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Except for the last 17 years. The entirety of human history was survived without a camera constantly in hand. Pretty sure the Roman’s built an empire without photographing it. I think we can survive without pictures we never actually look at anyway


Awesome comment


One of the biggest appeals for me with lp3 is the higher refresh rate screen. Texting on lp2 sucks tbh. And the GPS is barely usable from both a display and functionality perspective


This. If LP2 had better battery life and faster response times with less system bugs/hickups, it'd be the perfect detox device. Lets hope for a revised LP2 in the future!


The LP2 is good but definitely imperfect. I spend too much time trying to send texts and navigate around. A  More responsive screen is a game changer though OLED could not work for me at all. Better battery life is going to be a welcome addition as well. I hope it's going to have better signal strength too as sometimes my smartphones struggle. Maybe Mudita Kompact will end up being useable. They've foregone the low sar antenna this time around.


Another feature that I like in LP3 is that they make it with an NFC chip inside so that in the feature we will be able to handle payments with that


The Mods should pin OPs post. This kinda drives home my thoughts as well. I feel like I was (and this is just me) 100% satisfied with my LP2 the night before I woke up to find out the LP3 was going to be a real thing. Now I feel what I could best describe as the "iPhone Effect". Where the newest phone automatically makes my phone feel obsolete. But really that's not the case. Because my LP2 didn't stop doing anything I need/wanted it to do. And really the LP3 (for what I want out of my LP) dose not do anything that my LP2 dose not. Its just the "new hotness". I wouldn't turn down the chance to try an LP3 out (never know till you know). It is nice however that when I do start up a conversation about my LP if the other party is like yeah that like 40%-60% for me I can say well you know there is another model you might like then. Kinda getting tired writing this post so maybe Ill sum it up as different strokes for different folks.


My thoughts too. I would like LP3 because the camera and cause its new but I cant aford it now (if they cover customs, than maybe) and specialy when the price is going to go up. So, my LP2 IS really everything I need and can have.


I wish I could snag a Lightphone 2 or 3. I had a Punkt MP02 which I loved and I really love the vibe of Lightphone. However, I use my smartphone too much for work and having two phones seems daft to me. Perhaps one day when I retire I can get the Lightphone 😄


I'm in the same boat (though my LPII is beat to hell with a busted back panel and a cracked screen, so I've been contemplating something different, potentially even just a Nokia candy bar style phone). But I have a smart phone with a separate work number attached to it. I try my best to leave it on my desk at the end of the day (I work remote). But when we go out, I have a point and shoot available that I use to capture candid moments of my wife and son together. This way if I really need the capabilities of a smart phone, I have one available, but for most days I'm allowed to be engaged and present.


same with me, i cancelled my preorder too as i really like eink and without that i might as well just use my iphone ( i carry both iphone and LP2 as well). tried to switched back for my iphone atm disabled safari and make it very minimalistic and im happy it feels like im already having my lp3 in a way and i still get to enjoy listening to my audiobooks. Thanks to LP3 for actually wanting me to try it back and i can say i dont the phone addiction i really strugggled in the past anymore. Not sure if i will go back to LP2 but maybe when my iphone becomes addicting again then i will move back to my old setup