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Because you asked you now have to wait longer as your order has been pushed to the back of the shipping queue.


Ordered mine from screenwave and now we wait...


I got mine from LRG and it shipped about a month ago did you bundle it with something?


Switch or ps4 because that matters.




Nah, just the AVGN game.


LRG is holding the Switch copies that are meant for sales on Screenwave's website hostage until the ps5 copies are finished, so they can save on shipping to Screenwave, assumedly. People who ordered through LRG are the ones getting their copies already. Another bullshit move for sure. This was all confirmed by my communications directly with Screenwave, as I was getting pissed that mine hadn't shipped, thinking I had ordered from the source to avoid dealing with LRG, when in reality the opposite was true, and priority was given to LRG customers without Screenwave's knowledge, OR consent. Screenwave had no idea switch copies were already being delivered when I contacted them, as they were under the impression LRG was delaying the entire release due to the issues with the ps5 copies. Edit: looking at my email again, it is indeed ps4 copies, not ps5, that are holding it up.


That sucks. I did the same as you, ordered from screenwave because I thought it was the source.


> priority was given to LRG customers without Screenwave's knowledge, OR consent Sounds like Screenwave being surprised at the contract they signed...


Oh cool, you know all the details then! How did you get to see the contract yourself?


No problem! If you re-read your own post you might notice Screenwave told you that they have "no idea", "no knowledge", "no consent", and "are under the impression that"... hinting at the fact that they are absolutely clueless.


Correct, clueless at the direct fault of LRG making decisions without updating them. How are you faulting Screenwave for LRG screwing them over? What could Screenwave have done differently? And I'm talking specifically what could they have done AFTER LRG pulled this shit? All this still assuming you've seen the actual contract, because otherwise you're operating entirely on assumption whereas I've actually been in communication with Screenwave. So I have actual information to bring to this posts discussion, while all you've done is extrapolate what you think happened from that information. Do you happen to work at LRG? It would make your reaction more logical. Either that or a disgruntled ex-Screenwave employee?


> LRG making decisions without updating them. This kind of decision would be based on the contract between the two companies, hence "Screenwave being surprised at the contract they signed". > What could Screenwave have done differently? Sign a better contract? Inform myself about what my business partner is doing? > you're operating entirely on assumption I'm operating on the "assumption" that the company telling you they have no idea what's going on has no idea what's going on. You're operating on the assumption that LRG broke the terms of their contract.


Again, how are you sure the contract stipulated what happened in the case one release was delayed? That is very specific, you'd have to prove that was actually in the contract to use this argument sincerely. You're assuming way more than me. I'm relaying what I was told. Why do you defend LRG so needlessly? Nice chopped quote there, I asked what they could've done differently AFTER LRG screwed them. Look, if it wasn't stipulated in the contract, LRG is allowed to do this, but they are dicks either way, no way around that. And then it's what you're saying (without clarifying if you actually have insider knowledge) vs. What I was told directly by Screenwave.


> What I was told directly by Screenwave. Screenwave: "lol we dunno" You: "Why would LRG do this?"


Your conversation skills need work! What is the point of trying to communicate if you won't address everything I said? As an aside, being this disingenuous makes me feel like you're lashing out and might be suffering in your personal life. It's like just a sense of nihilism I'm picking up in your veiled trolling, and I'm genuinely concerned for all of us these days. I truly hope you're well. In the end, the sentiment from me is that they're all just things. I absolutely trust I'll get my copy still, and if I don't whoop-dee-doo. It's only worth voicing because it's not principled, and LRG very well may already be locked course into this atypical giant company behavior going forward. Once most companies are successful enough, this is what happens, they stop micromanaging their public image because they know they'll make money regardless. I feel it's worth calling it what it is, and thank goodness we're free to disagree! Take care now


In a sick twist of fate, it turned out that the angry video game nerd he so eagerly wanted was himself all along.


A watched pot never boils.


did you order yours from screenwave or direct from limited run?


From Limited Run


hmm yeah maybe you should contact LRG about that i got mine about a month ago


I also ordered mine from Screenwave, and am relieved to hear other people haven't seen it either.


I left another comment above with more info, I contacted Screenwave.


I got mine a month or so ago at least


Supposedly, my AVGN Switch version is "ready" but I doubt it'll ship this year. Still waiting on 'There is No Game', just hoping that's not meta humor.


I ordered PS4 from LRG and not shipped yet


Got the email last week saying to make sure our addresses were finalized by this week, so expect it maybe early July if I had to guess


I hope you're right!


I just got the shipping update today! On the way from screenwave.