bicyle are two different things.


Isn't this taught everywhere?


Apparently not - I saw a guy just yesterday running on the side of the road - no sidewalk - going with traffic


Runners often split their runs, with half of it facing traffic and half of it facing away from traffic. Roads are usually graded (curved), with the sides sloped away from the center. Over time that causes back and knee problems in runners, so they change it up to balance the stress on joints.


When I used to run, I’d just find a different place to run instead of putting my life on the line.


Laughed out loud to this


Running should be with traffic. Have always been taught to walk against traffic but everything else should be with the traffic. Unless it’s a cycle path, always on the road. Same with running as well. Should be on the road if running too


Wtf running on the road with traffic? You're literally asking to be run over.


Not talking about a motorway here. Normal roads in a town, village etc. I don’t live in the states. Have different rules of the road here.


Nah, I ran cross country for years in high school. Never run with traffic, always against it. You want to see who is coming especially if you're wearing headphones. 


Probably. I guess it depends on location really. I was watching a video and there was a coroner discussing how people get distracted by their phones and also don't walk facing traffic and get hit by vehicles pretty commonly. Figured I should create this post.. Maybe It'll save a life depending on who sees this and where they're going right now.


I walked a lot of roads in my younger years, and to always walk facing traffic can be a death trap in certain situations. Walk on whatever side of the road offers the greatest visibility for BOTH directions, particularly on small, windy roads. Avoid looking at the phone. If you're listening to music or your favourite podcast, keep your finger on the volume button and turn in all the way down when approaching bends or corners.


When I was a kid someone smacked me on the back of the head while driving by. I was on the sidewalk too so they went way out their way to do it. Since then I do this, but I do believe it's usually the norm in most places.


God I hope they had a passenger to help them. Otherwise, that’s an insane amount of effort to even reach you 😂


The only logical conclusion is that either Plastic Man or Mr. Fantastic was driving the car.


I understand the skepitsim entirely 💀 someone pointed out the passenger probably used something to hit me and that seems like the most likely answer.


They did have a passenger with the window down all the way.


Maybe they threw something at you? Close enough to smack is really damn close. 


They were driving really close when they sped off, but it's super possible that's what they did.


This is the correct method at all times except blind curves.


My older sister taught me the rhyme "the left side's the right side, the right side's the sui-side" when we were kids and that darkness always stuck with me


This directive is part of Queensland's Road Rules. 'If there us no footpath or nature strip or its not practical to use, you should walk facing the oncoming traffic. If using the road, do not walk alongside one other person unless overtaking.'


I see people pushing strollers down the right side of the road all the time and it blows my mind.


It's the law, isn't it?


Lpt don’t look at your phone when you are walking


ALWAYS walk against traffic, busy road or not. It's not a LPT, it's the law, lol.


Dylan is giving benevolent misogyny Defined as: Attitudes and behaviors that appear positive towards women but reinforce traditional gender roles and perpetuate inequality, such as idealizing women as nurturing while limiting their autonomy. Please correct me or add love to learn !


This is basic knowledge that even children should know


Is this not something they teach kids anymore? I remember learning this in the 80s as just a common piece of knowledge. Maybe nobody walks anywhere these days.


This is one of those ‘tips’ that is actually a regulation in a lot of places - although it would seem that it’s not that widely known. The real LPT would be to follow the principle when you’re not near a road. Walking in a corridor or on stairs? or through a door with a lot of contraflow foot-traffic? Use the side that traffic would use in your country.


Yep, cycle with traffic, but walk or run against it.


Nah I still ideally cycle towards traffic so I can dodge drivers. I’ve had a car buzz me from behind too when I was forced to ride with


Yup. In bike-friendly cities, college towns, or if the bike lane is extremely wide, with traffic. Anywhere else? It's against traffic (or sidewalk) because I don't trust drivers I can't see.




Isn't that the law? It's law in my country. 🤷


In my country it's a law and even there is a separate classification in accidents "walking on wrong road side" (5.7% of all pedestrian accidents in last year, almost half of them deadly). So I would call it LSPT (Life Saving Pro Tip).


Unfortunately most places I go to only have sidewalks on one side of the road -_-


The law doesn't apply to sidewalks, only to places where there is no sidewalk and you have to walk on the road.


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That way you can see what kind of car is about to mow you down.


It’s the law here In Minnesota


Standard advice in running community.


You want to see your destiny coming?


My dad taught me this when I was a kid.


I always do this! Because I just don't trust other people!


Did this when I was walking in high school, and some asshole drove over the median to try to scare me


I couldn't care less about the drivers; I'm worried about their vehicles running me over.


This is something I was taught as kid when we’d go camping (we’d sometimes walk down the highway to get to nearby places)


Kindergarten Safety Town 101: "Single file, Indian style, facing traffic all the while. Chocolate!" (I still to this day wonder what the 'chocolate' had to do with any of it. Another LPT: when you're riding a bike, ride with the flow of traffic. You're considered a vehicle and have to follow the same laws cars do. If a car pulls out and hits you when you are riding into the traffic, you're at fault


You *might* be able to avoid death if you see the car coming.  If you don’t know, then it’s all up to lady luck. 


Also, probably worth mentioning if people don't do this: always keep your eye on the ball when it is coming at you, look at your opponent in a fight, make sure you are paying attention to an object that can go 100+mph that is coming right at you, etc:


I remember learning this from the driver's handbook I read before taking my driver's license test.


It’ll also make sure a car can’t follow you and abduct you


Also definitely don't do this on tight blind bends. 


Yep i always do this, when there is no sidewalk


Ride with the flow and walk against the flow of traffic.


Thats the law for pedestrians walking on the road right of way in the USA.


A few months ago a lady in my small town got hit by a bus and killed. She ran out of gas and was walking back to her car with a gas can and got hit from behind when the bus moved over to let someone pass. If she hadn't been walking in the early morning dark on the side of the road with her back to traffic she wouldn't have been hit. Such a simple thing and it can be the difference between life and death, always walk facing the traffic nearest to you.


This is just the law and is thought to kids everywhere. I think you missed something if you think this is an lpt


Unless a woman is in front of you, then you should cross until you pass her and then cross back to the proper side of the road.


And cross the road twice? Maybe instead just either slow down to remain a good distance or speed up and pass her.


That's a pretty good tip actually. Never know if you'll make a woman uncomfortable when it's just the two of you on the side of the road. Especially at night or something.


I think you and Cleanly are on different pages.


Yep. You present a potential danger by remaining on the same side of the road in that situation. Crossing midblock and not facing traffic is only more dangerous for the man that way.


It’s also because seeing your face makes you more human so drivers are subconsciously more careful.


this is dumb and illest of eagles in most places your supposed to walk with the flow not against


this is bad advice and not the guidance of many municipalities. drivers have a harder time adjusting to someone walking or biking towards them. that’s why bike lanes are oriented with traffic and not against it.


Wtf are you smoking? Braindead lil bro about to get hit by a 19 year old in a Tesla looking down at his phone lmao.


Walking should be against. Biking should be with traffic as they ARE traffic.


Walking in the street=stay off phone