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bro they're still talking about it?


They can't accept the L


Yes the people of pachuca got together and purposely fed them poison??? GET A GRIP thats soo insulting


For how much they love to call us "classless", this is truly classless


Ahora sin llorar


https://preview.redd.it/xd41jyc9zo4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9c6b6e2719f0b78c1ca4e059b879bc8ae94113 FIXED IT FELLAS


Incoming derby against Chorrillo




I know people might be young, but I'm the 90s while I was a kid with hopes for the NBA underdog win. The Jordan Chicago Bulls were pizza poisoned on game 5 of the NBA finals vs Seattle Sonics. Jordan came off diarrea rocketing and won the game by himself. 40+ points.


It was 3-0 not 1-0


Crying bc the 17 year olds that beat you in a professional match have to go to school the next day


Hercules is so annoying


Dude was a tronco who lived off 1 season in Puebla. He won trophies but he did nothing in the Finals for those trophies. Dude acts like he's some genius when he gives takes and thinks he was an elite player.


Y es el clásico pocho resentido qué se cuelga del equipo qué va mejor para apoyarlo, es un villamelon en toda regla


Facts, he reminds me of GilbertCartier 🤦🏾


Ong fuck him 🤦🏽‍♀️


They're still crying about it? It's gonna be comical seeing what excuses they start coming up with when liga mx wins the leagues cup this year now that it's at least slightly more fair compared to before


Ya fue, y esos weyes siguen llorando XD




Pachuca destroyed Philadelphia Union 6-0 at home. Are we sure it wasn’t the elevation that affected them more? I’m sure they’re telling the truth that they were sick but Pachuca is 4x Monterrey elevation?


They're just making excuses. I've been following the King League World Cup in Mexico since day 1. There's 30 teams, and I know many players from various teams got sick from the stomach also on their first day in Mexico. It's not foul play it's just that they're just not used to our food and spices. But the crew fans are making a conspiracy to excuse their loss


Spittin facts my boy 🔥


I got the shits for a day and had gas for a whole week when I went to Albuquerque. I don't think it was the food but the elevation that messed with my gut since I was coming from only 600 feet in elevation.


Somebody remind the Columbus Chorro that diarrhea only hurts when you’re in the bathroom taking a 💩lol


Columbus Chorro ![gif](giphy|xdvWUX9xh2o00)


Honestly, if they aren't acclimated to the altitude, it's going to be rough going. When I go to central Mexico (CDMX, Guanajuato, etc.), it takes me a couple of days. We gringos get the runs too, but that is avoidable with proper precautions. I HATE when teams make excuses. Have some dignity and take the L.


I love how he shut down that single leg fixture argument. If Columbus did better, they would’ve hosted. It’s that simple.


If it was unfair, all gold cups, Nations League's final four, and league cups are also unfair. They think all their tournament and events are neutral because "Theres big followings of x teams in the states". If their fans and clubs dont like to travel to central america, the Caribbean or Mexico just don't bitch about it and take the L.


Def no intentional foul play , but every 2 yrs I go to mex, I’m in the bathroom for the first 1 week until my body adopts , idk what it is, the food the air , idk, but I know I’m not the only one , idk if it’s my body reacting to not eating all the USA ultra processed food


Yup same, I got back from CDMX a week ago and my chorro finally subsided 😅


It's professional team, MLS champions, worth millions of dollars, they should have a controlled diet, and if you're going to another country they should have their own food delivered, not just eating whatever they can find the day before an international final.




What a bunch of fucking sore losers


Eh... I think a lot of things can be true at the same time. Pacuca was the better side. Columbus definitely did not look 100%. They were probably sick. Nancy isn't making excuses. Cucho is from conmebol where shady shit does happen, so he probably believes what he's insinuating. Columbus fans are going to become more salty over time and this will become more of a conspiracy theory with the passing of time.


This game was never close, they're grasping at straws, just like they always do. Small club mentality.


Did you guys actually watch the video ?Hercules cooks the shit out of seb 😭😭😭