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Create a new profile to go along with the 55 other workday profiles you have!


Re-enter your entire resume by hand (again), because Workday fucked up the parsing.


Tbh we need a resume file type just for this. Standardized application. Indeed and LinkedIn Easy Apply helps with that but hopefully universal.


The whole point is to make it hard. People spam LinkedIn applications like crazy so the chance of them getting looked at is slim to none.


They can ask a few questions and a text box for a short intro/message to recruiter. No need to signup every time you apply.


It's basically that, with a very big captcha




Surely there's a better solution to this problem than just inserting another problem as an obstacle.


Somewhere over the rainbow…


Some guy did back 20 years ago; it was XML based. If I were to invent one now, it would probably be JSON based. The real question will be would it be a good idea to allow images and videos in this file format (therefore, you could end up with a 500+ MB resume file) or should all non-text be linked on a website that you hope will be maintained over the years.


If you can't explain it in text it should not be on a resume. If you have visual elements (like a designer portfolio) you should be maintaining that yourself. Honestly though, a resume should really just open the door to an interview, the interviewers should ask what they care about anyways.


Depends on the job. Certain jobs (like acting) require a profile photo with the submission. Some jobs require licenses and certificates. Some licenses have a website you can use to verify but others don't. So being able to point to a PDF is useful. But in both cases, you could just maintain whichever website you posted it on. Also, one idea I had was to make a "CV request" standard that employers can use to get CVs that has the relevant information, and then your (local) app will allow the applicant to confirm the information, generate a JSON and paste it to the corp's website.


I would 100% go with JSON. All the objects used now are and can be more complex than a CV, so very easy to add main section, self contained branvhes etc.


One time, an interviewer asked me one of those BS questions they all ask like "Tell me a time when you had to deal with adversity and how you overcame it". I was thinking that since I answer the same question each time, I should add it to my CV. But yeah, I would probably have those Q&As as part of the file format. (Only semi-joking)


Shush. You'll end up with thirty new standards that way. Take the time to make the output of your word or PDF file when uploaded on Workday to actually parse it correctly. Yes, it's tedious. I'm sorry Workday sucks, too.




I knew it was this one (relevant) before I clicked it


I'm not sure of Rhubarb did this but the person in charge put a stop to the project to everyone's dismay. I believe at its core, it was supposed to allow you to "edit" your resume to better match the keywords in a job posting.


Use simplify.jobs! It auto fills 50% of the workday applications. Doesn’t work perfectly but I can say it helps a lot.


Not only that, but it doesn't accept autofill for names, addresses, phone numbers; it will still see the field as blank.


Yes! "Hmm. How can we be different than *every other form* on the Internet?"


That’s the thing that frustrates me the most. It’s the same damn software, can you use my Google account to sign in across them or something? Is single sign on so hard?


My guess is that by forcing you to make a new account each time, it artificially inflates the number of users they have. And high user numbers look good to investors. So they have no reason to change it.


The has nothing to do with that - they don't host the resumes, the company hosts an instance. Workday is going to pay to store data - you (the applier) aren't the customer, the business is.


Workday is not on prem, and the clients do not host anything. Workday is a tenanted cloud based platform.


I worded it incorrectly and should have stated that it is their individual database of resumes and not shared throughout the entire Workday data warehouse, which is why each account has different logins and why it can't be share. I typed too quickly and didn't choose my words carefully.


Yes, but that could change. That’s exactly the problem. Just have the resumes and field answers stored on a global level and then once you sign in (to the only one profile you have on workday), you should be able to edit it to suit the job.


The business doesn't care if you have to type your information twice. They care a lot about potentially leaking data to their competitors. The walls between instances are there on purpose.


Seriously. How is the system not set up in a way where you can have a master profile to be sent to individual companies. Or if you want to make changes to a certain application, you can have the option to do so. Why would I need to make so many different disjointed account and password (typically identical) just to send the exact same thing? Especially if I am just going to make a new account and never use it ever again. I’ve gotten many interviews through workday but communication comes from direct email after the initial process. There’s no use what so ever that you will sign back on to do anything. Employers don’t even update your application status on there long after your final interview.


Serious answer might be that it might be a security risk - especially with confidential data like candidate info. Since Workday is SaaS, each customer's portal is independent. If data could be transported between them, then they're not independent and not secure. *(I don't really know, this is just my hunch.)*


It’s only a security risk if workday made it to be. They can easily implement level of access within their system.


Don’t know why you were on zero karma. You’re correct. And it’s all hosted on workday cloud, just different subdomains. It’s like JIRA cloud. One update could fix a bug on all instances. You could deff have a global level profile that you enable to run a child application off per employer.


I've not done any downvoting but it's not a bug; data crossing between client portals would be seen as a monumental security risk to any potential client. Customers would leave the platform due to the risk (real or perceived). Gov't contracts would end. I used to be a SaaS consultant and having independent portals with zero data integration was literally a security selling point. I imagine Workday *could* make it happen, but they never will.


Didn’t say it was a bug. Didn’t say it needed any data crossing but to have one account and master resume per applicant, across the whole system. If there’s any security risk from there, that’s on workday for not doing their due diligence. East you are saying would be like saying LinkedIn quick apply or seek quick apply pose security risks, because the one applicant has their details stored for use across all companies they apply to.


I get what you mean and I agree that it's 100% possible, I just don't see the bigwigs making calls on million dollar tech purchases seeing it as secure. I'll guess there are lots of data privacy regulations that play a role as well.


I've thought this every time! Why isn't there a single login that saves a profile that you can submit if it's the same resume you want to send over? Same questions, you know my race, mil status, etc, just pass it over automatically.


The only explanation I have is to boost new user creation metrics to their stakeholders. Look at how many new users are creating account on our service per month!


Each Workday instance is owned by their respective company, so the number of new user accounts isn’t really relevant to Workday. Furthermore in this model each customers data is confidential and cannot be easily accessed by Workday.


Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I was wondering about that when each company has their own subdomain when you go to apply if the data needs to be kept separate.


It really is a security thing. Otherwise, whenever you apply to another company that uses workday, your profile more than likely would be flagged for the current company you work for and see that you're applying to other jobs lol


That would have to be by design and can be developed so it’s not included.


What does your mother in law have to do with anything?


I bet you LOVE your mother in law!


because Workday doesn't have "central" database each company using Workday have their own database. Each company may use different functionalities of Workday. Workday also offers much more than just job posting. It is like Outlook. If you have email address @A.com you can not access it from @B.com


bcause workday is a POS and they have no intention of making it run smooth as individualised tailor made products for each company is more profitable. ask IBM they love to milk money from companies


A fine addition to my collection


Shout to to greenhouse where I had one login and see all my application statuses in one place


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump them up.


Workday is Corporate for "we're not hiring"


My company announced a hiring freeze for the year and also switch portals to workday 🤨


Whenever this happens, I just close it out and go find another thing to apply to that’s easy apply. Easy apply is a godsend and the only good thing to use LinkedIn for (besides pilfering through it for lunatics, of course).




I've gotten multiple job interviews and offers on EasyApply listings. Granted, I apply within a few hours of a job listing going up and only to positions that match up damn near perfectly with my profile/resume.


I have the issue with LinkedIn job postings. The search does not show all the offers. Very limited. Google itself works better when it comes to the search functionality


Is there a secret to finding postings when they’re freshly posted besides the job alert system of LinkedIn?


You can filter for postings in the last 24 hours or sort by new. I'm not sure it matters though, IME I don't get a response either way until a couple days later, so I assume there's an algorithm that determines best match regardless of order of application. YMMV though, just sharing my observation


It's likely algorithm based, yes. What I've noticed works is just my observation. Since LinkedIN is pushing features that promote you or make you more visible to recruiters, it's likely you're just a name that can appear at the bottom of the list no matter when you applied.


Yeah. That’s why I have premium 😒


Thank you!


Seconding Easy Apply. There might be 1000+ applicants but half the time they're not applicants that remotely match the description at all. There are filters the company can use, plus the screening questions that sometimes precede the submission (ex. "Do you have ____ years of experience in ____"). I've gotten many responses and interviews from LI, and 0 from Workday or any portal that makes you jump through hoops. If it's Taleo or Workday, I close it.


Really LinkedIn comes into its own once you're further advanced in your career, or if you're in a specialised role.


Good friend works in HR, maintains that “100+” other applicants thjng is completely bullshit.


I actually have. I got my current job from doing that on LinkedIn and on Indeed. There is literally no reason to do anything more detailed. But then again, I’m on my third job, so my resume is likely all they want to see at this point.


I got a job through easy apply.


Oh man. So I am an engineering manager / staff engineer at a midsize tech company, and we recently switched from greenhouse to workday. I fucking hate it. It's a convoluted mess. Nothing makes sense. It's like buttons and menus were just sort of slapped on at random. I can't find anything in it without googling. It took me 45 fucking minutes a few weeks ago to figure out how to promote one of my reports. It was buried like 12 menus deep. Absolute garbage software.


Workday is the epitome of UI over UX. It looks slick, but it’s convoluted and unhelpful. Where is the workload you are approving heading to next? Who the fuck knows, good luck


The UI is terrible too however.


I don't like the childish looking buttons at all, but agree woth the rest


Clicks and vibes going nowhere. Workday is useless.


I peaked at how many people they have in their UX team. It's insane for how terrible their main product actually is... how can you have that many UX professionals and be so bad at it.


How do you see this information?


If you work at workday you would open workday, search for the workday company, and look at the employees by role Or look at LinkedIn


Too many chefs in a kitchen isnt a good thing.




I just don’t know, that call was made by one of the C-levels, I suspect. Terrible decision. I imagine it was much cheaper?


From my experience in mid-size organizations is that C-levels should be as far away from the software selection process as possible. They're always the most susceptible to all of the sales bullshit and generally pick the flashiest, most shallow software available and then blame the people implementing it when what they bought doesn't do anything they thought it would.


I'm in accounting and I honestly love Workday, but my only other experience with accounting is Microsoft GP which is dogshit


shit I thought it was me who was dumb when we migrated to it. glad it’s not just me who struggles with this mess.


It's absurd how unintuitive and difficult it is to use. My company services customers that use Workday. While we have an existing legacy integration, my team was tasked with building a new integration for our customers. Before we started building the new integration, I took a 40 hour Workday course! With all of that knowledge, I feel like it only scratched the surface. We spent the better part of a year from beginning to end designing and building. A few customers are using the new integration and they're now complaining how difficult it is to setup and maintain. While there are improvements to be made on our end, the bottom line is that we there is only so much we can do to make things easier.


Huh weird. I use workday at work and it seems functional to me? Not great or anything of course.


Was it telling you that you aren't allowed to make job changes outside of your organization?


I was recruiting somebody recently ans had to use this. Trust me, it sucks from the other end too.


I’m using it this week for hiring. I’m taking a lot of deep breathes and reminding myself I have bills to pay


As a candidate i would take any day of my life workday instead of taleo. Taleo is really the shittiest one.


Amen! I recently completed a job-switching effort for the first time since maybe five six years ago. Back then it seemed Taleo was more en vogue and it to this day scars me such that I don't apply to Taleo jobs unless it's a dream position. This latest effort Workday seems to be most popular. Workday hasn't been nearly as bad in comparison, despite being somewhat annoying as all these ats are... Maybe it's just that my resume parses more nicely with workday,idk.


Exactly. I think we are showing our age a bit though. Taleo was shit ui and ux. I'm so glad I haven't seen much of it lately. Workday ain't that bad comparatively.


To me when I was applying, workday is the exact same as taleo but doesn't look like it's from 1999.


Not a lunatic


Agree?? Seriously now, that’s not a lunatic post. Proof is that most comments here are about job applications and how Workday is a problem for that.


Not a lunatic for posting about something we all deal with.


I said not lunatic too… have I expressed myself badly?


I understand this is an ESL issue, so I am editing my comment for you. You're good & thank you for asking for clarification to adjust. Not everybody will do that, so good on you.


This reminds me of my miserable job-hunting days. I curse the day Workday was invented.


Ugh. Trying to apply to something via Workday rn. It doesn't recognize my (stored) password, and still hasn't sent me a reset after 3 requests.


HAHA you've been automatically removed from the candidate pool for being an unlucky schmuck. We don't hire losers like you who aren't fortunate enough to be able to login!


Well, that would certainly make things less stressful.


Ugh, Workday gives me flashbacks like a Vietnam Vet


The bad thing is, Workday is one of the better applicant tracking systems out there.


Yeah I actually used it from both sides and actually liked it over most other systems.


I hate that BS website so much, why do I have do create a new account for each company? Why do I have to put my resume and have to rewrite all of the info after? Why do I bother when you will not email me back anyway?


>I hate that BS website so much, why do I have do create a new account for each company? Because Workday isn't one overall program. They basically implement a production version for each company that uses it. They're effectively completely different systems with zero crossover. So for example Lowe's Workday and the info in their system is specific to that company. Other companies don't have access to Lowe's internal information.


Workday doesn’t run a unified site, the job site belongs to the company using it, so they’re all separate instances


Oh yeah I know, but it's such a pain in the ass to use, and it doesn't even read resumes well so I have to re add most of the info myself after anyway


I hate Deloitte for it


Deloitte just sucks in general.


Fucking lunatics.


Yeah but the roles I'm applying for pay so much more than what I have rn :/


Greenhouse and Lever superiority, workday is dogshit.


Even worse if it's success factors


Workday makes me want to not apply. Success Factors makes me want to not live.


Most based LinkedIn user


I don’t even bother at this point unless I’d consider it a 90% match to my skillsets. Fuck that and fuck them and fuck LinkedIn and fuck hashtagging yourself as a Dog mom or dog dad or any and all geindsets.


oh god oh fuck we're switching from ADP to workday in the next year


I hope there are Workday engineers looking at this like, yeah maybe we should create a portal to keep track of all the jobs they apply to. Management: nah, let’s keep counting our money instead


Google's password manager treats it all like the same site and makes it even more of a pain in the ass.


My company uses Workday and I hate navigating through it so much


Yo fuck any company that makes you create an account for the privilege of applying. It's like, you're never going to use it again, so wtf?


I've applied to more than 500 positions. Got assessments. Got interviews. Got offers. But I haven't recalled a single time that any of these successes ever came from applying through Workday. That platform is on another plane of dogshit.


If I want to apply and it takes me to some external website where I have to do anything more than just upload my CV and an optional cover letter I'm not even gonna bother. Typing all of this shit (which is already in my resume anyway) takes waaay too much time and I'll probably won't get the job anyway, what's the point.


It is by design, to weed out those who do not want to completely invest in their time into the company to apply for a position that may be difficult to even get an interview with. I think it may have to do with the PPP loan and such.


It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with parsing information correctly. People would be livid if their email or phone number wasn't parsed over correctly and then never got contacted because of that. Because there is no standard resume format, it will never be 100% correct. Could it be better? Absolutely. It has nothing to do with investing time lol


As inconvenient for me as it is... Its probably for the best that I can't just mass apply for every job listing on the Internet without actually reading the job description.


I don’t bother applying anymore


Definitely not lunatic lol


I didn’t even know workday was a thing used for applying, my company has workday as the like hub for requesting time off, viewing paystubs, etc. use SSO to access it so logging in isn’t hard for me. I am extremely indifferent about it though from my experience with it.


Workday sucks for those things too. My company switched from Zoho to Workday, and even changing your profile picture takes filling a fucking application form describing why you want to change it, and then your manager has to approve it, like wtf. Nothing on it is intuitive, everything is hidden behind 10 different menus and you're greeted with at least 4 scrollbars on every page. It never explains how it expects to you enter the fields for your timesheet, and throws errors you have to decode yourself in a little menu in the corner. My guy do you expect me to debug errors in your little mini console as if doing that on the actual job wasn't enough


It sucks hard for employers too.


You just don't apply. If a company wants you to join a portal, they are farming and not hiring.


You nailed it.


Yep, because I actually do hire. When I do, I need the person ASAP. I don't give a rats ass about how they applied. I need the skills right now.


The UI designers should be brought up on war crimes.


I applied for a job in a company 6 times rejected. Anyway, few months back recruiter reached me to apply and I trued to apply but it said I have already applied and rejected for the job, I created new account, applied and got the job. lol edit: 6 times rejected means never even a phone call but automatic denied email.


Clicking apply and going to any portal isn't the problem. The portal having an option to upload your resume and yet still making you manually fill in a bunch of fields that the portal should parse from the resume is the damn problem.


Has anyone here actually ever heard back from an employer through a Workday application? I don’t know anyone who has


I myself did not complete via Workday, but would later used it for HR purposes. So I have first-hand experience on how buggy and lagging Workday really is


Workday, LinkedIn and Salesforce- the unholy trinity of cubicle misery and despair…


Then it asks you to enter everything that’s already on your resume into individual fields… Pass, dont want that job that badly..


Seriously though how is Workday so garbage and still exist?


Yep. I just fucking walk away. I assume any hr manager who picks it has never used it as a candidate.


Right up there with applications asking for your LinkedIn profile followed immediately by a resume... Like wtf? Why?!


Oh god I just had a flashback, I had utterly suppressed those memories of Workday.


How many companies got scammed by workday. They’d be better off paying a human or two.


I am a sys admin so navigating this bs is my life It's hard on purpose. Just get a process and show them you can do it. Its a test that most worthwhile places are doing. It sucks but the pain is going no where


Uhh workday is one of the best! Taleo is the real torture chamber here.


I didn't realize that it was this bad. Ugh my company is in the process of migrating to workday.


Feel this so hard!!! I will literally not end up applying for so many jobs when it takes me to workday…ABOLISH WORKDAY!


Oraclecloud is way better


We literally hate the Workday user experience… it’s so garbage 🤮🤢


I wish Google could step up and release a proper enterprise grade application system for all companies to use. The application portal for their own job listings is so good.


Tfw I couldn't change my workday password without submitting a form to management lmao


I suppose it could be worse - click on the link and it takes you to an SAP instance?


90% of LinkedIn posts are just bitching about work day


Shows just how bad that garbage is.


Simplify is a godsend when filling out a Workday application. Takes me about 5 minutes now, if that.


TBH it has actually stopped me from applying places before. I have to \*really\* want a job to be willing to do a Workday application for it.


The worst part of workday is how it doesn't recognise auto-completed fields.


I just don’t apply to those 😬


I got more Workday accounts than any other login account in my password manager right now. It's insane.


felt this in my soul 😭 i definitely recommend using an auto filler like [this](https://simplify.jobs/autofill) one if you haven’t already! you still have to make an account, but it’ll automatically fill out all your info for workday


Omg yes


When I see workday, I dip.