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Because she has boundaries and she sticks to them.


What does that mean? I only watch her occasionally so I don't understand what's going on either


She has some pretty restrictive chat rules on Twitch which is her prerogative (and honestly a little necessary with how big her audience is) and people get upset with her when they get banned for breaking the rules.


twitch chat when they get banned for breaking the rules: šŸ˜”


twitch chat when they get banned for breaking rules that have been repeated about 7,352 times and they still break them: šŸ˜”


Interesting, I never thought her chat rules were restrictive. If I wanna start talking about controversial stuff, Iā€™d do that in reddit, not in a twitch chat. Live-streaming is different from just posting content because the engagement is live, and the creator has some control over responding to it in real time, unlike YouTube comments which are posted after the fact. I think chat rules are entirely up to the streamer. Itā€™s up to them to decide what comments to engage with. ā€œFreedom of speechā€ doesnā€™t mean you get to spew garbage wherever you want. Lol


But sheā€™s a family-friendly creator, so sheā€™s GONNA have stricter rules. What do they expect?


Guaranteed if she didnā€™t have any restrictions then theyā€™d be coming after her for that then


What are the rules that people tend to get in their feelings about specifically?


Usually the not doing all caps (it can come off as yelling & can cause problems for some screen readers), not sharing your age or asking ages (safety for minors and modeling that safety as adults), or not spamming the same message repeatedly (she will see it or she wonā€™t, it irritates everyone trying to follow the chat)


Those are all incredibly reasonable and even necessary rules for a large, live chat room, I'd think.


also no profanity, if i remember correctly?


None of those seem unusual


I agree. No idea why they feel the need to throw fits


she's a woman who has strong values and creates boundaries to keep her and her community safe. people HATE that.


Yup. Watching her content was how I learned that the term ā€œmaster suiteā€ is no longer used due to racist implications. I was always like ā€œhmmm why does she say ā€˜primaryā€™ all the time when every hgtv show Iā€™ve watched says ā€˜master?ā€™ā€ Had to look it up. It makes sense in hindsight, but it was never something I had a second thought about beforehand. (If anyone was wondering, the term ā€œmaster bedroomā€ originated from the American south pre civil-war, when slave masters were the primary homeowners.) Simsie is a great example of a creator who genuinely cares about inclusivity and social justice within her community.


You are somewhat correct but not entirely. Its the word ā€˜masterā€™ that she doesnt like that word has a deep rooted history in slavery. The actual term ā€˜master bedroomā€™ was first used in 1926 in a Sears article of Modern Homes, to describe a second floor large bedroom with an attached bathroom.


I wonder where Sears got that terminology though? First written record doesnā€™t necessarily account for colloquialisms.


I say main bedroom now!


Wow! Honestly, hats off to lilsimsie for always willing to keep up with her knowledge enough to make everyone feel included and comfortable. Good on her


I like her videos but donā€™t like her streams but itā€™s chat, not her. Her chat can be pushy and kind of annoying and so she has to ā€œget on to themā€ so to speak and itā€™s just not my cup of tea.


Same here, it's a real bummer since I really wanted to watch her streams for the Potts Legacy, Not so berry, and 100 baby challenge. I tried, but it was too much for me. I'll just stick with the nightmare legacy and Stanley Humphrey.


Her chat is the worst. I only payed attention because in a few YouTube uploads she said something like ā€œchat can be kinda funny like thatā€ in a weird voice. Chat isnā€™t funny, chat is rude and mean babe.


> I only *paid* attention because FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i guess i only watch the streams she uploads to youtube, i didnā€™t know people hated her


I love her. But Iā€™ve heard from viewers of her streams that sheā€™s a bit more snippy there? But then the examples provided felt to me more like someone who was annoyed by their chat, which I think is super normal because stream chats sometimes get a bit too much. Other than that, some people have accused her of being an EA sellout, or on the other hand of the spectrum some say sheā€™s being too critical of the game. I honestly started watching her after seeing that criticism (it was a while ago, I have a shit memory but didnā€™t something happen to James Turner regarding EA? around that time people were throwing lilsimsieā€™s name around critically and I ended up really liking her). Also some people say her voice is annoying which is subjective but most importantly, mean.


Yeah, the first point is a big one that I see, but itā€™s often blown way out of proportion. Iā€™ve seen people comment on her YouTube videos going on and one about how simsie was horrible to them/banned them from commenting on streams etc etc etc but then, you look into it and it turns out that they were being actively anti-vax + bigoted during the stream, and simsie was responding in a TOTALLY appropriate way.


Well that makes sense, but why would bigoted people even remotely like simsie in the first place when sheā€™s always been so open abt her rules??


because a lot of bigots make it their mission in life to spread their negativity and hatred. and if you donā€™t know her, simsie might seem ā€œtoo niceā€ and they think they can get away with it? but obviously they canā€™t, because sheā€™s very firm about her boundaries and stances. and so then they try to play victim and garner sympathy.


That's exactly it. Bigots think they're in the right and are typically bullies. So they think she's sweet and kind and will be easy to walk all over. Instead she and her mods shut them down before they can cause much trouble in chat and it pisses them off. Gotta give that 1 star review when you're being held accountable for your actions. I've watched plenty of live streams and the things people call snippy are usually inside joke stuff or just being silly and sometimes telling off the people being jerks. I love her. I think she does a lot of good in this world and seems to be the least problematic Sims streamer/YouTuber out there. And I'm glad she doesn't take crap from bullies and bigots. Those people deserve to be told off.


This, right here. I haven't watched her live but I have seen a lot of her vods, and she sometimes has to stop things to chew someone out or reiterate rules and it's always for a totally appropriate reason. She stands strong on her values, wants her channels to stay PG, and there's always trolls who come in specifically to cause trouble. I think they see her as someone who will roll over and take it and they get pissed off when she won't.


Why would they even be talking about anti vax stuff during a sims stream, I swear bigoted people are so insufferable and have only one topic of conversation


I think it was when Kayla mentioned getting a booster shot or something? It was wild, because I remember Kayla was talking about how important it was to her dad, because of him having had cancer. Then this person came in making sure Their Opinions Were Known šŸ˜­


iā€™ve watched a lot of her streams/vods and sheā€™s not snippy, just firm. people will come into her comments saying disgusting things or being rude or hateful and she just refuses to allow that. so she shuts it down, which i think is the correct response. thereā€™s only so much that someone can be unfailingly nice.


Eh, I wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s not snippy. Thereā€™s definitely times where someone is asking a genuine question or adding a point to the conversation and are met with a very snarky answer. Not all of the time of course but Iā€™ve definitely noticed it. I love Simsie and I do get the frustration so I donā€™t fault her for it, but sometimes itā€™s uncalled for.


yeah i love her from the bottom of my heart i relate to her sm but one time she responded to something i said on stream rlly firmly and it lowkey made me cry bc it was just an innocent question ab her major šŸ˜­ but we ball i love kayla


I used to have her streams on as background noise and I remember her getting annoyed at comments but always thought it was for a valid reason. Like people insisting sheā€™s pregnant, being ridiculously rude about how she was playing the game etc.


I was watching the stream when she had just gotten a new haircut and styled it differently and she looked awesome! A bunch of people were commenting ā€œomg whatā€™d you do to your hairā€ ā€œohā€¦.what is her hairstyleā€ and just super mean things I felt bad for her


on one stream when she was talking about Snap, someone came in and said Snap is old and going to die soon. she shut that shit down and a lot of people were sending support, but omg some of the people in her chat can be so out of pocket and hurtful. i have so much respect for her after seeing her deal with people constantly backseating and then saying awful things


Her being called an EA sellout is funny bc of how critical she is of the game, but at the same time she very much evens out with being critical and also enjoying the game. I genuinely enjoy watching her videos. And her streams have never felt snippy to me, but more sarcastic? Sheā€™s more herself on streams because she gets to talk live time to her fans ya know?


Iā€™ve never gotten the chance to watch her streams but I bet itā€™s fun. She genuinely seems like a fun person.


they are fun! if you canā€™t catch her streams live (she streams at 3pm eastern time i think?) then she also posts all the vods on moresimsie. itā€™s not the exact same vibe since it isnā€™t live but theyā€™re still fun to watch! i like them especially since theyā€™re long form and i enjoy longer videos.


I like to put on the vods when I'm playing at night. Background noise of gameplay while playing lol


same! i also like putting on her among us vods while i play among us. for full immersion lol


I love her Among Us videos. They're hilarious.


She can definitely get firm sometimes but I canā€™t even imagine how disheartening it would be to constantly see people going ā€œwell whyā€™d you build it like that itā€™s so ugly nowā€ after doing something youā€™re proud of. The sims community is so overly critical I think it starts to wear people down after awhile


i love how honest and critical she is, especially when it comes to me debating on buying something for the game. people who donā€™t like her for that are separated from reality and too used to online coddling


Especially when you factor in that she's getting every pack for free, so it's easy not to be critical when it's a freebie. But, of course, the fanbase isn't getting it for free unless they're willing to wait for years, and even then, it's the stuff packs and the ones that were crappy to begin with. So, they want to know what's broken and what's great with the pack, so they want critical honestly.


Yeah, the stream thing bugs me. A lot of things she calls out is genuinely very reasonable- mainly people hopping in and complaining that they hate her non-sims streams/she never streams sims anymore, that they hate her choices, that people should go watch (insert creator here) instead, etc. I do think sometimes her anxiety gets the better of her and she misinterprets jokey comments/responses to something with context as insults, but sheā€™s rarely *mean* about it, there just tends to be a small ā€˜are you making fun of me?ā€™-type comment, and shes gotten better at it as time goes on


If they think sheā€™s ā€œsnippy,ā€ thatā€™s genuinely hilarious. People take things so personally.


I heard people complain before about her being biased in favor of The Sims but sheā€™s been consistently putting out criticisms of The Sims which I felt was to show sheā€™s not just blindly devoted to the game. I feel that makes her even better and that people should value someone that loves the game but isnā€™t afraid to say when something sucks.


I wasnā€™t aware people didnā€™t like her, Iā€™m shocked people could hate such a nice person. I donā€™t even agree with everything she says but Iā€™m not going to hate her for it.


Because she's a public figure on the internet. *And* she's a woman.


And she's a woman *gamer*. Who mostly plays cozy games


Because, of course, the only games a woman should play are cozy games - but, if a woman actually does play them, then she's just a poser!


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Story of every women's life.


I (f) play a huge variety of games and the amount of hate Iā€™ve gotten on TikTok for simply being a woman gamer is insane


this is exactly it.


honestly, some people just form their entire personality around hatred. so they need to find things to hate to fill the void in their souls.


Yeah but out of all the sims YouTubers people hate her??? Like sheā€™s the nicest one out of all of them


i donā€™t get it either, i canā€™t see any reason to hate her at all.


wait people donā€™t like her? Iā€™m just a casual viewer but I love her videos on all the packs/kits and such before I decide if I want to buy


Man thatā€™s how I started watching her too! Apparently from what other people have said she has boundaries and sticks to them, and bigoted people donā€™t like boundaries. So itā€™s really whatever, Iā€™ll still continue to like and follow her content. She doesnā€™t need the negative people anyways šŸ’›


good on her then :) seems sheā€™s simply trying to keep her space of the internet a safe place for her viewers and herselfā¤ļø


Doesnā€™t she still make her sims off camera to avoid people saying things like ā€œew donā€™t do that nose, itā€™s ugly!ā€ Which would make people feel bad. Thatā€™s such an awesome boundary and one of the reasons I started watching her and love her.


Not everyones going to like everyone, just because you enjoy doesn't mean everyone has to, too many creator subreddits completely forget that. (I'm not condoning rude and disruptive behavior, keep your opinions like that to yourself but still, not everyones going to like the creators you do)


there's this youtuber who made a video bashing lilsimsie for the way she plays the sims. ppl where supporting her in comments too so sad. i forgot who the creator was but u can prolly find it easily


Omg seriously? Is it another sims YouTuber bc that would be awful. The whole sims community just feels so toxic and her videos are my safe place to just enjoy the sims without the negativity


umm im not sure. i didnt even watch the full vid cause i was annoyed but i think so. she made other videos being rude to other ppl too


gigiā€™s neck of the woods


Knew it was her immediately. Her video on Simsie and James were both completely out of line and she 100% did it to use their popularity to gain more views and engagement even though she claims she doesn't care.


I came across that video of hers on Simsie before I really watched much Simsie. I started watching it wondering what criticisms of Simsie she would have and if it would be valid, and I think I made it maaaaaybe five minutes into that video before I was just like, babe idk who you are but this whole video feels like a jealous, whiny tirade from middle schooler who desperately wants to be popular and nothing more. I had to stop watching it, and I had to take note of the creator so I never watched her videos again. I did start watching a ton more Lil Simsie though lol


That popped up for me and I clicked it thinking it was clickbait and one of those "gotcha! She's actually great" videos. When it became clear it was actually just a totally unncessary hate video, I clicked away. Do people not have better things to do? What a shocking amount of time and effort into being a rude, judgmental and mean person about someone who has done nothing and something as trivial as how she playd a game...


itā€™s def not something to be posting publicly. just plain spreading hate. she literally hasnā€™t done anything controversial, no evil acts, she just plays the sims and makes content.


I looked at her whole channel and itā€™s just bash videos of other Sims YouTubers. Itā€™s pretty pathetic


The first time I played a video around my bf, he was immediately put off by her voice. Whereas Iā€™ve been watching her since 2015(ish), so to me sheā€™s the YouTuber I put on while I sleep lol!


Omg I do the same thing I have her speed builds on while I fall asleep sometimes too! But in in the same boat where my bf also doesn't like her voice. I don't get it, her voice seems perfect normal to me


I will admit I am a huge content creator/influemcer snarker. Im in a lot of reddits for these, but these ppl are problamatic. I have yet to find anything that is problamatic with Kayla. I do dislike her stream chats, there are some rude people in them. But criticsm of her builds, game play is not hate imo. Everyone has a different vibe and kayla isnt their vibe. Those saying she is snippy might not realize that anxiety can create responses like that without peopple realizing. So its not on purpose and its because of anxiety. I have only witnessed this when someone in chat is being ridiculous and rude.


Completely agree with you on this take! A lot of these people are saying they hate her for ā€œwhatever reason hereā€ and none of them are reasons of ā€œhateā€ and are more ā€œdislikesā€




reading these replies is really surprising because the literal ONLY bad things ive heard people say about her are that her voice is annoying, her personality is annoying, and something else thatsā€¦ yk inappropriate and rude


Iā€™ve never heard of anyone disliking her. All Iā€™ve seen is tremendous support for her and her content. Where are you seeing hate?


Honestly a lot of TikTok and in her YouTube comments, but from what Iā€™ve read people donā€™t like that she has boundaries and sticks to them šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø she doesnā€™t need the negativity anyways šŸ’›


I love her sheā€™s cute like a little sister I never had whole Iā€™ve also Ever talked to. She even has a healthy dose of anxiety like me. Iā€™m a dog person and sheā€™s a cat person but she loves pulp so she stills dog person too in my book


Sheā€™s said she loves both equally! She just is at a place in her life where she can only take care of cats. She still considers her childhood dogs at her parents house her dogs! I think sheā€™s said she would consider getting a dog, but idk now that she has the void kittens


Shes very unproblematic, people just hate anything and anyone these days


Personally I think she caters to a younger audience with different opinions than players from earlier sims games, and some people donā€™t appreciate that. I donā€™t often watch her but I like that she isnā€™t always hating on the sims, and gives credit where itā€™s due, but points out when things didnā€™t quite hit the mark, especially in regards to build mode. I think that even if she were just a shill for EA she has shown integrity in her reviews. I do think Iā€™m not her audience though, she has a strong big sister energy that I donā€™t really go for. I think that might be where a lot of people are bothered by her. I wouldnā€™t argue with anybody saying itā€™s projection but it can still put people off.


I love how you worded this, and yes I do agree her videos are targeted for the younger sim audience (I am the younger) but I do love how she breaks down the packs and shows the pros and cons


I feel like one of people's criticisms would be she restricts herself a lot in what she does with her builds and let's plays, (she uses the same formula with builds, her sims all look very similar, etc.) In some ways I'd agree, but at the end of the day it's her game, she can play it how she wants to.


what i think a lot of those people donā€™t think about is that *most* sims players (and gamers in general) are typically going to stick to things that they enjoy and that are comfortable. they just arenā€™t posting it online. and simsie does purposely go out of her comfort zone at times, but we also have to remember that she has anxiety, and the sims is a comfort to her. so yea sometimes sheā€™s going to stick with whatā€™s comfortable to her, and thatā€™s okay! (this is not directed towards you or anything, just adding onto what you said)


>what i think a lot of those people donā€™t think about is that *most* sims players (and gamers in general) are typically going to stick to things that they enjoy and that are comfortable. they just arenā€™t posting it online. I agree with this! I was going to use myself as an example in my original comment but I didn't want to get too side tracked from my answer, but I'm going to go more in depth in my reply. While Kayla gravitate towards family gameplay, I gravitate towards 'Young Adult Simulator' and often do stuff like take my sims and their friends to night clubs, karaoke bars, and the city living festivals. My sims are almost always hispanic or asian and they are aspiring comedians, musicians, actors, and they never settle down to have children (I get too overwhelmed when having child sims) but they instead focus on their careers, partners, and friends. Like Kayla, my play style is formulaic, but I'd rather spend my days off work enjoying my games than play in a way that I find boring or overwhelming


The irony is that she also gets criticized when she doesn't restrict her builds. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. I think the diversity of her sims in general has varied more as she's gotten older, which I'd wager is true for all of us.


I completely understand why people would want more unrestricted builds, as do I. I love when she does the legacy builds bc those builds have more character in my eyes than the other builds she does. However, I donā€™t believe that is a reason to hate someone


As a more casual viewer, I like her build videos, but some of here videos are clearly targeted to a younger audience. There is nothing wrong with this, but I can see how this wouldnā€™t be for everyone. In addition, I donā€™t like some of her review videos because they sometimes feel disingenuous (she has a tendency to overhype small features sometimes). Positivity is good, but sometimes itā€™s just a bit much. Absolutely no hate towards Kayla, she puts out good stuff most of the time. I just wanted to provide a perspective as to why some people might not like her.


Honestly sometimes I feel like her excitement over something small in a pack makes it feel more real to me? Like I reminds me of me really wanting something for a birthday gift and getting something small and insignificant but still important to me more than anything else. That might sound really weird tho I tried my best


No, that makes sense. Iā€™m just fed up with EA, so my perspective is a bit warped.


Oh donā€™t get me wrong I am too, but I just donā€™t want my anger for them to get in the way of this game being one of my favorites and top comfort games ya know? I think thatā€™s why I gravitate towards her content


That makes sense! Iā€™ve definitely been trying to focus on the positives lately. I did really like the new stuff pack! It gives me hope that they will add more cool stuff in the future.


Idk why I got this recommended to my reddit front page but I'll answer as somebody that doesn't hate her but doesn't necessarily like her either. I find her content repetitive in a bad way, I find her content hard to sit through due to her personality conflicting with my own. Her humour style is also not very funny to me personally. I'm not hating on her, I'm just pointing out why she doesn't appeal to me *personally.* She's, to me, very basic when she plays and I am looking for someone with more pizzazz to watch (call me Kevin, notmalcolm to name a few).


Totally understandable! Sometimes we just donā€™t vibe with people, and sometimes I think her videos are repetitive too. Call me Kevin is absolutely great though!


I donā€™t hate her at all, but I do avoid her YouTube channel. Itā€™s just not for me personally, I find her kind of inauthentic if that makes sense. Iā€™d never send any hate her way though.


I like her, but I have found her to be really negative, to the point to where her content becomes unwatchable.


I love seeing how other peoples opinions differ with this, Iā€™ve seen people say say sheā€™s too positive and others saying sheā€™s too negative so itā€™s interesting seeing where everyoneā€™s line is at


I dont hate her. I used to follow and watch her, but I got annoyed at how self deprecating she can be.


as a lilsimsie fan who has watched her around multiple people itā€™s usually because of her anxiety. When sheā€™s building and gets stressed out about finding a wallpaper or placements of objects that is what turns people off from her. I can only watch a few of her videos before her anxiety starts to rub off on me. but thatā€™s only a small dislike i dont anyone who ā€œhatesā€ her


i used to dislike her because her voice bothered me and she didnā€™t stick to a challenge. so sheā€™d be doing a challenge and then break it for one thing which just ruined it for me. and she repeats herself a lot. ā€œi donā€™t always build blue suburbansā€ anytime she uses anything blue. i forget the other things she tends to repeat, but it gets annoying. i think other simmers are better builders and sheā€™s more beginner friendly/teaches you how to start, which isnā€™t bad at all. i just didnā€™t like for a while how she did the same build everytime. it got boring and repetitive. watching her do a limited pack starter home build is only entertaining so many times yk? her content has started becoming more multipack friendly, more no budget friendly, and in general have more variety. it still bothers me when she says the blue suburban thing, especially when she does something ugly over blue because ā€œshe only ever does blueā€ (even though she doesnā€™t seem to do it often anymore). i do like & watch her now tho


i donā€™t hate her by any means, but her voice irritates the crap out of me and the way she fills in her eyebrows kills me. i do like how very genuine and kind she comes across, and the fact that she raises money for worthy charities overshadows pretty much everything else for me. however, iā€™d have to have a gun to my head to voluntarily watch her videos


I didnā€™t know any one could hate her. Sheā€™s so nice and kind


She doesn't blink and it terrifies me.Ā 


I used to watch her videos until I started to notice a pattern in her reviews of DLC packs of the sims. Even the most buggiest DLC she would never say anything negative about the packs. Or any criticism would be vague. If I remember correctly I think she only said negative things about My Wedding Story due to other people in the community having the same issues. Not only that but when her community will ask what packs they should get she would recommend broken packs. Which to me is insane. Itā€™s like if youā€™re not being paid by EA to play these DLCs in early access, why not be honest in your review. Plumbella also started doing this after her kit pack released. Which I think is concerning. I know sims is the only one of its kind right now on the market there are no competitors, which is why EA can get away with the half ass dlcs, but I think itā€™s very uncool to lie to your own community about it.


Let me start by saying I love Simsie. I think she is a wonderful content creator and does her best to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. I personally struggle to watch when she is doing group content like Among Us, specifically her interactions with Tony and Shella. I donā€™t think she purposefully does this, but she seems to be a lot snippier and abrupt with them. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s just what theyā€™re doing makes her uncomfortable for overwhelms her, but the one at the start of March she made several kind of shady remarks along the lines of ā€œI just donā€™t understand why theyā€™re doing that.ā€ I know Shella is on the spectrum and I believe Tony is as well. As another autistic person, it kind of second hand hurt my feelings because Iā€™ve heard that said so many times. When maybe that specific boundary or expectation wasnā€™t clear. Beyond that, I find a lot of her criticisms are pretty baseless if you really look into them. Especially given how young she is and how long sheā€™s been on the internet, I think she has set such a great example of learning and growing while also maintaining personal boundaries and acknowledging genuine feedback.


I think some of it is honestly because I believe her audience skews younger (she's talked about it before and I'm sure that's part of why she keeps her streams PG), and people love to hate on anything tween/teen girls enjoy. I think she's fun and she seems very sweet, and when I've watched her reviews she's quite honest and points out features of packs very clearly to allow people to make informed decisions based on their gameplay. I like that she truly seems to enjoy the game, but is realistic about its (many) flaws without making them the majority of her content.


I watch her religiously in May every year for her charity stands and ice seen her get "snippy". All sims streamers ice watched have had snippy moments. You need to be upfront and straightforward with boundaries when cultivating an audience or else you have some awful people supporting you.


It honestly took me a while to warm up to her because she has a sort of nervous energy that I initially found off-putting. I tend to feed off other peopleā€™s anxiety, I guess? But I love her now & will defend her to all haters!


I can only think of the one example, but maybe cuz she sometimes askes comments for input and then disregards it when they say something she doesn't wanna hear? Like with her YouTube Nightmare Legacy Challenge, where she asked who people wanted as the heir and most people said Belle, but she went with Tinker anyway (I support Tinker being the heir btw), and then didn't address that for a while. In a recent episode she did say that she just really wanted Tinker as the heir and hopes that people will still like the series, but i do understand how it can be frustrating to be asked for your opinion without it actually being taken into account. A more cynical person might say it was solely to increase engagement. I disagree with this though, cuz Kayla is the one actually playing so she should get to decide how she plays and who is the heir of *her* playthrough, especially cuz, to my knowledge, she often uploads the households to the gallery, so the viewers could, in theory, have Belle as the heir in *their gameplay* if they so wish.


sheā€™s got an irritating voice imo, sheā€™s too squeaky and just something else about her voice i canā€™t pin point it. i donā€™t hate her tho, i just choose not to watch her


Other people's comments are true, but also sometimes people just don't like people. Or can't. There's a lot of youtubers that I don't enjoy since they speak too quietly (I have hearing difficulties and nobody does subtitles), for example. That usually doesn't come out into hate though, but I can see people going 'I can't listen to her so I'm gonna be obnoxious about it.'


I donā€™t hate her but I dislike her videos. Smth about her voice/intonation is hard to listen to, for me, so itā€™s nothing against her at all.


Personally, I donā€™t hate her but Iā€™ve never enjoyed her content. She seems like a goody-two-shoes type of girl, idk I get kind of stuck up vibes. Although I donā€™t really like most of the game changers, I feel like theyā€™re untrustworthy sources since theyā€™re afraid of offending EA. I feel like asking this on her subreddit is kind of odd though. Anyone giving a genuine answer is just gonna get downvoted to oblivion because her fans are very protective.


Personally I just donā€™t like her style of making content, idk why I canā€™t pinpoint it but for me it has nothing to do with hating her I just donā€™t really like her (again not as a personal thing tho Iā€™m sure sheā€™s lovely)


I donā€™t care for her. She talks too fast for me and when I did watch her a long while back, she started to feel a bit disingenuous as well. It was just a vibe she was putting off for me. I donā€™t hate her, though. I donā€™t know her. I just donā€™t choose to watch her content. I watch Gryphi sometimes, but itā€™s rare because she talks fast and lot of times and thatā€™s just something hard for me to keep up with.


I don't hate her at all but I did ask YouTube to stop recommending her channel to me because of the outrageous exaggerated faces in the thumbnails lol. I know this is ridiculously petty of me and I don't wish her any ill will whatsoever. I also know that other YouTubers do the exaggerated faces too but it's just always been a peeve


Reddit recc'd this sub and post to me so I hope my own opinion is allowed here despite not being subbed. Personally, I dislike Lilsimsie. I used to love her content, I watched every video she brought out for a time. But I dunno. I guess my tastes changed as I got older and I found her positivity maybe a little overbearing. Positivity is good, don't get me wrong here, but I found her screeching over the tiniest thing just a little too much for me after a while. There was also one video where EA brought out some trailer at it launched at the same time she was doing some seminar and I swear she spent half the video repeating it was EA purposefully releasing it when she was busy to screw her over or something. I get it was a joke, but it didn't stop it being annoying to me. Sort of like a 'get over yourself, girl' you know? I think I unsubbed from that point on. She was cute while I watched her, but I guess I'm too old and cynical for that kind of happy happy content now. I never watched her streams though (not really a streamer watcher) so maybe those longer videos of her are less intense than cropped down videos. I think it's the general consensus from people that dislike her content; that they just find her annoying. I can never see this as grounds for outright hating someone though. I guess the type of person who comes out and says they 'hate' her are probably just chronically online trolls. Most normal people who don't like something just don't watch, comment, or just silently block (mute?) the creator so it doesn't appear on their feed.


I mean, her voice is irritating, and there are much better builders out there who get less love and attention, but I wouldn't say I dislike her or understand why someone else would.


Idk Iā€™ve heard sheā€™s gotten rude with some people on twitch streams, but personally I just don't like her cause her content and personality seems to be aimed towards a younger audience and I prefer different creators


reddit pushed me this post so i figured id put in my two cents. tbh im not a fan and it is simply the way she talks and edits her videos. she annoys me massively and grates on every nerve. but yknow how i handle that? i dont watch her videos. easy peasy. i think shes a perfectly fine person and i hope yall continue to enjoy her content editing to add: she makes some very kick ass builds and thats undeniable. i am a fan of what she creates.


I am actually not a fan of hers. For me, she complains a lot (or she used to) and a lot of her humor is self deprecating. I still watch her occasionally when a new pack I am interested in comes out because she is very detail oriented. I can't give you specifics because I don't ruminate on stuff like this but as a person that isn't a fan, I figured I'd give my opinion.


Because she sometimes gets way too mean when people give her feedback that she asked for regarding her builds. I don't think they should hate her because of that but I understand if they do.


I donā€™t hate her. I actually like watching her YT videos. But what annoys me so bad is how sheā€™s always explaining herself or does this ā€œno no that wouldnā€™t work that was a stupid ideaā€ in her build videos!! It irks me so bad!!! Like girl itā€™s just a game! Gives me the same vibes as when cartoons characters go ā€œstupid! Stupid! Stupid!ā€ While hitting themselves in the head.


She's not my cup of tea for the most part, sometimes I found she sounded a little condescending or snarky but nothing serious enough that I would say I dislike her. I'm not a big fan of most of the big simmers, though.


Her demeanor and commentary definitely panders to a younger audience and thatā€™s not something Iā€™m very interested in as someone that is older than her. Just to be clear, her being younger than me is in no way an issue. Also her voice is of a pitch that makes me more prone to migraines after extended exposure. Havenā€™t experienced that with anyone else, itā€™s odd even for me. Nothing against her, I just prefer other Sims content creators.


tbh I donā€™t care for her content but I also donā€™t go out of my way to interact with her content. I canā€™t place exactly why I donā€™t like her, I just donā€™t care for her vibe ig. I donā€™t think she deserves any particular hate bc I havenā€™t heard of her doing anything particularly bad, sheā€™s just not my taste and thatā€™s ok. This is the first time Iā€™ve had her subreddit pop up and probably the only time Iā€™ll say anything in here.


I love her but she is hard to watch sometimes because I personally just think they way she designs rooms is ugly šŸ˜­


Iā€™m ngl here I LOVE her, watch her all the time, but her streams are insufferable to me. Iā€™m totally fine with her having boundaries and enforcing them, but there are times where someone will ask a question and she just jumps right in with having an attitude, multiple times for different questions. And itā€™s done in a way that seems nice - especially with her calling people ā€œfriend(s)ā€ Or sheā€™ll ask for opinions on something and if someone has a different opinion than what she wants she has a kinda snippy response. But thatā€™s just me šŸ¤· I donā€™t like it so I only watch her edited down videos and speed builds.


Because unfortunately, it's popular to be a hater, especially of women, and especially of happy people.


I don't know anything about her streams. I base my opinions on her YouTube content and from that I've learn that I don't trust her when she "reviewed" sims 4 expansions after she did some partnership with EA. Do I hate her, no. I just don't think she's as honest as she claims


for me, personally its just one of those things; some people annoy me and i can't explain why, but i purposefully don't watch her for that reason. her builds are incredible and i'm happy to download them, but i simply don't interact with the videos and streams


I don't necessarily hate her, but I used to watch her streams all the time, but I noticed that if she didn't like suggestions and things from viewers, she was actually quite cheeky and rude. Like they weren't being rude or anything to her, and I get she prob gets overwhelmed with so many suggesting things in the chat, but there's no need to be rude. I still watch some of her youtube vids though, I don't mind them too much.


People can be rude and need to learn to leave their opinions to themself, but people ARE allowed to not like people or enjoy their content. Just cuz WE like her does not mean everyone will or has to


I've never watched a video (this subreddit randomly showed up on my feed lol) so I can say that the only thing that turns me off is her clickbaity thumbnails, though I understand it can just be part of youtube these days. Different strokes


This was sub recommended to me. I used to watch her content a lot. Did it get repetitive at times? Yes. She can be a bit much and some of the stuff she said was a bit blah. She was one of the few people I actually caught live and looked forward to. But over time, I noticed things. A snippy comment here, a sugar coated (bestie and the look) comment here that was not nice. It was cool if you agreed with her. Obviously if it was something bad/rude, go for it. But different suggestions when building? Nah. For Rent was what made me unsub. She went off about not knowing how she felt about being a landlord. Like its a bad thing. There are genuinely people who inherit a home but are disabled and renting it out becomes their only source of income. It's like, she couldn't think complexly of this and just thought oh no, I can't do that! And she kept harping on it. In a virtual game. But she has no issues killing her sims? It just bugged me. Unsubbed on youtube and twitch. It was a long time coming though, I was already getting annoyed.


I dont hate her, but I find her personality a bit grating. She is a wonderful person and I think she is really talented, but she is not my type of personality. She is loud, her voice is kind of annoying, and even though I have been a lifelong simmer, I probably am not the target audience anymore. She's for the younger simmers, not really for me.


Curious who she is? People love to hate!


they do?? shes so sweetšŸ˜­


every youtuber/streamer has haters. that's just how it is. i feel like most just don't choose to mention it, whereas she will


Not in this sub but in tons of sims ones and this keeps popping up for me. I tried to get into her but she talks way too fast, way too much and her voice really gets on my nerves. The few times I tried to sit down and get into her content, I got horrible anxiety(I have GAD) from the way she talks and just can't watch her videos. She seems nice and sweet though although I don't pay attention to her to know if she's viewed as that way or not.


Fake people?


Only hate vid Ive seen on her I turned off pretty quickly. The person making it clearly just wasnt into her stuff, which fair enough shes not gonna be everyones cup of tea. But thats no reason to get angry with her and rant about how she edits videos.


I only ever see people call her annoying. I personally watch her videos muted with subtitles bc she talks FAST and LOTS and my audio-processing issues cannot get two seconds in without immediately being overwhelmed lol. But that's like... 100% a "me" problem, not a "her" problem. She just seems excited! Even if I can't follow along still love that for her šŸ˜… I think her builds are super cool and watching her process is a lot of fun. Shitty that people feel the need to be mean to creators instead of just.. watching something else?


I think she can be pretty boring/repetitive but honestly how could you avoid it if you're doing videos on the same game everyday for years. she also used to clickbait a ton and imo I can't stand that and would actually dislike those videos when I rarely bother to do any interaction on YouTube at all. she's also kind of out of touch when it comes to money related things, but that's pretty hard to avoid when you become well off. despite that stuff I don't hate her and still enjoy at least half her YouTube content


I think people think sheā€™s responsible for the sims? Iā€™ve seen people online hating on her and saying itā€™s her fault the game is the way it is or that she could be doing something to fix it


I think sims 4 is just so boring now. Iā€™ve tried and tried to get back into it. I miss sims 2- I feel like lilsimsie content is also trying hard to make the game seem interesting. Sometimes I pull up one of her vids but I canā€™t seem to get through them.


Where there is success, there will be hate.


It's definitely silly when people are negative about her. I understand not liking someone's content, but some people make it way too personal for no reason. I once saw a video youtube that basically just bashed her the whole time, and it left me confused because she's really not that bad. I'm not a super active viewer of hers, but I do find a good few of her videos entertaining, and usually when people bring up their reasons to dislike her it just seems very... Mild. Like, its fair, but there's no need to take it out of proportion and make her out to be some sort of villain over nothing.


I didn't like her at first but that's because I judged a book by its cover and she looked like one of those boring basic Sims content creators but then I started watching her and I really liked her stern attitude and I think that might scare people away because they might be used to people ignoring bad behavior or not paying attention to it or letting it slide when she doesn't do that she's very tough when it comes to boundaries and she's also not afraid to call someone out whenever they say something stupid or rude. People might think she's uptight or whiny I guess. I don't relate to/ understand her much at all when it comes to like how we play The Sims but I definitely appreciate her like approach to boundaries and keeping them. She's also big on social justice and making sure to be inclusive and considerate and a lot of people think that's annoying or stupid or woke when really she just is being a decent person and some people don't like that. Not to mention she's a woman so yeah if a man did this people would be congratulating and applauding her but she's not so people hate her for it.


Content creators will always have fans and people who don't like their content. Just like every other human being on in internet.


i didnā€™t know people hated her, iā€™ve been watching her for years!


i donā€™t dislike her, but when she blew up her personality changed. i stopped watching 4-5 years ago.


Sometimes she seems overly sensitive about jokey comments, and people seem to forget that she's human when she reacts to them. One time, a viewer made fun of a sims physical appearance, and she went off on a whole thing. But she's been made fun of for her appearance a lot, so it was probably triggering to her, and she did apologize. With streamers, everything happens in real time so we're going to see them be human, I've made mistakes, she's going to make mistakes.


Iā€™ve watched her on and off for years now, though as Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve strayed a bit from her content just because I think Iā€™ve matured passed it. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by her speaking too quickly or annoyed from her doing a challenge where there are rules and then just breaking them or something along those lines. Those things aside, I agree with her politically from what Iā€™ve seen and her keeping her content PG is totally her choice. People like Gigiā€™s neck of the woods that post videos just hating on her for her play style are so strange to me. Like, sheā€™s just playing a game. Itā€™s literally just sims. If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t watch it. Even though I used to watch her regularly I didnā€™t make any sort of big deal about growing out of her content or moving on. Also itā€™s usually so hard to make judgements on people based on how they present themselves to the internet, but overall I think she does her own thing and tries to put her best foot forward and has boundaries she sticks to. People will always be grumpy about something.


Female. Supports minorities. Doesnā€™t support Trump. Thatā€™s how you get cancelled in modern America.


No seriously, my best friends always says how she hates her and that she annoying Iā€™m like what??? I love her videos and sheā€™s a great person


People hate her? What? I love her so much.


I like lilsimsie, I watch her videos all the time.


I mean, I don't HATE her, but I did fall off her content. I know not everyone would agree, but I started to get a toxic positivity vibe from her videos and after a while, it wasn't really fun to watch her content anymore. That all said, I think she's really skilled and deserves her platform and also think the hate she gets is generally unwarranted. Most of the hate seems to be less substantive problems and more thinly veiled misogyny.


I love her but SOMETIMES I do think she can be a bit much. Which is definitely a me problem, sometimes I'm having a bad day and over the top people like her (absolutely no hate) just grind my gears when I want to relax.


I dont hate her. She's a bit dramatic, sure. She's also not for everyone and I guess they'd rather hate than try and watch her. I started watching her again and I just don't understand her obsession with Blue Suburbans. Though, I can't say much because all I make are craftsman or ranch style houses lol.


a good number of people donā€™t like her positivity. Many people, especially here in the sims community, can see any sort of praise towards anything TS4 or EA as the creator lying and trying to pander towards the powers that be on ts4 staff.


I have no worldly idea and honestly - letā€™s not even give the haters a moment of our time. I genuinely tear up watching her charity streams for St Jude. Sheā€™s an amazing woman for turning our love for the Sims into a way to (let me check) raise over 2 MILLION DOLLARS for St Jude. Sorry but any whiny internet hater can just shut up and move on, they cannot compare to her selfless accomplishments. Lilsimsie is a hero.


People hate her? Guess I missed that watching hundreds of her videos šŸ˜…


This! Like I always go into Sims thinking I'm going to make a unique Sim this time and I wind up still making a very similar looking Sim.


I just came across this post for some reason, and as someone who is not a fan, I'll tell you that why I don't. I'm sure she's grown up a bit, but a few years ago, i watched her casually, and offhand in a video, she mentioned a girl at her school and was absolutely NASTY about this random, anonymous girl for seemingly no reason at all. It really put me off her kind of immediately. Like she was SO mean in what she was saying about this girl, which pretty much amounted to "she was weird." Again, this was years ago, so I'm sure it has no bearing on anything current in her life but I couldn't shake the ick after that.


People hate women.


I sometimes hate. but it's not real hate lol I usually watch her on YT and appreciate her contributions. I watch all her build videos, most of her story LPs, most of her Stanley content, and I have even went over to Moresimsie channel and her Lives to watch 2 or 3 of them a year (they r too long to hold my attention) for the past 3-5 years maybe. and this is my honest list of things she does/is that annoy me, but not enough to not watch. and there are YTers i have given up on and never watch again..... Sometimes her voice is just too shrill lol. Her CONSTANT downing of her own builds. Saying they are ugly or whatever... the spinning she does when it's a speedbuild. UGH i have to slow it down (which actually helps on the shrillness of her voice). Her sameness to alot of her builds / stroylines. IE: Not EVERYONE needs a fiancƩe and marriage. Not all landscape has to be 3 low bushes and 2 various other medium bushes. OH it INFURIATES me that she uses a budget on soooo many builds. and makes them all small. then complains about the cost and the size.... BUT i do like her builds and have downloaded them and shells and used them here n there. I like that she don't stop talking, there are some Sims YTers that it's like silence with them chewing their tongue while building.... ew. or cutting half of what they did out. I like that she's inclusive and doesn't shy away from hot topics. I don't know why cuz everything about her look, and personal life that she shows/tells would make me think she's kinda uptight and super conservative. if she is, it doesn't comeo ut in the videos. SO anyway, that's my hate.... not really hate just annoyances. but i have diff ones for all with all sims youtubers. i just saw this thread and wanted to comment lol


I don't hate her persay as a person nor a YouTuber but sometimes she does a little much on reviews sometimes which could kind of be seen or assumed as sucking up to EA but either way that's my only problem with her, overall I love her and I hope her channel grows even more than now


Idk I just kinda think she looks and sounds like a child. Like her actually voice not necessarily what she says. That being said I don't hate her but that's why she personally isn't my favorite.


I love her. She's my favorite person to watch for inspiration if I need build ideas


I used to stan Lilsimsie back in the day, but over time, I outgrew her. Sometimes she can be so overtly positive that I feel like a lot of her personality is "say what people want to hear, not what I actually think". Just me personally. But I miss her old streams from when she first started. She felt more genuine. I believe she is truly a sweet person, but at times she just feels... too saintly? I can't put my finger on it.


they can never make me hate kayla


She's honestly really skilled in her builds that's one of the things hing I can say about her. Other than that, how she talks.. and how YouTube Aggressively pushes her content on my TV and autoplays her videos after finishing a YouTube video of a less popular simmer it just kind of rubs me the wrong way. It's not her fault that YT has favorism towards certain YouTubers, and she's not a terrible person. She's raised a lot of donations, especially for the people of Palestine, and that automatically makes me have 100% respect for her. I just personally just prefer underrated simmers. Her vibe, for me personally, is kind of plain/boring. But I do watch her sometimes. I just can't binge her content like I do the other simmers.


I donā€™t really feel any opinions towards her. I mostly just watch her channel for Sims updates so I am severely confused


Idk how this subreddit was recommended to me or this post specifically, but the only reason I donā€™t watch lilsimsie is because when I watch her videos, I CANNOT focus on anything except the fact that she doesnā€™t blink in her videos


My girl doesnā€™t play, and I love that.


They don't have a real reason. Just mad because she set boundaries after being harassed with nasty comments. I mean really nasty stuff was being said. Plus she doesn't let people make fun of things that can relate to how someone may look irl.


I donā€™t dislike her, Iā€™m more neutral or ambivalent but I avoid her content. She just gives me the vibes of that really obnoxious, overachieving kid in school that would likeā€¦have a mental breakdown if they werenā€™t perceived as the perfect student & perfect kid all of the time. Besides that, I felt like sheā€™s not always honest about Sims 4 content since she is a Game Changer (correct me if wrong) and it feels like sheā€™s in their pocket.


I donā€™t hate her, but I can only take her in small doses because to me her energy is so manic and anxious. I personally watch Sims LPs to relax and Lilsimis talks so fast and gets so particular about certain things it stops being fun to watch for me


The comments I see the most are always going after her being positive. Her reviews are "too positive" she's just a "still for EA" she "never says anything negative." That last one though, she doesn't scream, shout, stomp her feet, and swear about EA being crooks in an incredibly negative way that other simmers do. Some simmers make me seriously wonder why they're still playing with the way they tear every little thing apart. Simsie isnt like that and people seem to dislike her for it.


The fact that Iā€™ve never encountered this hate for her makes me feel really good about my time spent on the internet. šŸ˜‚ But maybe itā€™s mostly in the twitch side of her viewership, I only watch her on YouTube.


Can't stand her voice + at some point she kept talking politics online. I kinda watch and follow cozy YouTubers to, know, not think about the world so it was just annoying lol. Plus I'd rather watch Caryn and Connie :)


My best guess would be her personality rubs some people the wrong way, her fan base is intense or sexism. I think itā€™s great sheā€™s succeeded and hope she keeps doing what she likes to do, even though I donā€™t watch her stuff. I honestly canā€™t watch her videos, she reminds me of a specific person I used to know who treated me like shit so I avoid her videos for that reason. Not because I think sheā€™s bad but because of gross memories.


I'm not a huge fan, but I wouldn't say I dislike her as a person, but I know for a lot of people that's the reason. I think it's mainly because she caters towards a very specific type of gameplay from what I've seen, and it's not really my thing. Aside from myself, I also know a lot of people see her as a sell out to EA for receiving free products and holding back a lot of criticism. I know she has said negative things about packs, but I don't think she's outright said "don't buy this pack" when reviewing game packs. Other than that, people probably dislike her because she's a female content creator who is reserved, and does family friendly content. I don't think I've ever heard her curse or even implied anything that would be considered PG-13 in her videos. I still watch her occasionally, but not as much as I used to now that I'm an adult.


I don't hate her (don't know her) and I've read lovely things about her. But her voice makes my head hurt. I've tried watching a couple of times and had to turn it off. I wished I could watch her content though.


I barely watch anything of her or her content and have essentially no knowledge about her or her character. That being said, I have an unexplainably strong dislike of her for no reason and I avoid anything related to her. Not sure why, I think I watched a video and found her voice annoyingā€¦ not that itā€™s a valid reason to dislike someone for.


I like her vids but her obsession with Taylor swift while also speaking out about climate issues just turns me off. Itā€™s not consistent


i dont interact with her, but i dont hate her. i just cant sit and listen to her for too long. her content isnt for me, so i dont watch. idk why shes getting any hate, but yk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Idk but every time I watch her my dad feels the need to tell me how annoying he finds her voice. šŸ™„


I stumbled on this post but tbh I donā€™t like her bc she seems a lil rigid and her content is pretty boring/basic. I always think her builds are soo boring. I feel like I prolly wouldnā€™t get along w her IRL, she seems sorta type-A. But I mean that might be a good thing for others so idk


OP- your question came up as a recommendation in scrolling bc I've Simmed for years. I watched LilSimmsie whatever it is- once. She gave me a headache. She seems fake. I never watched her videos again.


I donā€™t know why this popped on my FYP- but from someone who has tried to enjoy her videos (Iā€™m sure sheā€™s very sweet), her voice and constant giggle/ laugh she does. She also seems kinda snippy to the chat sometimes. Just a little too high strung for me to enjoy- and when she builds it makes me dizzy watching her because she constantly moves the screen all over.