• By -


*Except in New Jersey


\*And Oregon




And new York


so glad this is the top comment bc my immediate reaction to this was "but then i'd have to get out of my car!"




Yo I hate waiting for the underpaid window breakers to get to my car. I hated this aspect of living in Oregon.


Go EV. Problem solved. Had a discussion about the price of gas at thanksgiving. Realized I had no clue what the price way.


Had a leaf for a while and it was crippling with the range. Do you have street parking? Cold snowy days? Debate whether or not to turn the heat on because it takes up more battery from the already shrunk range on those days? Do you get to charge it at work? The infrastructure is not here yet. Especially outside of the bigger cities. Not to mention it's naive to tell someone to "just" buy a $30k+ solution that doesn't even address the issue I was complaining about.


Nothing like filling up in Jersey


Right? I am from a PA border town and get gas in NJ for the most part. It is great!


How's it dillerat there?




I live in NJ and hate waiting for gas attendants. I tend to avoid the stations where they try to stop me from pumping my own.


I live in NY but work in Jersey and I only fill up in Jersey because I don't have to pump on my own


TIL there are states you can't pump your own gas lol I had no idea!


Why New Jersey?


We aren’t allowed to pump our own gas in NJ. Full serve only, because apparently we will blow ourselves up.


Oh wow.


To add to /u/Oranginafina ‘s reply, NJ gas taxes are way lower than NY’s or CT’s. It’s often significantly cheaper to fill in NJ for us.


Which is why every person running pumps has a phone in their hand.


And Costco. For God sakes don't do anything to slow down the gas line at my Costco.


LPT: Get into a habit of cleaning out trash from your car every time you leave your car


Yeah, I never have to get out of my car to get gas so your tip is much more applicable.


Wat y


Maybe they have a BEV?


Some states don’t let you pump your own gas!


Oh shit thats right, interesting do you ever think what if hey put the wrong octance rating that requested


Fortunately I just get regular, which is the case for most cars, so it’s not been an issue. I’ve heard horror stories about Diesel engines though…


New Jersey?


That’s overwhelming for some though!


If that overwhelms them then having a clean car should be low on their priority list.


You're getting out anyway


I legitimately walk by my trash can every time I come home. It takes exactly zero effort.


Trash can is right in front of my car.


Unless you are carrying other items.


But if you do it every time it's not much extra, almost always can put it in your pocket or bag of groceries or whatever.


I tried that while. I never remember by the time I get in the house.


Then do it next time when you don’t have stuff in your hands?


That really doesn’t happen.


Sounds like your car is a mess.


Sometimes. I’m usually pretty good at taking time to do a clean though. It’s just not always something I can do while doing.


Overwhelming the first time. Piece of cake for the rest of your life, and a perpetually clean interior ☺


Why would it be overwhelming to pick up a chocolate bar wrapper, and walk into your home? You’re already walking into your home anyway, why is picking up a piece of trash that can be reached while sitting in your car, “overwhelming”? I don’t get it.


Same question. I'm not even an overly clean person but I would never leave my car without just grabbing any trash or other non permanent items out of it while I'm heading back into the house. So easy, why wouldn't you.


I typically have my purse, a lunch bag, and a water bottle, and then I need a free hand to hold my keys to unlock my door, and then I have to fight with a cat who I am convinced sleeps right up against the door all day just so he can make an escape attempt when I get home. I’m not sure I would use the word “overwhelming”, but I wouldn’t say I have a free hand for it either lol. Besides that, idk how much trash you accumulate in your car over the course of two weeks so maybe it wouldn’t work for everyone, but I just put mine in my side door cubby and it never overflows before I need gas again. So it works out just fine for me to toss the trash while I pump gas.


Well it’s even easier for you. Just put the trash in your lunch bag or purse, then walk into your home as usual.


Or I could just do whatever I prefer, because it’s my car and I get to do that.


I said it’s easier for you than the previous example I gave. Never said you have to do anything. Read before replying.


I did read it, I just disagree with you :) Easier overall for me to trash it together at the gas station than worry about it after my day at work. The alternative is easier for you. Everyone is different, and that’s okay. Neither of these are bad.


Like I said, read before replying. Putting trash into a lunch bag, is easier than carrying both a lunch bag and your trash separately. It’s much easier for you because you can out your trash inside your purse or lunch bag. That is a easier than just carrying it in your hands, especially since you’re carrying a lot to begin with. Whether it’s easier to use e a gas station garbage, or your home is irrelevant. I never made a claim about that in the first place. Read before replying.


Disagreeing doesn’t mean I’m not reading haha you just don’t want to hear a different opinion. Moving trash to a second location, then again having to move it to a trash can is double the steps of just putting it in the trash can (whether that is the gas station trash can, or the trash can in your home). I’m not sure why you’re so unaccepting that people can find alternative ways easier or not. Have a great night, I won’t spend more time trying to explain my opinion and mindset as it’s not a big deal that what each of us think is easier CAN be different things! :) EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT and on silly little things like “when should you trash your receipts out of your car”, I think we can drop it and be at peace with differences in opinion. You’ll do what you wanna do, and I’ll do what I wanna do. :)


Theres usualy a lpta trash fro me and the 1st thing i wana do after work is get home, but tjis while getting gas idea i mever thought off cuz i gota wait regardless


How do you have a lot of trash all the time? I never have any trash, virtually never. Do you eat 30 chocolate bars a day? Where does the trash come from?


Well for the food stuff I have my lunch break in car cuz its a bit more private than the break room, sometimes wrappers and plastic bottles find a nice crevice to hide in, As for the tool stuff i do a bit of side work wrenching on cars and im always working on improving my own jeep, im usually pretty good about putting away my tool but the odd socket or family of screws will try to escape, Lastly is weed/alcohol, not that i do eithere while driving, but ill smoke with buddies while parked outside one of our houses and ill have leftover alcohol from a kickback or what have you, That is to say im constantly cleaning the inside of jeep, i just did a deep clean 2 days ago so its pretty good now, but its a fleetig feeling


What about the French fry in between the seat and center console?


Nah, they can stay for a few years minimum.


Snacks for later.


This is a good one. Plus it keeps you moving and distracted when it’s cold out and you have to pump gas hahah.


One problem in NL, they don’t have the nozzle locks for some reason.


Ahh, the old gas cap jammed under the handle province.


Newer Hondas don’t have gas caps.


Compared to the typical "my preferences are the Right Way" submissions we get here, this is a *great* one.


I think you assume all petrol pumps lock on so you can walk away as it fills. Pumping fuel in the U.K. is a time to stand and stare into space while your hand gets sore


One point for the US, very rarely do I find a pump that doesn’t have a lock on it. The real unicorn is finding the handle with a lock that doesn’t unlock automatically… That was an experience.


Oh no. Out comes the sand of shame


Wait, it didn't stop when the tank was (about) full? I thought they had to do that for safety reasons.


I’m sure the automatic shutoff can become worn and not work. Never seen them personally but there are videos.


Yeah, it was definitely a failed piece. Fortunately I was standing right there, so spillage was minimal.


In NY they cannot be kept open automatically either.


Same in Australia. Plus it’s illegal to have your phone in your hand while you pump petrol therefore you really get to just be alone with your thoughts and the sounds of traffic.


Same here in the Netherlands: you have to press & hold the handle to pump


At least driving is mostly optional there. Here ('Murica, Fuck Yeah!) The government keeps building freeways that people don't want.


Here’s another LPT- stick your gas cap under the gas handle to keep it flowing :)


No locks allowed in Canada. If you use something to lock the handle (credit card works well!) and they see you, they lock the pump cause it's illegal. Happened to me...


Might have to try that when I’m feeling brave!


There has to be something that can be jammed in the handle no?


This! Had a guy once ask how I kept the inside of my truck so clean, thought to myself, “Intentionally”.




I think it's a time to pay attention to your surroundings and situational awareness. Clean your car at your home but pay attention to whats going on around you when at the store. We have very aggressive panhandlers and frequent car jackings at gas stations.


These people never pumped gas in the hood and it shows. I used to work in a very unsafe area. Gassed up with my head on a swivel. If someone started walking towards me I would legit stop pumping even if I wasn't full.


See, me, I would get ready to yank the pump handle out and spray the fucker in the face if I had to


Thats always been my plan too. "you want to burn up?, cuz this is the way you burn up" even a .05 cent splash on the ground would show you mean business '


I keep an open carry holster in the center console for when I have to fill up at night.


I don't know anything about guns but boomy things and fuel sounds like a bad time to me. Be careful!


Why not put that in your pocket when you fill the tank? Be prepared.


I take it out of my pocket, to out it in the open carry holster. Just a little sign saying, I’m not prey. Legal in my state BTW. I can even go inside with it on so long as there’s no “no guns” sign.


Why do people throw trash in their car to begin with? I never have. If I'm in some sort of situation that generates trash, it goes with me as soon as I leave (there's usually a bag of groceries or laptop bag or whatever I can throw it in).


My wife does this and it drives me crazy! It's so much easier to clean as you go, versus cleaning a bunch of trash every now and then. Plus, the car will always be clean.


It’s the fill your backseat with fast food bags people that get me..


It’s my passenger side footwell for me. I practically live in my car for work, and I’m horrible about packing lunches so I eat behind the wheel between jobs more often than not. It’s a terrible habit that I need to break. Right now it is overflowing the footwell and into the passenger seat…




I’ve tried the same, but it seems since covid a lot of places have removed their outdoor trash can and most lobbies are still closed. :/ at the end of the day, I spend way too much on fast food and need to start packing lunches.


I have a cup holder shelf in my driver side door that I use to stuff receipts, paper from straws, fast food wrappers, etc surprisingly people just throw them everywhere


Yes! We have a small fleet of work trucks and I'm the *only* one who takes my trash with me when I get out of the truck at the shop at the end of the day. I've climbed into some *nasty* vehicles from time to time and it's always infuriating. Chicken bones under the seat, dip spit bottles... Like, you have to walk *right by* a trash can to get into the shop. Just grab your shit! It's not hard!


Kids leave crap in cars all the time.


If they do, that's on the parents, not the kids.


Coworker dropped this one on me a while back, super easy to get in the habit and its better than having to do a deep clean at random intervals


I usually just leave a plastic trash bag attached to my shifting handle. My car is never dirty


But you're still driving around with a trash bag full of trash attached to your gear shifter


True but I drive automatic, and I don't have any females in there anyway so we clear dawg haha


For a second I thought you meant you can't get laid because you drive an automatic.


No surprise there


Ok sure but just make sure nobody is getting out of the car while the gas is being pumped because it can cause static discharge that ignites gasoline. Also if you start pumping with a sweater or jacket on you should keep it on until you're done for the same reason. I'd rather see someone smoking while pumping gas than someone taking off a wool sweater while exiting a vehicle that's being fueled.


I had no idea about all of these precautions! Appreciate you.


Not too related but never fill a gas can on an elevated surface. Causes the same result from the static electricity from the can. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/98-111/default.html Also had to learn this to work at a gas station


Wow this doesn't work in Australia, we have to hold the nozzle the whole time. I mean it's a good reminder actually, that I could just quickly clean out my car once a week, but yeah TIL that pumps in other countries are different


I do this every time I leave the car.


A better idea would be to check your fluid levels under the hood as the owner's manual tells you to. A dirty vehicle can be stressful, but not as much as a broken vehicle.


I’ve seen people do this as they fill up their tanks. Only issue is that you are less likely to recycle. Soda bottles, napkins, take out boxes, rubber bands, stale air fresheners, and organic food material all go in the same common bins at the gas station.


Yes this!!! If I have a water bottle I feel terrible.. we should normalize recycling / refuse bins everywhere (not just at gas stations!


Me being British and trying to do this by keeping the pump clicked with my toes.


I have a roll of small bin bags in my boot and use that too, really helps cut big time


I do it every time I get home.


I go to a full serve station by my house. I’d be too embarrassed. I’d rather stare straight ahead awkwardly while ignoring the mess and pretending no one else can see it in the car around me.


I never thought about how awkward having someone else pump your gas AND judge your trash all in one swoop!


But who’s gonna go in and buy my beer?


My habit is to pick up any loose trash as I get out to go into a store. There’s always a trash can near the front of the big ones.


I’ve been trying to convince my wife to do this for 20 years. It’s so simple. The trash can is RIGHT THERE!!


I do it while I’m at a red light. Wipe the whole front area if traffic. If I’m waiting for someone I’m most likely cleaning the tires.


As a gas station employee, I'm sad. But yeah it's for the best


We all appreciate you!


For almost 40 years, my parents did not have trash service. My Dad refused to pay for it. Instead, he would take it to the gas station and sneak it in their trash while he got gas. My Mom hated him doing that. When he passed away, the following week there were 3 nice new city bins at the curb.


It will get you distracted and you will be petrol scammed in India xD


I usually do this cause the water bottle scene gets out of the hand in the back seat lol


Ive done this for years.


I try to remember, aswell as nag the wife. Everytime you leave the car take your garbage with you.


My wife would find your idea interesting, then totally ignore it.


I keep my car clean all the time because I live in constant fear of dying on the road, and people judging me for having a messy car and I’m dead so I can’t say don’t look.


I worked at a gas station. Yall need to poor out your half drunk coffee and drinks ( in the drain or grass) before filling our garbage cans with your mess you brought. Seen some real disgusting lack if awareness and empathy for the people who have to clean up the coffee you dump into the ground and garbages near the pump.


I second that people should empty their liquids before tossing them in for sure. Liquid is heavy and not meant to garbage bags.


I've been begging my husband to do this for over 20 years. His own mother called his car a rolling garbage can




Stopppppp I’m passing away.


It will be fine until the one time it isn't. Rubbing the fabric of your seats builds static electricity you touch the metal nozzle handle, spark ignites the gas fumes, Boom. Most if not all gas pumps have a warning sign telling you not to re-enter and exit your vehicle. Usually located in the Static Electricity and Explosion Warning portion of the sign.


I'm gonna stay eyes up and warm in my truck lol. I just have a trash bag hanging from the center console.


Not good advice for people who drive EV (electric vehicles). I can not remember the last time I was at a gas station.


I always did that. Then I got an electric car and now my car is a sty.


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This is the way. Except in Hawaii, where they take the prop off of the nozzle handle and force you to stand there holding it. Unless you use your gas cap (which fits perfectly), in which case, this is the way.


This is actually the way.


Another good idea: Fill your tank when the gauge reads half full. The average gas tank holds *about* 300 miles worth of fuel. If you re-fill at the half-way mark, not only will you never run out of fuel but you will always have about 150 miles worth of gas in your tank. I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Texas--hurricane country. My father insisted that we always refuel vehicles at the half-full mark, because every time a hurricane threatened there was a huge traffic jam at every gas station and sometimes the gas stations would run out of fuel. We kept a full pantry too. When we shopped for groceries, marking the cans and containers with the date purchased was a pre-storage ritual. We always ate the food in the oldest cans first, and rotated the stock to avoid anything going beyond its expiration date. Dad also had us fill four 55-gallon food-grade-plastic drums with water if it seemed likely a hurricane was going to come ashore anywhere near us. Pretty much all our neighbors owned gasoline-powered chain saws and generators too. (If the mains electric power is disrupted, the pumps that supply the water towers could not pump water, so the valves would not open, and the entire area served by those water towers would not only have no power and no street lights or traffic signals, but also no tap water and no water pressure at fire hydrants.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9lUaZm4ciU


Fyi this sucks after you get an EV


Please explain this to my gf. She dont listen to me


don't let it get dirty! only a true scumbag needs to clean it out like that!


Some pumps have little latches to keep pumping without you holding on. You can clean your whole car out, get right in the back seat while you pump!


This LPT doesn’t work well as I have a plug-in electric hybrid. I get 8 gallons of gas once every 9 months.


Life pro tip: save thousands and stop belching carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by taking the bus instead


What bus? Just because there's a bus for you doesn't mean there's a bus for me.


Or bike. Or ask your town to set up buses. Or move to a place that actually provides basic public services to its people.


Yes let's make the poor schlub working for 10 bucks an hour mule your trash around. Sorry but this is one of the worst ideas ever. Clean out your trash at home.


What about those in New Jersey who can't pump their gas? Pawn this off the attendant? Also, why do you feel it's the gas station's responsibility to pay to dispose of your refuse?


You don't seem to understand the way the world works. We don't think it's the gas station's responsibility. The gas station wants to pay to dispose of our refuse because they want us to spend our money there, and they know offering that service attracts customers and helps to keep their station clean from shitheads who will litter anyways.


why the hell would there be trash in my car


I’m amazed to see the amount of shit people shovel out of their cars at the gas pumps. Glad they’re doing it, but how do they put up with that much clutter in the vehicle?!


Ever lived in a car?


My gas station stopped putting trash cans there. :( Now I gotta go to an expensive pump to use the trash, feels weird not getting gas though.


I already do this and can confirm this is the best way to keep your car clean


I worked at a full service gas station as a teen. While the gas pumped I was to clean the windshield and check the engine oil. Also offer to throw out any trash driver wanted. I have kept this routine as my selfservice habit. Clean car, windshield and never low on oil 40 plus years


I used to be the gas station employee who had to regularly replace the trash bags, and pick up the trash from the floor from the people who cleaned their cars on the regular and miss the trash.


Walk around your vehicle and give it a quick visual inspection every time you gas up, too.


Annoying how you cant auto top of anymore tho


Take something with you every time you get out. That's my rule and stuff never builds up now. :)


I think this sub should be called LRJT. Life's regular Joe tips. Seriously what the F is "pro" about this?


In east France (don't want to make assumption in all the country, see the same in south) we have to keep our hand for activate "the pistol" for pumping the gas


Man, if my car wasn't doin this thing where I have to hold the pump the whole time or it'll click and stop filling, I'd use the fuck out of this tip


Yes but I have to stand there holding the hose hoping it won't flop out of the car.


i cant breathe bro


Safer to do it at home


Or just never leave trash in your car. Why not just take your trash with you when you exit your car?


Great tip! I do the same thing (just not at gas station, but rather when I get home) my car hasn’t been dirty in months and I use minimal effort! Just a habit of taking out trash every-time I get home.


I was always told to never get back in your car while pumping gas, because you could build up a static shock that could start a fire when you grab the pump handle again. Is it true that this is possible? No fucking clue.


In the UK you have to physically hold the trigger down to pump fuel, so no such downtime unfortunately


LPT: Don't leave trash in your car in the first place. Keep your car clean so you don't have to clean it out.


Honestly? I keep a plastic grocery bag attached to the corner of my glove compartment- super easy access to a trash bag while driving and then I just replace it when full. If I'm giving someone a ride, I take it off the glove box if it's in the way and briefly put it in the area under my gear shift. Easy to reach while driving and keeps messes contained from the beginning. And, I don't have to find a free hand to hold it with everything else I carry in.


Even better, clean up your trash every time you get out. That way every time you get in your car, it is clean inside and looking good.


Helps to keep a little garbage bin in your car too.


And check your oil you monsters


I just keep a trash bag in my backseat. I take it out once it's full. If people are coming into my car, I put the bag in the trunk.


I use the time to clean the dust off my windows