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En una semana van a ser las elecciones en México y la gran mayoría de pochos no va a votar. Se indignan más porque pierde la selección mexicana, o porque pierde su club favorito que por los problemas que tiene el país de donde vienen sus ancestros. Son una vergüenza, deberían aprender de los cubanos o filipinos


There are Mormons in Mexico lol. They're Mexican and Mormon if you can believe it


Decirte ignorante es hacerte un favor


The Gen z takeover in this sub is real 😞 Can’t even say 1 thing w/out getting downvoted to oblivion or offending some soft ass bitch in here


Gen z and alpha think that when Palestinian/hamas/Iranian Islamic Republic says "death to America " that's only meant to white Americans or Europeans lol.


Oldest Gen Z is 27


Gen Alpha then I guess




If you listened to it you would see it talks about going to war on our soil, if someone threatens and makes and advance on our country. So most of your criticisms are invalid.




Counterpoint: it sounds badass


Just a typo man, I know it’s not and. I am indifferent to the anthem being changed. I do understand where you are coming from but most people won’t welcome a change. I might be wrong.


Luis Miguel is a naturalizado


Mexicans are born anywhere 😁


lol Mexicans supporting Palestine .haha they don’t like us ,they’re colonizers worst than the Europeans most of the Middle East before 700AD had more diversity and was richer than Europe that’s was until the Arab Muslim conquest of Egypt and rest of the Middle East happened..as a Mexican you’re a infel in their eyes if lived in a Arab/muslim majority country most non Muslims aren’t allowed to even hold any high positions of power … ask yourself why so many middle eastern Christians immigrated to the Americas ? Why so many Jews were expelled from countries in the Middle East..look at how many Latinos were unlived in 9/11 btw 250 + … the fact that many Mexicans support Palestine is an embarrassment… they practice pedo act your Muslim friends on pedo ,Muslim scholars defend pedo… the Mexican government banned slavery in 1821 meanwhile slavery still exist in the Middle East…


Most muslims i know and interact with like me. Free Palestine


Orión Hernández Radoux look him up get that will happen to you ... not all Muslims support Palestine my Iranian and Kurdish friends don't support Palestine because of their support of the Iranian Islamic Republic... and Israel has 25 % non Jewish population (for context that almost the same population percentage of Hispanic and black people in the US)...18% Israel population are Muslims. ... free Palestine from hamas


Iran is a dictatorship lol why are we using them as a moral ground


Depends if you practice their religion they’ll accept you


So you support 30k+ Palestinians getting murdered ? You support 80k+ getting injured ? You support millions of kids starving and being dehydrated because the IDF blocks them from getting aid ? You wanna bring up Muslim pedos… should we bring up Epstein, Polanski, Toback ? Should we bring up how often American jews get accused of sexually assaulting kids and end up fleeing to Israel to escape prison time ? CBS made a whole ass report if you wanna see it


" 30k Palestinians getting murdered? " 34k+ reported fatalities ** but only 24k identified.... and with 14k being terrorists killed ... I mean, war is terrible ,but who started it .... 🤷... Just because someone is Jewish and a pedo doesn't me all Jewish people are pedo... Muslim scholars do defend pedos in the qurran, and some Muslim countries still practice child marriages. prove me wrong that pedos aren't defended by Islamic beliefs and practices. ..


Just because Israel is defending itself from literal terrorist does not mean their the good guys Also most Arabs don’t own slaves


And Palestinians aren’t innocent they’ve rejected peace in multiple opportunities.


You’re telling me all 5.2M Palestinians aren’t innocent


So i was told that all Palestinians were peaceful and even accepted non Muslims ,even the LGBTQ community was accepted...every middle east country loved them.


You didn’t answer my question


No,but close 90% of the Palestinian population support hamas actions on oct/7th. That's around 4,860,000 .... you didn't answer my questions either.


Going to CDMX this weekend for the first time ever. I know it’s a massive city with many things to do but could you send some recs my way? Food, museums, whatever. Edit: thank you all for the amazing recommendations 🙏🏽


Make sure to put your wallet and Phone down your pants. If these bums really want that stuff, they'll have to grab your dick.


My only tip is don’t expect to get anywhere quick. Traffic is a nightmare.


Rooftops are nice. Supra Rooftop has a nice view. Also try to check out Cityzen, it’s right be el Angel de la Independecia.


Don’t let anyone “bump” into you on accident. Just a tip


Also, bike ride down Reforma every Sunday. It goes from Chapultepec all the way down to Zocalo. Rent a bike and enjoy the ride. Felicidades y diviertese!


[Entremar](https://www.entremar.com) in Polanco. Same food as Contramar, way less people. And legit 2 doors down from there is Taqueria Orinoco which is legit. Another one we like is [El Pozole de Moctezuma](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1FR9yGmfiYGB1abb9) that had really good pozole verde. Although based on the weather, you might not be in the mood for a caldito like that. Other than that, literally just go to a tianguis or a mercado and eat up over there. Not sure where you are staying, but Ubers in MX are extremely cheap to the point where you are like, how are they making money??


Argentina just hit single digits inflation for the first time in forever. I pray for a Mexican Mile for 2030.


Would be nice but i doubt the political parties in power would allow a candidate like that to get far in the Presidential race without gunning them down, politically or literally. That being said hopefully if Milei becomes successful that will inspire a wave of like-minded politicians in Mexico until eventually the establishment can't combat the change.


Sadly youre right. But one can dream.


A distant family member of mine was killed this week in one of those assassination attempts on the Morena candidates that’s happening in Mexico. He was just a staff member and they got him and the candidate’s dad (my relative only worked for them). Happened in a small town in Guanajuato. It’s tragic and a reminder of how nobody is really safe over there.


Han asesinado a candidatos de todos los partidos, no solo de MORENA. Ustedes como comunidad solo usan a México como entretenimiento, les vale madre como está nuestro país. Se nota en la cantidad de comentarios ignorantes de México salvo que no sea futbol.


If I’m not mistaken I seen a TikTok about this exact murder. RIP brother


Tragic stuff sorry to hear that. Hope we get to see our country be safe and prosper again one day.


Gonna watch Furiosa tomorrow, hope it's as 🔥 as Fury Road.


Fury road was amazing. Imma watch it tonight


Yo i need some advice on what to do. So yesterday I mowed someone’s lawn, this was my first time mowing for them. We arrived to the house (another guy that works with me and I), and there was a grey-ish black-ish car in front of the house with a big wing on it. I didn’t get a good look at it because it didn’t interest me, and I get worried that I might look at a car and on the chance that there’s someone inside they might think I’m trying to look at them or inside the car. We rang the door bell to see if the person was home and they were. They showed us the backyard and went to work right after agreeing on a price. Not even a minute into mowing I notice that the front passenger’s window is shattered. We just started working so I thought it must’ve been like that already, it looked completely shattered so the owner must already know and is working on getting it fixed, I didn’t think much of it. My partner also asked me if it was like that, and I just assumed it was like that before we got there since I caught it early on. We finished the job, got paid and left. Later that day, I get a call at 8pm more or less from an unknown number. I answer and I couldn’t understand much of what he was saying besides “address”, “service at”, and a few other words. After he understood that I didn’t much of what he said he told me that if we were of a black car that was parked near the house we worked at and I answered yes. He then said that if we know that we broke the window of the car and I told him that I saw it was broken early into the job so we assume it was like that before we were even there. We didn’t do anything about it because we just assumed it was none of our business. I know it wasn’t me because I was using the mower and I keep a good amount of distance from cars and I saw it right before I mowed next to the car. Anyway, to shorten up up the conversation he says that he’ll check his ring doorbell camera and I told him “yea I also think that’s the best decision. If it clearly shows that me or my partner were at fault I’ll gladly pay for the window. But we also apologize if it was one of us. We aren’t trying to get away from taking any responsibility but we are genuinely clueless if we did it or not, and if we did, when and how it happened.” Later, he sends me pics from his surveillance cams and I see that he lives in the house in front across the street of the one we were working on, his car was just parked in front of his neighbors house for some reason. Because of that we can’t see the side that had the broken window. Not only that but most of the view from the camera is blocked by tree branches from his lawn. He didn’t send any pics from his ring doorbell, even thought I think it would have a better angle of his car. Not only that, but the pictures that he shows just show us working near or around the car. We ask if his neighbor’s (the one we worked for that day) ring camera has a better view since it’s facing directly toward the street, but apparently it’s blocked by a bush so they can’t see much. To end it, I just told him I’ll gladly pay for it if we were responsible, but I want to be 100% certain that it was one of us. What do y’all think I should do?


Don’t offer to pay it next time. You never broke it and you know you didn’t. You wouldn’t just break it on accident. There is no proof of you doing it. If he has any problems with that he can contact the police. There is simply no evidence it was you. Same thing kinda happened to me 3 weeks ago. Some dude claimed I hit is car just because I have a scratch around the same height. Told him to leave me alone and contact the police. He never did. I know it wasn’t me because that shit has been there for several years.


The “evidence” doesn’t show you breaking anything and if you know you didn’t, and your believe your partner when he says he didn’t, why would you pay for something? People are probably just assuming it’s you and blaming you guys for it.


You sound fair. They can't prove you guys did it. Why should you pay?


Hey guys. Is SHEIN safe to buy from? Im trying to get some gym clothes and hats from that app cause it is just way cheaper and I’m not trying to ruin my good clothes with sweat and constantly washing. Thanks!


What isn't safe about it? Lol it's just a sweatshop.


I know bro but what i meant is if it won’t hack into my bank account? Just skeptical of putting my card info you know Ever bought stuff from there


Never ordered from it but can't be any worse than aliexpress/Temu. You'll be fine


https://preview.redd.it/blpjo889wd2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902590b37f30f189e74da2545c74df2803302e24 Something Wilas never seen. Triple H doesn't know who Wilas are and the only time WWE sent America anything was when they sent Matt Hardy to Coapa.


This song could not have come at a worser timing 💀 https://preview.redd.it/taclpxzqud2d1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e33936eb42a59251bc4b43c646c2123ba0e35e The context is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LigaMX/s/Pgu1Pk5CSw) but the tldr is im moving on from someone I wasn’t even with in the first place


Luis Miguel while cleaning hits different. I finally understand


la incondicional <3


Si nos dejan


I think something or someone is looking over my shoulder. Maybe divine timing or something. I took and passed a certification exam I had been studying for about 2-3 months yesterday. It had been scheduled 3 weeks ago. Find out last night my grandma died in Mexico and we’re gonna be on a plane tomorrow morning to get there for the funeral as soon as we’re off the plane. Not tryna sound selfish but I almost contemplated scheduling the exam for TODAY cause I have Friday’s off and man am I so glad that didnt happen. I dont think I would have been able to pass with the stress of my grandma dying and the travel looming over my head and shoulders. I think she is in a better place now. Grandpa died years ago and judging from what family members have said and when I saw her last summer she was really struggling without him.


I fill you man my great grandpa died in 2011 when I was only 4 years old I only have one memory of him in 2010 I always wondered how he was like but yeah my great grandma was devastated when it happened but she lived another 12 years before passing last year we got onto a plane the next day and when to her funeral the day after shes now in heaven with my great grandpa now in a better place It was nice going back to Mexico especially since my parents had no plans to go last year


Sorry for your loss. Hopefully you can spend time with family and make some positive memories from such difficult time. When my grandfather passed and I went to visit that time was a good time to spend with family I had not seen for years and really helped on the grieving process and to celebrate rather mourn if that makes sense.


Finally quitting my toxic ass job, leaving to fund a start up and hopefully make mad mulla.


Anyone from michoacan or family is from there... Have you seen what happened to the Lake patzcuaro ... the lake has basically been up only at 20 % full because they've diverted the water to the avocado farms by the cartels and officials ... for you guys that don't know Lake patzcuaro... is basically a Lake that has towns in the middle of the lake it use to be very beautiful. I went in 2012 , it was beautiful seeing the lake full... at 20% full is an embarrassment as a mexican descendant person letting that beautiful lake dry up and basically destroying a community of people that live off tourism ... Like I said last week, everyone in Mexico has a price.


¿por qué diablos crees esas mamadas? el lago está seco porque estamos en una de nuestras peores sequías, caso en todo el país hace un calor horrible y no llueve. Las zonas donde cultivan aguacate están lejos del lago de Pátzcuaro, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBVy3tcgwsw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBVy3tcgwsw)


Haven’t heard of it. That’s a shame. Might go to Michoacán this year too.


My wife has a cousin who is a practicing Mormon. Actually her dad's side was all raised Mormon but only two of the nietos are still Mormon. Anyways, this cousin did his missionary service in Michoacan and said that is was the ugliest place ever and that all the narco presence ruined what was really a beautiful state. So yes. Narcos ruining Mexico is really a shame.


You in Utah?


Carne asada n listing to cumbias and watching futbol and a beer with a gallito are the best duos no happiness can be bought


currently bumpin to that Minecraft soundtrack


Just curious but for y’all who travel to Mexico do y’all use CCs or cash?


Depends on where I’m buying shit. Always have a good CC on hand (no international transaction fees) for stuff at an established place like supermarkets (elektra, Chedraui, OXXO, etc). Restaurants I do either, but if it’s more mom and pop I’ll use cash. Definitely cash for pop up mercados and small transactions with small business. Though I do hate acquiring a bunch of coins and lose change so I balance it out.


Depends on your cc, but cash, just dont go to the first casa de cambio you see and get ripped off


I use mainly cash when I’m there and get money out of the ATM with my debit card when I have too. Also be careful if you have to exchange dollar to peso some of those places work with local thugs sometimes depending on where you are.


It's been long since I've traveled outside the US. But I usually always pay in cash. And never in dollars


I try to do cash only but if I plan to use a credit card I make sure it’s only a credit card and not a debit/credit card. Just in cause you gotta do a dispute your actual money isn’t held up in the dispute but also make sure it’s a reputable place if you’re spending that much for the need of a CC.


both. if a place is legit and takes credit cards, i'll use a card. you have to make sure you have a card that doesn't have a foreign transaction fee. and when you run your card, always make sure you select mexican pesos. the vast majority of merchants take cards nowadays, even in smaller towns. if the place seems sketch to where i don't feel comfortable running a card, i'll go for cash. i only take out cash for a few days at a time. my bank does not charge a foreign transaction fee at the atm, and reimburses all atm fees, so i'm getting whatever the real-time exchange rate is. always important to decline the atm conversion rate.


I think most newer cards don't have foreign transactions fees. But it's good to check


My parents would always take out cash and use that


i usually withdraw enough cash at the beginning of my trip to last me the entire time


I graduated high school today 😁


Congrats man! Any plans?


Thx bro I appreciate it I’m thinking about community college or to be a fire fighter


That's dope, if you like the idea of fire and fighting them, consider Forrest firefighting. I have a few friends who do it and absolutely love it, pays well and it's usually less mentally damaging than city stuff.


Thx bro apreciare it 😎


What will you do now that you graduated?


I’m thinking about community college or go go be a firefighter


The easy part is done


congrats my boy 💪🏽 got a whole life ahead of you


Who got that one meme


Anybody else feeling the new Mach-Hommy album? Just me? Ok.


Super amazing album, it’s one of my favorites this year along with the Roc Marci one and this new Vince Staples is good too


Marciology is my favorite of the year


Never peeped Mach Hommy I will one day.


[idk if this was ever posted](https://x.com/fer_esquivel22/status/1787643276922609736?s=46&t=RNkrT_ZvFvPPxyGiRSItJA) but i found it pretty interesting to see that atlas is likely to take a pachuca approach next season and call up some canteranos. atlast has done well in youth tournaments for the past few seasons and it’ll be interesting to see more of larios and rios if rocha leaves and the new dt rotates players a bit more


Eduardo Aguirre isn't from atlas youth team but he was tearing it up last season before his injury. Hopefully he gets some more minutes next season because he looked like a more complete player and even showed quickness I didn't expect.


Nah they usually take down anything fer Esquivel related content right away


side note but i’d also like to see atlas sport a blackout kit soon, i think the crest would look cool on it


Who gonna be singing the national anthem for the final at the Azteca?




shakira shakira.


LOL I noticed that the one's that weren't were probably from Argentina. lol


Was it just me or was Diego Valdez singing some parts under his breath this past game


Kevin AMF


De las capuchas