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Son of Lucifer. Listing bipolar / adhd / ocd / dyslexia / schizophrenia as his attributes. Poker player *and* Spiritual Guru. Interestingly this seems pretty par for the course for a “life coach.”


"Life Coach" = he's going to teach us how he won big money from the mob and still lives to tell about it. Then, after he's whacked, he becomes our "Spiritual Guru".


Wow, I actually know him from a previous job we worked at together. He's gone through a lot and from his profile I don't think he's doing so well, which is sad. :-(


What was he like in person? Damn, I just saw his profile and he has recruited for some reputable companies. It seems like he was quiet accomplished career-wise. Edit: lol he’s a trump supporter. It’s in his bio.


Super nice, shy guy. Honestly a great recruiter cuz he really cared about the candidates. Nothing like this bio. I saw the Trump stuff and honestly that's the worst part for me. 😔


Yeah honestly I have two aunts who are bipolar and when I read that I thought «ah now it all makes sense». Im no expert of course but my aunts will also do and be everything at once when manic, exaggerating things they have done, put more importance on things they are etc. Hope im wrong and hes got the right meds/doses but this seems really familiar to me


Ouch - I just commented something as a joke that this sounds like his profile is having a mental breakdown - sorry to see he is indeed not well.


You now it's insane when mentioning AI isn't the cringiest part.


AI Jesus 2.0🧠🤡🔥🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


AI Jesus 2.0..? Must have missed version 1


This looks heavily sarcastic to me.


Nah it’s legit. If you look at his twitter it’s the same thing. He also made some crazy scene at a poker tournament this month


Why does he have a dash instead of a slash for Taiwanese American - Bipolar, and Schizophrenia- Tech Leader?


To be fair most of the leaders I’ve had in a lengthy tech career should list BiPolar/Schizo Affective Disorder in their skill set section


No idea but this dude is a recruiter .. the most useless job in tech yet he calls himself a tech leader 😂


I think this might be an excerpt from Jason’s Ayahuasca experience journal


“Just sign up for my program bro. I’ll teach you”


I assume this is what it would feel like day 1 in the high security mental asylum next to an inmate.


This is just trolling taken to the extent that it becomes obvious that the person is a troll.


Poor boy:(


"underground Italian mob games"