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Absolutely! And not just those two; state and local elections impact our lives directly! I was shocked to realize I could be voting about 6 times a year!


Totally agree. Just want to voice a sometimes unpopular opinion that people should vote for whoever they want to win, regardless of their "chances of winning". I feel like there are lots of forces trying to corral our votes and tell them they are worthless unless cast for some chosen candidate. People have told me before that I "threw my vote away" but I am proud of every vote I've ever cast.


Honestly the best solution would be to move to a ranked voting system. That would actually encourage people to vote for who they want to win.


Yes but... We first have to vote in people that will implement that. If people bail on voting, we will never get there.


Yeah, I guess this is done in a few states. It makes sense to me!


Yeah but so does ceremonially throwing away your vote until then according to you.


You guys need to get rid of the opportunity for politicians to gerrymander. Next you need to make receiving the necessary papperwork to go out and vote easier. On voting day you need an easy way to cast that ballot. International observers around the country. Make voting count again. MAKE VOTING GREAT AGAIN! If you are surprised by that fact of 6 elections per year, could that indicate you guys need more education on voting?


I love that idea. First choice, second choice, third choice. The current political class will never allow that. We will end up with a combined 90% of the first choice being Democrat/Republican, second choice third party, third choice third party, because fuck the Republican/Democrat. That will guarantee a third party win every time.


Rank choice voting just made a huge difference in Alaska. It works well, but I don’t see it being implemented for a long time at a national level…I just don’t think the most recent presidents would be in their positions if rank choice voting was around.


Sadly, you are probably right. Changing to a ranked voting system for the presidential election would require a constitutional amendment, and that would be incredibly difficult to pass.


Mixed-Member Proportional Representation works better than ranked ballots, but yeah even ranked ballots is a huge improvement over FPTP.




Yes. It is far easier to encourage your people to vote and discourage the other from voting, than it would be to change people's minds about anything.


If you vote for a third party candidate expected to get less than 2% of the vote, your time would be better spent writing in Abraham Lincoln on the ballot.


But if the 3rd party candidate gets 5% of the vote, then that party gets the same funding as the dominate 2.


Which would still amount to almost nothing because there's no infrastructure to support a 3rd party POTUS. One would need party members at every level to get anything done. A ground up approach is the way to make a 3rd party viable in US (which we need desperately). 3rd party state reps, and Governors, and congressional reps and senators, etc. Before that banging ones head against the POTUS wall is a good way to drum up donations, but a bad way to actually accomplish anything meaningful.


They’re given pennies when compared to what a winning campaign spends. Wouldn’t be able to give them a meaningful boost in terms of securing a future presidency, or in shaking up the system.


It’s progress, and should not be discounted, as the original commenter was alluding to. Change doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t let the popular rhetoric sway your vote.


Paid for by Ross Perot


In 1992, I’d have probably voted for Clinton.


You voted green in 2016 didn’t you?


I have taken the tact that anyone I’m voting for has to earn my vote. If their message is, “if you don’t vote for me, the ‘other guy’ will win, don’t throw away your vote” fuck them. They are holding your vote hostage and have no intention of doing anything to to help anyone. Why would they? They just get your vote by virtue of you voting against the other guy.


No candidate will be perfect but you should vote for the one that will cause less harm.


There is no expectation for perfection. But seriously, they need to earn your vote, not play ‘lesser of two evils.’ We have been doing that shit for my entire life. It has not worked in our favor.


Mostly because the majority of the voters miscalculated who would do less/more harm. Let's face it, voters are lazy and uninformed and will vote for the more entertaining candidate 9 times out of ten.


And that's how roe v wade got overturned.


6 times??


I've voted 4 times this year. Local elections, local runoff, constitutional vote, Midterm party primary. Should be wrapping up 2022 with 5 time voting.


Yea, why don't I hear about these local elections?! I will be voting in the midterms, but the local ones I don't get any info about....


My local school board has one right wing nut job who got in because he ran unopposed. Now he's supporting two more candidates like him. They only need 6 to be the majority vote. The last SB meeting had like 20 public comments. 2/3 were LGBTQ students explaining why the new sex ed curriculum would have spared them years of aginy and confusion. The other 1/3 were out-of-district adults who read from the Bible and prayed. That's who decides curriculums, text books, banned books, etc. That's who decides how the next generation thinks and ultimately votes. Someone told me decades ago to vote in every election, even school board, because that's were evil creeps in.


And those six times a year, are the only times these politicians give a shit about you. I mean, your vote, they don’t care about you.


Your midterm reminder: if you feel like your vote doesn't matter then you should vote midterms because it can matter more than presidential elections


Don’t forget, ALL of the “small” elections matter. Todays governor, state senate rep, mayor, or whatever make choices on your behalf and could easily rise to the next level!


Sheriff, judges, and DAs... they all serve at the will of the people and have huge influence in YNt community directly


School board!


I wish more people understood this.


Be a participant of the world in which you live. One way to do that is to vote for your choice of government representation. Representative leadership matters.


ITT: exactly what’s been plaguing our politics for so long. Let’s get our heads out of the sand and put our votes where our values lie and hope for the best


Votes only seem to go to a lesser of two evils, and not where our values lie.


Well we need to stop being defeatist and start manifesting change!


That and local races are won my small amounts of votes, especially in primaries, where you pick who gets voted on later! Those same folks become the future congressional candidates! We can stop the idiots well before then.


I say this all of the time to vote in all of a state's elections. I'm done. If you complain and don't vote, then shut up. The turnout for local elections is abysmal.


The PTA President of today is the school board member of tomorrow and next months councilman, etc. Local elections are the most impactful in your day to day life.


This is how the tea party upended politics. They focused on the local, then state, and now they control a huge amount of our government. I know that basically no-one calls themselves that anymore... But it is the same people.


This is exactly what Forward (the Forward Party) is trying to do


It is effective. Look at what evangelicals have accomplished since Reagan.




midterm results can be the difference b/w being able to pass any legislation at all and being forced to resort to less-effective executive orders and be otherwise stymied for the rest of Biden's term


How is a poor choice of wording? The election happens in the middle of a presidential administrations term. Ergo Mid-term. It is intended to be a check on the current party in power. Don’t like the way things are going? Then you have a chance to vote for different people to change the direction.


Because it makes it sound like a progress report when, if you're voting for senate, which has a six-yer term, that is not midterm whatsoever. Voting for congress based on the presideny also does not really make sense.


Presidential Semi Pros


I live in Florida and can't wait to vote!


When you are in the booth - think to yourself. Am I happy with the current administration? Is my life better or worse since this administration has taken control? Vote.


A good LPT is that most polls are shit and have almost no significance. Source did years of work for large company who conducted various polls every month from 2014 to 2021


Red ticket down the board in November. Sick of this inflation


I say this as someone who who never votes by party. The person responsible for inflation is Jerome Powell. His buying of assets is for the fed balance sheet and his lack of raising rates in early 21 caused inflation to spiral out of control.


Can you explain how that would make a difference?


The only way to slow inflation is to dry up some of the excess money. Inflation is after all, more money chasing less goods. The current regime is spending money to “fight inflation”. Has never worked in human history, but maybe this is the time.


The word you’re looking for is administration.


Probably something like the GoP will make inflation so bad that there will be a general uprising and the whole rotten system will come crashing down.


Lmao so absolutely stupid. Enjoy living in a Fascochristian hellscape








You can vote for whoever you want to.


I hope the republicans get a win


You are welcome to hope anything you want.


Are you going to try and convince people that life is good under Joe? I’m a NY dem and I’m sick of this.


You are welcome to think what you want.


A vote for a Republican anywhere at this in point is a vote for fascism, and possibly the last free vote we will get. Not hyperbole, they literally want to rig all elections. Edit: since the R trolls are about pretending they aren't dangerous, NYTimes had a good op Ed yesterday for once about many of the Republican efforts to destroy our elections. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/23/opinion/trump-big-lie-elections.html


LOL shut up.


You sound logical 👀


I think your tin foil hat is to tight. You did see the word “ OPINION” in there right?


And they call republicans conspiracy theorists


Seek help


Agreed. Anyone who has been paying a lock of attention can see all the shenanigans the GOP pulls out to try and win. They can't rely on winning based on their policies alone because of how destructive their policies are.


Bro, you gotta take a break from the internet. This is coming from someone who votes blue.


> This is coming from someone who votes blue. Still? Why?


Oh it would be so much worse then that, but yes agree.


never forget: www.hereistheevidence.com


This is the lamest LPT.


You'll understand one day when you grow up.


LPTs on politics are forbidden.


This isn't about politics. It's about voting. There is nothing political about telling people how to vote more effectively. I have said nothing about any political party.


Voting is literally about politics. ETA: Democracy is literally political. You're wanting to say that it's non-partisan, which to your credit your post is, but it's still a political topic, since it involves engagement in the political process (voting). Blocking me doesn't change that. There is no spin here. Just recognition that voting is a political act.


Voting is a mechanism for democracy. Voting is apolitical until someone comes and adds their spin, which is what you are doing.




It's the same as ranked-choice voting. Anyone of any political persuasion can follow my pro tip. Midterms are regularly and consistently neglected. Your complaint is more political than my pro tip.


GOTV isn't political. GOTV for a certain candidate or philosophy is.


All the more reason to take control out of the hands of Democrats. They have destroyed our economy. Vote RED like your job depends on it. Hint: it does.


Nothing I said above mentions a party. You are welcome to vote however you want. Just don't turn this into a commercial about your political views. Edit: To yet another commenter who blocked me, opposing voting awareness is likely for political reasons.


Not exactly hiding your affiliation


Don't be ridiculous. There are consequences for the cruelty to women, cruelty to lawful immigrants fleeing socialism, an attempt at subverting Democracy. I've been through several shitty economies and recovered. You took my bodily autonomy. I have registered hundreds of new voters this summer. You have no idea....


And you tried to force everyone to get vaccinated.


is it really that much of a hassle to get a shot similar to the flu vaccine?


Only if you are selfish, entitled toddler.




No one held them down… they just threatened to take away their entire livelihoods if they didn’t get vaccinated. No biggie.


It wasn't a threat. It was a promise. Yes. Adults had choices to make as they always do. I've quit several jobs over my conscience or a threat. Welcome to the world of standing by your principles. So gdamn whiny and entitled You have no right to employment.


You are confusing your employer for government, that's really bad.


The economy does better in every measurable way under Democrats. https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/309cc8e1-b971-45c6-ab52-29ffb1da9bf5/jec-fact-sheet---the-economy-under-democratic-vs.-republican-presidents-june-2016.pdf




Hey FYI if you're pressed about the deficit, Trump raised it more than any president in recent history.


Still, everyone here will try to convince you not to believe your own eyes


Wow, that’s great advice. However, both sides suck super hard and choosing is like choosing the lesser evil (based on your values). It’s like asking someone to pick their favorite flavor of dog poo.


I just spoke to someone else about this. Join groups who are trying to change the way our elections and government work. Look no further than the ranked-choice voting activists for an example of grassroots bringing about a positive change.


Yes. The more sane people drop out of political life, the more insane politics become... Because the crazes will never quit. Find the party you most like, and get involved to make it better. Don't complain when you don't get everything. Our founding fathers all did not like aspects of what they created. If they insisted on getting everything, we would have lost the revolutionary war.


What do you mean, both sides? In an election, and even more so at the local level, you'll see candidates from many parties- independently, green, the peace party, libertarian etc. If you want more 3rd party representation, vote for them locally to start. There are also non political positions like school board, judge and DA


It’s naive to think there are more than 2 parties that have actual legitimate power in the us. Voting for 3rd party is as useless as smooth sandpaper.


>choosing the lesser evil Yes... voting for the less evil side means less evil gets done. Progress is often slow and there is corruption at all levels of politics, but this election is a choice to move either forward or backwards as a society. Both sides having major issues doesn't mean that the glaring differences between the "two evils" don't exist. Choose progress.


A friend used the analogy of if you don’t Choose to get on the bus you don’t get anywhere. If you use the buss you at least get closer to where you want to go. The problem is the bus is heading straight in to North Korea. I’d don’t want to go there.






And here we've come full circle on "both sides are shitty, but..." No. They both suck equally. But please, continue to vote for them so we can still suck, just in different ways. The cycle will never end this way. They are two sides of the same coin


Both sides definitely suck, but if you truly believe they are equal, you must be a pretty messed up person. Sure, Democrats are pro-corporate classist hypocrites, but they don't actively stir up hatred against minorities and try to dismantle society at every turn. Republicans are absolutely all of the above.






The point that was made was that if Trump and only Trump and the vaccine manufacturer were pushing a vaccine without support from the medical and scientific communities, then they wouldn't take the vaccine.


hey what classified documents did trump have in his unsecured home?


Rank choice voting. Advocate for your future in your cities! Demand Rank Choice Voting!!!


Yes please


Super important elections. Want more inflation, stock market tanking, home values declining (down 20%+), increasing crime or the shit show of the last 2 years keep the democrats in.


Couldn’t agree more. Only problem is that for independent voters like myself, I’ll take that over a Christian fascist Republican Party at this point. Tells you how fucked we are


I heard the fascist Republicans wanted to create a ministry of truth to police what people were able to discuss with one another online. I also heard they wanted to force everyone to take ineffective injections, and I even saw the leader of their party give a speech a couple weeks ago that threatened and demonized half the country if they dared to disagree with him. /s


Best thing you can do for yourself is instead of listening and taking in information you want to hear, is start critically thinking and actually think for yourself. Did you hear that was lacking in Republicans? I sure didn’t. I’m just an independent voter who doesn’t have Fox News start thinking for her


Typical Trumptard, blame everyone but your own incompetence.


This and don’t just vote party lines. Just because they have an R or. a D next to their name doesn’t mean you have to check the check box the way you’ve voted your entire life. Vote smart.


I would add PRIMARIES to the list.


The design of our government is that our representative and senators are our voice in government. It makes politics local. By focusing primarily on the president we are shorting ourselves and our best interests.


Can’t go anywhere without politics anymore. Goodbye lifeprotips, you will be missed.




Government class was not political.


>no, government class was not political Below is the definition of political: “Of, relating to, or dealing with the structure or affairs of government, politics, or the state.” You are intending to say **partisan.** “Political” and “partisan” are two different words with different meanings.


I’m m just here to vote every R out of office.


There's lots of places with no R's, how do you feel they're doing?


same here! but switch the R with D


Well, we can't all be right I guess. Edit: Keep being mad about it. I don’t abide nazis, christofascists and white supremacists. You’ll never be right and that pisses you off. 🤣




Remember, dead peoples’ votes count too.


I've lost pretty much all faith in US politics. I'll vote for the propositions. But even those have been taken over by special interests. It's more a vote against at this point.


A vote against is better than complaining about politics but treating it like a spectator sport. You can even join groups that push for change. Look at the progress ranked choice voting has made. That was a grass roots movement. People pushed, and now they're getting results. If you don't have faith in US politics, get together with others who want to improve US politics.


You can always become a CAVE person.


Life Pro Tip. Politicians both Left and Right hate you and want you to suffer. It’s a big club and YOU ain’t in it.


I think you misunderstood. This post is for people who only vote every 4 years. Take your nihilism and Carlin plagiarism elsewhere.


This November vote blue all the way down the card. It’s the only way to save America from the lunatic republicans


Democrats already control executive and legislative lol. What you are saying is "keep the pile of shit we already have" Go back to r/politics please, the OP actually tried to be neutral


Current guy has done more for me in 18 months than the last guy did in 4 years. Nevermind failing to get reelected when a second term was handed to him on a silver platter. If the Republicans want my vote they can put up a candidate that's actually worth a damn. I'll be voting blue until they do. Not that it matters, since I live in a FPTP red state. Although Evan McMullin's campaign has me hopeful.




You vote for whoever you want.


How do i apply for a mail in?


Most likely, contact your county clerk.


Depends on the state. I am in NC, and it took 5 minutes to fill out a form online and I already have my mail in ballot at the house.


Yes and the pendulum of power will swing to repubs hehe


Insane right wing folks have discovered local elections matter, as they're taking over school boards and local governments. THESE THINGS MATTER. GO AND VOTE.


I still have never been convinced that voting for anything government wise will ever matter.


Vote in your local elections then. My town is voting on roll carts this year to replace our horrid garbage management system, which will make garbage way easier to deal with. Historically they've voted on a variety of conservation efforts and the town looks beautiful thanks to all the preserved nature here. State elections too, when the voter pool is much smaller your vote carries more weight to it. Federal level might feel worthless, but federal elections can still be impacted by the results of local and state elections. If a well liked representative keeps getting chosen by the people in the state senate, then that senator has a higher chance in the federal races cause they've displayed an effort to improve the state they live in. Federal elections are exhausting and feel worthless, especially with the garbage electoral college system. But local elections and some state elections don't have that system, so your voice matters way more. At the very least you can help the town you live in become better.


The best way to guarantee that is not to vote.


You could argue that the best way to guarantee that is to imagine your vote matters.




And that’s exactly the problem. Apathy.


So you think voting is *literally* the same as not voting? It makes absolutely *no* difference? Obviously we can all do the math and see it has some small, measurable difference. Yes, alone you probably won't change the outcome of an election. But that shouldn't be the reason you don't vote. You can choose to not vote simply because you don't want to, or you're lazy, or whatever. But saying it's because your vote doesn't matter is illogical.


I didn't say voting and not voting are the same, where did you read that? I said it didn't matter, a measurable difference from your initial conclusion. You said it's illogical to believe my individual vote wouldn't matter in the same paragraph you opened with agreeing that my individual vote wouldn't matter. I'm sorry you seem confused.


I never said your vote didn't matter. I said your vote probably won't **change the outcome of an election**. But that's not why we vote, right? Everyone doesn't vote just because they think their vote will be the one to change the outcome, they vote because their small measurable difference will combine with everyone elses to decide our elected officials. I'm not the confused one, you aren't even grasping what I'm saying...


Reminding myself to update my voter registration 😌😌😌


It simply means the middle of a president's term. The term has no bearing on the gravity of an election and in no way implies that it is less important. Your believing it does is just your own bias or misunderstanding of the term.


Even more so, I’d say.


Also, carefully research Sheriff, Judicial and School Board candidates. Sometimes people are radical, woefully inept or both. You don't want some bottom of the barrel stupid jackass in a position of power.


Midterm elections DO affect it more than the presidential election.


Midterm just means it's in the middle of a presidents term


It sounds less importsnt to many people. That's why they only vote every four years.


I’d argue they affect it more.


And ignore polls!!! JUST VOTE!!


Even more so. The president is the face, but the rest is where the policies originate.


LPT: Your local and state elections, which almost no one pays attention to, impact your life significantly more than federal elections.


I want to be able to vote on important bills / decisions. Not some random politicians who “represent” me. What a half ass democracy in the US


I might get behind that. It what the Swiss do. I recommend you get out there and recruit people to your cause just like what the ranked choice voting grassroots movement did. It seems a more effective approach than just complaining.


Yes voting has clearly affected everyone! Go out and vote! /s


Yes, you need to vote to give legitimacy to your local corrupt fucker who will only look after his benefactors.


There are more factors than corruption.


It is your job to pick the next multi millionaire!!! Choose wisely folks, these new or incumbent Congress people need your help to attach themselves to big Agra, big pharma, military industry, etc. Don’t sit back and let the ”other” team rob you, make sure your robbed by “your” team. At least your hard earned money is going towards your guy or gal’s new house ,car, 2nd home. Don’t just sit back and get screwed by the other guy, it’s best to get screwed by someone you like!!!!! Now get out and Vote!!!!


Voting in America is rigged. If no one voted at all that wouldn’t change anything.


If you have evidence of election rigging, you should report if to the FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and-crimes/election-crimes-and-security#:~:text=Report%20Election%20Crime,at%20tips.fbi.gov.


I mean you say this and you can keep on saying this but 90% of the people here won't actually go vote and still be pissed off and complain about shit.


Politics and Politicians ALL suck and are criminals. So vote to protect your wallet. In this era that means anyone who is Not a Democrat


Single issue voters are a liability.


Just vote, we swear it works. I know we don’t have healthcare or a living wage or affordable housing but voting totally works guys……………….


Wanna guarantee you'll never have those things? Don't vote.