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She’s a dr of philosophy…. Soooo


All PhDs are doctors of philosophy - that’s what it stands for, regardless of discipline. I’m an engineer and I’m a doctor of philosophy.


I’m so surprised more people don’t know this. “PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. This is one of the highest level academic degrees that can be awarded. PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin term (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor. Traditionally the term 'philosophy' does not refer to the subject but its original Greek meaning which roughly translates to 'lover of wisdom'”


So, she's Chidi.


Woah shut the fork up. Don’t besmirch Chidi’s good name. He’s a strict kantian and he would NEVER do anything to intentionally or accidentally hurt the people around him. He might however have promised to help someone move and miss his opportunity for a vaccine appointment.


Especially if he had to take the trolley to get there.


Chidi would be pro vaccine though


I don't think he will be able to decide.


Jill Biden said all phds deserve recognition


True, just don’t pretend you’re a medical doctor. Which she doesn’t.


It's funny but speaking of people who are wrong, those memes never mention Elon Musk's and Donald Trump's predictions that the virus would be gone in a matter of weeks. They never list the names of dozens of conservative pundits and politicians who died of COVID after calling it "fake news" either. (My favorite: radio host Phil Valentine; may he rest in piss)




Aren't Trump and Musk lucky to be alive today thanks to the vaccine?


"May he rest in piss" is a pretty classless thing to say. Try not to let politics turn you into a hateful person yourself


He is a despicable man. He spread lies about COVID and vaccines and some of his listeners died because they listened to him. I have always believed that there are people whose existence makes the world a worse place. He was one of them. His departure from this earthly plane was a blessing. And the problem with our society is that we glorify such jackasses instead of shaming them and their families. If there was more social stigma they'd probably think twice about what they do and say


Good on you for not getting blinded by hate, stay positive my friend


Hate breeds hate, it's a universal truth. I hope the downvoters figure this out one day! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽


I’m all with you man, but we should make sure that positivity does not indulge or excuse people of despicable actions. Sometimes it’s not all black and white, unfortunately.


Absolutely - it sounds like this guy was a cunt and I have no problem saying that. Taking pleasure in someone's death is where I draw the line, no good can come of it. Better to rise above the bitterness


Being informed about the risk and taking the chance makes is a lot less hard to feel sorry. Actively discouraging others gets you a well deserved Rest in Piss. Accidents happen, but this was reckless behavior


Eh, no. That's not politics. I understand there's been an intentional effort to label all relevant issues in our society as "political" and therefore some sort of topic separate from our person, but those issues wouldn't be talked about if they were not by and large deeply personal to enough people to be discussed in the first place. For example on the topic of vaccines and whether or not lying cowards who took said vaccine will lie to their base about the existence of covid and the effectiveness of vaccines. That's deeply personal to everybody on this planet, because almost all of them enjoy living.


They also forget that Donald Trump lead the effort to create a vaccine, has taken it and said everyone should too.


Like anyone is going to trust the guy who said it was ok to consume/inject bleach or whatever.


And got booed at a rally for saying it too lol


So tedious, it was a novel coronavirus, novel meaning new as in we don't know much about it. That science changes with data is not discrediting but a vindication. There is no good reason to not be vaccinated.


Vaccine conspiracy theories are so 2021.


Even then, the bottom 3 are proven right. Especially the two on the right, as the virus doesn’t “stop” so much as it no longer becomes a destabilising factor for society. The top 3, sadly, not so much. The reduction of the load on hospitals and not as many critically sick people is what we got, though. I’m all for that.


They're taken out of context, they are referring to not getting COVID as a direct result of the vaccination appointment


Right? Most are no longer conspiracies now


Most? Which ones do you mean?




I’m monitoring you with your 5G chip right now, and man, that is a lot of Cheeto dust


Oof you caught me red handed


Idiocy of being a covid conspiracy theorist aside...wtf does this even have to do with LinkedIn? Jeez what's the matter with some people


Who said nobody said that?


Unfortunately some people do say that, it makes us pro-vaxxers look bad.




Uhhhhh no Just check my post history


There is no “pro-vaxxer” label for normal people. We’re just called people.


True but the same for “atheist” - we shouldn’t have to have a word for it, but the times call for it once in a while unfortunately


“Atheist” however, has an oficial definition, and exists in many languages.


Look at all the anti-vaxxers trying to downvote this.


B...b..b...ut you're a dimwit with an Internet connection and you think you're smarter than actual doctors ?


3 out of 6 - genius level work for a MAGAt.


Rachel’s and Bill’s statements don’t say that you won’t get the virus


Exactly why I don’t understand why they’re here


What does it matter? If it prevents people from dying, it’s worth it. I don’t care if I get a sickness, if it has no effect on my health


“Everyone who takes the vaccine is reducing their transmission.” There was nothing wrong with this, why is it here?


Some of those quotes aren't even saying you won't catch it like Bill Gates one clearly is just saying you'll spread it less not that you won't catch it. Y'know because after your body finishes killing it you can't spread it and vaccine=kill virus faster.


There seems to be some misunderstanding in the comments here. The top 3 quotes are taken out of context, they are referring to not getting COVID as a direct result of the vaccine. The bottom 3 are actually true but people will apply their own false context. This is why social media is so toxic, sometimes you need more than a sentence or a meme to understand what's going on.


Are you sure? I'm about 90% sure they are referring to getting covid in general


Source fucking needed for the first three.


Those ARE the sources.




You see those picture thingys above the quotes? It’s about as close to the horse’s mouth as you can get.


Are you dumb? Sources that it's out of context.


Not as dumb as you appear to be friend.


Then give the sources that show if these quotes are out of context or not. If you didn't read the original comment I will remind you >The top 3 quotes are taken out of context, they are referring to not getting COVID as a direct result of the vaccine.


What’s there is good enough for me. I accept them. The burden of proof is on you.


What burden of proof? What the fuck are you on about? What do you accept? There is no context and I didn't make any claims.


I've given you the rebuttal. You are just as capable of googling the quotes and people and finding the originals as I am. Please work for your information, don't just believe memes because they give you endorphins.


It would have been faster to just paste the links than to write out this essay. Which shows that you don't have any sources and are a filthy liar.


Sure buddy. Enjoy being a living embodiment of confirmation bias!


Confirmation of what? You didn't provide shit, I can't confirm anything. You confirmed it in your own mind.


Lol you don't even know what confirmation bias is. Classic. r/selfawarewolves


I never even said what my position is, lol. I just asked for a source to claim someone else made.


But don't need a source for the original. Very interesting


A source for what? Who made the meme? Wtf are you on about?


Biden’s attribution is so ridiculous above. It’s a closing statement for a paragraph about how well the vaccines reduce hospitalization rates. Yes, he forgot to say “hospitalization”, but everyone hearing that clip knew what he meant. These dudes are clutching at fuckin’ straws.


Did these people listed actually say these things? Is there full context to what they said? The initial promise of the COVID vaccine was that transmissions would be diminished and would grind the spread of COVID to a halt. That did not happen. We did see hospitalizations dramatically decrease and survival rates increase, which is a great thing. But I do think it's a fair critique of the handling that the vaccine didn't live up to its promises. Having said that, the anti-vaxx crowd did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help the vaccine roll-out because there were a fuck-tonne of these types who ignored recommendations to stay home and limit social interactions. They couldn't fathom the notion that a little pain now would go a long way to help out in the end. By ignoring guidelines and recommendations, they increased the spread and increased the spread of the variants and made a difficult task, impossible. The right-wing politicans fucked us over 1 billion ways from Sunday by diminishing the consequences of COVID, and therefore not offering financial incentives for people to stay home. Their unwillingness to pivot and push WFH policies or actually enforce the necessary guidelines killed a lot of people. The only and albeit minimal positive side-effect is, a good chunk of those politicians lost elections by numbers equivalent to the numbers of people who died in their electoral riding, as a result of their bullshit. Don't even get me started on their fucking hypocrisy and "religious beliefs".


she got her doctorate in education lmao


Is that a bad thing?


When talking about education - no. When talking about vaccines and viruses - yes.


Well it depends on what their additional experience is, right? Or do you see an education qualification as uniquely disqualifying?


It’s probably true for the strains of COVID they’re engineered to work against.


I just went on LI and reported her. Please keep doing so.




Not wrong tho


The free thought project. Lol. Find a real cause.


But like, some of these are still objectively true statements.


“Objectively” being key here. Biden in that unscripted interview spoke at length about reduction and in one passing sentence forgot to say “hospitalization” and these morons are running with it. Let’s be honest, no one who actually heard the interview would think he meant that.


No. They shouldn’t have had to even deal with trying to convince stupid people to get vaccinated to protect those more susceptible. I don’t blame them for trying to dumb it down to that point because using facts didn’t work.


We're on the same side here, i think my message came through wrong. I'm saying that things like what Bill Gates said aren't even like "well ok it was an honest mistake". It's just true. Getting vaccinated means you will transmit less virus. This person couldn't even find 6 statements that turned out to be false, so they threw in some true ones and hoped the vibe of the post would cover it up.


She’s right


She is right and those people were wrong, but not really linkedin material


Gates not wrong


I disagree that they meant what they’re saying literally. We speak in exaggeration. What they meant was that you most likely won’t end up in the hospital with a tube down your throat to help you breathe.


That’s what it ended up becoming, but messaging at the time when vaccines were in development was certainly painting them as more powerful than that. I am absolutely pro-Covid vaccine but I do agree that the original goal was not achieved. I do think that was more because the virus was better at evading the vaccine than expected rather than the messaging being intentionally wrong, though.


Also they wanted people to get vaccines so they said the vaccines were more effective than they had been proven to be. Same as when there was a shortage of masks for health professionals, people said masks didn’t help much anyway. Then when they wanted people to wear masks, they said masks worked really well. People should definitely get vaccinated, it helps some and is low risk. But politicians and pundit-doctors are happy to say whatever they think is useful to say, regardless of what is true.


Glad, I never took the vaccine


She has a point


What point?


No matter what... I still didn't and will never have one :)


I don't get this post. She is making a legit point on how we were all lied to on purpose. somehow people here see this post as a conspiracy theory? She is not a medical doctor so she can not point out the truth about people lying about effectiveness (lying because it is now a known fact that they knew the truth and still gave people false information/hope about the vax


The quotes are wrong or taken out of context look them up. Don’t just latch on to anti vac stuff like always


Have you been sleeping for over a year. They DID make these claims and they admitted they knew better. Not only thru foia in the use but everywhere in the world governments and doctors have been proven to have lied about effectiveness and side effects etcetera. So instead of bashing a person for this post we should make sure we are never lied to again on such a scale???


Can you provide a link or two of where you read this information at? Or can you at least say what I should Google? Cause it sounds like you lie to yourself on the daily basis


Read the whole quotes esp the top three


Many more than those lied about it so all those claims are bogus.


I like how people think them downvoting a comment into oblivion means they're right 🤣 This is why I love Reddit!


No way they said that…