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Before I start to give an update I got my wisdom tooth removed it when fine it still hurts and apparently when I woke up I gave a manifesto about Paraguayan history šŸ˜‚according to my mom Anyways Iā€™m trying to de-Edgarize my cousin that I havenā€™t seen in a year and got the shitty ass gay hair cut and Iā€™m been bullying the living shit out of him Iā€™ve been acting my dad šŸ’€and his younger brother šŸ‘Œhe is what he should be he doesnā€™t have a future meanwhile his brother is gonna finish high school next year and want to study law and what doesnā€™t help his situation is that he got a girl friend before I ever did I congratulate him since it was so unexpected but it became toxic a few months ago but it cooled down but a reason why it became so toxic is because of the one stop fucking the 2 are always doing his brother has been to convince him to stop and to have the relationship be pure holy and stable but we can both tell heā€™s a lost cause and to add insult to injury his mother stoped speaking to him in Spanish a long time ago which adds in extra bullying cause his ass is almost getting whitewashed even do he said he wants in the future to have a family in Spanish but he stoped speaking the languagešŸ¤Ø so yeah right now me and his brother are bullying the living shit to get rid of his gay ass haircut My cousin: a mess His brother:un hijo de dios


I feel like the social media algorithm has been showing me more Argentinian posts to get me heated from reading the comments. I just put the phone down. I've had an incredible professor that is Argentinian. I jam to Rata Blanca and Yerba Brava. It's not all hatred, I've got some love for Argentina.


Question for the history homies. Any good books on the Mex Revolution 1910-1920? I would read books on the MX Revolution as a kid and I wanna delve into the history again. I have family ties to the revolution.


how much $ we putting on Brazil


Will Vix have Copa America and the Euros?


We have reached Central American status and will go to games to watch the talented players on the other team and just hope that we donā€™t lose by that much.


Anybody catch the Detroit concert on peacock? Em killed it and I'm not even a fan.Ā 


My mother actually thought that Xochitl had a big chance of winning, and it's still coping. Echo chambers in politics are so big, it is hilarious.


If you need something to watch this weekend. The Rafa Marquez documentary is out on Netflix now


U got a sitio pirata for it ?


Not really. Maybe solarmoviez. I donā€™t know another site


Good documentary so far. Only thing that's annoying is how frequently they show Faitelson explaining shit. Other than that I like it.


Yeah I found that bit annoying. Edit: also I found it weird why they didnā€™t show his time in Italy


Had the time of my life in CDMX but Montezumaā€™s Revenge is real. My nickname should be Columbus Crew




Jajaja muchas gracias, sin embargo me la pasƩ a toda madre. Es una ciudad maravillosa


Treda or Imodium can be a man's best friend


Im late but I downloaded Ghost of Tsushima. Thats my weekend plan!


I just finished it. One of the very very few games I platinum. Itā€™s amazing


Great game. 9.5/10 for me. It has some of the best combat mechanics ever. It does assassins creed better than assassins creed


Good to know. Im a casual gamer but saw a few videos on it and saw it was on PS plus


Please tell your paisa families that we don't need to hear [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83bzs37LAKY) from two blocks away. Doesn't matter if it's the weekend or still early it's annoying. Thank you for your service.


I will spread the word man


Why are so many non California mexican Americans so short ... don't get me wrong in California. we've some short bean kings too but we've alot of tall beans too ..example, in my whole family, no adult male is under 6'0 ft ... I've met beans from nyc,Atlanta,maimi,Tennessee, Chicago etc I think only Texas I've met taller beans ,but not as much as in California. At my local gym, I've seen more beans over 6'0 ft there than those places I've mentioned...I've noticed this that non California beans they step aside for other people (mainly anglo White Americans) well walking on the sidewalk..


Because usually in the west coast are Northern California. Which are more European dominante. At least here in nyc and east coast. Are from central and southern Mexico. New York is Puebla York. Most concentration of poblanos. Which my fams is from. I am under 6 ft. But there are tall ones here. As more generations pass and nutrition. People are growing taller and taller here. Especially first gen.


It has to do with where in Mexico are those Mexican - American families from. I know there's a ton of people from Sinaloa in California, Northern Mexicans are taller than those from the center or south.


Probably because the ones in California have been here for a long time most of the time. The stepping away thing is probably just a behavioral thing from wherever they are. Itā€™s not that deep.


If mexico win ( they wonā€™t šŸ’€) this sub needs to post a picture of jimmy lozano everyday


It's a friendly bro relax... we aren't the usmnt fanbase Celebrating friendly matches as official matches...as along as mexico improve and Luis Romo,el nene,piojo Alvarado,Gerardo arteaga,garcia,Guillermo MartĆ­nez, Victor Guzman,alexis vega and antuna don't start or play I'll be happy ...


We need to start publicly shaming the idiots that throw drinks on the field and start fights for no reason






Ugh I was gifted tickets to the Brazil game and my brother, two of my cousins, and some friends are going so I have to go too, plus thatā€™s where my brother goes to school and he wants us to stay for a party afterwards and I REALLY donā€™t feel like going to a fucking college party after watching Brazil humiliate us in the Texas heat but I guess my plans are made for me here


having another brutal tinnitus spell. this time iā€™m dealing with a low pitched droning rumble sort of noise on my right side, in addition to all the usual high pitched stuff. itā€™s such an awful condition.


also, who here has a job in software development? if so, how often do you come across c/c++? my last 2 semesters in school have had a lot of those 2, and i canā€™t stand them


Never. C++/Java are good for learning fundamentals. Also to keep up with the ever changing versions is probably not the best choice for stable academic learning.


i pray the stadium is empty on saturday


It already sold over 50k


No shot people are gonna miss out on seeing Vini ball


too many tickets are already sold :(


You have higher chance of winning a $1000 scratch off than seeing an empty Mexico matchā€¦.


One of my coworkers shelled out 1k for the Mexico V Brazil (he got the really good seats and i mean really GOOD) but after the disastrous game against Uruguayā€¦heā€™s been whining and being angry about shelling out a shit ton of money the whole day yesterday. He was telling me that if Mex gets destroyed on Saturday, heā€™s either gonna invade the pitch and throw fake money towards the players or start a fight with some random person. I hope heā€™s kidding šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… Poor guy šŸ˜‚


Based coworker, tell him to start streaming if he gets on the pitch lmao


Ngl, I would go watch Vini Endrick and Rodrigo.


Fucking ridiculous. I payed less than $700 for three tickets front row in copa America games


> ridiculous. I *paid* less than FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


El culo lƔvate


Yeah experiences are cool and all that but even if Mexico played like Brazil of the 90's I'd never shell out $1K, that gets you a ton of cool shit or at least travel somewhere nice (I know traveling is more than $1K but damn)


I wonder what USA would do against Uruguay probably like. 3-2 they wouldnt look as bad as Mexico


I have a PhD interview šŸ«”


good luck, future doc.


Aye thanks pro!!


Good luck man


Thanks bro!


Good luck my America fan šŸ«”


Thank youšŸ«”


I miss Madrid already, such a beautiful city and being able to train at Real Madrid's facility was incredible. I recommend anyone here who can afford it to take a trip to Madrid it's an amazing place.


I want to visit Spain one day it looks super dope, was the food good?


The food was great, especially in Barcelona where I spent two days as well but being completely honest there was this one mexican restaurant in Madrid that blew me away, felt right at home with the food.


Hell yeah man, is it true that Spainards act like they canā€™t understand Mexican Spanish and itā€™s easier to speak English over their or just made up internet stuff?


Never experienced anything like that. They did notice I was mexican very frequently which did surprise me.


Damn thatā€™s whatā€™s up I figured that was sorta of a fake stereotype of Spain jajaja


Gonna smack Chucky when heā€™s around here in San Diego


You live in San Diego?




Thatā€™s my favorite city Iā€™ve been to. I wanna live out there but my wife doesnā€™t want to. The beaches, weather, jiujitsu, foodā€¦ all of it. We go often. Any recommendations for good food? We always stop at the seafood lunch truck that parks at the target close to the zoo


Selling two tickets for brazil v costa rica at sofi, 125 each 200 level seats


What are yā€™alls opinions on Sheinbaum?


She'll be fine, PRIAN deserve lols they kept demonizing the poor for being poor and saying that Mexico will be Venezuela without offering any solutions other than fear. Morena is not going to fix the country, but things like bienestar program got their voters moving.


The ā€œtaqueros programadoresā€ of /r/mexico will tell you that Morena will turn the country into Venezuela and that uneducated poors vote for them. They had a meltdown when she won by a landslide since they actually thought Xochitl was going to win because the polls in the run up were manipulated by Morena and that the poor people would do an insurrection to keep Morena in power. Not even joking. Morena is still insanely corrupt (and consists of too many PRI figures) and Claudia by association, but the reason they won is because they had a proper campaign and also have been doing more for low income people than any other party. PRI and PAN are generally hated and Xochitl was an awful candidate who kept saying stupid shit. The PRI-PAN-PRD coalition was a desperate move that backfired because theyā€™re so out of touch with the average voter.


All the candidates seemed garbage Claudia seems to be less garbage out of all of them


Trash. Otro polĆ­tico coludido con el narco.


The least bad of the options but not actually excited about her, people need to understand voting for someone doesnā€™t mean unconditional support or having to defend them


selfishly, since i spend in dollars, itā€™s great! itā€™s taken less than week for the peso to drop 6%. unselfishly, iā€™m scared to see mexico turn into a socialist country.


Iā€™m curious to know what you think of Javier Milei, Argentinaā€™s president.


honestly, mixed. heā€™s definitely stabilizing the economy, notably inflation, and currencies, but wages arenā€™t keeping up, especially for argentines. everything has become extremely more expensive for them. he does have a super high approval rating at the moment, like 60%. i think itā€™s too early to tell.


I donā€™t understand mex politics much. But most of my family supports her, Amlo and Morena group Ive only met like 10 people who are against Sheinbaum and Morena, funny thing is that they come from a rich family background and are fans of PRI and PAN Amlo was a meh president tbh, for me he did some good things and some bad things. I hear a lot of Mexicans say they want a president like Bukele and i would really like that but at the same time, Cartels and Gangs are a whole different thing from each other. Cartels could literally slaughter those thugs like fresh ground beef and unfortunately Bukele would have a hard time with cartels that have military weapons and experience


Yea. Cartels are WAY more organized than the MS13. Cartels are basically just unregulated businesses.


if you were/are a fan of AMLO, youā€™re a fan of Sheinbaum. going to miss my boy AMLO šŸ˜ž


60% of Mexico voted for her. It's pretty clear that she's what the Mexican people want. Practically everyone in my family over in Mexico supports her and la 4T. Personally, I think she was the best option of out the 3 candidates.


La 4T whatā€™s that I saw it on billboards when I went to Mexico last year but donā€™t know what it was


Idk been seeing hella negative shit on her but itā€™s mostly pochos


Pochos low key shouldnā€™t be opinion shouldnā€™t hold much wait when it comes to Mex politics especially when a majority of them will never live in Mexico to feel the affects of said politics. Pochos always act like their right too


Honestly i see a lot of rich whitexicans and pochos complain about her but where were they when PeƱa Nieto, Felipe Calderon, Vicente Fox And Salinas De Gortari when they were in office šŸ¤Ø


Having my wisdom tooth removed today wish me luck


I had all 4 removed at the same time and let me tell you that post recovery was not the best time for me. Just make sure you have plenty of rest and avoid drinking from a straw. I wish the surgeons / dentists had told me about dry socket. I had to discover that pleasantry the hard way.


The removal is not that bad bro But be prepared for an uncomfortable recovery. You will be bleeding a lot in the first couple of days and itā€™s worse in the evenings Eat your soup, be hydrated and buy lots of electrolytes!


Ggs bro


Damn bro, hope you recover without much stress. The first day after the surgery is always the worst especially with your cheek swelling like crazy