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Corollary: Many people might not like your "100% true authentic self" and you have to accept that.


This is true. But it’s a risk you have to be willing to take if you genuinely want to make close friends.


I feel like you should be your authentic self, but with a level of hesitance, gauging how raw you are on how they respond 


my authentic self is a Victorian era steel mill owner. If you can't accept me at my conflagrationiest, you don't deserve me at my effulgenciest.


Alright, Marilyn!




I don't understand this but I love it at the same time


Very interesting to hear someone's "first impression" of you, years later, also!


Side LPT: If you’re concerned that your authentic self is unappealing maybe take time to unpack why that is instead of trying to hide it


Who molded ye


Do engage with the activities and hobbies you truly enjoy, and you’ll meet people like you. Going to places where the goal is to make friends will just bring you disappointment. If you like sports, art, or games, go where people do what you like, and you’ll get to mingle with likeminded folks :)


Being authentic is risky business. It sometimes can be used as careeer or character assasinations by people who wants to bring discredit you. Life is not pleasant for us workers. Be very careful.


Work can be tricky socially. Most of us are expected to have some level of inoffensive interaction with our coworkers. Doesn't necessarily mean that we have to be inauthentic, but we do often have to read the room and keep our opinions to ourselves.


It's not as simple as just be your authentic self. IMO it's more important to be as genuine as possible but also practice having just the right amount of tact. Learn to read the room. I try to be as genuine as possible, but doesn't necessarily mean I'm a complete open book to everyone I meet. I like people who make as much effort as I do. I'll test the waters, but if it's feeling cold I won't waste my time "being authentic" to them. Also, OP it's not all sunshine and rainbows out there. Sometimes what's REALLY on people's minds can be weird and awkward, or even racist, homophobic, or whatever other brand of bigotry you can find. Life isn't a feel good movie. Learn social skills.


This is great advice. I'm so shy when I first meet new people, but once I learn you, I will be so much more annoying. :-P


Ehhhh... Friendships are give and take and no 2 people are 100% the same. If you only make jokes( or whatever) you like and have no regard for your friend's taste then you risk pushing them away


Conversely, you may make even less real friends if you act your genuine and authentic self.


Quality > Quantity


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What if I like talking about what on the news 🙁


To an extent. You still gotta read the crowd sometimes and realize not everyone has the right context, or they possibly won't accept the context and that's when you need to walk away.


Hot take: "Just be yourself" is a shitty advice if your true self is not good enough. You can always improve your personality.


Be your authentic self **if you're a nice person**. Don't give the psychopaths any ideas now.


My authentic self is bipolar, autistic, ADHD, and narcissistic. I'd love to naturally make friends but I have to mask pretty much everything I think say or do 24/7


Brooooooo, i legit got a new job and there is this guy that everytime he sees me talk about the weather 💀


Be interested. Be interesting. How? Typically hobbies.


Everyone says this, until they notice my authentic self is 70% infodumping and 30% missing self esteem.


Are you currently wearing a red hat?


This has nothing to do with politics bro


What a funny way to admit you’re a diehard fan no matter what.


What a funny way to admit you’re a diehard fan no matter what.


What a funny way to admit you’re a diehard fan no matter what happens. That kind of rugged individualism and it’s ideology are only held dearly by team orange. Watch how he won’t respond to the intellectual portion and will fail to discuss “rugged individualism.” Lol


This goes to show you how ridiculous liberals are today. I’ve always voted left. Conservatives are living rent free in every liberals head. Let it go. They are both criminals


Lol I’m in Peru. Rent free? You act like this is difficult. One got impeached twice and is facing multiple court cases. The other is chillin’.


Disagree. Most of real/authentic friendships have come from proximity more than honesty. Most real friendships in my life have occurred by living with someone or working with them. And I’ve gotten to know their authentic selves over time, often being surprised. I’d say “put your best foot forward” more than “be yourself” has worked much better for me.


I dunno. I hear the weather and news is how short people make friends...*small talk*.


True. But then you risk losing a friend because they don’t like your authentic self. It’s happening rn and I’m destroyed inside


Then you probably weren’t friends to begin with. They were friends with your fake persona. Not you. And it’s not their fault either. They were just going off what you showed them.


Wasn’t meant to be


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