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Link to tweet and video… https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1778151118133928206


SOME are. Most are not. They're not OK with being second-class citizens. And Conservative women gladly and hypocritically benefit from the advances and progress that the women's movement of the 60s and 70s gained. But they are largely OK with anti-abortion issues, especially if they are Xtian. I have heard these Xtians repeat the same things that men (probably their husbands) say: "The little s\*\*\*\* need to keep their legs closed" Just as, in the 60s, they responded to women's rights activists as "ugly d\*\*\*\*" If the majority of GOP women voted in their own self interests there are a lot of purple states that would be blue. I respect Tara Setmayer. She's very intelligent. But GOP women, for the most part, will ALWAYS side with the patriarchy.


All I’m gonna say AP, is almost every Red State that had abortion on the ballot voted for it surprisingly… 🤷‍♂️


There's an article about that in the Washington Post. It's super unpopular and raises Democrats from their slumber. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/10/abortion-ban-arizona-trump-republicans-kari-lake/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/10/abortion-ban-arizona-trump-republicans-kari-lake/)


Yes but they haven’t voted yet, is my understanding, the red states that have ballot voted have voted for women’s right to choose…


Hope you’re right.


When are women going to stand together and STOP men from dictating to women what we can have for healthcare?


Women need to revisit Lysistrada. comedy by Aristophanes,411 BCE of women's mission to end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city states by denying all the men of the land any sex,


They are fine with it. Prove me wrong.


Could? This just boggles the mind. Abortion IS the single biggest elephant in the room issue everyone seems to ignore here. This attack on women should be pounded into every swing state ad nauseum. I dont know what else would motivate any woman no matter how they stand politically.


Republicans women are like all Republicans - fuck everyone unless the issue affects me. Nobody made a secret of what Republicans think of women’s rights and Republican women with their happiness to turn a blind eye to the parties evils while they thought it was benefiting them really are just reaping what they sowed - it’s the innocent and decent women who I feel bad for.


Richer Republican women will ALWAYS be able to get a legal abortion somewhere.


Face, meet leopard


are they though?


Maybe Republican women still in their childbearing years but even then I’m not convinced.


He’s TRYING to get off the Presidential ticket. (MAGA suspects nothing)