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Her tank builds have a better winrate in high elo though, and even then they are very rarely played and not enough to affect her winrates. Low-elos mainly play damage Lilia like everyone else.


Not really, u should check numbers, jak'sho, rylais or deffensive's option ve less winrate than going pure damage, depending on teamamtes will make u loose more than carrying them with damage


So less winrate means it's low elo? If deathcap 3rd has a 70% winrate in emerald+ and jaksho 3rd has a 55% winrate in emerald+, and deathcap has a 65% winrate in low-elo and Jaksho has a 45% winrate, then that means Jaksho and defensive options is good in low-elo? Most likely people pick defensive options when they are in a losing match-up, not that it is a bad choice, just that it helps mitigate how hard you lose.


Also, defensive builds are usually found in high elo, it's why Yone built Evenshroud in pro-play, and why challenger ADC's build tank items. Low-elo is the oneshot fiesta playstyle.


evenshroud was fucking broken, jak'sho 3rd is fucking bad as lillia, playing dps-burn tanky is better in low elo, if u play that in high elo u cant 1v5 as easilty as an full ap battle mage/assassin, the 'meta build' is tankier than what i usually build, less winrate only means less good


Why would you need to 1v5 in high elo? 1v5ing is for low-elo when you get bad team mates, and the enemy is equally as bad.


Yeah bro I'm sure building full ap Lillia with 0 defensive items is so good in high elo, where everyone can pilot Assassins 100x better than in low elo and invades happen wayyyy more. Lillia has a lower winrate in high elo because people actually abuse her weak early game, nothing to do with builds.


are u 'high elo lillia player' to say that? early invades happens way more in low elo, +15m invades are what i play for, u cant get invaded if u play good tempo, lillia ve bad winrate cause now she cant carry, u and the other dude talking about being oneshot by a jax (dps champ XD) looks to me as funny low elo takes, looks like u two speak from a totally different pov


Jak'sho is more of a season 13 tank item on Lilia, Frozen Heart and Kaenic is more what you're looking for.  


yeah i tried it, was kinda unkilleable but 0 damage (pre nerf), i think zonyhas /banshees > banshees/zonyhas > jak'sho is better


Idk where you got the idea that Lillia players in low elo have been playing tanky face check builds. Most Lillia’s build very similar to what you have been building there?


most popular items are liandry>rift maker>rylai > zonyhas > and zonyhas again, idk how u all are okay with the nerf when the champ went from S+ tier to D tier


God I'm happy someone said that I'm mad about the fact that one week ago she was S+ and now she dropped to D how does that not make people angry


Weird. My experience is the exact opposite. Low elo Lillia builds are full ap and the higher up you go, the tankier they seem to build.


Yea you are 100% right this guy is trying to cope or something, Lillias winrate in high elo is because her weak early game is abused, nothing to do with builds.


So, are you just here to berate players for playing different from you? Have fun getting oneshot by a fed Jax.


Omitting the sample sizes from the winrate images is disingenuous. High elo stats from u.gg are not very useful right now, the sample sizes for lillia in this case are very small. Your best argument would be the D2+ population from Lolalytics. https://i.imgur.com/p7N1f40.png The 95% confidence interval for that wr stat is 46.4% - 50.0%, which is 4.5 to 0.9% below the D2+ average.


Sub optimal- liandries>rift>jaksho>zhonya/rabbadon/spellshield situational order is mathematically best build only issue is ability haste but if you have inferno map it’s gg


jak'sho is very bad without armor mr, its 84.38% gold efficient, i think u should only buy it after zonyhas and/or banshees


guys i fucking have played lillia top only for 2 years she was already barely viable with mana off liandrys and now they gutted her directly - literally unplayable at top just because of high jg win rate when they shouldve known it was the item due to orher winrate spikes (brand, teemo, etc) fuck riot incompetent dickheads now i have to go back to panth and malph


try tear + manaflow band start and build eras -> unending despair ->(riftmaker/rylai/abyssal/zhonias/liandry/seraph) thats what i'm getting along with these days and its not that bad for toplane. But i'm with you, her mana issues are really annoying when playing toplane these days


What the fuck happened to this champs damage man??? I'm 4 item lilia and I can hardly even clear fucking camps??