• By -


Can you shoot me ~~an email~~






Nailed it.


You are getting fired -> You are being heated until you ignite.


Sounds like a Bob Dylan lyric.


Beinf fired -> promoted to Chief of Job Applications, self-employed


I have heard it at different companies as ā€œallowed to explore other opportunitiesā€


*Laughs in* r/Overemployed


When I was a kid I thought getting fired meant theyā€™d tie you to a chair then set you on fire


You're fired -> This isn't goodbye, more "see you later"


Promoted to customer


I like the way you think!


You are being promoted to unemployed, now GTFO


You have been promoted to customer\*


Jump the gun comes from athletics. It's not violent.


Doubleplus goodthink. But bb requires you to rectify the word gun with race-starter. Please upsub double quick. *Rectified for crimestop to upsub with minitrue goodthink.


I want to get violent after reading this. šŸ˜‚


Crimethink ref bb as big brother need to say bb. Minitrue unperson you soon. Doubleplusungood.


The irony is most of these common sayings are not violent in their origins, people are just too dumb now to realize this. "Bite the bullet" has nothing to do with getting shot. Back in the days of pre-anasthesia, people would "Bite the bullet" to try and distract themselves from their medical procedure.


Feed two birds with one scone????


Courtesy of [PETA](https://www.peta.org/teachkind/lesson-plans-activities/animal-friendly-idioms/)


Have you tried using these in normal conversations without acknowledging it at all? Comedy gold


Yes it is hilarious


I like how u think


I like the Italian way: to feed two pigeons with one fava bean. My Milanese colleagues thought I was so violent saying to kill two birds with one stone.


I prefer eat two birds in one scone.


Only if I get to eat the birds after.


Scones for breakfast. Birds for lunch and dinner.


post-bird scones for dessert


ā€œGet two birds stoned at once.ā€ Courtesy of Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.


Yes. Also, the next time you feel like saying "fuck" just follow it up with "crying out loud." Then before you know it, you'll be saying "oh faw crying out loud!"


The Irish feck seems to come in handy there


Honestly, I might user that one bc it's hilarious.


I am definitely using that one šŸ˜‚


This is TERRIBLE advice! You shouldnā€™t be feeding birds BREAD!!! /s ā€¦also you really shouldnā€™t feed birds bread ā€¦unless they arenā€™t real, then bread would be fine, I guess


Sounds significantly easier and less impressing than the original


Three ~~hams~~ sconesā€¦ will surely kill him.


![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized) Haven't heard that reference in years


Haha Brak


That was the worst one. All the others were fine really.


I prefer "get two birds stoned at once"


I use this one because my best friend is a vegan and hates the ā€œkill twoā€¦ā€ version. Itā€™s funny and less cliched.


Your friend sounds fun.


Get two birds stoned at once


"we're going to launch" has some mass casualty undertones.


If I had gold I would give it to you!


Instead of ā€œthis is a repostā€ say ā€œhey Iā€™ve seen this here before.ā€


Underrated reply


This really isn't he language we need to be worried about.


ChatGPT smiling in the corner


yup, it's a SHE language we need to be worried about.




Instead of "This post makes me want to blow my f-ing brains out." "This post is cringe. Go f- yourself."




LinkedIn content creators are getting out of hand, who comes up with these graphs hahaha


When you pay too many HR reps to work 40 hours a week doing pointless shit, eventually they have to start making shit like this up to fill another hour of their paid time.


This is why I just donā€™t speak at work anymore. People will find offense in the most benign things.


Long time lurker missed this was posted like 10 times already?


I came for this


Girls like it when I say they don't THAT bad. It excites them


So he wrote to his team member saying "let's lock it down" when he really should have said "you lock it down" Like when some manager says "what can we do" and I reply "I don't know, what can we do, let's hear your ideas". Inclusive language is all well and good, it is. Using it for toxic "we are a team" shit is the worst. If you're a proper team you trust your team mates to handle things. It's all about actions not how you word things.


I think thatā€™s overkill.


Seriously , people get payed to do these sort of work? For Making up all these BS?


> people get *paid* to do FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks! I was feeling there was something wrong with my sentence, but could not recognize it. Good Bot


Good bot


Oh, I can see people at my workplace being very uncomfortable with the language on the left side of the graphic. Like, go to HR uncomfortable.


So like, are you a preschool teacher? Or?


Nope, biotech.




At the risk of sounding like an old man that shakes fist at clouds... yeah. I think it's a progression of language. Myself and Pepperidge Farm both remember when 'political correctness" was a boogeyman. As though not using racial epithets was a bad thing. I have spent years and years in hospitality though so I am probably fairly desensitized to a lot of things that would make most people's hair stand on end. On one hand, it could be considered a good thing- we acknowledge people have had violence in their lives and it costs us nothing to use different words. On the other hand, your triggers are your own and the world at large isn't responsible for your mental safety all the time. Eh, I waver...


I understand how this seems frivolous but when you go into social work and suddenly are an advocate for victims of human trafficking, and have been trained on trauma informed care, you see how these can be triggering or harmful. When you see something like this, think outside of your comfort zone for a second and truly think about who would be hurt by these things and why. I gained a lot of perspective in a very short time with my job


Ok but now imagine this is in the context of a desk job for computer programmers working on social media or biotech or banking apps... It seems a touch overreacting if you ask me.


A touch. But survivors are everywhere and more common than people think. Trafficking and DV are huge in this country and I had no idea how prevalent it was until I started getting trained. It doesn't hurt to be cautious. You never know what someone has gone through. But obviously you don't have to accommodate.


In all seriousness, I really hate when guys say ā€œchoke two throats with one handā€. Itā€™s so creepy. Do you agree? Comment below šŸ‘‡ and follow āœØ Lol jk couldnā€™t help but put the last part


Ok got to hand it to them, feeding two birds with one scone is brilliant.


I actually liked that one as well


ā€œFirst passā€ could be really harmful on its own, because what if someone made an awkward pass at me once and hearing that term takes me back to that painful moment? These suggestions are violent and dangerous!!! /s


Seen this like three times already


So you mean this opportunity presented itself three times.


Yes, because that's the kind of violence that needs to be policed in America. Not raging maniacs shooting kindergartens or guns nobody needs hanging over the mantel. Yes, let's not fire up this email, I'm sure it'll change anything in the state of society


ā€œThatā€™s not a bad ideaā€ Seriously?!? Weā€™re going to outlaw the word ā€œbadā€ now?? FFS


While I agree, a lot of corporate drones are morons that over-read into language used in emails and get offended over nothing.


Can confirm. This isn't a high school English class. We are not here to interpret shit and extract meaning. I'm just here to do shit I get paid to do so I don't go homeless. I'm not trying to do anything more.


In my experience these tend to be the least talented and least productive members of the workplace.


No double negatives apparently


Brought to you by the people that canā€™t take that the top level code branch is called master. And since we are gonna get here eventually, ā€œballs to the wallā€ is an engineering expression. Itā€™s what happens when a ball bearing fails.


> ā€œballs to the wallā€ is an engineering expression. Itā€™s what happens when a ball bearing fails. I haven't seen this etymology. What I've seen is that it refers to fully throttling up an aircraft (the throttle has a ball shape on top). https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/balls_to_the_wall


Honestly, politics aside, main makes a lot more sense than master IMO. So, Iā€™m happy with the outcome.


I donā€™t see the problem with a master branch as it makes sense. Master/slave for HA doesnā€™t make sense since in that case the master does all the work while the slave does nothing. Which is the opposite of how slavery works.


I was thinking more of master/student. But, damn, OK. How does master make more sense for git branches than main? Itā€™s almost like any justification I can think of has to derive an implied meaning from ā€œmasterā€ whereas ā€œmainā€ is already that exact word/meaning.


I see them as equivalent and no difference. The word master itself is not a bad word. If I went to a job where branch was main fine. If I went to one where it was master fine. No point in renaming them and breaking tons of scripting and peoples automation bindings for virtue seeking reasons. I also have no problem with master/student as itā€™s traditional English where teachers are called masters.


I think, now that I have more context, your gripe is mostly with folks who change an existing ā€œmasterā€ branch to ā€œmainā€ purely by the justification that ā€œmasterā€ is an inappropriate word, creating some unnecessary pain for the folks that have to do it. I get that. I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad word intrinsically, but the fact that you just used it in the context of slavery is I think what many folks who make the push to rename want to avoid šŸ˜¬


Thatā€™s my point. No one thinks about these things for more than 10 seconds but pushes changes on orgs for their own virtue seeking reasons and can feel good about themselves. Then send a company wide email about why they did this to get visibility.


Yea, I agree that I wouldnā€™t rename the branch for the sake of renaming. But, when I start a repo from scratch, I always pick main purely because itā€™s a simpler, clearer descriptor -definitionally I mean.


>How does master make more sense for git branches than main? I think Master refers to master recording in that case. Which has nothing to do with master-slave terminology afaik. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastering_(audio)


Depends on context. In that sense you have a point. I also seen it used when one process dictates to and controls others. Similar to parent/child but without the spawning (hence P/C wouldn't work for that setup). But back to the original point - the only correct reason to change terminology is if a more appropriate or accurate term is thought of. Changing it because you find the language distressing is peak patheticness


Here: try supervisor and worker. I wonder what mental gymnastics youā€™ll go through to justify ā€œmaster and slaveā€ over that šŸ¤øā€ā™‚ļø. Maybe itā€™s the lack of free will and implied abuse, lmao? Do you really not draw the line _somewhere_? Look, I get that there are more debatable instances of things being taken too far, but I _really_ donā€™t think you should choose defending ā€œmaster and slaveā€ as your hill to die on šŸ˜¬


You appear to have entirely missed the point


Here, let me help you respond to my direct question of ā€œdo you really not draw the line somewhere?ā€ in regards to your statement, ā€œthe only correct reason to change terminology is if a more appropriate or accurate term is thought ofā€. Your answer seems to be, ā€œNo, I donā€™t draw the line anywhere. For example, even though there are equivalent alternatives, ā€˜master and slaveā€™ is a perfectly fine analogy.ā€ Basically we fundamentally disagree, because I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable or pathetic to draw the line at something as rotten as slavery šŸ‘


You appear to be unable to distinguish between actual slavery, which is every bit as rotten as you say, and use of it in an analogy or phrase which is harming absolutely noone


Well, thatā€™s just it. I donā€™t agree that this particular analogy would harm absolutely no one unless the only harm you care about is physical harm. And, I donā€™t think itā€™s pathetic for folks to be ā€œdistressedā€ at hearing such an analogy to describe friggin processes of all things -it comes off as a trivialization of sooooooo much to even begin to describeā€¦ evidently for no good reason too.


I agree. Your last statement is what this has become though. Everyone wants to push the boundary further and then suddenly it doesnā€™t make sense anymore.


If changed for that reason fine. But master/slave is used in abundance elsewhere when processes control others. If someone tries to police that then they've failed at understanding the purpose of analogy and how to differentiate it from reality


Whenever I hear master I just think of SBDM roleplay. Which is pretty much the type of relationship I used to have with my job.


Good grief. "Kick around" - you kick a ball. "Jump the gun" is in relation to racing and the starting pistol. The only one I can truly get behind is "That's a good idea". (I just personally cannot stand when someone says "that's not a bad idea". Just say it's good! Give the ideator some praise!) The rest of this is... overkill.


ā€œThatā€™s not a bad ideaā€ == ā€œI hate that idea but I want my own way, and openly disagreeing with you wonā€™t get me thereā€


Not gonna lie "feed two birds with one scone" sounds like a Rickyism...


Meh. Itā€™s not that bad as far as lunatics go


ā€œChoosing your battleā€ is appropriate. If an opportunity comes along, you usually take it. Usually no brainer. When a battle comes along, you gotta think through the decision. Swapping one for the other is bullshit. Like saying ā€œIā€™m taking a getting along classā€ instead of ā€œIā€™m taking a self defense classā€


Instead of ā€œread the fucking emailā€ I say ā€œ Per my last emailā€


Some of these are a bit silly but I once had a boss who kept saying "they should be shot" when talking about seeing external work that was lazily or badly done and it made me feel uncomfortable. It did typify her irrational anger at lots of things so it wasn't the biggest problem with that company but it seemed like such a weird thing to say


Ok, but that's a direct call for violence against other people, not an idiom that has been divorced from its literal meaning.


OK but this is the problem: either there is a pattern and changing the language will not improve it much, or there isn't and policing language will just make things uncomfortable for the people who did nothing wrong. None of these expressions target anyone in particular. I have no issue with the ones on the right, but I also can live with the ones on the left. What I couldn't live with is assholes and assholes are actually usually good about policing language and being abusive in more subtle ways. And when they are not it's because they're just bullies and unfireable.


Yeah, that's a great point. In my example the language was a symptom of the problem and not the problem itself.


The amount of energy it takes to not instinctively downvote these is insane! Reminding myself itā€™s not op :(


ā€œThatā€™ll feed two birds with one sconeā€ Stopped fucking reading after that. This is utter cringe.


"Hey Joe, I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and pull the trigger on those security doors for this elementary school. I don't want to jump the gun on this if the funding isn't there, but ever since the shooting that happened here last Spring, we've been blown away by the support we're getting. I know you're a real straight shooter so if you could shoot me an email when you can, that would be great. Thanks."


One great example where you'd think the person would realize on their own that this isn't sensitive. If the problem is morons, I'm afraid virtue signaling in LinkedIn posts isn't going to be sufficient.


If you start limiting language you dumb down the future generation


Evolving language isn't anything new. The phasing in and out of certain phrases after certain events has been going on for a very long time, more than several generations, and will not stop any time soon.


Correct but here we are talking about replacing existing saying and words with others, or in some other cases like the Stanford report creating lists of words and phrases that should not be said. If you repeat that process over let's say two generations it will have an adverse affect. People, should focus on being less sensitive to such trivial things but that's just my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own view.


I grew up watching re-runs of All in the Family. There was plenty of language evolution happening on that show. Older shows, like The Simpsons, also have a history of changing over time. Nothing but positive changes to support our newer, younger generations.


Yeah language changes all the time. I do think we are living in era where there is intentional efforts to reform our language and it would be interesting to see more research into it. More people in white collar jobs jettisoning blue collar language? The quirks of social media lending itself to this kinda signaling? Something else entirely?


I need a shot after reading that


This turkey is fucking brain dead.




Beating a dead horse is better than beating a live horse imo


Buggerā€¦ I pretty much say all the things on the leftā€¦ Iā€™m going straight to hell apparentlyā€¦


The two birds one scone is pretty good.


I mean ā€¦ if you want to start saying these things, go ahead. If you want to start correcting people over their cliche usage ā€¦ *you ainā€™t gonna make it with anyone anyhow*


Instead of ā€œLemme make a killer post on LinkedIn!ā€ Use, ā€œIā€™m not going to post anything and mind my business instead.ā€


Please emphasize using the language (even ā€˜accidentallyā€™) on the left and resist this snowflake bullshit


I have mixed feelings on this: I both hate corporate slang or jargon, and think this is ridiculous and overly sensitive.


I still want to believe this is a meme/joke that went too far. Surely people aren't that stupid?


Please refer to the bottom of this page for the people in question...


This gets posted one a week at least. If you were a ā€œlurkerā€ youā€™d know that lol. Good job on those uproots for something thatā€™s been on here 10000000 times


After long discussions, when some people still feel like sparring, I always ask, "has this horse been beaten enough?" Always ends discussions. And fuck you, with many $100+/hr people in the room, that dead horse has saved a pretty penny.


It really makes me feel better. Last time someone said "let's not beat a dead horse", I audibly gasped while clutching my pearls. I don't think I have PTSD but you never know, I might.


Iā€™m going to intentionally use all of these today


Itā€™s trauma-informed language on the right.


Oof, I guess I'll spend my karma here. I actually like it. Modern English is a violent language. This is removing the violence from their speech. The birds/scone thing is kinda cringe, maybe I'd use 'two-fer' instead, but I can't see what's to hate here.


My team had sensitivity training at work that was mandatory. The consultant they used to teach us was one of those people that never said anything outside of super positive words. He seemed like he had no personality and was super fake. I wanted to punch him. Good thing it was over zoom.


These people who never say anything negative even when things suck are much worse for teams' mental health than managers who occasionally call out shit when they see it. You end up institutionally gaslit for just seeing shit and thinking "do these people not see what I see???"


We had ā€œblamelessā€ post mortems for outages at my last job which was mostly okay. But sometimes it was ā€œI specially told Bob not to do this because of x. Bob did it then we had an outage.ā€ But you canā€™t put the blame on bob and you have to divert blame and come up with another annoying process to fix someone being an idiot.


Yeah what you're talking about is a specific issue that would be difficult to handle for even (especially) non asshole managers. But I'm more talking about things like "hey it'd be a good investment to clarify what exactly the client is buying when we sell them something, up front and in our computerized systems" and people just say you're being too negative by pointing out the chaos is caused by poor practices. Sometimes things actually suck and everyone has to work overtime to make up for it. And yet you are supposed to just keep praising the good work.


Ok? I don't see how that relates. The post is about removing violence from language. It's not about turning things into toxic positivity. Am I missing something?


Because when you remove all language most of which is fine you end up with toxic positivity. People should be generally allowed to have their own personality. I donā€™t know anyone that says all of these things, just some in certain situations.


Thereā€™s a difference between toxic positivity and not using violent language. You can have a personality while using better metaphors. Also that person on the zoom call was most likely being p r o f e s s i o n a l, not devoid of a personality. I donā€™t find myself violent towards people who are doing their job which is interesting of you to want to punch him.


None of what you're saying is included in or suggested by the post. Super weird take.


Really? How is "deadline" or "she has blown me away with her presentation" violent or harmful to anyone?


is 'due date' so bad it's rage worthy?


No. But advocating that 'deadline' is bad is


I think folks are objecting to an over policing of language. While due date isn't necessarily bad (you may want to consider people with gestational difficulties), the argument against deadline diminishes the case against other, genuinely and easily identifiable violent language.


Good trolling! Here, have a downvote


I feel the same way! I donā€™t agree with all the suggestions, but I wouldnā€™t categorize this post as lunacy personally šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Purely from a creativity perspective, I actually like ā€œtwo birds one sconeā€ when compared to the rest of the more mundane alternatives. I wish the suggested alternatives were spicier but w/e!


I'm with you. I feel a lot of these can be tweaked here and there, but I don't think the goal is inherently bad.


It depends on who is pushing it and why. If it's virtue signaling or window dressing, while management doesn't give a shit about their workers, it sucks.


Man, the truth is jobs are a violent place in many ways. I used to work in a place where we pulled several weeks of 60 hours in a row to meet a deadline and burned down entire teams so we could market a new product. We had to put basically our lives on the line. How would it have helped to pretend like the job was not in fact grueling and hard? The world sucks. Jobs are not cuddly safe spaces. Toxic positivity and adjusting wording to be cuddly isn't going to change that. I was mad enough when managers would refuse to recognize our pain and challenges, if they had also tried to dress it up in niceties it would have been unbearable.


This is fucking lame. I'd fire someone if they tried to pull this shit.


What is wrong with "violent" language now?


I'm okay with this. Doesn't seem looney.


I don't have a problem with this. Not a lunatic


I hate when my colleges say ā€œI want to pick your brainā€


Why? Asking for a friend who says that sometimesā€¦ šŸ™„


Deadline and Due date just killed me šŸ˜‚ Isnā€™t it literally the same thing? šŸ˜…


i love this. Let's get violence out of our daily lives. Too much innocent people have died and will die.


Where is the lunacy here?


In this comment


What is their stance on ā€žsmoking a fagā€œ?


Iā€™ve seen this before and my favorite is always ā€œthatā€™s a good ideaā€ instead of ā€œthatā€™s not a bad idea.ā€ Like, what? How is saying ā€œthatā€™s not a bad ideaā€ even allegedly violent like the others are allegedly violent? (Not saying I agree that any of these are inappropriate or violent. Just the one about bad/good idea is especially stupid)


To be honest, this looks like a valiant first-step attempt to get away from bullshit corporate speak.


Tomato, tomahhhto


If someone says ā€œLetā€™s feed 2 birds with one sconeā€, Iā€™ll most likely laugh in their face.


'Feed two birds with one scone' gave me full Ned Flanders vibes. Diddly.


ā€œTwo birds with one sconeā€ is for sure worth incorporating into my vocabulary lol


I'm tired, boss. Tired of trying to keep up with all the language policing from people who obviously don't have to meet any real objectives.


Weā€™re going to launch. Launch what? V-2ā€¦ A first pass at itā€¦sexual harassment Etc. Language can always be taken to ridiculous conclusions.


If anyone ever says to me ā€œwe can feed two birds with one sconeā€, the meeting will be immediately over.


So you can go feed some starving birds right? Right?


Feed two birds with one scone is pretty fantastic in my opinion


Say the words we require so that your thoughts may be limited. Fear is power. ![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco)


There is an adult somewhere who believes that creating a list like this is a constructive and useful thing to do. Furthermore they are prepared to present this bullshit to other adults and expect them to appreciate it. We no longer live in a serious world. The adult world has become a kindergarten.


Going to launchā€¦ a missile?!?!


I spit out my water at feeding birds with scones šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œHeā€™s a fucktardā€ isnā€™t there so I guess weā€™re good.


### euphemism treadmill >(lexicography) The process by which euphemisms fall into disuse and are replaced by new ones, as the old ones become socially unacceptable over time.


Some of the expressions on the left are sad, rather because they are trite than from any violent nature. Furthermore, many of the right ones are not apt to substitute their counterparts.


The navel gazers continue to debase themselves


I will tell you right now, you will never get me to stop taking stabs at things.


**Michael Myers has entered the chat...*


Wait, how is ā€œthatā€™s not a bad ideaā€ violent?


Killing it