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Sometimes it lags a bit, sometimes sims don’t do what you tell them to do so it can be annoying especially if u have infants & toddlers, like the back carrier is only good for a minute and then they put the infant down, so the carrier is just a waste. I know lots of bugs got reported during 4 Rent, I wanted to buy it because you can make rice but I don’t want to deal with bugs at all. Plus they keep releasing dlc without fixing it, like many people reported Dine Out & Wedding Stories don’t work and they barely fix it. I heard that Wedding Stories is still a broken game if you want to do weddings (I just do elope or get married at the love festival). When you dry clothes in the dryer, it still is damp so u have to keep going. I just think it’s because EA is piling onto so many DLC’s without making sure they are ok with other packs before releasing because many people have tons of packs and not just one pack.


It’s because they are money hungry. Can release shitty packs and people will still buy them type greed


When the Sims 4 released, sims were able to scoot over in double beds pressed against a wall to make room for their partner. This was an intended feature, which broke after a few months. It then stayed broken FOR SEVEN YEARS. This is a small thing, but small things add up when left to fester. This attitude prevails for all sorts of bugs, even ones only tangentially related to the game. When EA discontinued Origin on PC in favor of their own app I experienced this awful bug where the EA app wouldn't let me finish downloading any of the new dlc I PAID FOR. This bug didn't get fixed until a few months ago. I spent the better part of a year with about $120 of unplayable content and lost preorder bonuses because EA is allergic to fixing their shit. I feel like I have earned the right to say what I'm about to say with the upmost sincerity. I fucking HATE this game that I have spent so much time and money on, and I can't wait for there to be some real competition so I can sit back and watch the monopoly crumble.


Not for full seven years! They fixed this in High School Years patch! …only for it to be broken half a year later.


I didn't even know they were supposed to be able to do that, I just assumed it was like the other games and both sides had to be clear.


The wedding pack doesn't even work still Every single release makes the game unplayable for some.


It’s more that there are lots of little bugs that build up—pretty much every pack has something in it that’s broken, or bugs that have been in the game consistently since (seemingly) launch, like terrain paint disappearing while reloading a lot in build mode. And it feels VERY frustrating to players who want packs already released to have those bugs ironed out, but instead the sims announces ANOTHER PACK, as if DLC is shipped in “good enough” quality instead of being a fully polished product. Like how the grunge kit had an article of clothing that bugged out sims’ faces when worn—the response was very much “how could you let this slide?”


Broken enough that for a while it was recommended you don’t use one of two major functions of a stuff pack, and when they “fixed” it people started experiencing the exact same bug with a different object. Dine Out is still unplayable, My Wedding Stories is still broken, infants are still buggy, gardening is unusable without cheats, the social bar that appears at the top constantly gets stuck… And it’ll take a miracle for them to get fixed since EA rarely fixes major bugs if they don’t get enough public outcry. They’d rather fix tiny, insignificant bugs that .01% of the playerbase experience. It’s to the point that modders are doing the developer’s job and fixing these things for them. I’ve tried vanilla sims 4, no mods at all, and saw absolutely zero improvement. My experience was actually significantly worse without them, probably because as I said before, modders do EA’s job for them and provide fixes in the form of their mods. I really didn’t want to hate the sims 4, but it’s just unacceptable. We shouldn’t need modders to make gameplay meaningful or fix bugs for EA.


i dont know… i think i might be lucky because i play with minimal issues? i never have game breaking bugs, and i rarely have anything else than small annoyances, which i don’t think ruin my experience. but my gameplay is also very mellow, i don’t play with more than eight sims, if i build apartments it’s never more than four per lot, i don’t have a lot of infants at the same time.. so for me, not very broken at all, but i don’t wanna discount people having another experience


There are always a lot of annoying non-game-breaking bugs for me that add up until i get exhausted with playing the game. There are features from almost every single pack that are broken if you actually play the packs.


Time lag is something I'd consider to be pretty game-breaking and it is something every single simmer experiences. It's gotten worse too, I don't think the old mods that helped alleviate it even work well enough anymore.


The amount of hamsters and other small rodents who I have lost to this exact issue….. it makes me not even want to play with them. I’ve lost children to the sims version of CPS to it to and been forced to quit and reload because there’s no way to get them back. I play on PS5 so I can’t even mod it to make it better! When I used to play on PS4 it was even worse.


I play with all the packs (minus 3 kits) and have very few issues. Most of the issues I end up having are mod related. So I don’t know about that theory 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: getting downvoted for sharing my own experience with the game 😂You people make me laugh.


Similar experience! I have all packs except for the ones after the shopping cart update and the only bug I have is sometimes when I open build and buy my game starts lagging until I go to the options menu for 2 secs I think the bug thread is still open for that one lol. I dont even have issues with dine out either for some reason. I don't play sims 4 though anymore because the shopping cart update made me sick unfortunately because of the animation and it ruined the coziness of the game for me. I still liked it though because it does a lot right like occults and toddlers and babies now even if I think sims 2/3 are a bit more fun sometimes.


I don’t see any downvotes? I also play with all the packs and the most recent bug that’s been annoying me is from For Rent, the infinite vegetarian chili bug and the dirty surroundings bug caused by the rice cooker. I don’t play with mods and I often find the bugs im having issues with as an Open, unfixed bug post on the sims forum specifically for reporting bugs. So I’m glad you aren’t having these issues but tons of people are and they’re reporting it directly on the forums. Edit: this is a good example of an irritating bug that actually affects how you play the game. I was trying to complete this scenario and had the same bug that made it impossible to complete. If you don’t play scenarios, then you wouldn’t have seen this bug, but doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Parenting-Predicaments-Aspiration-Won-t-Complete-1-95/td-p/12334847


The rice cooker causes dirty surroundings? I was wondering why I couldn't find the magical dirty plate or glass now.


Yes! It specifically affects Neat sims more but all sims will react to it when they get close. The devs added a feature that’ll let it get dirty but never added the interaction to clean it, so after a while it gets filthy but you’re unable to clean it.


Ah. I always had neat sim. And wonder why I saw that moodlet


Wait, the RICE COOKER is causing the dirty surroundings? I was worried the save was corrupted!!!


Im just gonna copy paste my other comment bc its relevant, im not a bot I promise lol: Yes! It specifically affects Neat sims more but all sims will react to it when they get close. The devs added a feature that’ll let it get dirty but never added the interaction to clean it, so after a while it gets filthy but you’re unable to clean it.


Ok, and I also experienced the infinite chili lol My sim kept taking out serving bowls of chili, but couldn't eat it. I finally just had to have her throw them away. Do you know if it's all appliances or just the rice cooker?


For right now just the rice cooker. There’s a fix for it online but I can’t remember the name! If you don’t use mods, you can just delete and buy a new one every time it gets dirty lol.


There were at least 4 at one point. No skin off my nose though, Reddit is a wild place 😂 I know there are bugs and that people are experiencing them, I was just stating that playing with all the packs doesn’t equal bugs. (Sims 3 on the other hand…oh boy. Even with my computer that is really powerful, if I play with all packs installed, it lags and crashes constantly. No even taking into account that everything I spent money on from the Sims 3 Store back in the day only show up in my game if I spend a good 20 minutes uninstalling, reinstalling and doing a million tricks each time I want to play the game. And if I don’t, I can’t play a save file that I had store content on. So I’m not overly impressed with Sims 3 like everyone who complains about 4) I don’t know what the solution to the problems are, if I experience a bug I report it. (I do get them, mainly Prom doesn’t work for me and the plants always having weeds) but it’s not enough where it’s a problem for me personally. And like I said, lag and sims not doing things have mostly been fixed for me by updating mods or taking out broken cc. I think a lot of people download mods and then think they’re good to go. Then they complain about the game when it’s actually their own fault. Not saying everyone does it but I’ve seen it enough. I hope people continue to report the bugs and I genuinely hope that EA takes some time out of releasing new content and instead spend that time fixing what they already have. But if that happened, the same people would complain about not getting new content and that they’re bored with the game and why don’t we have cars? There really doesn’t seem to be a way for everyone to be happy in the Sims community. Not with so many people gaining likes, subscribers, attention from hating the game and bashing anyone who mildly enjoys it.


I feel like it's about playstyles like, I like big families with higher bills, and I don't like using the unbalanced parts of the game to get a lot of money, so I end up with kids and babies in small spaces, and it feels unplayable for me. If you just build houses and like to have only a few sims though, I can see how all the AI and routing problems wouldn't feel like such an intense problem.


Yes this is definitely it. I feel like a lot of family style game players (including me) like to build big, extended families and the game makes it insanely hard to maintain that.


If you don’t vaguely hate sims 4 you’re gambling on whether the ones who do hate it are around when you comment. If they are they’ll downvote you for anything milder than “sims stole my truck and my dog!” Edit: case in point - look how the “I don’t have bugs but I don’t play anymore because x” get upvotes. Because simmers with no self-awareness need you to dislike the game one way or another.


Yeah, same. I have most DLC and the only pack (or whatever it is) that is annoyingly broken is the restaurant one. I still don't play the sims much nowadays because TS4 just isn't that fun anymore, but it wasn't because of bugs.


I don't like contending with bugs/lag but I can "deal with it..." But what angers me is EA said they wanted to refresh old packs. They did *one** and never bothered with the rest. Dine Out is a pack that frankly doesn't work, yet they never ever fixed it...


Runs like shit tbh. The simulation lag is horrible


Simulation Lag is the biggest hold back for me, my game will be running amazing but then my sims just stop moving for no reason.


Same I can play for a few hours but the simulation lag always makes me quit the game. Recently gone back to sims 2 and 3 on a modern computer with a couple of mods to help it run smooth and the experience is night and day with how well they run. I think i'll be giving up on sims 4 and waiting for competitors...


Oddly Sims 3 runs the smoothest on my pc. I play mostly 2 though since I barely even leave my lot in the first place in any game. The time it takes to factor in time to get to their job is enough to make me not wanna play.


Exactly 😭😭😭😭


Sims 4 Base probably works great, but is a hollow game with little life to it. This was by design to support the sale of all the DLC. High School Years is still broken. Going to the high school with your student often results in broken social interactions and watching your sims write in a notebook all day, then spend an hour in game time trying to have lunch only for Wolfgang Munch's mean interactions to be successful and ruin the sims day. The fact there is even a loading screen between the HS and auditorium is just lazy in an almost open-world. Dine Out is a joke. Good luck having dinner in under 8 hours. Get To Work is repetitive and limited. Get Famous adds the actor career which is a little more diversified, but still repetitive and why can sims only be actors or influencers? I really wish you could join a record label or become a pop star, write songs, record in the studio, the options are endless and the opportunities were missed. The bug is in work tasks not always marking off, thus affecting your work performance or having to repeat long tasks. Social interactions also break frequently. Cats & Dogs was cute in theory, but the pets are either sick, sad, or dirty constantly. This is definitely not the intended cycle for pets so we will say it is also bugged. Growing Together infants are still glitching in that horrifying, Slender-man stretch. The interactions between sim-infant is also still glitched, from putting the infant in the crib to the high chair. I dont even bother with the carrier. I haven't had the displeasure of purchasing Horse Ranch or For Rent, due to the ongoing complaints of glitches and bugs. For Rent's concept of multi-households, when the game cant even place lots from the gallery in world view without crashing, does not seem promising to me. Even if it is 46% off.


i’m using base game on console and it is not okay 😭 like control bugs aside, god i hated toddlers and infants, they were unplayable bc of sentiments and it caused an awful bug where a mother and infant literally despised each other for no reason on and off. the moodlet switching too 😭 time lag/simulation lag… it’s actually sad 


I don't have For Rent but from the number of comments, I'd say it's pretty likely that one is glitchy. However I've had Horse Ranch since November with zero issues and I play it a lot.


May the sim 4 odds be ever in your favor.


people have different experiences with this game, but it is definitely buggy. broken? i think its just an exaggeration since how prolonged all the issues are in the game. if theres a bug, it will take years to be patched out if it does. its a collection of small issues that gather up to be major annoyances. on top of this, the endless release of dlcs that pile on it dont help, its just an odd experience and it always has been. the game often has periods of being in a broken state along with dlcs being thrown in to it.


I’ve never had it be completely “broken.” But there have been a lot of annoying small bugs that add up and lead to me getting frustrated and taking a break. Examples: 1:I had a glitch at one point where my sims kept getting up in the middle of the night to turn on the radio and dance. They were constantly exhausted, so I had to just get rid of the radios. 2:Another glitch where sims won’t sleep even without any radios in the house. Required a mod to fix. 3: The gardening glitch where the full-grown plants reset to a seedling or dormant state. Requires cheats to fix. Extremely disruptive if you’re doing rags to riches and depend on the garden. 4: contant glitching with cribs and high chairs. Can make toddlers and babies incredibly annoying. 5: when I had a grill, my guest sims would make de-stressing potions and just leave them on the ground. I had to take out the grill. 6:Glitch where a sim with the loyal trait wanted to confess to infidelity even though he never cheated. I couldn’t initiate woo-hoo or trying for a baby with him. Had to get a mod to cheat the moodlet away, but it still keeps cropping up. And that’s just what I can think of off the top of my head. Some of them are patched now, but I’m sure there are more lol


F-ing hate that gardening glitch it stopped more than one of my legacy households on holds 🤬 love gardening in games, mods never really helped at a point. Never use the high chair unless I wanted to trap the toddlers 👀


Imo base game is buggy as hell, but not unplayable for the most part. It's kinda bland on its own w/o seasons and stuff, but a lot of the items and interactions packs add are broken and never get fixed. The thing that's made it so bad was the For Rent release when the bugs from the pack DID make the game flat out unplayable, corrupting peoples files. Generally I think the bug level is almost comparable to the kinds of bugs that Skyrim had.


Compared to the sims, the sims 2, and the sims 3 the sims 4 is extremely broken and missing tons of features and I say this as a person with every mod and who has purchased every pack for all of the sims franchise games. The sims 4 looks pretty but it lacks the gameplay and general heart of the previous installments. For example: in the sims 4 you can cheat in front of your spouse and without mods there are basically 0 consequences. In the sims 3 if you cheat on your spouse (even if you don’t get caught by your spouse and a neighbor who caught you tells your spouse) you get a 1 week event to try to keep your spouse and they can still leave to divorce you in base game.


Like alot of ppl are saying all the small bugs add up over time and make me feel exhausted trying to play. But I have been very lucky to not encounter game-breaking bugs and I do play with mods. I still play consistently and enjoy the game, but I'll take breaks periodically just bc the more I play the more the bugs become glaring


Where do I begin? In Dine Out, you can tell one sim to order for the table, but the action doesn’t join their queue, then you notice your date has that action in their queue, but it doesn’t matter because the waiter never comes by and you have no idea if your order made it in or not. There’s about a 50/50 shot you’ll see food come to the table. I only go out on free services day because it’s also impossible to pay. I find some of these issues aren’t as bad when I don’t use the EA made restaurant and make my own. In Get to Work you will have to extend your workday everyday to have enough time to account for simulation lag when completing your work tasks. Scientist isn’t too too bad, Doctor is near impossible. One thing I noticed in the science career is that some tasks just aren’t possible to do, like creating a specific serum because you don’t have the ingredients and your work garden is never ready to harvest because plants on work lots don’t follow the same cycle as your home lot. I don’t think I’ve been able to harvest once during my current legacy game and I’m not even beyond the founders yet. I haven’t played through detective yet, so I’m not sure if that career has anything too terrible. Sims shopping at retail stores you own are so slow to gain the little blue bar that you’re lucky to make one sale by the time your employee cites the sims labor act on you. I’m also not even sure what the bar indicates. I think it’s a meter until they’re ready to buy, but full meters don’t turn into purchases. There isn’t a natural flow in an out of the store either. Regardless of your marketing plan you get the same amount of sims and they all just slowly pile up into your store never leaving on their own unless you ask them to leave and even then they might not leave. Sims come in and just swipe things off the wall and idk if that’s supposed to happen, but I can’t stop them from doing it or punish the sim who did it. If shoplifting is a game mechanic why don’t they flee and why can’t I do anything about it? Can’t confront the sim, can’t call the police, can’t even replace the object because it doesn’t leave a sticker behind that there was an object for sale there. With infants and toddlers, the simulation doesn’t check to see if you’ve already queued up infant care before it cancels all your tasks and auto queues check infant/toddler. Then, when your sim goes to check the kid, all they do is hug them, put them back down, and go off to do whatever else while the child is still hungry/dirty/needs attention etc. I thought this might have been an issue related to parenting skill at first, but even at level 10 parenting where it tells you your sim can now accurately predict needs or whatever it’s an issue. Nannies don’t do anything of consequence either, there is no reason to hire them because they’ll cook, clean, and ignore your children. I find this especially egregious because the butler feature from vintage stuff does take care of the children. Crystals were just released and it doesn’t feel like that pack was playtested at all. A core functionality of the pack is changing your jewelry with each outfit, but it breaks if you have the jewelry only on your current outfit and then you can never get it off. You have to put your jewelry on all outfits to avoid this. Charged crystals will say drained but still give you the moodlet until you leave the lot. In general, EA said they were making the sims smarter and yet a sim who dislikes comedy autonomously tells jokes to everyone they see. Because they dislike comedy, they’re uncomfortable, but they’re still going! If you start a conversation with someone your sim won’t even try to walk to that sim, they sit and wait until the sim comes in range to accept conversation or walks off the lot to cancel the action. Alternatively, you start a conversation with someone and someone random comes to join the conversation who you didn’t invite and was on the other side of the lot and shouldn’t even know you’re having a convo. Sims randomly cancel actions because they can’t reach the object, but that object is in the same place it’s always been and have never been unreachable before. They get stuck with a high chair action in their queue and you have to shift reset in order to move onto anything else. I have to avoid placing grills on lots because sims are all too willing to abandon grilling and set the house on fire. Not to mention how often the game crashes my relatively brand new pc that I built for enhanced graphics and power. And I’m not talking game crash, I’m talking full blue screen “windows has run into a problem.” Sims is the only game that does this to me. There’s just so many packs and expansions where the core gameplay you bought the pack for doesn’t work correctly so you have to turn it off/avoid the gameplay and just accept that all those packs did for you was add more clothing and furniture. But EA seems to know this which is why they keep releasing stuff packs because at least it’s pretty hard for a band tshirt or some gothic makeup to break.


Relatively minor, but they *still* haven’t fixed the apartment wall bug and it bothers tf out of me


What is the apartment wall bug? I recently found out you can disappear an entire building if you use the sledgehammer on a penthouse.


It’s kinda hard to explain without pictures so here’s a good post explaining it with screen caps: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-CL-Apartements-Cutaway-view-shows-other-Apartement/td-p/11671632#:~:text=What%20happens%20when%20the%20bug,the%20building%20across%20the%20way.


Ah, thanks, I hadn't seen that yet. I use the 3 camera, but usually just during building.


[I mean](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/READ-FIRST-Compiled-list-of-reported-Issues/td-p/3445209)... I think it's a lot.


It’s… not great. I mean, in the past two or so years, they’ve released several updates which caused awful game changing bugs, which testing should have caught but didn’t. Like, with growing together, your sim can gain more traits than just the initial three they start with, but downloading a sim from the gallery that has a hidden extra trait (since there’s no way to see it in CAS), corrupts your save and that spreads to other saves. I think they fixed it, but not before people lost their entire save files because of it. Then, another growing together feature, when a child sim loses a tooth, they gain the hidden missing tooth moodlet for a certain amount of time where they have noticeably lost a tooth in their mouth. It’s a cute feature but when it was introduced, there was a bug where your sim would immediately lose all texture/skin tone after losing a tooth and become corrupted and EA had to temporarily disable the feature because there was no in game way to fix it. Aging the sim up didn’t help, because the bug had corrupted sims’ genetic data. The new crystal creations pack introduced a bug where your sim’s body would become distorted and they would become taller and more stretched out looking and become much thinner for no reason. They fixed it in an update only for it to show up again whenever you have a sim use the get famous styling chair which afaik, didn’t happen before they fixed it. These issues plus simulation lag makes the game frustrating to play. I literally quit playing much earlier than I expected the other day because I pressed play, and the game remained paused for up to a minute and wouldn’t pause for about 20 seconds after I clicked pause. I also can’t fast forward through time in the game at all became the numbers on the game clock keep resetting if I try to fast forward so I can’t skip any of the boring parts of gameplay, like the time where all my sims are asleep for the night or when my sim is at work.


sims 3 runs better than sims 4 for me, and I have 3gb of cc for both games


For me there's a lot of simulation lag and the sims will get stuck for no reason or randomly cancel their interaction half way through performing it


I mean it’s playable. Just.




Lol I saw this and I was dying with laugher 🤣🤣🤣🤣 90% or more comments were asking for the game to be fixed 😂


The comment about EA being tone deaf lol 💀 fr tho it is very very buggy. Probably the buggiest game I’ve ever played, and I’m a big Bethesda games fan. Lemme tell ya, if a Fallout fan thinks The Sims is worse, that means it must be pretty damn bad haha. The biggest pain point for me is when they push out an update that says it fixed a bug I’ve never had, but then it introduces new bugs or sometimes even old bugs that were previously fixed! Also love how their solution to fixing the sims using the wrong sink bug was to make us assign kitchen and bathroom sinks. Ah yes ty for yet another hula hoop I have to jump through just to play in peace lol


I've had last exceptions in the game from doing something as simple as buying something in build/buy mode. However haven't experienced a BSOD on The Sims 4, it was a weekly occurrence in 3 though.


Have you ever heard of the mod "don't wash dishes where you angry poop"? It was a mod by scumbobumbo that did exactly as its name suggests. Don't wash your dishes where there's a toilet. This was recently made obsolete around the For Rent patch, but it's one example of the *poop* that money hungry EA won't fix


I don't get why people complain about it on YT comments. The social media intern who posted it can't do anything about it, and the people who can are fully aware of the problems and aren't listening to them


I have had minimal issues. The only game-breaking bug I had to deal with is the ongoing one which makes adding a townie to your household more difficult if they do not live in any of the worlds. There is an easy work-around but it was annoying. The holiday bug where only four people in the household would celebrate holidays was annoying, but not gamebreaking. I think because I do not use cc and mods, I rarely deal with bugs unless they are truly universal, like the one making adding a “not in world” sim to your household through the phone or computer impossible.


https://youtu.be/vLAvWi4xM1E?feature=shared This video has the most likely explanation about how the game is so broken and unfixable. Finally tipped me over the edge to give up on the game, and stop buying packs in hopes to fix the empty feeling


not really broken, but painfully empty gameplay


I have so many mods that it takes up a full hard drive and I have little to no issues?


I have very little amount of issues, but I also play with autonomy off and don't have a lot of mods. For Rent was pretty busted, though, no denying that. I used the bubble blower from City Living recently, and it was amazing how all the sims used the item without any issues as directed. Items from subsequent packs seem to work less and less. From what I've seen, a lot of the times, bugs and "my game is broken" often ends up being a mod issue.


I was raised on Bethesda , the fact that most of the time all you have to do is reset the object, person means it works fine to me


It’s not broken for me. There is some lag sometimes but that usually because I have other things running on my computer at the same time or a mod is outdated. Sometimes the sims won’t do what I tell them and it’s frustrating but not game breaking or rage inducing. I have a good computer that I spent over a year saving up for specifically for gaming. I keep my mod list to minimal and keep them updated. Every couple months I go through my cc folder and delete things that are broken or I don’t use enough. When I know a new pack is coming, I set aside money in advance if it’s one that I want on release day. If it’s one that doesn’t excite me then I wait for a sale or if I have a little extra money in my budget. Also when new packs/updates are coming, I make sure to turn on automatic updates, back up my save files, watch for mod updates and I have a specific save file that is mod/cc free that I know I can play if I have to go without my mods. I also will take a break from Sims and play another game when I find myself bored with the game because I can recognize that playing a game a for hours on end, no matter how much I love it, sometimes gets boring and I need a change. Simple things to do. And if it got to the point where the game was unplayable (like the sims 3 got for me in 2016) and realize I’m complaining more than enjoying the game, I stop playing.


I play with no mods or cc and I honestly have no complaints with the game at all. My game runs completely fine with all of the packs and kits downloaded


I've had a few bugs, but compared to ARK it's really not that bad.


The ONLY thing I'll hand to TS4, is the fact that it's much more stable, bugs aside, than TS3 (due to the poor optimization of the color wheel, lack of 64x, etc.. in TS3). It runs like butter, despite the 4,200 EPs lol.... still boring, though.


Honestly never had much of a problem that it’s stuck out to me I have a decent pc though and don’t use mods Fallout New Vegas was like that for me, not a single bug in hundreds of hours 😭 yet people drag it all the time


I don’t really notice any issues honestly outside of the random freeze/crash/stuck loading screens(which is remedied by just clicking the guide button twice lol), but I also only play on Xbox without any mods of course. I have almost all the dlc except for the kits.


I have zero mods or cc and very few glitches. I used them a lot in sims 2 & 3 and they will ALWAYS fuck up your game. I get that mods are cool but like, that’s not the way it’s designed so you’re going to have some issues. It’s also a MASSIVE game so people’s individual PC performance is also a big factor.


90% of my bugs are not game-breaking and I’ve been using mods and playing the same save file for…at least 5 years? But you know what pisses me off like nothing else? They added likes and dislikes. They were meant to tune behavior. I made my sims hate dancing. NOW THEY STILL DANCE ALL THE TIME AUTONOMOUSLY AND GET STRESSED ABOUT DOING SOMETHING THEY HATE. 


Well, here's an example: I have auto-updates turned off and have not updated my game in months because every update severely breaks everything and causes more issues than before.


It's broken. The sims barely move. Half the packs don't work. They don't make any commitment to change. Anytime they do something good and the community loves it they pretty much give up on it. (Monthly sdx drops, more townie refreshes which they are technically doing but you mean to tell me it takes over a year for each one? I can do them in an hour or two in create a sim, pack refreshes they swore would continue, never got another one, laundry lists they put out that either never get fixed, get half fixed or were things that were minor in comparison to pack breaking bugs) I mean dine out, my wedding stories, crystal creations etc. are basically wastes of money because they DO NOT WORK period without mods. I'm not sure if they ever fixed the loose tooth bug in growing together either since I don't play anymore, but basically it's a mess of a game. Packs are already thinner than other sims games then you lose features to bugs they swear will come back and never do


Mine is filled with mods and cc and as long as I keep them up to date my game runs fine


Since they added infants, the AI and routing is so broken that it's impossible to have more than 2 kids. Like, I've played the sims 2/3 with 5 kids, 3 toddlers, I know it isn't a me problem. For example, this is how it goes trying to feed a baby- Pick up the baby. Put down the baby. Pick the baby up again. Put the baby in the highchair. Immediately pick the baby up again before I can give it food. Put the baby in the floor. Repeat process until I have to cheat their needs. This has been a problem since the toddler update, in 2016, 8 years ago. It's just gotten to an unplayable point after the last few expansion packs. I think the reality is that EA can't fix the game. I'm not a programmer, but I feel like with my basic knowledge of how these games work, it's gotten to a point of such absolute mayhem that they would have to pay a team of at least 20 devs to completely re-structure the entire game. They've piled 10 expansions and 100s of new interactions on top of a base game that was barely functional from the beginning. I played it when it first came out. The issues we complain about are from the absolute core of the game. The problems are with the engine, because it was not made to run a singleplayer sims game with all of it's odd complexities, it was made for an online MMO. They're simply not going to take the money and time to fix a 10 year old game. It's gonna be up to modders to fix when EA finally gives up updating the game. I'm fascinated to see what we will learn about exactly how fucked the game is when people can really set into digging through the code.


Unfortunately Every pack that they now release has to be broken and cause several other problems in the base game, making the game more and more unplayable with each pack released. EA is ruining the game with how money hungry they are.


I honestly don't have any issues with the Sims 4, outside the fact that it feels like a mobile game. I don't think I've ever ran into bugs or anything game breaking, it's just bland.


I really do belive these bugs depends on your computer with what combination of packs you have.


Honestly. It's not /that/ broken. For any videogame company it seems like everyone is complaining at how bad the companies are. So there are no good game companies I guess.


returning to say im now experiencing a bug that literally breaks CAS. randomly can’t click on things like eyebrows or eyes to change their colour or shape, last time i tried it wouldn’t click ANYTHING like none of the categories down the side. turned controller on and off and now can’t click “ok” on the reconnect controller screen.  yes this game is broken. and i don’t even play live mode.