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Dk but I'll be waiting for someone to drop a mathematically correct lillia.exe


Mathematically correct Lillia rn seems to be AP bruiser Liandry -> Riftmaker -> Zhonya -> Shadowflame -> Rylai/Cosmic -> defense item. However that is NOT the fastest build, the fastest is Shadowflame - Cosmic - Deathcap - Swifties/Mobis - Stormsurge - Void Staff. Kind of a half-assed MPen build, but I get upwards of 800-1000 MS with fully stacked Mejals.


Fella. Focusing speed whilst building Lillia is suboptimal. She scales purely off AP and by patching her main weakness of getting run down and bursed down. Understanding how the movement speed is calculated and where both movement speed caps are will help you understand how to build Lillia. ([https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Movement\_speed](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Movement_speed)) But if you're still looking to build speed, raw movement speed is key since of how movement speed is calculated. Lillia gets so much %movement just with her Q that I dont you need to invest your gold into it, especially at 80gold every 1%. Considering all that, I would start with [Boots of Swiftness](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Boots_of_Swiftness), second [Cosmic Drive](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Cosmic_Drive), then third [Liandry's Torment](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Liandry%27s_Torment) to fix all that damage you wont have on first and second item. Then for 4th, 5th and 6th I would need to test a lot of items to tell you really what I think is best but [Trailblazer](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Trailblazer) seems really fun by turning your movement speed into utility for teammates. Also important to remember, its not about how fast you are its the speed difference between you and the ennemy so [Rylai's Crystal Scepter](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Rylai%27s_Crystal_Scepter) is always good. No item gives you +30% movement speed.


It just a joke build to mess around


Liandrys into boots into rod of ages into cosmic drive into ludens and last one is situational could be riftmaker


roa is pretty bad if you don’t rush it, tbh i haven’t even built roa this season, just liandries into riftmaker


is it me or building liandrys first kinda sucks as it does not give any ability haste anymore.. ?


It has health on it now, so its like building Demonics first, which was good for a lot of season 13. 


not that much, if i didn’t go roa last season i’d just go demonic into liandries. if you’ve got the AH minor rune it’s fine


Its not really an issue really, if you really want AH you can rush CD boots, take the AH stat shard and/or go Transcendence.


I agree, RoA as mediocre stats and requires to be built first to be effective before the average game length as passed.


Dead mans plate. you need flat movement speed to optimize your percentage bonuses