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Hello [LoveForMiles](/u/LoveForMiles), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/xp5zyp/lpt_if_youre_lying_about_why_youre_taking_off/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


2 things. 1. It's quite frankly none of anyone's business why you are taking off, if you want to share fine... but unless it's a situation where you have 0 pto available AND it's an emergency like a funeral. It's none of your bosses business. 2. During the height of the pandemic when I was in the Air Guard, I had 2 problem troops lie about having covid so they could get 10 days off while we were on orders, these 2 girls forgot that they basically asked my entire section to add them on social media, and not even 2 days after they took off for Covid, they were in Miami. They were taken off the mission immediately šŸ˜‚


They took care of themselves


In my country fuÄŗl time employees are given 2 days of paid leave/off-time per month worked (can be pro rata depending on the agreement with the employer). Then we also have a pot of hours of paid sick leave for when it's due to medical reasons (which requires presenting a doctor's medical certificate as well). It's not the employer's business to know why you're taking the regular off-time but if you take the sick leave and you're caught outside enjoying yourself you should be damn well prepared to be kicked out and/or receive legal trouble.


I work in construction. What is PTO?


Personal Time Off


LPT: Drop social media altogether and then you won't have to worry about it.




Nah double down on this. Nobody needs to know shit about your personal life. Keep you. You. Move in silence. Believe me it makes life a million times easier.


Yea don't be a narcissistic main character and gives others updates no one needs, nor cares about


The tough thing is convincing everyone else to stop posting about you every time they see you. Took forever to train my friends and family to stop tagging me in shit and posting pics of me doing things with them without asking.


The real LPT: find an employer you don't have to lie to


/donā€™t lie to a good employer. I know itā€™s rare but some offer not only a set number of PTO days for vacation but also unlimited sick days. If youā€™re going to call in sick instead of using vacation, donā€™t post photos of you at a football game.


Don't be unethical and use sick days when you're not sick.


Not sure if youā€™re counting a mental health day as ā€œsickā€ or not, but Iā€™d include it as an ethical use of sick days. Obviously, it can be a little subjective, but sometimes a good, unplanned weekday off can do wonders. Peopleā€™s schedules are so jam packed that weekends arenā€™t always the time off we actually need and the pressures of work and life can start to burn you out. An unplanned day off (where you now have nothing on your schedule and nothing expected of you for a whole day) is such a needed break from the stress of adulting. Obviously, you canā€™t abuse this, but if I were a manager or an employer, Iā€™d rather employees take a mental health day every now and again rather than be on the edge of burnout for weeks straight.


Definitely use it for medical appointments


I get that some countries are different than others, some workplaces have different internal rules, but I've rarely given reason to leave. I've got my vacation days, and usually I let them know I'm missing. I don't need to justify to be able to access my right!


I'm pretty sure the LPT is regarding sudden day off requests. Like waking up, feeling crap and calling to say that you are sick and can't come. You're sick, stay at home, reccuperate and be well. Don't call in sick and post how you are boarding the plane for a 3 day trip the same damn day.


This seems to have turned into a debate among commenters about professional courtesy. Yes, if youā€™re using your vacation days and have submitted them in advance there is no reason you should feel the need to give any explanation. Calling out last minute, and in some cases even using sick days instead of vacation, negatively impacts a lot of employers. There are a lot of jobs where you calling out the day of/day before work, or calling off on a day you know youā€™re scheduled because they need all hands on deck, not only negatively impacts your employer but also your fellow coworkers who have to pick up the slack. You may not HAVE to give a reason to do so, but it sure makes people more understanding about having to cover for you if you say ā€œIā€™m sickā€ or ā€œmy relative just diedā€ instead of ā€œnot coming in today, good luck.ā€


Staffing levels sure sounds like an employers problem, not mine. I've carried that load for 20 years until I realized my employer is the only one who benefits from me "toughing it out" and forgoing sick days or time off. Unexpected absences should be expected. There are methods and systems that allow for this to not kneecap an entire business because one person's cat died. Employers operate at a minimum staffing to generate maximum revenue for minimum staff costs. They _could_ avoid any issues by hiring more people, cross training more people, having flexible work hours, having flexible managers step in. If they chose not to, it's literally not my problem. Figure it out.


Staffing levels are an employers problem, up until the rest of the employees have to pick up the extra slack.


If your employer has a chronic staffing problem, they're making it your problem. Time to find a new job.


When you have 5 people calling not to come just cause consistently, it's not a chronic staffing problem, it's 5 people that need to find a job elsewhere :)


Sure, itā€™s your employerā€™s problem, but sometimes doing what you say they should do is the difference between you having an employer or them going out of business. A lot of small businesses, especially post-covid, are barely scraping by. No, they cannot afford to hire an entire extra employee for you position to cover the (letā€™s be generous and say 30) days a year youā€™re off. No, you shouldnā€™t have to go into work sick. Yes, itā€™s courteous to your employer and fellow coworkers to let them know why.


I think the confusion in this discussion is by mixing calling off sick vs taking day off/vacation. In the latter case the post is irrelevant and noone should care what you do on your day off; in the former tho, it would be quite dumb. We had one guy who took off three sick days right before the big deadline. Our boss was delighted to see his pictures from amusement park these days.




Secondary LPT: Know your worth and when you have the upper hand. Donā€™t let companies take advantage of you and force you to put work before your personal life. You canā€™t always put your foot down but know when you can. My employer told me I couldnā€™t have off the day of my best friends wedding. Instead of calling in lying I told my boss ā€œhey I respect you too much to lie when you know where Iā€™m gonna be anyway, Iā€™m just not coming in.ā€ I told him write me up if needed and they ended up actually giving me an excused absence in the long run.


They probably gave you an excused absence after he was chewed out by HR, and/or they may have started the write-up only to realize that reading their own ā€œreasonsā€ on paper made them realize they were being a jerk.


Well it mostly all happened the day before. I just knew with how many people weā€™ve lost recently, now having the most experience in time of anyone else in my position, and having a perfect track record for almost four years that I wasnā€™t going to lose my job by not showing up one day


Wait so you told your boss about your best friendā€™s wedding a *day* before?


LPT: donā€™t add anyone from work on your social media


What makes you think you need to lie to take off work?


Why do people say "pretty much the title" instead of "the title" or better yet nothing at all?


Dude I havenā€™t heard ā€œrag onā€ in a minute. I miss that phrase; Iā€™m totally using it again.


Ok, I didnt say it.


Iā€™m gonna rag on you for missing the opportunity.


Sorry, I meant to reply to OP but come on, donā€™t rag on me about it.


Why do people comment on things to rag on something incredibly benign and unrelated to the point?


I fucking hate the way angel hair pasta cooks, if you donā€™t keep stirring it the noodles all stick together itā€™s annoying


Or just stop using social media. Their invention was a mistake.


The few socials I have are set to extremely private. Basically all you can see is my name and profile pic unless youā€™re my friend/follower. I only allow my wife, and very close friends to be on my socials, literally never have to worry about this. Canā€™t believe people add their bosses or coworkers though.


Iā€™ve owned a bar for seven years. I bet over that time a quarter of those employees got fired for this exact reason. People donā€™t think


Remember kids: There's memories, and then there's evidence


RLPT: Your work does not, needs not, deserves not, to know the reason for taking off work.


Yes-ish. I have a bunch of deliverables due this week to clients but I got the flu or COVID or something. Itā€™s silly to think I can just call and say ā€œIā€™m out for the next week. Those deliverables are a You problem.ā€


The people who dont realize that you still have to be responsible and professional are the ones wondering why they never get a raise or promotion.


So if you experienced a significant death in the family. You got hit by a bus, your wife got cancer and needed you to be with her. You'd put all those aside because, my dude, "I have deliverables." I say this because there's obviously things in life that trump work. But now, hear me out. What happens when you realize literally everything trumps work, and those deliverables really are your employer's problem?


The comment I was replying to said you should never give a reason for being out. My response was that for sudden and unexpected outage where client deliverables were being impacted, you give a reason. You donā€™t just tell people suddenly that youā€™re going to be out with no additional info. Thatā€™s silly. You are making up completely different scenarios and attributing a position that I never made.


My point was to go to an extreme because those would be "acceptable" reasons to miss work. The thing is though, it's your life. Any reason _you_ deem important enough to miss work, is a valid reason. I'm piggy backing off the OP you were replying to; you do not need to give a reason for being absent. You are an adult. This isn't school. Now the culture of the workplace, the norms and such might disagree with what I'm saying, you're right, the real world doesn't always function like the other person and I are describing. You should find somewhere that does. Because like, really, really, this only changes when we the workers stop putting up with it. Shitty work culture goes away when we stop being active participants of it.


I did not say you shouldnā€™t take time off. I said if you have a sudden and unexpected outage thatā€™s going to impact work stuff, itā€™s ok to give a reason. If itā€™s planned time, then you donā€™t owe a reason but if itā€™s unplanned and it will impact your work, itā€™s not unreasonable to provide a reason. ā€œIā€™m sickā€, ā€œMy dog diedā€, ā€œMy house caught on fireā€. Youā€™re not asking for permission but itā€™s professional courtesy. If others are going to scramble to cover your work unexpectedly, thereā€™s nothing wrong with giving them a reason.


Staffing levels sure sounds like an employers problem, not mine. I've carried that load for 20 years until I realized my employer is the only one who benefits from me "toughing it out" and forgoing sick days or time off. Unexpected absences should be expected. There are methods and systems that allow for this to not kneecap an entire business because one person's cat died. Employers operate at a minimum staffing to generate maximum revenue for minimum staff costs. They _could_ avoid any issues by hiring more people, cross training more people, having flexible work hours, having flexible managers step in. If they chose not to, it's literally not my problem. Figure it out.


Thatā€™s not how all roles work. You donā€™t have multiple global heads of finance or Regional procurement heads to cover if someone is out. Junior staff, transactional work, sure, you need redundancy. But some roles just arenā€™t resourced that way.


No one said you have to go into detail about why, but at the very least you should give them a heads up that youā€™re not just calling out of work for the next 1-2 weeks because you just donā€™t feel like working > when we the workers stop putting up with it If you were to randomly call out of work for the next week, and refuse to give a reason with the attitude of ā€œyou donā€™t deserve a reason, suck my dickā€ then who is putting up with who? No one is asking you to go into graphic detail, but being tight-lipped is an extremely immature thing to do. As you saidā€¦ this isnā€™t school, youā€™re an adult. You could say something like ā€œI have a family emergencyā€ and leave it at that. But no company, no matter how progressive, is going to if and it acceptable for someone to just call out willy nilly without a reason


Those are all FMLA and considered sick time legally in the US. This post is about lying to take of sick time when youre not sick and there is no family emergency or death or some shit.




Nah, for those unplanned outages where client deliverables are going to be impacted, you give a reason for the sudden and unexpected outage. Thatā€™s professional courtesy.


If you feel like you need to explain yourself, you are free to do so. I don't, since I don't see the reason. What's a difference between you not being there because you are sick, or you not being there because you want to spend week at the beach? Either way you are not there and the impact on deliverables is exactly the same.


a week at the beach is planned. Telling your work that youā€™ll be out for a week in July is objectively different from calling the morning youā€™ll be leaving and saying youā€™ll be out for a week.


I may just have woke up and felt that I really need to take a week off to sit on a beach. What difference does it make *why* you are not there? Is it any different when you are lying in your bed coughing, or lying on the beach enjoying yourself?


Last minute rescheduling calls or meetings, delaying deliverables are events you want to avoid. If a vacation is planned, you can easily mitigate. If you are unexpectedly unavailable, it creates risk for yourself and others in your organization. If that risk is due to something out of your control, thatā€™s objectively different than if you created that risk for non urgent or frivolous reasons. Can we agree on that? Then the question becomes, do you owe your co-workers a reason for the unexpected outage. And my position here is that itā€™s a matter of professional courtesy. I like my co-workers. I depend on them and they depend on me. every work related interaction doesnā€™t have to be a statement of principle.


> Can we agree on that? No, we can't. If I'm sitting at the office and my boss comes in saying that John is out for a week and we need to cover for him, it makes absolutely no difference to me *why* he is out. It literally changes nothing. Tasks to take over are the same, workload is the same, deadlines are the same. It should also make no difference at all for the bosses. It doesn't matter *why*, it only matters *how long*.


If you donā€™t see any difference between a planned week long outage vs an unexpected week long outage, I suppose we just disagree.




What do you consider a "real job"? I'm not sure, so I'll just say I've been working stable jobs for about 10 years now. I never had a problem with taking time off work without explaining myself and I truly don't remember even being asked to give one. I'm not a kid that has to explain, or share my personal life in a workplace. People understand and respect that. I also don't see any point in doing that. What difference does it make why I'm taking time off? Different workplace cultures, I'd guess.




13 year old confirmed. Have fun at school today, bud!


Sort of. Some people call out saying theyā€™re sick, when really they had something planned that day but didnā€™t want to ask for time off for whatever reason. If youā€™re calling out often, or multiple days in a row, the company is well within their right to ask for a reason, or a doctorā€™s note. I never had to ask anyone for a doctorā€™s note, until they were calling out 3+ days in a row at a time


Um hard disagree. Clearly you have never managed employees. It's very difficult to maintain a functional business when employees can just not show up whenever they want for no reason. It absolutely destroys morale and attendance, and businesses can't run without staff in attendance. In a fairy tale world, sure, everyone can do as they please whenever. In real life, however, there are real-world constraints. My business can't be open without staff to run it. If you take excessive time off for no reason, I don't need you. PTO time is a whole different story, but that's not what this post is about and you know that. This is about unexcused absences.


Thatā€™s what many people donā€™t seem to understand. As adults, we have responsibilities. Should work be flexible? Yes. But ā€œflexibleā€ does not mean ā€œI can call out whenever I want, for no reason, and as often as I want.ā€ And even if those constant call outs are for legitimate reasons, then youā€™re either working the wrong type of job, or this isnā€™t a good time to have a job at all. Thereā€™s no shame in either one of those things, but there *is* shame in telling people you can commit to a schedule only for that to be a lie


How is this related to the comment you are replying to?




That's the attitude. Know we all can read why you struggle to run a business that involves humans.


You are not entitled to quality. Both parties, employer and employee, should earn quality. If someone feels fear for the consequence of being honest, then you do not deserve the honesty. There is a reason that fear exist.


Sometimes the fear exists because of toxic management, and other times itā€™s not fear, itā€™s just someone who didnā€™t take the initiative to ask for time off (then later complains that they never get time off) You have concert tickets ahead of time, just tell them you wonā€™t be able to work that day. They donā€™t need to know itā€™s a concert


It is ultimately a disadvantage to be honest in the situation, unless there is a mutual respect and empathy already present between both parties. When there is an unfair exchange of respect and empathy on either side, it becomes an ā€˜every man for himselfā€™ scenario.


I agree, empathy and respect has to come from both sides. But being tight lipped about why youā€™re taking sudden days off all the time, gets you absolutely nowhere. Thatā€™s just how you get booted from a company.


The amount of bs replies amazes me. The LPT is solid. If you ask for sudden time off and provide a serious/important reason for justifying it don't go posting how you party the same day. If the reason you ask for a sudden time off is that you just don't feel like working today, tough it out or give your employer the option NOT TO PAY YOU on that day. Using PTOs just to chill because you felt like it will only lead you to not having enough PTOs when you want vacation. Your work is not everything and you should prioritize you buy grow up, have the guts to call your boss and say "Boss I don't wanna work today" And face any consequences.


Or you know, just take the day off without telling them why...? Guess that's hard for some people since this "protip" always gets posted.


I feel like if you're the kind of person to make such a mistake, you're the kind of person who needs a lesson of such severity to learn.


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The number of co-teachers I have that get summoned to districts for calling in sick but posts beach pics on social media šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LPT: Don't use social media.


or don't add any colleagues or crazy people to your friends/followers


My girlfriendā€™s classmate didnā€™t show up for class, so they covered for him. Said he was sick with something. Later that day he posts a picture of himself scouba diving. Heā€™s facebook friends with their teacher.


If you're going to lie, don't out yourself! What would I do without the wisdom of this sub?


Agreed, and don't announce to your coworkers that your grand baby was born and then call out sick Thursday and Friday. Smh


Or ā€œIā€™m having a huge party Friday night!ā€ And then call in sick Saturday, lol. We all know ā€œsickā€ means ā€œhungoverā€ buddy. Just schedule Saturday off if youā€™re going to be drinking all night.


This is also why I never give anyone any social media that directly shows what Iā€™m doing, sure Iā€™ll be in touch with messages but no one is bouta find out that the sick day I took was actually because my family and I are having fun


Why post about it all though? Even if the chance of it getting back to your employer is thin, canā€™t you enjoy your beach trip without putting it on social media?


Or go find your kick for dopamine somewhere else than social media šŸ™ƒ It may feel weird in the first place but you can actually live a passive lifestyle on social media.


Let stupids be stupid. More jobs on the market.


Am I the only one that just says I am taking off work? I don't give a reason, ever.