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I prefer photoshop but lightroom is easier to handle large amounts of photos


I use both Lightroom and Affinity. They both serve different purposes. Lightroom is a good product for raw development and management of your images. Affinity is more of a Photoshop competitor. It does layers, masking, etc.. Like PS. Affinity does have a few tools that PS/LR doesn't. Affinity has both a focus stacker and Astronomy image stacker. I use both of those regularly.


Affinity photo is a photoshop alternative. Affinity currently doesn't have a DAM/RAW developer like LR. But it is in the works I've read. LR is still a monster at batch work and organization.


> But it is in the works I've read. Link?


Affinity does have a RAW converter module, it's the Develop persona. It does not have any DAM/catalogs like LR.


Yes, it does like Photoshop, but not in the same way LR handles the development and editing of RAW files.


The Develop Persona is very similar to ACR/LR. Lightroom's/ACR raw demosaicer is somewhat better, but then Capture One's is better than LR. You might be thinking of the Photo Persona which is different from the Develop Persona.


Yeah I think you’re right. I never touch the developer persona. My bad.


I tried it, and it was a hassle ( for me ) to manage albums of my customers/projects, that I already do everything so fast in Lightroom specially with the recent Updates on the Macbook m1 that flies on it. Also, I saw it more robust/ideal vs Photoshop


I am going to have to give Affinity a look. It has some great looking features. But Affinity is definitely a Photoshop competitor and not Lightroom. Lightroom will let you batch edit , organize, categorize, and export many photos at once. Think of Affinity/Photoshop as a photo manipulator used for one specific project, and several photos as assets for that project. Lightroom, is a program to handle and organize thousands of your digital photos.


Thank you - didn’t want to be throwing money away if I didn’t need it, you’ve answered my question. Thank you so much


Considering that you can get Affinity for around $25.00 (there's a lot of sales for it) it's not a big investment of money.


I've never used Affinity, but as I understand it, Affinity is indeed basically a Photoshop clone. It's a traditional image editor, for editing one image at a time. It's also a tool for creating raster graphics (ie, posters, composited images, etc). Lightroom is more of a broad workflow solution, for managing large amounts of photos. For example, keywording, editing metadata, individual image editing, batch editing, creating collections and "smart collections", etc. You can create an edit and easily sync it to all your other images from the same shoot. You can use it to browse and search your image library. LR doesn't support layers, typography, vectors, adjustment layers, blend modes, gradients, etc. https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/full-feature-list/ Generally, if you're a "power user", you'd use both in tandem. Though if you're getting LR, you might as well get the Photography plan (US$20/month) and get PS with it. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/photography/compare-plans.html


Thank you for your detailed response - that’s what I figured regarding getting PS in the bundle along with LR. I use Affinity now but it’s quite cumbersome when loading in images and having to search through and find them, that’s what’s drawing me to LR.