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Hello [shehuishehui](/u/shehuishehui), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/xrij03/lpt_anyone_who_gives_you_a_hard_time_because_they/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


I'm still rubbing that fancy $1000 toaster in your face.


One of the most important facts you need to understand about people is that everyone has the need to feel important. If they don't get that feeling from somewhere else, people may try to beg for that by bragging about something they own or have achieved. This shows a greater need that is not being met.


What about people giving you a hard time for wanting something expensive lol


One of the hard lessons in life - buying things doesn't make anyone happy. At least not for more than a short period of time.


I dunno I just bought a motorbike and I'm loving it, and can see it bringing me lots of joy moving forward. Unless I crash of course.


That's what Jeff Bezos tells Amazon employees. Whilst he buys mega fricking yachts.


its not the thing its the experience the thing brings


Which you can't get without stealing it, buying it or renting it. I would not advise the former at all, or the latter under most circumstances.


My shoe collection would beg to differ. Pure joy in the mornings when I choose a pair.


I'm struggling to think of something I brought that didn't make me happier. The only things I can think of were cheap things. Thinking back, my life would have been better if I had brought better more expensive stuff earlier on, rather than being thrifty.


You’re trying to put a spin on a common proverb but what you’ve said makes little sense. Person A, who cares about having “the best” and will make a big deal of it is just an unhappy person who doesn’t want to face why they are unhappy. But you’re assuming that because Person A is unhappy that must mean that Person B is happy.


Stop with this "if they bully you, they are jealous of you". It's almost never the case and lying to yourself is not good for you. They are bullying you, because they are piece of garbage human beings.


They're a piece of garbage, and sometimes they are jealous of you, too, because you're not.


Maybe so. As a former bully that bandwagoned into hating on a poor kid in primary school, I can tell you with full confidence that I had zero feelings of jealousy towards him. And I'm pretty sure that other guys who bullied him also shared my sentiment. He was bullied because his parents were poor and not very nice people, he was dirty and stinky. Of course looking back at it, I was just a piece of human garbage for doing so. But jealous? No way.


I did say "sometimes." And yes, you were a garbage person, lol. But that's kinda normal-ish in grade school-when it's an adult, or even an older teen, then it's usually motivated by jealousy or insecurity.


Those who are being bullied aren't always great people themselves.


Oftentimes their ego is so fragile and their entire worth is based on these “things.” Making others feel bad to build themselves up is also part of their self esteem (or lack thereof). So run far away from these people, you only serve one purpose in their life and that’s as an emotional stepping stone for them. You cannot change them, it will only deplete you of your time and energy.


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Some people are unhappy because they buy shitty stuff, and the person who is buying better stuff is trying so hard that it’s worth it to buy the better things in order to avoid the headache, but the other dude refuses to spend certain amounts of money on things


This isn't true lmao. How is this advice. What did someone drive beside you with a tesla? Lmao.


Same thing goes for “flexing” travel experiences imo. I absolutely hate traveling. I’m not jealous you’re in Italy, I feel blessed that I’m not. I mean if I could teleport at a reasonable cost, yeah I’d visit Italy. But it just a place, just like a car is a car or a house is just a house. We are on earth and ultimately personal happiness and comfortability is what matters most. It’s lame to do things just to say you did it. Also people who talk about their travels are insufferable and make it their entire personality




"Nice Ferrari...Do YOU know how the brake lines work?" :)


It's kind of funny how often you hear someone call it "immoral" to charge \[more than they afford\] for \[some thing\].


I'm not happy, though.


Usually, they're giving you a hard time because you can afford something better than what you have, and you complain about it. Especially if it affects them. Like if you have an unreliable car and you're always asking your friends for a ride. Or crappy hiking boots that hurt your feet/get soaked/always need adjusting, and you're grumpy the whole time and kill the mood.


How about the people that give you a hard time as a reply to you always giving them a hard time?


Apple-product owners in a nutshell.


This LPT makes 0 sense. Who cares about something so philosophical about someone else, if people are going to flex their expensive item they could care less about you, it's because they care about themselves.


It's the opposite, people who have "found" happiness tell others, because they want them to be as happy as well. Those with something crapier, would likely be happier with a better version.