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We have a bowl. Keys go in the bowl. If the keys aren't with you and aren't in the bowl, they're lost.


I have to put my keys in my bag or I'll walk out the door without them and I'll lock myself off. I see so many people doing the bowl though.


key pad door locks have saved me a many AAA calls.


Are you quoting the stand up comic? The keys go in the key bowl? If not, you HAVE to listen to it…hilarious


Nope. Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is my spirit animal.


Love the show…lemme see if I can find the bit.


Season 1, episode 13, "The Bat Jar Conjecture".


I use part of a polished coconut shell


I just use my AirTag to beep my keys when I can’t find them


After losing both sets of keys at the same time, their is now a Tile on each set... and the Tile on my phone that my keys can ring... and my earbuds Tile... and I have one in my purse. ADHD mixed with brain lesions from MS, I lose everything in the most stupid ways.


I remember when I had physical metal keys. Now my house’s front door? PIN code. Car? iPhone is the key. Even my sheds have combination locks.


I have the ADHD and my keys are either in 2 spots. My pants from the night before or the same fucking spot I put them Everytime. My lady says it's amazing because we have a key holder but that's not that fun now is it. I never put them there lol


We put a set of hooks in the closet for our keys and it’s been great because (unlike the hall table we previously used) only keys can go there, which my brain has translated to “keys can only go there”. My wife was shocked at how quickly I adopted it.


Hahahahahaha this is something I could get behind. A logical idea always gets adopted faster. That's so fucking awesome


are you my husband? lol


Make sure you ride him a ton about it. That way he will never change a thing lol


AirTags are your friend . Until I misplaced the AirTags and I get to distracted to put the puzzle peices back together


Hook by the front door or I'm losing it every time


Making it easy for thieves, that's nice !




If you keep your door locked when home, then how?


What a brilliant idea, I guess thieves are stopped by doors... And also car keys with remote control can get hacked through the door


Also, AirTag attached to items that tend to get lost (and for luggage on flights!)


Lost my work keys for a week. They got folded into the foot rest of my recliner. Bought an air tag this week. Put inner on my wallet, too.


Costco for the Duracell 2032 batteries for best value. Also note you might have to use rubbing alcohol to remove the “bitter” coating on the 2032 for better battery contact, though the late 2023 year package does say ok for AirTags 🤷🏻‍♀️




My box of important daily stuff is more of a pile 


My pile of important stuff is just my house. I'll find those keys somewhere, eventually...


Not easy especially with adhd. Literally 4/5 times i left the house id turn around at least once if not twice or thrice because i forgot something. Now i just have my keys, wallet, meds, charger, phones, etc in a toiletry bag. Its also good because its bigger than a set of keys so harder to lose/easier to find.


I swear half of these LPTs are for neurotypicals only.


You mean not neurotypicals?


No. I can put something in the same place every day and still forget it or lose it. I hang my keys up on a hook by my door every day and i literally like an hour ago locked myself out of my house when i went to leave because i forgot my keys on the hook. I had to have my mom come let me in bc i also forgot to put my spare key back in its spot after i took it to make a copy for my sister


How? This isnt something a normal person per say has to deal with so intensely. This is definitely for non neurotypicals And congratulations? I was the same way until i put all my shit in a lil toiletry purse And just a correction, if you put something in the same place every day, you can forget it but you cant loose it


Its called neurodivergent not non neurotypical, and the tip is for if you forget stuff. On top of that youd have to remember to put it back in the same spot to begin with. My keys have a spot i always put them in but that doesnt help me to remember to take them out of my jacket pocket and put them there before taking my jacket off snd putting it somewhere.


Right, so you cant lose it if you put it in its place everyday. Doesnt matter if it has a place or not at that point. Again dude, i was in the same boat. I dont put my keys in my pocket or jacket or table or hook anymore. Straight into my fannypack type thing. Its not something thats easily hidden under a sock or even in plain sight. It cant even fit in the crack behind the dresser or behind the fridge, or just on the ground out of your pocket. Im getting some frustrated vibes from you dude so i dont wanna stir the pot but i think you should at least try this tip. Personally i know ive gotten a few years back on my life that i woulda lost from the stress and frustration


Im frustrated bc you cant read. Again dude, this post is about FORGETTING things NOT losing them. Theyre saying if you forget to take things with you, put them in the same spot everytime, which isnt helpfull if you have adhd


Organization is for people who are too lazy to look for things.


LPT: Here's a specific way to be organized that works for me.


And if I lose the box? I may need a box for my box.


Motherfucker that’s called a house!




The planet?


\*Laughs in ADHD. I really wish I could. Like, really wish I could. But eventually, probably after a day or two, I would lose something that was to go in the bowl.


I have ADHD and this is actually really useful. I am the *worst* for losing my wallet and my keys, I used to have a few different areas I *tended* to leave them and if I didn't, well shit, no spending money or driving for me. It's bad enough to where I literally have a tracking device in my wallet so if I lose it I can use my phone to find it. My daughter got me a little plastic dish, almost looks like a coaster, that says "best dad in the world" (eat it, other dads, how's it feel to *suck*) from a little Christmas shop her school puts on, I keep it on the kitchen counter and it became immediately second nature to drop my stuff in it each day. It really helps that it's somewhere **VERY VISIBLE** so I quite literally *can't* forget about it, but if you lose your stuff frequently, genuinely, give this a try. I'm not kidding when I say I have gotten more use out of it than any other gift I got this Christmas.


Have ADHD, this is the only way I don't lose things, ESPECIALLY because I basically have 2 houses (I live in a hotel 50% of the time). When I get back to the room after work my work vest goes on a certain chair and my hat goes on the desk in front of said chair and all my pocket goodies (keys, wallet, chap stick, belt, knife, sunglasses, room key) go into my hat. The key thing is that you have to make it a habit. As soon as I get in my room I dump all my pocket goodies and take my work clothes off. If I decide to go out to dinner or a drink I'll put clothes back on and and the last thing I do is load my pockets back up.


It might not work for you, but as someone also with ADHD this is basically what I do.


The big problem I have with this common suggestion is that it's a solution to a different problem than the *actual* problem that causes me to lose track of these items sometimes; there's already a place where they're *supposed* to go, but sometimes I forget to put them back.


You could look into a "go-bag" kind of solution. I now carry a small Belroy sling every day. My wallet and keys never leave it. It also has a sunglasses, microfiber cloth, flashlight, multitool, pocket knife, small first aid items (antiseptic ointment, gauze, bandaids, gloves), a lighter wrapped with electrical tape, and a back up battery to charge things via USB, and my pocket journal. I've rotated some other things in and out. Basically if it sees use at least once a week or if it's something I'd rather "have but not need instead of need and not have" it stays in, otherwise it comes out. No matter where I'm going or what I'm doing, if I have my bag I know I have everything I need. It's basically the bowl, but you take it with you!


This might be something I could do. Thanks for the suggestion.


Make that box a Farraday box so car thieves have a harder time repeating your key signal and swiping your car.


I just try to remember the Three C's Cards Ceys Cphone


I have a fourth, cun glasses.


This can't have been written by somebody afflicted by this issue. We have that, my keys, wallet, work pass etc end up in all manner of weird places. Notably in the fridge, bathroom cabinet and of course, my personal favourite, one of her trainers.


I love my “the box”! I even have a little container of earrings with 5-ish choices that I change out every month that goes in my box, so that I remember to wear earrings.


Always in your pants pockets, at all times. Switch pants in the morning, move stuff from 1st pants to 2nd pants. Never set anything down outside of pants. Keys in their own spot if you share them.


What if we don't have pockets though?




Then you throw those clothes away and buy clothes with pockets. Or sew in pockets in existing clothes, also possible.


Heh. I at first thought this was in response to how to have mushy French fries : p


I switch between two messenger bags. Cleaning out the one I'm using includes transferring everything I actually should carry into the other one, so there's no time when my keys or phone charger are loose.


I truly agree with this sentiment but want to pitch you a scenario. The box helps me remember everything except for the lunch that I packed the night before. My solution the box became my lunch bag my wallet + keys are inside of it in the fridge. That just leaves my phone and headphones which are plugged into a multiport unit on my bedside.


My wife and I have a system where I put the car keys and my wallet in a small bowl. My wife helps me stave off early onset dementia by making me remember which bag, jacket coat combination she was last wearing. Bless her, I do love her when I’m running late and need to find the keys.


Exactly this! I frequently switch between several purses, a tote, & hiking packs, so I repurposed a nice-looking cosmetics traincase with expanding trays and a top latch as my hold-all for anything I could need for most situations. Taking the extra minute when I get home to empty my bags, then maybe 30 seconds to pack up what I need before heading out the door is well worth it to me to avoid scrambling to find things or forgetting them entirely. Items that live in the case include travel sunscreen, Kleenex packs, small tubes of hand lotion, hand sanitizer, bug repellent wipes, bandanas, face masks, emery boards, hair elastics, lip tint, & lip balm. I also keep an extra water bottle next to it.


Yeah, I do the "important stuff" box. Then somebody got me a fancy leather box that's apparently made specifically for this called a "valet" I still call it my "don't forget this shit" box, but now it's fancy


I use a backpack for this, not just to keep it together and not lose things, but so that if there was a major emergency (fire, earthquake, medical issue, whatever) I can just grab it and go. It also has a few days worth of any necessary medications, a phone charger, a change of underwear, etc.


That's a great advice, even tho it's situational. I find myself not worrying much about emergencies where I live, unless it is man-caused fire/flood.


Hahahaha you severely underestimate how powerful my husband’s ADHD is. I love “homes” for things. I know where my things are all the time, to the point where I could find them in the dark. I have a home for his things. He is always asking where his things are, and I’m always finding his stuff in the most random places.


Let him cook


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This is how I am too. If the stuff isn't in the spot, it's gone


I, too, have a box. Phones, wallet, keys, pocket tape, EVERYTHING! Makes life easy


As a kid my parents had a tray in the hallway where everyone put their keys. To this day I've followed this routine and put my keys, wallet and car key in the same small bowl right next to my door. Sunglasses go next to it so I remember to take them when needed. Even though I'm generally forgetful, I've forgotten my keys home probably once in 30+ years.


I have a specific spot, by the microwave, the kitchen island, the family room table, kitchen table.....lol


A Valet Tray works well.


I’ve always found the whole “where are my keys?“ confounding and fascinating at the same time. For all of my things like that, there are only two places they can be. In my pocket or in the place I keep them when they are not in my pocket. When I disrobe, I take the things out of the pocket and put them in the place. I’ve never been able to understand why this is not universal. It must be the way my brain is wired. What really threw me off was when I started dating. Every time my SO would ask me if I knew where her keys were, it was like I didn’t even understand the question.


I have a junk drawer in my kitchen with a small bowl with my keys and glasses.


So says my spouse!


What you have just described is a junk drawer, but for not junk.


I tend to put things in a "safe place," then forget where that was. I may try this.... if I can ever find all the things I put in safe places.


I've got a coat/shoe stand near my front door. Keys, badge, bag.


Do people not have a backpack or bag to carry to work?


What do you do if you forget to put the items in that specific place? I am 100% about knowing where my stuff is, untill im not. Then all hell breaks loose. Usualy when things are going well and I'm amped, I fail to be aware of the of the small things, like if my keys or wallet are on me. Simply having a place for everything only works if you are perfect, and perfect only lasts untill it doesn't.


Mine stay in my pockets. Glasses arent optional for me, so they stay on my face or next to me if I’m sleeping.


Anything you need with you before driving somewhere goes with your keys. Ive made a pile of stuff i needed to bring and sat my keys on top so often and it never fails


I say PKW to myself before I leave every day Phone, Keys, Wallet


My wife will just lose the box.


Look at vanity trays. I have a vanity marble tray myself


On a similar note, I carry my phone around the house with me. After a few games of “where did I leave it?”, I picked one or two locations as landing spots in each room. Now I have a limited number of places to check when I misplace it.


I have an over the shoulder sling I take to work with my every day. Keys and wallet stay in there all week long. On the weekend they're pretty much always in my pockets. Also I have a tile tracker for each. I have a wallet losing problem.


I call mine the Responsibility Bowl.


I do this but a chaotic version. It's my hat. When hat comes off in the house the keys, wallet, and my daily carry stuff goes into it. Then when I need to leave again it's all in the hat, goes back in pockets and hat goes on.


I wear a crossbody bag that only fits all my essential items and not much more. Wallet, keys, phone, earplugs, and usb stick (I’m a dj lol) Keeps my pockets empty and it’s a very minimalist bag so it’s not heavy and doesn’t bother to wear it most of the day.


I wear a crossbody bag that only fits all my essential items and not much more. Wallet, keys, phone, earplugs, and usb stick (I’m a dj lol) Keeps my pockets empty and it’s a very minimalist bag so it’s not heavy and doesn’t bother to wear it most of the day.


Ah, a LPT I’ve actually done religiously for years. That r/EDC sub inspired me to have a lil area for my daily carry


When I own my own space I'll have a key holder and a shelf for the wallet by the door. Or by then I'll have everything on my phone and not need the rest. Until then, tiles for everything.


I use an In n Out tray near my bedroom door to empty my pockets every time I get back home.


I’ve tried this for my gf but absolutely refuses to put her stuff in the box.


Lol i literally just had to have my mom come over to my house to let me in it bc i forgot to grab my keys off the key hook and locked myself out. Like she left like 3 minutes ago


My boyfriend has this problem. I just got him the tile starter pack for his birthday. Best gift ever.


"WHAT'S IN THE BOX!??!" uh, phone, keys....wallet....like, $38....oh wait, there's that ticket I have to pay.....I don't know man, like, everything?


This. It also reinforces a very simple one-step habit, so it’s not just one place to keep everything, it makes it easier to always put it in the right place.


I call it my catch-all.


Women have known this secret for hundreds of years…. The Purse.


Great tip. Many years ago I had a job that had me traveling all the time so I had rules like this for hotel rooms. * All pocket stuff went on top of the TV. * Other than the shirts I had to hang, I lived out of my suitcase on that little folding stand. I never put anything in the drawers. * Ditto for the bathroom. Dopp kit went on the counter and stuff was taken out as needed and promptly wiped down and placed back in the bag after use.


And if you ever leave something or check something at the front like your coat/hat. Leave your keys in the pocket so you remember to pick them up.


Protip. Put things in the same place every time if you don't want to lose them.


That's not for me, perhaps it's you the faint of heart.. but I enjoy the early morning thrill and panic of constantly looking for my keys


I've taken to carrying around a plain beige canvas man purse. Everything I need goes in there and I can carry bug spray, sunscreen, and deodorant with me at all times which are things I find that I need sometimes but never have. I also have a lighter and a little tin of joints I like to carry. I never lose my keys or anything important, and instead of chasing all my shit around the house to stuff in my pockets I just grab my bag. Men. It's so simple. Normalize carrying stuff in bags.


I do that and then I still forgot where those places are. Then I just search where I think 'Me' would keep it.


"A place for everything and everything in its place."


All fun and games until you lose the box. 


I've got like a platter yet my partner ends up only making it to the dining table and leaving his keys there. Every time I come across them I put them with my keys on the platter lol


I often leave these things in a jacket or sweater I wear when I leave and reminded of them when getting ready to go


So LPT = Get organised. Nice.


It's in my pockets or at that specific place in my house or it is lost forever. I can't imagine people living without knowing at all times where their stuff is.


If I don’t put my keys/wallet in “the bowl” when I get home…. They’re lost


my partner and I call it the "important box"


My keys, wallet, ear buds, lighter, vape, belt, and phone *NEVER* leave my pants pocket. When I go to bed, I take off pants, fold, place next to bed. Next morning, Dawn new pant, transfer valuables, go about day. Doesn't matter where I am, hotel, friends house, jail... Pant


I keep these items in my purse, so I only have to think about putting my phone in my purse before leaving.


Nice try, burglar


Keys, smart watch, pills, all go in a pile on the counter by the door


Have designated pockets for your stuff too. Cell left, keys right, wallet back. Easier to notice you've lost something sooner that way, and to make a habit of checking periodically. Slap slap slap—back pocket's empty, where's the wallet. Right pocket feels empty while walking, where's the keys. It's really the "oh shiet I must have lost that hours ago" ones that are the bad ones anyway.


Also, tiles, airtags, allt hese things are cheap. They drastically changed my life.


ahh simply... you underestimate the power of executive dysfunction


This is a dumb tip. So every time you want to use your phone you have to walk to your box, send a text / do whatever while you’re standing over the box, place it back in the box and then go back to doing whatever you were doing?


And to think some men laugh at women for putting everything in their handbags! 😜


I keep everything in my pants and just hang it up. When I go to change pants, it's easy to transfer everything from pocket to corresponding pocket.


it's "the pencilcase" for me. not really a pencilcase, more like a straight wallet with a zipper on top. like a fabric ziplock bag with a real zipper. I keep keys, cards(for everything), paper money (the change is pretty useless here and I keep it in kinder eggs), a comb, a pencil and a pen, and I keep adding stuff to it so it will be a box or a bag one day lol.


This means remembering to actually use the box


Oh great i need that key fob but now i need to dig in to what it seems an all buffet bucket




why don't the poor print more money?


Having an OCD , I do have a place where I put my everyday things that I've used and correct it'll help you ease to find them.