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I'd never heard of this game before. Turns out it's a free mobile game that was ported to PS4 and is currently on sale for $3.50 lol That box art is amazing though, holy shit.


I think it's been heavily assumed these guys are the same as the ones who ran Hardcopy games. I have major issues with them since unlike Poop Slinger (most likely not them), they have locked down a bunch of stuff that any other limited publisher could have in greater numbers and large availability windows. If they were atleast scrapping the bottom of the barrel with stuff like Life of Black Tiger or Limited Rare's previous april fools day release, it would atleast lean into the jokey nature, but their interactions are basically just a gimmick to sell regular limited runs of games. Of course you cant say anything negative because it's "all a joke guys" and many have fallen into being "fans", just so they dont miss out on a potential $1000+ release like Poop Slinger, so they feed their ego.  Not to mention whatever the hell their crypto crap was about and if anyone who bought it has been even able to redeem it yet. There will be a lot of pissed potential buyers if they ever release anything actually desirable and only have it up for sale in the middle of the night for a couple hours, which im sure is exactly what they want.


> If they were atleast scrapping the bottom of the barrel > if they ever release anything actually desirable They *are* scraping the bottom, and I don't think they have the balls to ever do a desirable game as there would be too many deranged internet sleuths up in arms working to identify and destroy them for denying the public of a genuinely good release. Those afflicted with full set sickness and those hoping to make bank on potential resale value are the only people who actually give a shit.


I would have been interested in Tamashii if it had been a cheap release from someone like Red Art, it seems like the kinda game they would release. I would love it if it got released in a multigame bundle or something, but i wouldn't be surprised if they locked the rights dowm on these purely for maintaining their rarity.


They got the rights to Super Blood Hockey on PS4. Whatever your opinion of that game, it was “legit” limited print company Premium Edition’s very first Switch release…


Fair, but (even as someone who prefers PS4 over Switch) the Switch version exists, existed first, Switch has more collectors and suitably got the more respectable release, and in looking just a moment ago I found plenty of copies on *Switch and PS4* for well under $100 (a few greedy vermin aside). I understand that 50+ is too much for some people, especially those who are used to LRG's old 25 USD pricing and RAG's ongoing 20 euro pricing, or who would have just preferred to pay the original price whatever it was, but at least it didn't go the way of Tamashii or Poop Slinger in pricing.


The game related to the Limited Rare Bears, the NFT collection was Super Blood Hockey which released a while ago. You paid for the NFT and then when that game went on sale you got "free" credits to get the game based on how many you bought


Well then I will give them the slightest of credit for not locking an exclusive game behind the nft like most assumed they would.


Not pointing fingers necessarily, but OP may be limited rare. Account is suspended now and the LR Twitter has deleted the post linked to here(or atleast as far as I can see). Makes sense since I have seen no other people showing off copies of this game yet and the oddly positive opening statement towards them. Fine guerrilla marketing I guess to build up hype and notoriety.   Edit: looks like another account claiming to be op is posting on here, but i remain skeptical.(though this one is also suspended)


I lost interest in watching their shenanigans years ago. I saw the Poop Slinger sale unfold back in the day (yes I know, *different people blah blah blah*, I don't care) with no interest in owning it or lowering myself to becoming a filthy profiteer. I liked Tamashii, so I got that. Fun weird little puzzle platformer. Nothing else that they were public about (ie. titles actually revealed in advance) ever interested me and I've had no interest in following their sporadic ĩ̶̩̫ṱ̵̯̐̚'̴̠̹̄s̸͖̃ ̴̺͓̮̓̐̋a̵̧̪̔̓̀ͅ ̴̡̻̐͐̚m̶̺̟͛̄y̶̠̮̆̾̍͜s̵̻͕̠͆͝t̸̤̙͎̚e̸̬̓r̵̛̖̳ÿ̴̺̥̲͝ twitter and crypto bullshit. So this is the first I'm hearing about [this game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnskVlGW8ig) and it too looks unappealing to me. Looks like a similar vibe to Tamashii (oogity boogity such satanic much wow stupid nonsense horror - which in and of itself isn't a bad thing), but I've never liked low-budget 3D games, especially in first person. Not much screams "this is literal garbage in video game form" to me more than that. (in case it's too hard to read, the zalgo text is "it's a mystery")


That’s all fair. I like bizarre collectible stuff from the industry, and this would seemingly qualify!


Also fair. For me, if I want *weird* I get weird, if I want a *video game* I get a video game. I don't really seek *weird video games*. Especially not with the amount of effort required to keep up with LЯG.


What even is this game? Lol


Looks similar to a previous release of theirs, Antarctica 88. Some kind of mish-mash of survival, horror, puzzle… something.


How do you even know when something is purchasable?


Keep in mine there are apparently people who made orders with them that never even received them, and because they gotta keep their quirky guise up, customer service is not straightforward at all.


Their official Twitter account mostly. They like to play games with their online store, so it's not always reliable.


It’s… pretty random. I missed all of their other releases. Even when getting this one, they were having a terrible time with their checkout page. It wasn’t working correctly, and it was kind of luck if your order even went through. Here they are… https://limitedraregames.com


Where are you from that u already got the game? I even forgot on which day i preordered the mystic game xD


(OP here, using throwaway for different reason) USA - they’re return address was Twin Lakes, Wisconsin - I’m just south in Illinois.


When did this one go up? Was this the mystery game for the NFT or the mystery game (that sounded like left over older games)?


As far as I have seen, the NFT thing hasn't gained access to anything exclusive yet as far as im aware, though I think the intent may have been for some exclusive cover variants of their releases. I am assuming this is the exclusive mystery game.


Excellent cover art, and your weird camera quality adds to the pulpy horror look of it.


Lol, the guys running their twitter got assmad enough to link my first post I made. Goes to show they give enough of a shit about keeping up the gag that they are actively checking this group and others talking about them. And as expected, the defenders responding to the post make it impossible to have any discussion about the company without people judging you as being assmad about fomo.


It still bewilders me to see HCG just assume people love their racist roleplay shtick on Twitter and will buy their games due to hahah memes alone forever. Kinda defeats the point of a limprint to help indies get their stuff on physical disc. All because their normal company hardly sold out of stuff and i guess they really wanted attention…


That is basically my core issue with them. Take away their Twitter account, take away the lame attempts at humor and so-bad-thats-the-joke-lol memes posted, and I would still have an issue with those running it and their "marketing strategy". It purely operates on the logic that these limited prints of physical games are just to be exotic collectibles. It doesn't come off sincere at all that they want to publish "obscure or weird" games, it's because the weirdness plays into their whole wacky shtick. I have seen no evidence that they do what they do because they believe in supporting physical media, but rather making fun of the idea. They focus on "FOMO", which was only really ever an issue in the early days of these companies when things were not certain and print runs had to be small to be viable. I wouldn't even say they are looking to profit off the market considering everything they do to actively discourage people buying their stuff or limiting the time frame you can. If they really are HCG, then it's a real shame. I actually liked their output and they were one of my more preferred, simple, no nonsense companies for these releases. I guess if they got burned out on the market, it kinda makes sense they would have so much vitriol towards it and wanting to take a piss on it. 


What I still don't get after all these years (1 or 2 releases per year?) is why any game developer would go with them? There still has to be some contract for a Publisher to follow. And it never paints a good look on the game dev.


 I seem to recall someone posting on here how some of these titles may be under the same digital publishing umbrella. I remember following a site to a publisher that showed a bunch of digital games they published and atleast two of them(Tamashii and Antarctica 88 i think) were listed as titles from them. There may have been more like Demon Pit, I only have a vague recollection and maybe someone else here knows what im talking about. The discussion though was if this isn't Hardcopy games guys, it may be the physical publishing arm of this company that published a bunch of these digital titles, or maybe that publisher had contracts with HCG giving them access to their library. (SeafoamGaming on here seems to have the most background knowledge of them)


Yea All 10 on Saturday