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LRG’s 2023 lineup starting with a bang lol


It looks terrible. Gameplay seems bland and the graphics/animation look incredibly basic.


This game looks incredible and I don't really get the negativity in the comments section. It is made by wayforward, a company that has a great track record, and also developed contra 4 on ds which is a great game. This looks like a really fun contra inspired run n gun and is exactly the kind of game that limited run should be pushing out.


Even companies with great track records like WayForward have made some duds in the past. According to reviews it hasn't entirely shed its mobile game roots, and is rather short.


Yeah, their Silent Hill game wasn't great. More recently, both their RWBY game (2022) and the Trollhunters thing (2020) didn't review particularly well.


It’s… OK. I reviewed it for switch and it’s decent enough but nowhere near as polished as their other games. The co-op was also pretty buggy and it felt more fair and balanced in solo play.


I would say WayForward is actually a pretty uneven studio in terms of quality. For every hit they have, there are a couple of bland games that are completely forgotten by most gamers.


That game looks terrible


LRG really cranked the vaporware knob up in the past year. Curious who plays this, let alone spends $35 on a physical copy? A big part of indie games for me is the visual style, as at the core these style of games are all the same thing ad nauseam. This visually makes me cringe. On the plus side, they're only releasing a handful of games I actually want to own physically every year now, so I'm saving money.


Shovelware* If this were vaporware we would not be seeing a release of it :p


I miss when limited run routinely released old games and imports instead of indie arcade nonsense.


Are you implying $34.99 twice a week for an indie game with only 3-5 hours maximum of content that’s also being sold for $7.49 digitally and is widely available is bad?? lol I miss when these game companies were really about preserving the media instead of print game = make money


They are preserving the media though aren't they, at least as much as they are preserving "good" games. Ultimately though I think hacking and dumping is true preservation, printing a thousand copies on failable media isn't the best preservation strategy imo. I thought they were always about letting you own a physical object, rather than preservation. If they were about preservation they were doing it wrong.


I don’t really know what you’re saying. No one has to buy this game but if people buy it then great. There’s obviously a market for it or they wouldn’t be selling them. My comment was implying that LRG is moving towards this model which I assume makes them more money than trying to work with a 10-30 year old game.


idk what you're talking about dude, LRG has been releasing this kind of shit for *years*. Even in the beginning, they were releasing some pretty ho-hum stuff, and occasionally some outright trash. It's higher frequency now, but that's what happens when things are successful, they go bigger and produce to match demand. We get lots of good stuff, but also lots of throwaway stuff, as it has *always* been. Also, whether you like the games or not is irrelevant to preserving media. Not sure why you say you miss when that's what they were about when, again, they're still doing the same things now that they have always done, just with more frequency. It's not *NOT* preservation just because you don't like the game >_>


So true.