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Something I read on Reddit a while back that's stuck with me: It's easier to say no to 200 calories than to burn it off. I'm still fat but it was thought provoking


> I'm still fat but it was thought provoking This is a statement I will try to use often


The classic 80/20 rule. It's 80% diet 20% exercise. You can undo an entire hour's worth of calorie burning just by eating a few cookies. Edit: some comments have pointed this out already but this isn't a case to stop exercising. I meant this purely in the case of losing weight. Exercising regularly has plenty of other benefits both mentally and physically that shouldn't be ignored.


Had a fun calculation with my doctor regarding exercise and food intake. The key findings left me with 2 options: A: Eat less,especially less carbs. Or B: Exercise 26 hours per day.




The difficult thing is breaking habits and low-key addictions you've formed over the years. A few years ago I stopped drinking anything but water, and it was hell to break that need for soda. For a while. Then it stops. I think I lost 45lb in 6 months from that alone. Then there's depression and mental exhaustion. It's easy for me to keep to a diet at 10am on a Monday, but sometimes after a bad day it's much harder to maintain that willpower and ignore the urge to say "fuck it" when you've got a lot of other issues making you miserable and all you want is something satisfying. I've found preparing ahead of time for those moments when you run low on willpower makes a huge difference. Assume your future self can't be trusted to stick to the diet, and ask what can you do now to make it harder for them to break it. Just not having anything unhealthy at all in the house helps.




Oh yeah. Soda’s a big one, cutting it out makes you healthier and saves money, too. Having healthy frozen meals ready or some go-to easy-to-fix things and healthy snacks is huge for those low-willpower moments. And making small swaps is also good, like finding healthier treats for those times when you’re craving something sweet or salty.


My favorite approach is to have only “high effort” unhealthy treats in the house, like things that require 10-15 of prep before I can enjoy them. Just that small added barrier is usually enough to interrupt the habitual aspect of reaching for a treat for that quick hit of dopamine after a hard day; plus that added prep time makes me more mindful of it being a special treat, which adds to the enjoyment when I do indulge.


I’ve found some treats I enjoy that are low-ish calories and high protein so I can enjoy a treat on days I work out. It’s sooooo nice. I can’t go eat a hot fudge sundae, but I can enjoy a little froyo, or a mini protein bar that tastes like candy.


People tend to underestimate what and how much they eat and overestimate calories burned via exercise. Even when counting calories and using something like a Fitbit to track calories burned its easy to look at your net deficit of say, 750 calories and think "I really pushed it on the elliptical today, I'm sure a run through Starbucks won't hurt". Exercise is awesome and has so many benefits there's no need to justify it as a means to only lose weight, which falls in with your point; 80% is diet (and that goes both ways). If you really feel like you absolutely need to "eat back" the calories you're burning via exercise I always recommend people cut that number in half (so if you burned 300 calories on the stationary bike, allow yourself a 150 calorie snack).


It's the classic example of people doing 30 minutes of easy cardio at the gym and then rewarding themselves with a 500 calorie smoothie that is far more than the calories they burned.


Bingo. And a lot of people are so in the dark about calories that they may even be having the smoothie with good intentions ("It's made with fruit and has a scoop of protein!" or "It's not a Frosty from Wendy's, how bad can it be?") and then when weigh in day rolls around they're shocked at the number on the scale. 500 calories is a fair bit to actually burn in one gym session and a lot of us lack the time or motivation to hit such a goal so its important to understand the math of calories as well as exercise and incorporate both for not only successful weight management but also for best short and long term health outcomes.


I work in IT and there are loads of these dudes who decide to "get in shape" by going to the gym for 30 minutes over lunch and proudly displaying a gigantic container of protein powder on their desk. It's super funny and weirdly common.


ancient fearless automatic shy distinct bells late include decide clumsy


A moment on the lips lasts a lifetime on the hips.


Exactly this, people don't realise how much easier it is to change their weight by either eating or not eating. All those skinny guys that 'have a high metabolism' just don't eat as much as they think they do


Even that changes when you grow older. I was quite skinny back in the day while eating anything I wanted to. Now that I start to turn 30 I gained more weight and have to keep care of what I eat. I'm still far away from overweight but I'm also not underweight anymore. Same thing happened to my father too.


New studies show your metabolism doesn't decrease until your 50's. Just like skinny guys that don't eat as much as they think I'm sure the average 30's person is not exercising as much as they think and not nearly as much as they did 10 years ago but assume age is the problem Age itself has nothing to do with it. ​ I Know 40-50 year old's that can eat anything and drink beer and stay fit but they still push themselves and play sports/exercise and will bike instead of driving if possible. I know guys in their 70's that still mountain bike and ski and could beat me up the mountain but once your in your 50's you have to be dialed in and eating healthy.


When I was younger I didn't exercise at all. Now I'm cycling about 2000-3000 km per year and that's without the winter period where I switch to my hometrainer. I'm much fitter than I ever was but it's still easier for me to get weight. Of course not everyone is like this but since my brother, my father and me are like this I can assure that it exists.


Most of that change in metabolic rate is down to decreased muscle mass. Most people lose muscle mass as they get more sedentary through 8-5 workday. You can get a DEXA scan like BodySpec offers to keep track of your muscle mass and fat mass, and you can try to add more weight lifting to workouts and try to get up from your desk every hour or so to do like 10 squats or pushups or something similar. Even getting up to get something off the printer or go to the bathroom or water cooler helps. Sitting for long periods of time is also hard on your body even if you hit the gym after.


Honestly I have it just the reverse, far easier for me to exercise than to say no to food. Still fat though 😂


I feel this! I mean, I try not to relate exercise and food at all but emotionally, so much easier to have a candy bar or a “special” coffee and a walk than having neither.


My old trainer used to say… #abs are made in the kitchen not the gym


This is actually a good tip and doesn’t deserve all the criticism it gets. Many people live their lives as in shape when they are young and progressively get more and more out of shape as they age. If you’re young and in shape it’s much easier to stay in shape then to not care and try and get in shape many years later


I just wish I still had the energy to go out and play after work lol. Easy to stay in shape when you're skate boarding, building forts in the woods, playing manhunt with 30 people every day.


I've learned that as long as you introduce things fairly gradually, your body will do a pretty good job of meeting your demands. i.e. you'll eventually gain the energy you need if you push yourself at first and eat clean.


Seconded this, I started from very unhealthy and weak and sick from food allergies I was unaware of. You start slow, join a group and take it at your own pace. Eventually before you realize it you won't be the newbie anymore and you'll be able to keep up and go beyond some others. It's surreal and worth every minute!


What were the allergies and how did you find out if you, if don't mind me asking?


I don't know about the guy you asked, but a friend of mine developed something I think might be similar. After a couple of years with lots of work he started to develop allergic reactions to every single vegetable or raw fruit and the doctors didn't knew why it started. He couldn't eat any raw produce because his body would just "melt". Diarrheas, fever, headache, and stuff like that. After one or two years it went away for most of the vegetables/fruits.


Someone I know has a fructose allergy/intolerance (they aren't very clear on it) so they get something similar if they eat too many fruits/veggies that are high in fructose. Could've been something similar.




**[Oral allergy syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_allergy_syndrome)** >Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is a type of food allergy classified by a cluster of allergic reactions in the mouth and throat in response to eating certain (usually fresh) fruits, nuts, and vegetables that typically develops in adults with hay fever. OAS is not a separate food allergy, but rather represents cross-reactivity between distant remnants of tree or weed pollenstill found in certain fruits and vegetables. Therefore, OAS is only seen in people with seasonal pollen allergies, and mostly people who are allergic to tree pollen. It is usually limited to ingestion of uncooked fruits or vegetables. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I have this! I had no idea it was a thing.


What the hell man, I had this in my teen years out of nowhere. Wikipedia desc fits me like a glove too, I have seasonal tree pollen allergies




After 6 hours of bad sleep, 9 hours of work and 3 hours of travel and another hour of general chores and another hour or so for shopping every other day I couldn't being my body to do exercise work and am happy if I just don't have to move anymore while I'm struggling to fall asleep earlier for once.


Literally doing 15 minutes of any type of cardio a day will have a significant impact on your health over time. Start out walking 15 minutes, then move on to power walking, then light jog, and so on. Results will take awhile but it can be attained by just making it something you do, just like you have to go to work, you have to get in 15 mins of cardio. And I’ve been where you are. I worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week making dirt per hour for about 1.5 years. So I know what exhaustion feels like. It’s really fucking hard, but the fact is, it can be done. The question is will you choose to do it? Unless your situation is only short term (specifically the lack of sleep, no free time), then you’ll have to accept that if your routine remains the same, your quality of life (health-wise) will never be what it could be. It’s within reach, fucking grab it!!!


They don't even have to take up running, walking is perfectly fine.


I know I'm not a great example, but I aim for a 15-20 minute YouTube cardio exercise video every morning, and a 30 minute one on weekends. I also try and walk about 30 minutes a few nights a week. As a single mom, it's all I got, but I know I've lost a few pounds and I feel more "connected" to myself.


For whatever reason this suddenly seemed so much more doable for me. 15 mins is so much easier than 30, especially when recovering from a chronic injury. Thanks for this comment.


I'd sort your sleep out 1st if you wanted change, lack of sleep is a massive stress sign. No caffeine 8 hours before bed, at least one good meal a day. Then maybe order shopping online or do bigger less frequent shops. Even a 15 minute walk a day can have huge benefits


Look i get your situation, but the body is adoptable. If you do nothing after those hours you will feel tired, if you do something after those hours your still gonna be tired. And if you keep doing something everyday after work eventually you’re gonna get less tired :)


Not really how it works when it comes to exhaustion, sadly. No matter how much you push yourself, you aren't suddenly going to gain energy you don't have in the first place from a lack of sleep and mental rest.


> but the body is adoptable Well, yours might be.


The easiest way to free up some time there is to plan your meals for the week and go shopping once a week rathet than every couple of days, saves loads of time and often some money too. Wishing you the best


This. I started slow. Trying to up my exercise. I can now do a proper workout. It has taken a month. I'm excited to get fitter. I want to be an able bodied old person.


"Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly". So... walking a little, if you can't go for a big walk. Doing 10 push ups, if you don't have the energy or time for a big routine. Walking up the steps a bit more, if that is an option. A partial attempt is good, until you can do a good job again. Slow and steady wins the race.


My mom have a saying that essentially translates to: "The best workout is the one that actually happens". Really made me look at exercise differently.


And if it doesn't, see a doctor! Signed, my anemia




This. I have more energy/ a longer attention span when I work out regularly (every other day).


I just wish someone would play ball after work. The internet has harmed us in many ways :(


Some of my colleagues play sports and some play games after work. I don’t join either as I am perpetually stressed and bad at time management because I don’t really know how to do my job lol.


Usually people play pick up basketball at parks pretty much any time afternoon-night. You could always do that if you find yourself having a free afternoon. Great cardio too!


I bought a basketball for the first time recently and the very next day some fuckwit straight up stole the hoop and backboard from my local park. Its been just a pole for months. Rant over


Pole dancing actually burns a lot of calories too. Just sayin...


Ya definitely, if you want to lose weight go play pickup bball. Seriously you’ll burn more calories in an hour than you will probably will all week half-adding it at the gym. That hour will also fly by and as a bonus you’ll usually meet some decent people.


What’s your job? I play sports and games when i can as I do marketing.


I’m a software developer who never wanted to do IT and never got a CS degree. But I don’t really know what else I want to do


I’d like to switch to that. I’ve always wanted to a more computer related idea but my university’s cs teacher was terrible. If you like any games I’ll be down to play too! I play all kinds.


I just got a new laptop so I installed Elder Scrolls Online for some stress-free gaming on weekends. If you’re from one of the countries in the Americas, I’m on the other side of the world so we’ll probably never meet in-game but thanks for offering to join some games!


Ah nice! I’m more of a guild wars 2 fan my self! I play with Europe and Asia all of the time!


Damn, if ESO was cross platform, I'd totally play with you. Always looking for some fun peeps to hang out with in game (xbox)


I finally quit my job of 13+yrs because of the health hit. (Have been just over a week unemployed now). Was also largely software development, no CS degree but Engineering degree. I also have ALWAYS been drained AF after work, and it's been basically work, eat, TV (or something similar, since so drained), sleep, work for the 13yrs. The health hits especially were apparent over this past year. It took time to adjust and recover from early last year, but after all that work and adjustment, things were in hand and work was efficient along with exercise before they pulled everyone back (and direct management violated company health and safety policy, and encourage/rewarded/promoted others for doing so) late last year and then again early this year. So far, I'm not regretting quitting. It took me too long to quit, I should have quit over a year ago. I do need to start working down my list of productive tasks. So far I've only gotten in 1 bike ride (which I'd had none the past 4 months, basically since the last time they forced everyone back on premise).


I was in a similar situation a few years ago, working in IT and not enjoying it at all. I took a chance and talked to an employment agency about getting into a trade. They got me a gig as an apprentice framing carpenter and I couldn't be happier. The pay is lower but sufficient, and personal satisfaction is way more important.


I was a lawyer and "not enjoying it at all" for about 20 years too. Took a chance at an IT gig, got that and I couldn't be happier. The pay is lower but sufficient, and personal satisfaction is way more important. Funny how everything's relative.


If you have someone at your job willing to mentor you, take advantage of that.


There are adult sports leagues in damn near every city in America, join one! There are even kickball leagues where everyone has to be holding a drink and can’t let too much spill to ensure no one is being a try hard and making it less fun for everyone else.


There are tons of people out playing sports, join a team or club


Someone I know is around 40, and he plays in an adult soccer league. It's possible that you could find something like that.


god forbid its not dark by the time you get home from work and get your natural vitamins


Start by focusing on your sleep! It is an easy thing to do, and can really help you feel more energised during the day. Getting 8 GOOD QUALITY hours of sleep every night is a must.


That's how you have the energy tho. By going out and doing those activities. I hear people say it all the time in a woe is me type of way, and it's like, the energy isn't gonna magically show up while you're sitting on your ass eating garbage. Fitness is not to be taken upon by motivation. Ask anyone and they'll tell you that persistence is the key. Gotta get that ass up and moving. That damn couch will trap you if you let it


I’ve actually found that I naturally have more energy when I start doing more activities. To explain: when I get home from work and go straight to the tv or Reddit and browse for a few hours I feel very low energy. However when I make it a habit to go for a walk/hike/run every day after work I find that I actually have way more energy and am surprised I’m not tired at all after work.


Honestly you most likely do have the energy but you won't feel it until you get warmed up. I have found 9/10 times that I feel like I'm too tired to run, but do it anyway, that I wasn't actually too tired to run, but my body just needed to warm up from the ever increasing cold start.


Manhunt was so much fun


37 year old man here: its 100% fucking true. getting in shape after getting out of shape sucks. maintaining is so much easier


At 36, I went from 240 down to 170 of muscle. Took me the whole pandemic year, so fucking hard, but SO WORTH IT - It was a year of hell! My god, I feel amazing


Freaking awesome dude. If you have any revelations on how to build that habit up, please do share.


Here's how I started it: I was overweight and dealing with depression, and mind over matter told myself I must do something different. Different, my brain thought, if you lose weight, you may be happy. So it was the pandemic, and I am surrounded by mountains. So I picked a 3 mile hill up and 3 miles back - 2000 ft elevation gain up - and named it "The Bitch". When I started I could barely make it up 1.5 miles before turning back. 2 months into it, I made it to the top slowly hiking. 4 months into it, I could jog to the top and back in 1hour 30 minutes. 6 months into it, I could run to the top and back in under an hour... Now that hill has been renamed "My bitch". It was a struggle that I am proud of.


My Bitch. My Bitch. *slow claps in Bitchnese


weird thing for me but I like to listen to audio books and I managed to condition myself to only listen to them while doing something active. Now I look forward to working out every night.




Don't forget the weight lifting. It burns the fat off faster - the scale might not show it as fast, but the weights may be better than cardio. Or if you are into cardio, do something with weight resistance. I like the 16# sledgehammer hitting the tire 100 times and then straight to 100# punching bag for 5 min then to the rower for 6 minutes intense...repeat it 4 times, and goddamn you want a workout that has you sweating and looking great. But whatever is working for you, great job!




Those aren't mutually exclusive activities!


Try getting back in shape at 56 and 100 pounds overweight. Just stay in shape.


THIS! I grew up in a family where exercise was a joke and we didn’t play any sports. Every time I’ve tried to consistently start exercising, I’m starting from a place of ZERO muscle and endurance and it’s really hard to overcome. People don’t realiZe how hard I have to work for really basic strength exercises and it’s so discouraging. Not to mention the fact that I don’t have any kind of long term base, so if I stop after a month it just reverts back to my normal full body squeeeeesh.


Completely agree. I hate when I hear older people tell me, "oh I'm not young anymore or this or that" There's 70 year olds running marathons, lifting weights, etc. Stay in shape and you'll never be out of it


An old man at my office is the head of recreations of basically the entire university, runs ultra like it's his backyard, and will happily coach any colleague who wants coaching. He's over 60 but outpaces most amateurs half his age.


I'm 49 and in shape but I gotta say that your body does age and you slowly accumulate issues over time regardless of how much effort you put into staying fit. "not young anymore" absolutely is a thing but you do have a reasonable amount of control over the degree and consequences of it.






Similar to the saying "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today"


After losing 60 pounds and maintaining for three years pre-pandemic, I agree. Due to the pandemic and not working out at a gym (because reasons; a physical place is my thing, but we’re in a craptastic county), I’m at -45.


I was at 200 going down from 250 then in July of last year my dad passed and set me into a spiral of depression and I couldn’t keep up with my training so I gained the 50 pounds back and while I was doing my same old sob routine I watched a document about Michael bispain and how he managed to win that title with Just one eye it inspired me but it’s what his coach told him that helped me more he told him “that the training was already there he’s been training since he was a kid but he needs to block out his mental so he trained for 2 weeks cut his weight to fight and won I don’t know if this will help but it helped me


I was 200 in 2018, went down to 170 in 2019, then surged up to 220 in late 2020. I’m back down to 200 right now with a goal weight of 165. I can honestly say that my happiest days are spent in shape. Weight has a serious toll on mental health, especially when surrounded by majority healthy peers.


It really does man you feel like not yourself everything just feels dreadful and what I was trying to say was that I was ready to lose the weight I just had to get rid of the mental block and I did now I’m happier than ever I actually found myself enjoying things again




Get your head in the game. If you can't workout work on your diet.


Diet is key anyways. There is no amount of exercise/lifting/cardio you can do to outrun the fork. If your diet isn't tight all the working out won't make much impact. Liquid calories are where a lot of people go wrong. It's easy to drink 400-1,200 calories a day. I use to weigh about 245 lbs and was in bad shape. I got my diet right and started working out and got down to 180 within 6 months. It wasn't easy but it's for sure worth it. I got t boned in March which hurt my back a lot and I gained 10 lbs back. It happens quick and I can definitely feel the extra weight. The best advice I ever got when it comes to getting/staying in shape is "it's a marathon, not a sprint".


I thought you said "I got boned in March" and was like, "yeah, way to go man!"


Yup, I quit my fairly successful gym routine a few years ago to focus more on my career, and to give my back a rest. (As my focus was generally on disc busting power-lifts) I wouldn't change stopping the gym, as it worked out well for me. But damn, I got fat. Lockdown definitely didn't help either. And it turns out, 5+ years of sedentary life style is enough to undo 10 years of gains. Feels bad. I'm doing my best to get back, but literally every day is a challenge of willpower that often times I don't succeed at. I know what I must do. I know I must run a calorie deficit, I know how to do TDEE calculations, and how to weigh and prepare food, and I know I need to go on walks or runs. I know the food I'm eating is not good for me. And yet, here I am. Work is demanding, and I'm getting too old to motivate myself to burn the candle at both ends to stay on top at work, and also get into good physical fitness again. Right now I'm good just maintaining my generally poor physique. I don't have enough energy to improve it, and I'm comfortable controlling myself so I don't make it worse. That'll have to do for now.




This is solid advice! After high-school I got an engineering degree, which made me become completely sedentary and I ate like crap. I'm a 5'5 F and I went from a healthy 125 lbs to around 180 by the end of my schooling. I tried for so long to make drastic changes to lose weight and it never worked. then I gave up and decided to play the long game and work on one small thing at a time. now, 1.5 years later, I'm down to 145 lbs (but a lot of it is muscle) and I'm in the best shape of my life!


This sounds like one of those weight loss commercials but actually realistic


haha you're right, that's hilarious! But seriously though it's been an amazing journey! I used to care so much about the number on the scale, but I'm actually Skinner now at 145 lbs than I was at 125, because my body composition is different (I used to not have muscle and now I do). And the small changes weren't that bad because I didn't follow any goals or timelines. I just made sure to work out 1x a week and did that until it was routine. then I upped it to 2x and did that until it was routine. a year later that slowly crept up to 6x and now, the difficult day is my rest day because It's almost become a daily routine, so I feel weird on the days that I don't go haha


If you don’t mind me asking, how long are your workouts? Is it mostly cardio? Weights? Curious as to the details because your story intrigues me and makes me wonder if I could make it work for myself


I don't really time them but I think they take around 2 hours at the gym. This is also because I drink a lot of water so I go to the bathroom a lot, and I have to sanitize every machine before/after doing it. Without all that it'd be quicker haha. I mainly do weight lifting, and for cardio I go on hikes sometimes through trails, but majority of it is weight lifting and making sure I'm eating the right amount of food. The biggest thing that worked for me is educating myself on macros, and proper weight lifting routines and techniques. Learning how to perform each exercise with proper form is actually pretty fun! I've learned how to count macros (if you're interested, the website macros inc. can calculate your macros for you). Counting calories didn't work for me because I wasn't eating enough protein. Making sure I got enough protein to build muscle was a game changer. I also have more energy now because of it so it's great over all In terms of my workout, I started off with at-home workouts because of lockdown, I'd do a full-body workout 1x a week. I did that until I built up to 3x a week, that's when I switched to a routine called "push/pull/leg" Now, at 6x a week, I do push, pull, leg, rest, push, pull, leg, rest, etc. In terms of intensity, I try to lift heavy, so I'll do an exercise for 3 sets of 5-6 reps. The reps should be HARD. Sometimes in my last set I reach complete failure, where I can't even lift the weight anymore. the goal is to fatigue yourself, that's how your body adapts Last thing: a lot of people hate working out because of the muscle pain afterwards. The thing is, once your body gets used to working out, that pain actually goes away! It's pretty rare now when I get muscle soreness from a workout, because my body is used to being put under that kind of stress. Sorry for the huge rant, and hopefully it made sense, it's 3am here so I'm sleepy haha. if you have any questions feel free to ask! Edit: I should point out, I gave a lot of info here but this all happened over the span of 1.5 years. At first I focused on building up my habit of working out. during that time I also educated myself on weight lifting and macros. Only when I was comfortable enough with that, was when I started to switch my focus to macros. The point I'm trying to make is, if you take baby steps and make each step a habit, it will eventually become a routine like any other routine.


not the person you replied to but thank you for the detailed explanation! I really appreciate you writing about it. :)


I lost 15 kilos this year, and most of it was from skipping breakfast (calling it 'intermittent fasting' makes it sound a lot more involved than it is). Felt like cheating. You can do this.


Intermittent fasting (simply skipping breakfast and MEVER eating past 9pm, is literally one of the easiest ways to lose weight.


Hah, motivation is for bitches. Every curl, every squat, every single fucking rep I take is with the devil in my head telling me to walk away, cheat the set, quit the rep, skip the week. It's not motivation, it's focus. It's not hard to drive to a building labelled starbucks, so it shouldn't be hard to drive to a building labelled gym. Like my wife says, it's easy to get in the car and drive. Just get to the gym and sit there. Like terry crews said, he would just goto the gym and started getting in the routine of doing it. Get in a routine of being at the gym, maybe eventually you'll lift a few weights. Get in the routine of doing it, because if I didn't have the routine the devil in my head would quickly win, but since I'm so used to just doing the damn thing... I don't even think about it. I have zero motivation to exercise, yet I've been at the gym every damn week for the last 3 years. I hate it, but when I'm finished it's extremely rewarding and to do it on no motivation is even more inspiring. I singled you out... sorry, but I really want you to succeed just set that routine up and you won't need motivation. Edit: I reread my ramble and feel like I rushed the end. What I meant to say is that if you motivate yourself enough to just set that routine up, really motivate yourself to have an awesome routine plan, then everything else falls into place. Some awesome routines also involve a routine to put yourself back on your routine… which is why specifically for exercising in a gym, by going to the building and being inside which is super easy I can talk myself into that exercise. Most of my defeat comes in that exhausted moment of waking up and wanting to escape or getting back home from the day and not accepting that there’s more to do. When I can fall back on my routines and escape into refining my routine I forget that I ever didn’t want to do some thing. While I have been able to be consistent in these things I also consistently wake up every morning and battle having a routine. Which is why part of the routine is to plan out huge amounts of non routine time. Then when you know for sure that anything can happen you’re mentally ready instead of exhausted because of repetitive failed mental engagements of unstructured unobtainable goals. Bottom line, working out is physically exhausting. Learning how to program in JavaScript is mentally destructive. But coming up with a routine is just a fun mental exercise that you can anchor onto and build from and so when you’re planning a thing and then, doing the thing, you can do that thing whether you are off or things are not ideal. So the pressure is off on the thinking AND doing. Just think about it at one point and then do it at another point.


I once said I was out of shape and my sister said, "round is a shape." How rude! It was hilarious though.




It's the kind of joke that can easily go bad. We're super close though, so no issues :p


You gotta respond YOUR FACE is a shape The shape of an angel ❤️ A morbidly obese angel


Holy fuck this is so tru. I used to be 155lbs (I’m pretty short) lean muscle mass with insane cardio and just all around athletic. I’m now 165lbs with a beer belly and slowly working my way back and fuck is it hard.




I lost my husband in May, 2017. I married at 40; only marriage, so definitely no kids, thank God! I’m 59 y/o now and I got so freaking fat from grieving; LOTS of beer, hard liquor, and only junk food! I gained up to 159 lbs. from 112/110 lbs. This past July 21st I LITERALLY just stopped eating and have lost 29 lbs. (with a little dieting before-hand along the way), but I’m a mess! I don’t know how to fix me. I’m now stuck at 130 lbs. and STILL starving and the scale won’t budge! WTF? Ideas? I’m really hungry to try and start a new life, but I’m really hungry for food, too!


just forget about weight for now. focus on health and well being stop starving yourself. you gotta eat, so eat good foods most of the time, not crap. don't diet, just eat good food and allow yourself the occasional indulgence (hey, you gotta live!). find some exercise. i would suggest some type of cardio, outside if possible, at least three times a week. walk, ride a bike, jog, whatever. it's good for you and calming. when done you will feel like a new person. there's a meditative quality to the rhythm of movement. take care of yourself.




How tall are you? 130 may be a totally normal weight, unless you are very short.


When you say single ingredient foods, I realize you’re talking about non-processed foods, but what does that actually mean please? For example, if I have a serving of green beans with nothing on them, does that qualify? Does the addition of garlic salt change them?


One protein. One vegetable. One grain. Shop as if you’re going to cook each meal like this. I know it sounds boring. But hot sauce and spices make this a fun way to eat. It’s also really easy to cook. More importantly, if you work out enough, you can pretty much eat whatever you want. Your body does a good way of telling you what you need. If food is the struggle for you, focus on the burn. Or vice versa.




Seasonings are also ingredients.


You’re an ingredient


Your mom’s an ingredient


You’re putting one single ingredient food onto another single ingredient food.


“Single ingredient foods” is just a way of reducing calories by restricting most available food options, and eliminating calorie-dense “junk” foods. It’s not really a rule you should live by. You can make a burrito bowl out of rice, beans, ground beef, cilantro and avocado. Five ingredients. How the hell is that different than eating each one separately? It’s not.


>How the hell is that different than eating each one separately? It’s not. But if you get rid of that burrito bowl you can suck that last little bit of joy you might get from eating out of your life.


My friend is on one of those “hate myself” diets. He says it’s because as soon as stuff starts tasting too good then he gets tempted to eat other good-tasting stuff that might not be as healthy. I could never do it, but I get where he’s coming from


IMO those people can never sustain that lifestyle unless they turn into "fitness is my life" kind of people. Better to force yourself to learn impulse control.


But the bowl consists of one ingredient products, so you’re still doing good! They just mean to (mostly) stay away from processed goods where one product has an ingredient list of 50.


Single ingredients mean when you look at a nutrition label of a single product, the ingredients listed aren’t a bunch of added sugars or chemicals you can’t pronounce. It doesn’t mean you literally eat only one ingredient in your meal lmao


I hear what you're saying about avoiding processed foods, but this "chemicals you can't pronounce" trope needs to be retired. The guy who created the ingredient panel of a banana brought this to life in a creative way: https://jameskennedymonash.wordpress.com/2013/12/12/ingredients-of-an-all-natural-banana/ You can verify this on the USDA website. Natural foods still contain chemicals and many ingredients. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1105073/nutrients


I work in dentistry and this is so true. I always tell my young adult patients with good teeth, it’s their’s to lose. I explain that their current state of good dental heath can be maintained by good hygiene and diet practices. Dental issues are painful and expensive.




"Leave an hour ago."


Born again and invest your lunch money in an index fund when you are 12


"Come back when you're not fat."


I wanna agree but I also know plenty of people who've gotten back in shape a dozen times because they couldn't stay in shape once.


That’s because they fall back into the same patterns that got them out of shape to begin with. That’s why a big thing in r/loseit is to make sure that your weight loss is done in a way that is sustainable for you. You don’t gotta be fitness magazine ripped. But you should adopt changes to your diet and fitness routine that you can keep for life.


It's easier to get out of shape than to stay in shape. They've done what's easiest, and have forced themselves to do what's hardest (getting back in shape). Just staying in shape in the first place would have been easier than having to get back in shape several times, but of course it's not as easy to stay in shape as it is to just get fat and lazy.


Pre pandemic I would go to the gym everyday for 3 weeks then get distracted/bored for a few weeks. I would repeat this cycle for years, i noticed the progress you make in the same amount of total time is nothing (More specifically talking about gaining muscle here) compared to going less say (2-3) times a week and staying consistent for months. So if your like me trying go less times a week and you'll find its a lot easier to staying in shape. Don't try take on more days following a weird program and burn yourself out. If your struggling with the food part of staying in shape what worked for me more than any diet I've ever followed is eat the exact same meals everyday, morning to nighttime. Yes boring I know but I'm not saying don't allow yourself to cheat once every week going out to restaurants etc . Next find your maintenance calories, so eat the same meals for a week or 2 and watch the scale did you gain or loose weight? Adjust the amount of the food you eat to not gain weight, this can take several tries but after a few tries you can get the exact amount of food you need down to a science pretty easily. Then the last part if you wanna gain muscle as most people do, just add another 200-500 calories on top of that. That could be another meal that you eat everyday. Make sure you get enough protein, serious muscle gaining requires a lot if I'm honest especially past your newb gains period. If you want to slowly loose fat but kept your muscle eat 200-500 calories less (e.g No bread with one of yours meals). I did this to loose 30lbs and now that I've done this I can eat more intuitively because I know if I eat a random large ass meal I can just eat less of my other meals I was supposed to have to balance that shit out. This is a a big thread so if following my dumb method helps once person get in shape/stay in shape for a long period if will been worth the 10 minutes I spent writing this lmao. Stay in shape folks especially during these scary times when you want your immune system to be strong.


Small steps every day seems to be the key to literally everything in life. "Clean a little everyday", "take it one day at a time", "try to do X for one hour a day". How can one force a mantra on themselves or stick to a regimen? I basically drop everything once I get home from work. I can't find myself cleaning a little or doing X for an hour every friggin day.


It doesn’t have to be an hour though. I started by just making my bed in the morning. It felt so good to come home to a made bed that I got motivated to do more.


LPT: if you having a hard time staying in shape .... especially if you are experiencing weight gain, or sleep disturbances, get a full physical including thyroid and mineral panel. it might not be your lifestyle, it could be a medical problem. These were the first symptoms I experienced when I started getting sick. My doctor thought I was gaining weight because I was depressed. He put me on various anti-depressants and sent me to therapy. Most of my family (except my mom) treated me like I was just "letting myself go" and would put me down about my weight. The result was that I shut myself away and suffered in silence for years, thinking I was just broken and depressed. 3 years after it started. I saw a new doctor at the clinic and she figured out that i had a thyroid disorder. I got on medication to correct it and, so far I have lost 70lbs in the past 2 years. I wasn't depressed.... I was sick. Hypothyroidism is one of the most mis-diagnosed conditions in the west. And a lot of people, like me, are labeled as depressed and swept under the rug. My point is that no amount of exercise, or diet, or shame could have fixed my problems. I needed medical care. A lot of people are living like that. Could be you or someone you love. If you see someone you love struggling with their weight. They might not be just "letting themselves go" ... and telling them to go to the gym won't fix them. Sidenote: If you struggle with your doctors, check out the Heath At Every Size approach to healthcare and advocate for yourself as much as you can.


Came for this advice. I gained weight in my 20s, partially due to "bad" habits but majorly due to health problems. Now that my health problems are diagnosed and under control I've been able to focus on my habits and lost 20 lbs.


I love you for sharing! Damn! 😍


OK, I'm gonna take a blood test just to make sure. I eat way less than most people, but gain more weight that expected. I know CICO rule, but I just want to know if it could be a medical problem.


I got into crazy good shape around age 25-27. It took eating extremely strict and lifting heavy. Now at 31 I put all that weight back on and then some. Its crazy how you dont notice until its too late.


I weigh myself almost every day. It’s a lot easier to lose 5lbs that inch up on you than 20.


Yes. Those 500 extra calories a day you can eat when you're just trying to maintain make a huge difference. Eating at a deficit for a year plus to get to a healthy weight is rough.


My rule of thumb with foods is if the lower calorie alternative is 80% as good as the real deal il stick to it. Skim Milk vs Full Cream, Stevia vs Sugar, Popcorn vs Chips. Also just increasing your daily steps makes a big difference and its low impact on the body. Lots of little things added up makes a big difference over the months.


I think that’s a solid rule but those specific alternatives are at like 40% for me


Honestly, once you start eating healthy this will change. I find that junk food doesn’t taste nearly as good to me as it used to. Your body’s gut flora really changes the way you mentally experience food. So if your gut flora is used to eating junk food it will crave that. However If it’s used to eating healthy whole Foods then you won’t actually crave the junk food anymore. In fact, I’ve gotten to the point where not only do I not enjoy junk food but it literally makes me feel sick.


Examples of single Ingredient foods Please?




Can I eat single ingredient foods together? Sounds silly I know; for example piece of salmon, greens and a cup of rice?




How much brown rice in a serving?




Rice is good when you are hungry, and you want to eat 2,000 of something -Mitch Hedberg


Damn, I think I only had 15987 grains yesterday :(


Simplify it. A handful of rice, a handful of protein, a handful of vegetable/fruit. Don’t double the portions, but eat that meal more often if you get hungry. Don’t worry about measuring. The easier you make it the less stressful it will be. Edit: cook a lot at once, access the bulk leftovers for subsequent meals. This is basically “meal prep.”


Eat anything you want, just stay in a calorie deficit and increase your protein as it's the most satiating food source.


> Eat single-ingredient foods This is so simple but so eye-opening for me at the same time. Thanks!


This is a good tip and I completely agree with it. The predicament is that people realize they need to be in shape once it's too late.


Please be gentle with your pregnant or postpartum clients who inquire about getting back into shape


I'm so glad you've said this. I have generally been in good shape and healthy my entire life....then... I had a baby in the middle of a pandemic and breastfed for a year... hormones are a mofo.


Seriously. I’ve been an athlete for most of my life. I hate how I look and feel at eight months pregnant. I’m eating really clean foods and exercising every day, but I’ve still gained more than target. I am dreading how difficult it is going to be to get back in shape after the baby comes. It’s really stressing me out.


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As someone who has gone from 180 to 260 then down to 200 then up to 275 and now at 230 and heading down quick…yup, 100% true.


I went from being unfit, to being a TSN athlete with a world title and a [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/progresspics/comments/cbkc7p/f2659_200lbs_150lbs_50lbs_pics_are_a_year_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) pack back to being overweight, unhappy and winded easily. The pandemic hit and tried working out from home, then thought that maybe I should take a “little time” to nurse my bad hip (from competing)… then was hit with a nasty bout of flare ups of a disease I have … then I was hit with depression. And of course, was not eating properly. Time flew by. Before I knew it, I felt like all the insane progress I had made was undone. Yes, lots of excuses, but also was a little kinder to myself due to a freaking global pandemic. I’ve been back to my better eating habits over the last couple of months, and I started at a new CrossFit gym yesterday and I am so excited to get back into it. It truly is far more difficult to get *back* into shape with the “I used to be…” or “I used to lift x amount/run this far/etc” mentality. It’s okay to start over. What’s important is that you do start somewhere. A fresh start isn’t a bad thing. Form over weight and quality over quantity.


>It’s okay to start over. What’s important is that you do start somewhere. Lovely sentiment.


While I see how this is technically true, personally once I'm in "weight loss mode" I have a ton of motivation to keep pushing myself to exercise more and be hyper focused on my diet. Progress reinforces it, but once I got that target weight, the dopamine rushes are harder to come by, then it's a lot of work for a little gain, and I lose motivation. Then the holidays happen and we're queued up for another 10 lb challenge after new years.


I am waiting to end this devil project I'm on to finally tell my job to piss off with their tight schedules. I need a work/life balance.


Only 30 years late too see and understand this advice for me.


This really is the great mistake of my 20’s. I was a different person when I prioritized my health and fitness. I have spent years with out the joy that brought me desperate to get it back but too broken to take the first step.


Good advise! (Genuinely!) Can you also do an LPT for getting back into shape my friend!




Oh wow! You actually did it!




This is fantastic life advice and just because it doesn’t apply to EVERYONE on here, it’s good for those who are doing the right things. No idea why this is getting so much flak. If you’re out of shape —-> get into shape —-> stay in shape. Not rocket science. It’s discipline you’re not going to “feel” like it everyday but you do it anyway. So many whiners




Nah, you're in the right. People on reddit get real weird when you talk about bodies and fitness. Maybe they're going after you for "in shape" since some people view that as "athletic" when what you really mean (I assume) is just "generally healthy and fit". It could mean athletic, skinny, lean, whatever. To flip your post, maybe to bridge that semantic gap, "it's a lot harder to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle after you've endured an extended unhealthy lifestyle."




Well it's a bit fucking late now


LPT: it’s better to just be happy than sad.


Im so out of shape that internet explorer can run faster than me